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Painful means can lead to faith ....
Painful teaching methods ....
Painful, Reason for painful strokes of fate ....
Parable of the good shepherd ....
Paradise, Duration of shaping the new Earth .... Paradise ....
Paradisiacal condition on the new Earth.
Particles of the Soul .... Process of Development on Earth and in the
Beyond ....
Particles, Are dissolved particles capable of suffering? ....
Passing on the divine Word to the new earth ....
Passing on the divine Word ....
Passing through each form is necessary .... (Microcosm?)
Passing on, True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word ....
Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and effect
Patience, Difficult days for patience - humility - meekness ....
Activity of love during the time of grace ....
Patiently bearing the cross ....
Patiently, Following Jesus .... Patiently bearing the cross ....
Peace to all men of good will ....
Pease, Calm before the storm .... Illusion of peace ....
Peace, Judgment .... Time of peace .... The opponent’s broken power
Pease, Land of peace .... Gabriel ....
Pease, Sign of the near end: spiritual decline .... Apparent state of
peace ....
People don’t know about their immense spiritual hardship ....
People lack love and faith ....
People without suffering .... Suffering is love ....
People’s attitude towards Mary, the mother of Jesus ....
People’s duty is to draw attention to error ....
People’s fear .... Natural disaster and its consequences ....
People’s low spiritual state necessitates an end ....
People, A Natural Event .... Victims of Good and Bad People
People, Beings of light are people’s spiritual guardians ....
People, Changed Living Conditions .... Worldly Minded People ....
People, Compassion .... Sick and weak people ....
People, Did Jesus Christ redeem all people, or are all people
redeemed? ....
People, Final rescue attempts .... People’s low level ....
People, God does not condemn, people condemn themselves ....
People, God Himself conveys the truth to people ....
People, Good, A Natural Event .... Victims of Good and Bad People
People, Ignorant and misguided people’s attitude regarding truth ....
People, Influence by the prince of lies on people’s thinking ....
People, Intercession for people distanced from God ....
People, Involuntarily premature deceased people .... Beyond ....
People, Jesus heard the Word of God .... Mediator between God and
people ....
People, Physical and psychological conflicts .... Deluded people ....
People, Prehistoric people? ....
People, Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people ....
People, Reminder to inform people of the battle of faith ....
People, Signs before the catastrophe (Anxiety of people and animals
People, The end is determined by people themselves .... Low level ....
People, The path under the cross must be taken by all people ....
People, The right path will be shown to people ....
People, There shall be light among people ....
People, Time estimation not possible for people ....
People, Why do People so Easily Fall Prey to Error? .... Truth ....
People, Why is God speaking to people? ....
Perfect spiritual order .... Disorder ....
Perfect, `Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in
Heaven is perfect...’
Perfection means conformity to divine will ....
Perfection, Afflictions and trials are means to attain perfection ....
Perfection, Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of
imperfection in the beyond ....
Perfection, Change of will in freedom .... Perfection ....
Perfection, Concept of eternity .... Perfection ....
Perfection, Everything serves to attain perfection ....
Perfection, Everything that happens serves to perfect the soul ....
Perfection, God and nature .... Consciously working at attaining
perfection ....
Perfection, God only created beings of equal perfection ....
Perfection, God’s perfection knows no limits of time and space ....
Perfection, Perfection means conformity to divine will ....
Perfection, The condition to attain perfection on earth ....
Perfection, The truth reveals God’s perfection ....
Perfection, When and why did the perfect beings become imperfect? ....
Perfection, You humans should strive for perfection ....
Period of grace until the divine intervention ....
Persecution of the disciples of the last days ....
Persecution, Battle against Christ’s teachings .... Persecution of
those who confess Him ....
Personal responsibility .... Dogma ....
Personal Words ....
Personification of God ....
Peter’s successors .... Ecclesiastical-secular power ....
Peter, The church of Christ .... Peter, the rock .... Worldly
organisations ....
2 Peter 3:10 .... The Day of The Lord will Come as a Thief in the
Peter, The true church of Christ .... Peter, the rock ....
Peter, `Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My
church ....’
Peter, `Thou art Peter, the rock ....’ Living faith - the church of
Christ ....
Peter, `You are Peter, the rock ....’
Phase of development unique during a period of salvation ....
Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....
(Philippians) .... Predestination ....
Philippians, Will - Grace .... (Objection Philippians 2 - 13)
Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ ....
Physical and psychological conflicts .... Deluded people ....
Pillars of the church .... Vineyard work .... Labourers - instruments
Places of worship ....
Pleasure, Bliss in the kingdom of light .... Pleasures and delights
Pollution of air - water - food ....
Possession ....
Possessions, Detachment from earthly possessions ....
Possessions, Evil forces .... Earthly possessions .... Treasures for
the beyond ....
Possessions, Instruction to work for spiritual possessions ....
Realisation ....
Possessions, Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual
treasures ....
Possessions, Matter .... Loss of earthly possessions .... Free will
Possessions, Re-incarnation or possession? ....
Possessions, Worthlessness and transience of earthly possessions ....
Poverty does not prevent activity of love ....
Poverty, Selfless service in every walk of life .... Poverty ....
Willingness to give ....
Poverty, Wealth or poverty is neither an advantage nor a hindrance to
attaining beatitude ....
Power of the divine Word .... Antidote to suffering ....
Power, Abuse of power ....
Power, Activity of demonic powers disguised as angels of light ....
Power, `All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth ....’
Power, Deposing the earthly power ....
Power, Development is a matter of free will and not God’s arbitrary
use of power ....
Power, Direction of will determines the influence of spiritual powers
Power, Font of love .... Dangers .... Power of love ....
Power, Language of creation .... Essence - Creative power ....
Power, Satan rages with increased power .... Last days ....
Power, Satan’s power ....
Power, Test the spirits .... Satan’s great power before the end ....
Doubts ....
Power, The final powerful work of destruction ....
Power, The human being is not a product of coincidence by a Creative
Power ....
Power, The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle ....
Power, `The powers of heaven shall be shaken ....’
Power, `The Powers of the Heaven Shall Be Shaken ....’ Reversal of
Natural Law .... Rapture ....
Pray with trust in the Lord .... Spiritual protection ....
Prayer and deeds of love are weapons against temptations ....
Prayer for grace and strength ....
Prayer for poor souls ....
Prayer for strength and grace .... Pride .... Humility ....
Prayer in spirit and in truth ....
Prayer in spirit and in truth .... Pious gestures ....
Prayer ....
Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on earth
Prayer, A child’s prayer to the Father ....
Prayer, Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God ....
Prayer, Demons are roaming the universe .... Prayer ....
Prayer, Emissaries .... Prayer .... Admonition ....
Prayer, Fatherly Words .... Faithful prayer and intercession ....
Prayer, Fulfilment of prayer .... Conditions ....
Prayer, God’s love .... Suffering or happiness .... Granting of prayer
Prayer, Granting prayers .... Faith ....
Prayer, Granting prayers .... The right relationship of a child with
its Father ....
Prayer, High value of correct prayer ....
Prayer, Means of grace .... Prayer ....
Prayer, Needy souls beg for prayers ....
Prayer, Only prayer protects from the adversary’s activity ....
Prayer, Prediction .... Destruction of God’s Word and Scriptures ....
Prayer ....
Prayer, Preventing the Judgment through prayer? ....
Prayer, Recognition of truth not without prayer .... Ask and it will
be given to you ....
Prayer, Right prayer is the bridge to God .... Jesus Christ .... The
bridge to Me is the prayer ....
Prayer, Satan’s work .... Heartfelt prayer for protection ....
Prayer, Silent prayer .... Public confession ....
Prayer, Simple form of prayer ....
Prayer, Sincerity of prayer strengthens faith ....
Prayer, Struggle for truth .... Help through prayer ....
Prayer, The fulfilment of prayer in firm belief .... `Father, Your
will be done ....’
Prayer, The right kind of prayer .... Relationship of a child with the
Father ....
Prayer, The right prayer and its fulfilment ....
Prayer, The right prayer .... `Father, Your will be done ....’
Prayer, True prayer and church service ....
Prayer, Trust in God .... The blessing of prayer ....
Prayer, What is a right prayer? ....
Prayer, What kind of prayer will be granted ....
Prayer, Why prayer is necessary ....
Praying with humility ....
Pre-Adamites ....
Predestination? .... Different amount of blessings?
Predestination, (Philippians) .... Predestination ....
Predestination, Teaching of predestination ....
Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love ....
Predetermined fate .... God’s love and help ....
Predetermined intervals of time as periods of Salvation ....
Predetermined, Course of life predetermined depending on will ....
Predetermined, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will ....
Deed and effect ....
Predetermined, The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time
indication .... Distribution ....
Prediction of a devastating event ....
Prediction of a Natural Disaster .... Dead Sections ....
Prediction of a swiftly approaching end .... Weak faith therein ....
Prediction .... Apparent burying of the hatchet .... Last phase ....
Prediction .... Destruction of God’s Word and Scriptures .... Prayer
Prediction, Catastrophe .... Prediction ....
Prediction, Divine intervention .... Prediction ....
Prediction, `Draw strength from My Word ....’ Prediction ....
Prediction, Fulfilment of predictions made by seers and prophets ....
Prediction, Fulfilment of Predictions .... Preceding Disaster ....
Prediction, Natural phenomena .... Temperature .... Star ....
Predictions ....
Prediction, Purpose of the Work .... Numerical Prediction ....
Transmission of Inconceivable Significance ....
Prediction, Renewed Prediction by God’s Word ....
Prediction, Speedy end .... Fulfilment of the predictions ....
Prediction, The Fulfilling of the Predictions .... Proof for
Unbelievers ....
Prediction, The prophets’ predictions .... The return of Christ ....
Prehistoric human beings .... Responsibility ....
Prehistoric people? ....
Premature departure from the world .... Purpose ....
Pre-ordained course of life - Destiny corresponding to will ....
Preparation, Calling .... Preparation .... Renunciation ....
Prerequisite for hearing God’s voice: Detachment from the world ....
Prerequisite for the `outpouring of the spirit’ ....
Prerequisites for hearing God’s Word ....
Prerequisite, Thought currents .... Prerequisites for easy acceptance
of spiritual knowledge ....
Present-day human being .... Abilities ....
Pretended worship ....
Pretended worship, Various schools of thought .... Pretended worship
Prevalence of sin .... Battle of faith .... End ....
Preventing the Judgment through prayer? ....
Primordial-sin .... Love-beam .... Jesus Christ ....
Primordial-sin, Salvation-plan of God .... Primordial-sin .... Adam’s
fall .... Work of redemption
Process of conveying the Word from above ....
Process of creation and apostasy of the beings ....
Process of development on earth ....
Process of development .... Law of compulsion .... Stage of free will
Process of imparting the divine Word .... Spirit - Soul - Body ....
Process of purification through strokes of fate ....
Process of return ....
Process of the Word-reception ....
Process of transmission is an act of spiritual emanation of strength
Process of, Blissful spiritual beings require process of development
on earth for childship to God ....
Process of, Cremation .... Accelerated disintegration process ....
Process of, Explaining the process of transcription .... Truth ....
Process of, Knowledge about the process of pre-development ....
Process of, Particles of the Soul .... Process of Development on Earth
and in the Beyond ....
Process of, Purpose for creation .... Process of evolution ....
Process of, The process of Christ’s return .... Ascension ....
Process of, The process of creation has taken eternities ....
Process of, The soul’s process of development before embodiment ....
Process of, The soul’s process of pre-development ....
Process of, The souls’ purification process in the beyond ....
Process of, The spirits’ process of development ....
Process of, Why is the information about the process of return not
known? ....
Proclaim My Word to the world .... (17th anniversary of receiving the
Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed ....
Proclaiming the Gospel ....
Proclaiming, Forerunner .... Proclaiming Jesus ....
Proclaiming, Healing the sick .... Proclaiming Jesus Christ ....
"Proclamation of the End .... ""You only Have But a Little Time Left
.... "" "
Proclamation, Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love,
grace, mercy ....
Proclamation, Correct proclamation of the Word .... God’s presence
Proclamation, Errors .... The Lord Himself walks amongst people ....
Proclamation of a wise disciple ....
Proclamation, Evil forces .... Good spiritual beings .... Reason and
miracle of the proclamations ....
Proclamation, The Letter Kills .... Lifeless Proclamation of the Word
Proclamation, These proclamations are a sign of divine love ....
Professing Jesus before the world .... Voicing the name of Jesus ....
Professing Christ, Battle of faith - Immense adversity - Professing
Christ .... Saviour ....
Professing Christ, Final battle .... Frankly professing Christ before
the world .....
Professing Christ, Spiritual change .... Professing Jesus Christ...
Professional missionaries .... Academic knowledge ....
Promise: `The outpouring of the spirit ....’
Promise, God’s promise of help .... Strength of faith ....
Promises relating to divine revelations ....
Promises, Battle of faith .... Fulfilment of promises ....
Promises, Christ’s promises .... Conditions - Fulfilment ....
Promises, Fulfilment of divine promises .... Truth ....
Prophetic gift .... A spiritual gift which demands action ....
Protection from error .... Admonition to pray ....
Protection, Bearers of light .... God’s protection ....
Protection, Confess Jesus Christ before the world .... Divine
protection ....
Protection, God is aware of the human will .... Natural disaster ....
Protection of the servants ....
Protection, God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations ....
Protection, God’s protection in the battle of faith ....
Protection, Satan’s work .... Heartfelt prayer for protection ....
Protection, Shield of faith .... Trust .... God’s protection ....
Protection, Spiritual protection .... Warning ....
Protection, The angels’ protection in the battle of faith ....
Prudence and gentleness ....
Psychic receptions - Credibility ....
Psychic reception, Dangers of psychic communication ....
Psychic reception, Dangers of psychic reception ....
Psychic reception, Difference between the `working of the spirit’ and
`psychic’ receptions ....
Psychic reception, Divine Word .... Psychic messages .... Disguise
.... Mark ....
Psychic reception, Serious warning against psychic receptions ....
Psychological work ....
Psychological work, Conscious psychological work ....
Psychological work, Self-knowledge .... Psychological work .... Grace
.... Humility ....
Public confession during the battle of faith ....
Public confession, Battle of Faith .... Antichrist .... Public
Confession ....
Public confession, Silent prayer .... Public confession ....
Punishment for sin? Self-inflicted fate ....
Pure truth .... Signs .... Wonders ....
Pure truth .... The Word from above ....
Pure truth, Doubting the transfer of pure truth ....
Pure truth, The working of the spirit .... Guarantee for pure truth
Pure truth, When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the
spirit? ....
Purification of Christ’s spoilt teaching ....
Purification of earth ....
Purification, Process of purification through strokes of fate ....
Purification, Suffering proves God’s love .... Fire of purification
Purification, The souls’ purification process in the beyond ....
Purification, The Word-recipient’s task: Purification of Christ’s
(spoilt) teaching ....
Purifying the divine plant nursery ....
Purifying the heart ....
Purifying, Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love ....
Purpose for creation .... Process of evolution ....
Purpose of earthly existence as a human being ....
Purpose of earthly existence ....
Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character ....
Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God ....
Purpose of natural disasters ....
Purpose of suffering - Trials .... Lethargy of the spirit ....
Purpose of the Work .... Numerical Prediction .... Transmission of
Inconceivable Significance ....
Purpose, Cause, purpose and aim of suffering .... Awareness ....
Transience ....
Purpose, Everything has meaning and purpose .... Pests .... Weeds ....
Purpose, Helping or fighting .... Different purposes for suffering
Purpose, Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life
Purpose, Knowledge about goal and purpose .... Childship to God ....
Purpose, Premature departure from the world .... Purpose ....
Purpose, Spiritual redemption is the only purpose ....
Purpose, The purpose of God’s revelations ....
Purpose, What is the purpose of life on earth? ....