Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965 |
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Did Jesus Christ redeem all people, or are all people redeemed? .... BD 3277 October 2nd 1944 People read the Word but they do not understand its meaning, and thus misguided teachings due to false interpretations are given by those who want to serve Me, if they do not sincerely unite with Me and first ask for an explanation and, when they receive it, accept it without resistance. People single-mindedly adhere to My Word that I have delivered mankind from sin by My crucifixion .... But they do not comprehend the essence of the Word, they do not comprehend the significance of the act of Salvation. Consequently they do not understand what the human being has to do himself in order to join the flock of those who have been delivered from their guilt of sin by My blood. I have died for all human beings .... providing they want to accept My act of Salvation .... I have not imposed any restrictions, but people set limitations when they do not acknowledge My act of Salvation. And these people exclude themselves from the circle of those for whom I have died on the cross. Consequently, only the sins of those can be forgiven who allow themselves to be saved through their faith in Me and My death on the cross, whereas the sins of those who reject Me and My act of Salvation are not forgiven, because they do not allow themselves to be purified by My blood, and because they do not want to belong to those for whom I have died. Once again human free will is decisive, and I abide by this free will. If people’s guilt of sin were forgiven without faith in Me and My act of love, then the human being would be placed into a state of freedom against his own will .... But this is in opposition to My order because it counteracts My justice as well as My love, since the person will not use this state to bond with Me nor will he ever regret his sin .... My Word is truth, and no untruth can ever be found in the fact that I have died for all human beings, that I have redeemed all people from their sins .... But their free will has to decide whether they want to be redeemed, whether they want to accept My work of love, because I do not determine the will .... Therefore all of humanity could be free of sin if it believed in My act of Salvation, just as it is and will remain in deepest darkness and subject to their sins if it rejects Me as Redeemer of humanity. And for this reason most of humanity now lives in sin, it is without forgiveness because it no longer acknowledges Me, and thus My act of Salvation has become ineffective for humanity. Hence the ‘forgiveness of sin’ should not be misunderstood, it is not applicable to those who are completely apart from Me; not that I Am pushing them away, instead they are distancing themselves from Me, they are fleeing from Me, Who is approaching them and constantly asks for their souls. I provide them with a gift of grace which liberates them from their sin and their guilt, but if they reject this it has no effect on them because they belong to those who are fighting on behalf of My adversary and who are therefore still controlled by him until they allow themselves to be saved by Me .... And thus it is wrong to describe My act of Salvation in a way which suggests that all people are beneficiaries of that which their free will could certainly acquire; but which free will can also throw away by rejecting it and by being totally without faith. Only the person who accepts My gift of grace will also become free of his sins, because I have carried his guilt for him, I have suffered for him and accepted the crucifixion. Although I have died for everyone, not everyone accepts Me .... I took everyone’s guilt upon My shoulders, but not everyone feels guilty and therefore does not place their burden upon Me. And thus they will also be unable to purge their guilt, since it is too immense to do so themselves, because now they are also adding the guilt of rejecting My love .... But how can they hope for the forgiveness of their sins? How can people believe that they can become free of all guilt without their own contribution, without their own will? .... My love’s sacrifice for you, the purification of all sin through My blood is an incomprehensibly significant blessing for you humans. But you must also want to receive My love, you should not reject it, otherwise it cannot take effect on you, otherwise I cannot redeem the guilt of sin, otherwise your sins will stay with you until you change your mind and acknowledge Me as your divine Saviour, Who died on the cross to redeem you .... Amen |
The is looking for translators. Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,
for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do. Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English. As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure. If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer |
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