| BD
8001 Direction of Thoughts into the Spiritual Kingdom .... |
| BD
8002 God’s language through nature’s elements .... |
| BD
8003 God's Work in Man Living in Love .... |
| BD
8004 Right thinking is also spiritual work .... |
| BD
8005 Legal order .... Putting back to earth .... |
| BD
8006 God’s nature is a mystery .... |
| BD
8007 God's Inflow of Power into Infinity .... |
| BD
8008 a Every soul is an original spirit .... I. |
| BD
8008 b Every soul is an original spirit .... II. |
| BD
8009 Falsification of the divine Word .... |
| BD
8010 Knowledge .... Love Light .... Revelation .... |
| BD
8011 Address to vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8012 Further explanation regarding the soul .... |
| BD
8013 God's Revelations through His Address .... |
| BD
8014 Renewed reference to the natural event .... |
| BD
8015 Comforting Address to the Sick and Weak .... |
| BD
8016 Jesus Christ and His Work of Redemption .... |
| BD
8017 Low spiritual level .... Test of faith .... Battle .... Rapture .... |
| BD
8018 God's Care for His Vineyard Workers .... |
| BD
8019 Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8020 Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life .... |
| BD
8021 God's Wooing for the Love of His Creatures .... |
| BD
8022 God's Will: Fulfilling the Love Commandments .... Presence .... |
| BD
8023 "Knowledge" must be gained .... |
| BD
8024 Work of God and of the Opponent in the End Times .... |
| BD
8025 The difference between ‘knowledge’ and ‘realisation’ .... |
| BD
8026 Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration .... |
| BD
8027 Fulfillment of Prophecy as Proof of Truth .... |
| BD
8028 Recognition of Jesus Christ is recognition of God .... |
| BD
8029 Enlightenment on the Credibility of "Revelations" .... |
| BD
8030 Testing of "Revelations" .... |
| BD
8031 Darkness .... Knowledge .... Truth .... Love .... Light .... |
| BD
8032 What is love? .... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love .... |
| BD
8033 A forthcoming natural event .... |
| BD
8034 The significance of realisation .... |
| BD
8035 Wrong image of God .... Misguided teachings .... |
| BD
8036 Entering the Kingdom of Light without Jesus Christ? .... |
| BD
8037 Test all things and keep what is good .... |
| BD
8038 Outpouring of the Spirit before the death on the cross? .... |
| BD
8039 Conditions for attaining the truth .... |
| BD
8040 Binding with God .... Thoughts .... Prayer .... Work of Love .... |
| BD
8041 Requested clarification regarding food .... |
| BD
8042 God's great love .... |
| BD
8043 God seeks to awaken love in return .... |
| BD
8044 Intensified work of the opponent .... |
| BD
8045 Striving for living faith .... |
| BD
8046 Blessing of suffering and hardship for people .... |
| BD
8047 Dominance of the opponent at the end .... |
| BD
8048 Grace of the speech of God .... |
| BD
8049 Love sparks in people .... Awakening of the Spirit .... |
| BD
8050 Doubting the transfer of pure truth .... |
| BD
8051 No mechanical reception .... Understanding .... |
| BD
8052 Free will is crucial .... |
| BD
8053 Supply of the Truth .... Positive force .... |
| BD
8054 Is the Bible completed .... |
| BD
8055 Test of Will of the First-Created Being .... |
| BD
8056 Understanding of spiritual knowledge .... |
| BD
8057 God's unusual assistance .... |
| BD
8058 Encouragement of vineyard work .... |
| BD
8059 Belief in the soul’s continuation of life .... |
| BD
8060 Promise: ‘The outpouring of the spirit ....’ |
| BD
8061 "He who listens to you, listens to Me Myself .... |
| BD
8062 God's Justice .... Criminal Court .... Work of Redemption .... |
| BD
8063 Spiritual Request: Prayer for Grace and Power .... |
| BD
8064 Introspection .... |
| BD
8065 The Messiah was born .... |
| BD
8066 2 Peter 3:10 .... The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night .... |
| BD
8067 Meaning of the Love Commandments .... Love has cooled down .... |
| BD
8068 The Eternal Light descended to Earth .... |
| BD
8069 Teaching ministry .... ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’ |
| BD
8070 Creates at the spring the water of life .... |
| BD
8071 The earth’s last hour .... |
| BD
8072 The near end demands increased vineyard work .... |
| BD
8073 Granting prayers .... The right relationship of a child with its Father .... |
| BD
8074 Are you living in truth? .... |
| BD
8075 Every being fell and ascends voluntarily .... |
| BD
8076 Blessing from the union with God .... |
| BD
8077 God’s Spirit does not contradict Itself .... |
| BD
8078 God's help is certain .... |
| BD
8079 Redemption work in the kingdom on the other side .... |
| BD
8080 Through natural events God reveals His power .... |
| BD
8081 Forerunner .... Visible appearance .... The time is fulfilled .... |
| BD
8082 God is love .... |
| BD
8083 Activity in the Hereafter .... Handing out the Truth .... |
| BD
8084 Proof of God's Love: Love for Neighbor .... |
| BD
8085 Predetermined intervals of time as periods of Salvation .... |
| BD
8086 Accompaniment of the Spirit of Leadership .... |
| BD
8087 Testing the Truth .... |
| BD
8088 Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation .... |
| BD
8089 Darkness means ignorance .... Battle between Light and Darkness .... |
| BD
8090 Battle of faith .... Adversity .... Rapture .... |
| BD
8091 Human manifestation in Jesus .... |
| BD
8092 Divine Revelation for all self-conscious beings .... |
| BD
8093 Ultimate goal is union with God .... |
| BD
8094 Influence of the Light Beings on Humans .... Free Will .... |
| BD
8095 God is in us .... He is present in us .... |
| BD
8096 The work of changing into love and faith .... |
| BD
8097 God's Love Pursues Humans .... Creation Proof of Love .... |
| BD
8098 God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship .... |
| BD
8099 Right Vessels for the Light .... for the Truth .... |
| BD
8100 God's Protection of His Vessels .... Loving Father's Words .... |
| BD
8101 Blessing of the Loving Intercession .... |
| BD
8102 Jesus has built the bridge .... |
| BD
8103 Taking refuge in Jesus .... The adversary’s activity .... |
| BD
8104 Reason for the catastrophe .... |
| BD
8105 Participation of the light beings in the work of creation .... |
| BD
8106 God wants to be recognized .... Justification of the revelations .... |
| BD
8107 God: Love - Wisdom - Power .... |
| BD
8108 What is meant by "eternities" .... |
| BD
8109 Let the power of my word become effective .... |
| BD
8110 The Light of Truth shines where it is desired .... |
| BD
8111 Urgency of vineyard work .... |
| BD
8112 Purification of earth .... |
| BD
8113 Love and suffering purify the soul .... |
| BD
8114 God's Protection of the Light Bearers .... |
| BD
8115 God's Mission: To Pass on the Light .... |
| BD
8116 Only from God does the truth come out .... |
| BD
8117 The soul’s individuality .... |
| BD
8118 Urgency and Justification of the "Revelations" .... |
| BD
8119 Checks the outcome of spiritual teaching .... |
| BD
8120 Reason for divine revelations .... |
| BD
8121 The Word-reception is an act of freewill .... |
| BD
8122 The last catastrophe .... |
| BD
8123 Death is overcome .... Jesus and God are One .... |
| BD
8124 God wants His essence to be recognized .... |
| BD
8125 Knowledge of the nature of God is necessary .... |
| BD
8126 Disciples of the Last Days .... Gifts of Grace .... Evaluation .... |
| BD
8127 Original Center of Light and Power .... |
| BD
8128 Faith in God’s presence .... |
| BD
8129 The Power of the Divine Spirit .... |
| BD
8130 Renewal of the Earth .... |
| BD
8131 The Passion of Jesus as a Human Being .... |
| BD
8132 "Come to Me .... Console in Need .... |
| BD
8133 Spiritualization of Immature Substances .... |
| BD
8134 Love imparts realisation .... |
| BD
8135 Receiving pure truth requires prerequisites .... |
| BD
8136 Admonition for resistance in the end times .... |
| BD
8137 "Heaven and earth will pass away .... |
| BD
8138 The living faith in the work of redemption .... |
| BD
8139 "Take your cross upon you .... |
| BD
8140 Supply of the light from above .... |
| BD
8141 ‘And the Word was made flesh ....’ |
| BD
8142 Supply of light and power must be desired .... |
| BD
8143 Free decision of will .... |
| BD
8144 The adversary’s increased activity against light bearers .... |
| BD
8145 John 7, 38-39 .... |
| BD
8146 Enemy under the mask of an angel of light .... |
| BD
8147 Call to Busy Vineyard Work .... |
| BD
8148 Request for strength and grace is always fulfilled .... |
| BD
8149 Warning against media reception .... |
| BD
8150 The work of redemption need not be repeated .... |
| BD
8151 Man needs the light .... |
| BD
8152 The spiritual foundation of the work of redemption .... |
| BD
8153 Man needs the word also to be brought to the people of the world .... |
| BD
8154 Free will must receive the word .... |
| BD
8155 The mission of the disciples .... |
| BD
8156 The agonizing sufferings of Jesus Christ .... Incarnation of God .... |
| BD
8157 Spiritual resurrection from the night of the grave .... |
| BD
8158 Resurrection of Jesus .... Easter .... |
| BD
8159 Intensified fight against the light .... |
| BD
8160 Indirect and direct Word of God .... |
| BD
8161 Fully maturing the soul .... Miracle healing - Compulsory faith .... |
| BD
8162 Vineyard Work Before the End .... |
| BD
8163 Turning the will to God is the right decision .... |
| BD
8164 ‘He that shall endure unto the end ....’ |
| BD
8165 Binding with God guarantees truth and return .... |
| BD
8166 Who is it that speaks to you? .... |
| BD
8167 Nothing is too tiny for God .... |
| BD
8168 Gift of God: spark of love .... |
| BD
8169 Recognizing the origin is the task of resistance .... |
| BD
8170 Attention to the truth from God is necessary .... |
| BD
8171 The Atonement of the Man Jesus .... |
| BD
8172 Free will must accept gifts of grace .... |
| BD
8173 Establishing the right relationship with God .... |
| BD
8174 Divine revelations spread light .... |
| BD
8175 Truth of the Final Prophecies .... |
| BD
8176 Death and Life .... |
| BD
8177 Acceptance of the stream of grace .... |
| BD
8178 Isolation of the Servants of God through suffering .... Recovery .... |
| BD
8179 Great power of the enemy of God .... |
| BD
8180 About the doctrine of re-incarnation .... |
| BD
8181 The power of the Word becomes effective when resistance is broken .... |
| BD
8182 The Housefather Cares for His Servants .... |
| BD
8183 God answers questions .... |
| BD
8184 Mission of God to the disciples of the end times .... Work of Redemption .... |
| BD
8185 Sacrificial death was not allowed to force faith .... |
| BD
8186 Demand of power in the end times .... |
| BD
8187 Spiritual treasures in the otherworldly kingdom .... |
| BD
8188 Spiritual and earthly turning point .... |
| BD
8189 The Ascension of Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8190 Demand of divine power .... |
| BD
8191 Return from the Deep to the Heights .... |
| BD
8192 Commencement of receiving the Word 25 years ago (15.6.1937) |
| BD
8193 25 years .... |
| BD
8194 Memorial of the End .... |
| BD
8195 God needs His servants and promises them protection .... |
| BD
8196 Faith - Love and Listening to the Inner Conditions .... |
| BD
8197 Weak faith or unbelief .... |
| BD
8198 Again and again the gospel must be purified .... |
| BD
8199 Where two or three are gathered in my name .... |
| BD
8200 Great Importance of a Life of Love .... |
| BD
8201 My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? |
| BD
8202 Exceptional help at the time of misery .... |
| BD
8203 Acquiring spiritual treasures on earth .... |
| BD
8204 Bad influence of immature souls from the hereafter .... |
| BD
8205 Warning of changes in divine revelations .... |
| BD
8206 Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God .... |
| BD
8207 Incarnated beings of light .... The working of the spirit - Channeled communications .... |
| BD
8208 Criticism of the divine word proves spiritual arrogance .... |
| BD
8209 The Value of a "Living" Faith .... |
| BD
8210 Spiritual knowledge proves awakening and bond with God .... |
| BD
8211 "Many are called, few are chosen ...." |
| BD
8212 Unity of ecclesiastical denominations? .... |
| BD
8213 "I Pour Out My Spirit ...." |
| BD
8214 "Work of the Spirit" in the Spiritual Exchange of Ideas .... |
| BD
8215 Creation helps the dead being to life .... |
| BD
8216 The transformation of the original spirit into creations .... |
| BD
8217 God's Love Power must become active .... |
| BD
8218 God's love also works in legal order .... |
| BD
8219 ‘Judging’ the souls at the end .... |
| BD
8220 Testing the spirits .... The adversary’s activity during the last days .... |
| BD
8221 Limitation of Knowledge .... |
| BD
8222 Jesus has satisfied God’s justice .... |
| BD
8223 God's endless fatherly love .... |
| BD
8224 The souls’ agonising fate in the beyond .... |
| BD
8225 Seamless Instruction .... |
| BD
8226 The Word Encourages Love Work .... |
| BD
8227 Supplying the Light from Above .... |
| BD
8228 Test the spirits .... |
| BD
8229 Communion .... Food and drink .... |
| BD
8230 Eternal Creative Will of God .... |
| BD
8231 Christ’s Forerunner .... |
| BD
8232 Love Power Stream always leads back to God .... |
| BD
8233 Conscious Turning of the Will to God .... |
| BD
8234 Right Attitude in Life on Earth .... |
| BD
8235 Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation? .... |
| BD
8236 Was Adam the only human being created by God? .... |
| BD
8237 Was Adam the only human being created by God? .... (Continuation of no. 8236) |
| BD
8238 Ecclesiastical organisation .... |
| BD
8239 God's Love Light is Knowledge and Knowledge .... |
| BD
8240 God's abundant measure of grace before the end .... |
| BD
8241 Upward development occurs as the fall took place .... |
| BD
8242 The mind should not be overestimated .... Answer - Heart .... |
| BD
8243 Informing the soul about earthly life .... |
| BD
8244 Divine Address Proof of Fatherly Care .... |
| BD
8245 Incarnation of many light beings in the last days .... |
| BD
8246 Mission of the Light Beings .... Awakening the Spirit of God .... Redemption work of Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8247 Few people know about the plan of salvation .... |
| BD
8248 God’s infinite love for His living creations .... |
| BD
8249 Demanding Grace, Power and Blessing of God .... |
| BD
8250 God and Jesus are one .... Human manifestation of God .... |
| BD
8251 Doubting divine revelations .... |
| BD
8252 Time concept of earth’s evolution .... |
| BD
8253 The adversary clothed in light .... Paradise on the new earth .... |
| BD
8254 Understanding the working of the spirit .... |
| BD
8255 Effect of love illumination .... |
| BD
8256 Truthful knowledge around redemption work .... |
| BD
8257 Transformation to love .... |
| BD
8258 The reason for the earth‘ s restoration .... |
| BD
8259 Mission of God: To spread truth .... |
| BD
8260 Mission of God: Spreading Truth .... (Continuation to No. 8259) |
| BD
8261 Bridging the Gap from Man to God .... |
| BD
8262 The Right Intercourse with the Spiritual World .... |
| BD
8263 "God Sent His Son to the Earth .... |
| BD
8264 Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus .... |
| BD
8265 Can God’s existence be proven? .... |
| BD
8266 Apostasy of the beings .... Voluntary ascent .... |
| BD
8267 Trust in God's guidance .... |
| BD
8268 Revelations are God’s help towards ascent .... |
| BD
8269 Blows of Fate .... Disasters .... Accidents .... |
| BD
8270 Recognition of True Revelations .... |
| BD
8271 Recognizing God guarantees also Ascension .... |
| BD
8272 Recognising the true messengers .... |
| BD
8273 Reason for deformed births .... |
| BD
8274 The Last Disciples - Knowledge of the Nature of God .... |
| BD
8275 God is inscrutable .... |
| BD
8276 Teaching activity in the hereafter requires truth .... |
| BD
8277 Signs of the last days .... |
| BD
8278 Inner Urge is God's Will .... Cooperation necessary .... |
| BD
8279 General Prayer Actions .... |
| BD
8280 Why Jesus Christ must be recognized .... |
| BD
8281 Danger of arrogance .... |
| BD
8282 The mystery of God’s human manifestation .... |
| BD
8283 The Process of Falling Away .... The Process of Deification of the Being .... |
| BD
8284 Promises relating to divine revelations .... |
| BD
8285 Keeping the divine spiritual goods pure .... |
| BD
8286 Explanation for unusual process .... |
| BD
8287 1st Thessalonians 2, 13 .... (after Luther) |
| BD
8288 Constant Attacks of the Opponent .... Light bearer .... Reincarnation .... |
| BD
8289 God demands faith in His immense love .... |
| BD
8290 False Christ’s and prophets .... |
| BD
8291 Re-incarnation or possession? .... |
| BD
8292 Contact with the world of light or the world of immature spirits .... |
| BD
8293 Feeding the Soul .... |
| BD
8294 Proof of God's Love and Presence .... |
| BD
8295 Spiritual Secrets .... |
| BD
8296 Does God punish the children for the sins of the fathers? .... |
| BD
8297 God's Justice .... |
| BD
8298 "You shall have no strange gods beside Me .... |
| BD
8299 Declaration of Dream State .... |
| BD
8300 The Mystery of Love .... |
| BD
8301 Reuniting the Small Flock .... |
| BD
8302 God's Unlimited Love and Its Power .... |
| BD
8303 The redemption work and its spiritual motive .... |
| BD
8304 Destruction of Earth .... |
| BD
8305 The Father's Proof of Grace in the Last Days .... |
| BD
8306 Sympathy and antipathy .... |
| BD
8307 Warning of "spiritual leaders" .... |
| BD
8308 Jesus’ activity on Earth .... |
| BD
8309 God's answer directly or indirectly .... |
| BD
8310 Announcement of the end and signs of the time .... |
| BD
8311 Unleashed elements of nature .... |
| BD
8312 Warning of Media Receptions .... "Spiritual Guides" .... |
| BD
8313 God's Power Current .... |
| BD
8314 Address to the vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8315 The Word from above lights a light .... |
| BD
8316 The messengers along the path of ascent .... |
| BD
8317 Fear and misery .... God’s intervention - Battle of faith .... |
| BD
8318 Transience of the Earthly .... Intercession for Souls .... |
| BD
8319 Only love is bliss .... |
| BD
8320 Supply of Food and Drink through the Divine Word .... |
| BD
8321 Being set free from the enemy only through Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8322 "Take no thought for what you eat and drink .... |
| BD
8323 Preaching of love .... Suffering and hardships are to awaken love .... |
| BD
8324 People’s attitude towards Mary, the mother of Jesus .... |
| BD
8325 True servants of God .... Instituted words .... Working of the spirit .... |
| BD
8326 State of Weakness .... Love gives strength .... |
| BD
8327 The soul’s union with its spirit .... |
| BD
8328 God’s ceaseless help on the earthly path .... |
| BD
8329 Great spiritual need in the end times .... |
| BD
8330 Call of the Shepherd .... Great Spiritual Need .... |
| BD
8331 Jesus lived the life before the people .... |
| BD
8332 Decision of the Will, Ability to Think .... Voice of Conscience .... |
| BD
8333 Task to spread the Word .... |
| BD
8334 Who was "Abedam" .... (Household of God - Debate) |
| BD
8335 In the hereafter only the truth brings bliss .... |
| BD
8336 Transformation to Love .... |
| BD
8337 Examination of spiritual ‘receptions’ .... |
| BD
8338 God will implement His act of Salvation .... |
| BD
8339 Twilight in the Hereafter .... Faith in God .... |
| BD
8340 Power Inflow through Connection with the Lightful World .... |
| BD
8341 Introduction to spiritual knowledge .... |
| BD
8342 Going to the Source .... |
| BD
8343 Love of the deed .... Good Example .... |
| BD
8344 God's Mission to His Servants .... |
| BD
8345 New redemption period .... |
| BD
8346 Living out the divine love commandments .... |
| BD
8347 Devotion to God ensures beatification .... |
| BD
8348 God wants to be loved and not feared .... |
| BD
8349 Redemption of the sin debt through the blood of Jesus .... |
| BD
8350 The Word of God is proof of Himself .... |
| BD
8351 Confused thinking of mankind .... Contributing the Truth .... |
| BD
8352 State of paradise on the new earth .... |
| BD
8353 Messiah, Saviour of humankind .... |
| BD
8354 State of power and lightlessness .... |
| BD
8355 Jesus' promises must be fulfilled .... |
| BD
8356 God’s care for the vineyard labourers .... |
| BD
8357 Knowledge of the cause of deficiency .... |
| BD
8358 Limitation of God's Love Effect .... |
| BD
8359 Binding with God guarantees His love radiation .... |
| BD
8360 False reports from the astral world .... "Spiritual Guides" .... |
| BD
8361 The end is near .... |
| BD
8362 Christmas message 1962 |
| BD
8363 "I am with you every day ...." |
| BD
8364 The human being’s duty is to scrutinise spiritual information .... |
| BD
8365 The adversary’s onslaughts in the last days .... |
| BD
8366 God uses painful means .... |
| BD
8367 Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word of God .... |
| BD
8368 God's speech proves His presence .... |
| BD
8369 Living faith at the time of the faith struggle .... |
| BD
8370 God’s decision is final .... |
| BD
8371 Clarifying traditional doctrines .... |
| BD
8372 Right Light and Glare .... The Doctrine of Love .... |
| BD
8373 ‘Whose soever sins ye remit ....’ |
| BD
8374 The House-Father Assigns Work to His Servants .... |
| BD
8375 The church of Christ in its beginnings .... |
| BD
8376 Healing Power of the Water at the Spring .... |
| BD
8377 God's help for the purification of the soul .... |
| BD
8378 Correct decision of will in the state of self-awareness .... |
| BD
8379 ‘The powers of heaven shall be shaken ....’ |
| BD
8380 Inner Mission to Spread the Truth .... |
| BD
8381 Spreading the Truth .... Love Life .... |
| BD
8382 Purpose of Divine Revelations .... |
| BD
8383 Illumination of the Divine Love Light .... |
| BD
8384 Knowledge of the Purpose of Life on Earth .... |
| BD
8385 Feeding the soul is a priority .... Communion .... |
| BD
8386 The Light from God Illuminates the Path to the Top .... |
| BD
8387 Indication of the many adversities before the end .... |
| BD
8388 Educated Truth Cause for New Revelations .... |
| BD
8389 Warning against changing the word .... Love one another .... |
| BD
8390 Turning away from the world brings spiritual gain .... |
| BD
8391 Again and again error is to be corrected .... |
| BD
8392 Can the Pure Truth be guided to earth? .... |
| BD
8393 Extent of knowledge depending on the degree of love .... |
| BD
8394 Purification of the soul .... |
| BD
8395 Does man have free will? .... |
| BD
8396 Truthful Enlightenment about Salvation Plan from Eternity .... |
| BD
8397 Spiritual state before the crucifixion .... Book of Books .... |
| BD
8398 God's Merciful Love .... |
| BD
8399 God is from Eternity .... |
| BD
8400 The soul’s entry into the kingdom of light .... |
| BD
8401 The soul’s realisation what it once had been .... |
| BD
8402 Effect of the Knowledge of the Salvation Plan .... |
| BD
8404 Proof of the authenticity of the gospels .... |
| BD
8405 Different kinds of creations correspond to the beings’ fall .... |
| BD
8406 God's language through cosmic events .... |
| BD
8407 Examining spiritual information .... |
| BD
8408 Enlightenment on "Outpouring of the Spirit" .... |
| BD
8409 "Who Remains in Love ...." |
| BD
8410 Fight against error .... Light causes desire for truth .... |
| BD
8411 Redemptive Cooperation in the End Times .... |
| BD
8412 Every spiritual work has a redeeming effect .... |
| BD
8413 "Work while there is still day .... |
| BD
8414 The significance of life on earth as a human being .... |
| BD
8415 Knowledge of salvation plan .... Work of the opponent .... |
| BD
8416 Difference between the ‘working of the spirit’ and ‘psychic’ receptions .... |
| BD
8417 The soul is imperishable .... State of the I-Consciousness .... |
| BD
8418 Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will .... |
| BD
8419 What is meant by "plan of salvation from eternity"? .... |
| BD
8420 Only through the work of redemption is "divine" possible .... |
| BD
8421 Address of God Proof of His Existence .... |
| BD
8422 Jesus is God .... |
| BD
8423 Lack of Love Cause for Lightlessness and Transformation of the Earth .... |
| BD
8424 Condition for Receiving Truth: Adding Mind Knowledge .... |
| BD
8425 Representing the Truth .... Blessing of spiritual work .... |
| BD
8426 Who speaks to you? .... Every soul is a member of God .... |
| BD
8427 People’s low spiritual state necessitates an end .... |
| BD
8428 God Himself inclines to His creatures .... |
| BD
8429 Harmonious life on the new earth .... |
| BD
8430 New banishment inevitable for the adversary’s followers .... |
| BD
8431 Power of the Word ensures return to God .... |
| BD
8432 Ability to judge .... Warning of work of the opponent .... |
| BD
8433 The adversary’s activity behind a mask .... |
| BD
8434 Assurance of protection against confusion and hostility .... |
| BD
8435 All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature .... |
| BD
8436 The correct way of life is not enough to mature fully .... |
| BD
8437 Atonement of guilt through Jesus .... |
| BD
8438 Warning against intercourse with the supernatural world .... |
| BD
8439 Divine care for vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8440 Creation of the new earth in a moment of time .... |
| BD
8441 Power of loving intercession for unbelievers .... |
| BD
8442 Vineyard work according to divine will .... |
| BD
8443 Nothing will remain unredeemed forever .... |
| BD
8444 Attitude towards the world determines spiritual progress .... |
| BD
8445 God’s human manifestation .... |
| BD
8446 Faith and love guarantee God's protection from enemies .... |
| BD
8447 Special Justification of Transferring Back to Earth .... |
| BD
8448 ‘Correcting’ God’s Word .... Corruption of truth .... |
| BD
8449 Multiple Walk through Creation .... Diversity .... |
| BD
8450 Great power effect of the divine word in the hereafter .... |
| BD
8451 Truth alone leads to the goal .... |
| BD
8452 Proof of God is His Word .... Exceeding the Authority of Power .... |
| BD
8453 Why is Jesus recognition necessary? .... |
| BD
8454 Jesus taught love on Earth .... |
| BD
8455 Full-Confidence Prayer .... |
| BD
8456 Why could a construction work of the opponent prevail? .... |
| BD
8457 Only God is Ruler of the universe .... |
| BD
8458 Irrefutable Knowledge from Above .... Mind Thinking .... |
| BD
8459 Explanation regarding original spirit and apostasy .... |
| BD
8460 Two different kinds of revelations cannot be true .... |
| BD
8461 Prayer for Power .... Overcoming Love of the Self .... |
| BD
8462 God's protection in the fight against the enemy .... |
| BD
8463 Jesus suffered immeasurably .... |
| BD
8464 God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about Jesus .... |
| BD
8465 Why is the information about the process of return not known? .... |
| BD
8466 What is a prayer in spirit and in truth? .... |
| BD
8467 Where do the temptations end? .... |
| BD
8468 Only Jesus can strengthen the will .... |
| BD
8469 Resurrection of Jesus .... |
| BD
8470 Clarification about intercession .... |
| BD
8471 Achieving the childhood of God requires detachment from the world .... |
| BD
8472 Mission to Vineyard Workers: Spreading Light .... |
| BD
8473 Commandments in Compulsion are not God's Will .... |
| BD
8474 Knowledge is given according to the soul’s maturity .... |
| BD
8475 God does not want compulsion .... The truth makes free .... |
| BD
8476 Love and devotion necessary for vineyard work .... |
| BD
8477 There is no coincidence .... Nothing happens arbitrarily .... |
| BD
8478 How do you recognize the truth from above? .... |
| BD
8479 Touchstone of divine revelations: Jesus’ act of Salvation .... |
| BD
8480 Distortion of truth .... |
| BD
8481 The Earnest Will to the Light is the Precondition of Truth .... |
| BD
8482 Process of the Word-reception .... |
| BD
8483 Purpose and Sense of the Revelations .... Sign of the Truth .... |
| BD
8484 Activity of demonic powers disguised as angels of light .... |
| BD
8485 Doubts about Final Prophecies .... |
| BD
8486 Jesus’ life before His teaching ministry.... |
| BD
8487 False Christs’ and prophets .... |
| BD
8488 Declaration of Thought and Literal Address .... |
| BD
8489 Battles for the Souls .... Antipole .... |
| BD
8490 Overcoming the World .... |
| BD
8491 Feeding the souls with the right food .... |
| BD
8492 With God no thing is impossible .... |
| BD
8493 Even in a short time completion is possible .... |
| BD
8494 Gift of grace before the end .... Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8495 Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and Salvation .... |
| BD
8496 Every human being must answer for himself .... |
| BD
8497 Dead Knowledge .... Awakening the Spirit .... |
| BD
8498 God reveals His nature through His speeches .... |
| BD
8499 The audible Word requires a high degree of maturity .... |
| BD
8500 The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... |
| BD
8501 (Continuation of no. 8500) Time indication .... |
| BD
8502 (Continuation of nos. 8500 and 8501) Distribution .... |
| BD
8503 God requires a living faith .... |
| BD
8504 God's justice demands atonement for guilt .... |
| BD
8505 Teacher Training .... |
| BD
8506 Ascension of Christ .... |
| BD
8507 The Right Worship Service .... |
| BD
8508 Bearing suffering for fellow human beings .... |
| BD
8509 Believing in a life of necessity .... |
| BD
8510 Re-transformation into love .... Spiritual spark .... Outpouring of the spirit .... |
| BD
8511 Are dissolved particles capable of suffering? .... |
| BD
8512 Declaration of Suffering and Hardships of the End Times .... |
| BD
8513 Unprecedented Grace of the Receipt of the Word .... |
| BD
8514 Where God’s Word is recognised, that is where He is present .... |
| BD
8515 Precondition for the Presence of God: Love .... |
| BD
8516 The outpouring of the spirit .... Whitsun .... |
| BD
8517 Events in the Kingdom of Spirits before the Creation of the World .... |
| BD
8518 Truth cannot be recognized without love .... |
| BD
8519 Truth is light .... Darkness the result of heartlessness .... |
| BD
8520 God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations .... |
| BD
8521 False Christ’s and prophets .... Characteristic: Salvation .... |
| BD
8522 God’s Word will be heard eternally .... |
| BD
8523 The condition to attain perfection on earth .... |
| BD
8524 Promise of divine love care in greatest need .... |
| BD
8525 Vineyard work not without effect .... |
| BD
8526 The will of man often sets limits to the power of God .... |
| BD
8527 "You shall be blessed by grace .... |
| BD
8528 Explanation and meaning of the work of redemption .... |
| BD
8529 Encouragement for diligent vineyard work .... |
| BD
8530 Prerequisites for hearing God’s Word .... |
| BD
8531 Knowledge must be brought to man through vineyard work .... |
| BD
8532 Supplying the right food for the soul .... |
| BD
8533 God needs His servants .... |
| BD
8534 Holding on to misguided spiritual knowledge .... Desire for truth .... |
| BD
8535 The Revelation of John .... |
| BD
8536 God wants to answer questions .... Error .... |
| BD
8537 ‘God sent His Son to Earth ....’ |
| BD
8538 The course of development takes place according to law .... |
| BD
8539 Fight against error .... |
| BD
8540 The Lord looks after his servants .... |
| BD
8541 Belief in God in Jesus .... |
| BD
8542 Earthly flourishing .... Swift decline .... |
| BD
8543 Only the truth is a right light .... |
| BD
8544 The Word of God ought to be listened to .... |
| BD
8545 The soul knows beforehand about its walk on earth .... |
| BD
8546 Guarantee for receiving the truth .... |
| BD
8547 God’s special care for His labourers .... |
| BD
8548 Releasing from the opponent .... Feeding of the Truth .... |
| BD
8549 Gathering strength ahead of the chaos .... |
| BD
8550 Truthful Enlightenment about Jesus and the Work of Redemption .... |
| BD
8551 Rescue work on souls who are not unwilling .... |
| BD
8552 Looking back and love care for the still struggling spiritual .... |
| BD
8553 People’s duty is to draw attention to error .... |
| BD
8554 Justification and effects of revelations .... |
| BD
8555 Accepting truth is a commitment .... Errors .... |
| BD
8556 Need and suffering are means to find God .... |
| BD
8557 Sounding of the Word in the Universe .... |
| BD
8558 Exceeding the power of the opponent and end .... |
| BD
8559 Wooing God for vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8560 Surrendering man to the divine will .... |
| BD
8561 Jesus must be accepted as the Redeemer .... |
| BD
8562 Truthful knowledge can lessen resistance .... |
| BD
8563 Supplying the knowledge of the purpose of life on earth .... |
| BD
8564 Process of return .... |
| BD
8565 God assures the vineyard workers of help .... |
| BD
8566 Process of creation and apostasy of the beings .... |
| BD
8567 "Flesh and blood" .... Spiritual food .... |
| BD
8568 Why is God speaking to people? .... |
| BD
8569 Transforming power into creations .... |
| BD
8570 God's blessing rests on vineyard work .... |
| BD
8571 Purpose of earthly existence as a human being .... |
| BD
8572 God corrects misguided teachings .... |
| BD
8573 Spiritualisation of soul and body .... What is the physical body? .... |
| BD
8574 Spiritualisation of Jesus’ body .... |
| BD
8575 Explanation of matter and its task .... |
| BD
8576 The meaning of earthly life .... Kind-hearted activity .... |
| BD
8577 God offers a gift of grace of inestimable value .... |
| BD
8578 Recognizing the deficiency and opening the heart .... |
| BD
8579 Free will is the sole determining factor .... |
| BD
8580 Urgency of vineyard work - God's concern .... |
| BD
8581 "Hear My Word .... Life Force - Spiritual Power .... |
| BD
8582 What was the human being and what is his earthly task? .... |
| BD
8583 Work of the Opponent in the Robe of the Angel of Light .... |
| BD
8584 Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly love .... |
| BD
8585 Relationship of similar souls .... |
| BD
8586 What did Jesus’ body consist of? .... I. |
| BD
8587 Right Declaration of the Work of Redemption and the Incarnation of God .... |
| BD
8588 God's exceedingly great love for His creatures .... |
| BD
8589 Prayer for strength and grace .... Pride .... Humility .... |
| BD
8590 God demands only love from people .... |
| BD
8591 The broad and the narrow path .... |
| BD
8592 Greatest spiritual need is lack of faith .... |
| BD
8593 Suffering spiritualises soul and body .... |
| BD
8594 Painful means can lead to faith .... |
| BD
8595 Testing the truth of spiritual goods .... |
| BD
8596 Truth can only be received from God .... |
| BD
8597 Value of "traditions" about Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8598 The human being may not be compelled into believing by way of evidence .... |
| BD
8599 God Himself conveys the truth to people .... |
| BD
8600 Jesus’ act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase in the work of return .... |
| BD
8601 Only serving love leads to completion .... |
| BD
8602 Mediators are under God's protection .... |
| BD
8603 The atheist’s fate .... |
| BD
8604 Responsibility before Worldly Power .... |
| BD
8605 The principle of divine order is love .... |
| BD
8606 God is to be recognized in creation .... |
| BD
8607 The Power of Prayer .... |
| BD
8608 Acquiring virtues .... |
| BD
8609 Reason for the work of transformation .... |
| BD
8610 Light is given to human beings through spiritual activity .... |
| BD
8611 Intercession for souls in the beyond .... I. |
| BD
8612 A degree of knowledge belongs to the will decision .... |
| BD
8613 Creation is God’s work .... |
| BD
8614 A life of love also guarantees truth .... |
| BD
8615 Wrong portrayal of God .... Error .... |
| BD
8616 Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the doctrine that only ‘qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls .... |
| BD
8617 Spiritual results should not be underestimated .... Spirit is superior to intellect .... |
| BD
8618 Faith in Jesus Christ is in danger, therefore revelations .... |
| BD
8619 Chaos after the intervention .... |
| BD
8620 What did Jesus’ body consist of? .... II. (Supplement regarding no. 8586) |
| BD
8621 Difference of Apostasy from God .... |
| BD
8622 Inscrutability of the Deity .... |
| BD
8623 Deceptive works of the adversary .... (UFOs) |
| BD
8624 Destruction of earth is the result of experiments .... |
| BD
8625 Priority of vineyard work .... |
| BD
8626 People lack love and faith .... |
| BD
8627 Complete devotion to God .... |
| BD
8628 Man should come to the light of knowledge on earth .... |
| BD
8629 The great importance of a life of love .... |
| BD
8630 Complete Subordination of the Will to God's Will .... |
| BD
8631 God knows from eternity about the will of creatures .... |
| BD
8632 "You Must All Be Taught by God .... |
| BD
8633 People don’t know about their immense spiritual hardship .... |
| BD
8634 Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does not exist .... |
| BD
8635 Vineyard work according to God’s will .... |
| BD
8636 Man has a free will .... Abuse .... |
| BD
8637 Strength and self-awareness .... Thinking ability - Will .... |
| BD
8638 Meaning and Protection of Divine Revelations .... |
| BD
8639 Free will .... Recognition of good and evil .... Sparks of Love .... |
| BD
8640 What is meant by "faith" .... |
| BD
8641 Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speaking in tongues) |
| BD
8642 (Received after debate about intercession) "Speaking in tongues" .... |
| BD
8643 Explanation about baptism with water .... |
| BD
8644 Why do people so easily fall prey to error? .... Truth .... |
| BD
8645 The vineyard labourers trust in divine guidance .... |
| BD
8646 The gospel of love must be proclaimed .... |
| BD
8647 Forgiveness through Jesus Christ .... Increasing the degree of love .... |
| BD
8648 Answer to question about re-embodiment .... |
| BD
8649 The source of all power is God .... |
| BD
8650 Speech to vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8651 The true church of Christ .... |
| BD
8652 The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation through Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8653 Diseases and cure .... |
| BD
8654 Everyone would be able to hear God speaking .... |
| BD
8655 Voluntary Conversion of the Creature into Child .... |
| BD
8656 God carries out his plan of Salvation .... |
| BD
8657 Fatherly Address .... |
| BD
8658 There shall be light among people .... |
| BD
8659 Conscious voluntary union with God is bliss .... |
| BD
8660 Misuse of divine gifts (Talents) .... |
| BD
8661 Error dominates men .... Book of the Fathers .... |
| BD
8662 Fight of the Prince of Darkness against Light .... |
| BD
8663 Task to spread the truth .... |
| BD
8664 The embodied light beings’ willingness to help .... |
| BD
8665 Confession in the fight of faith .... |
| BD
8666 Only Love Helps to Knowledge and Bliss .... |
| BD
8667 Jesus as a human being knew of His mission .... |
| BD
8668 Receiving and understanding the divine word requires love .... |
| BD
8669 Degree of love is the standard for truth .... |
| BD
8670 The original sin could not be redeemed by the being itself .... |
| BD
8671 Unfortunateness is only the fault of free will .... |
| BD
8672 Cause of Lucifer’s apostasy from God .... |
| BD
8673 True church service requires a Father-child relationship .... |
| BD
8674 Calling upon the ‘Holy Spirit’ .... |
| BD
8675 Question: What would have happened had Adam not failed? .... |
| BD
8676 Purification of Christ’s spoilt teaching .... |
| BD
8677 Warning of additional foreign teaching material .... |
| BD
8678 The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love .... |
| BD
8679 God is a source of light and power from eternity .... |
| BD
8680 Following Jesus: Bearing the cross .... |
| BD
8681 I-Consciousness State of Free Will .... |
| BD
8682 God's Assurance of Support to the Vineyard Workers .... |
| BD
8683 Effect of free will .... Sudden death .... |
| BD
8684 The final powerful work of destruction .... I. |
| BD
8685 The final powerful work of destruction .... II. |
| BD
8686 Various schools of thought .... Pretended worship .... |
| BD
8687 Unification of ecclesiastical organisations? .... Spoilt teachings .... |
| BD
8688 Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words .... |
| BD
8689 Precondition for the illumination of love .... Contact with God .... |
| BD
8690 The only way to truth is the way to God .... |
| BD
8691 The adversary’s activity will not be prevented .... |
| BD
8692 Sacraments .... (Ordination to the priesthood - Anointing the sick) |
| BD
8693 Effect of misguided teachings in the beyond .... |
| BD
8694 Attribute of divine teaching: human manifestation problem .... |
| BD
8695 Psychic receptions - Credibility .... |
| BD
8696 Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance .... |
| BD
8697 Supply of the truth also for the hereafter .... |
| BD
8698 Clarification about UFOs .... |
| BD
8699 Last decision in the faith struggle .... |
| BD
8700 Truth emanates from God himself .... |
| BD
8701 Powerful Effect of the Divine Word .... |
| BD
8702 The beings’ gradual higher development in Creation .... |
| BD
8703 God's Promise to His Co-workers .... |
| BD
8704 Peace to those of good will .... |
| BD
8705 Christmas 1963 |
| BD
8706 Repayment of original debt was only possible through love .... |
| BD
8707 Christmas 1963 |
| BD
8708 What is grace? .... God's Word unusual gift of grace .... |
| BD
8709 God is the Lord over life and death .... |
| BD
8710 John 14, 15-26 |
| BD
8711 The bond of love shall connect everyone without distinction .... |
| BD
8712 Spiritual low level .... Lovelessness .... Selfish love .... |
| BD
8713 Johannes 7, 38-39 .... |
| BD
8714 Heavy fight and suffering in the end times .... |
| BD
8715 Frequent question: Why did the God of Love let human beings suffer so? .... |
| BD
8716 God’s true representatives are appointed by God Himself .... |
| BD
8717 Further indication of disasters and war .... |
| BD
8718 Review of the light beings on the agony state before .... |
| BD
8719 Declaration of the Word "Christ" .... |
| BD
8720 Light beings help the vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8721 Debates about the truth must be led in love .... |
| BD
8722 Lack of knowledge and disbelief in God’s address .... |
| BD
8723 Confessing before the world in the last faith struggle .... |
| BD
8724 Scrutinising the origin of a revelation .... |
| BD
8725 The spring guarantees the purest water of life .... |
| BD
8726 The Word-recipient’s task: Purification of Christ’s (spoilt) teaching .... |
| BD
8727 Public confession during the battle of faith .... |
| BD
8728 Explanation of ‘blessing’ .... |
| BD
8729 The day of the end is decided for eternity .... |
| BD
8730 Carrying away the divine teaching of love .... |
| BD
8731 The true description of the act of Salvation .... |
| BD
8732 Love of God constantly promotes the return of beings .... |
| BD
8733 God Himself is the source of the revelations .... |
| BD
8734 Emergence of the Antichrist .... |
| BD
8735 Value of the Transmissions from the Spiritual Kingdom .... |
| BD
8736 Change of I Love .... Transformation work .... |
| BD
8737 The bond with God .... Adversities and suffering .... |
| BD
8738 What kind of prayer will be granted .... |
| BD
8739 ‘In the beginning was the Word ....’ |
| BD
8740 Explanation regarding free will .... |
| BD
8741 Spreading the truth .... |
| BD
8742 Strong pillar of the church founded by God .... |
| BD
8743 Explanation about the coming of the Lord .... |
| BD
8744 There is only one truth .... This goes out from God .... |
| BD
8745 The souls’ fate after death varies .... |
| BD
8746 God's Address to Unresolved Souls .... |
| BD
8747 Rights of vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8748 The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you .... |
| BD
8749 A teacher gets educated by Myself .... |
| BD
8750 Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human manifestation? .... |
| BD
8751 Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation .... |
| BD
8752 Blessedness by grace .... |
| BD
8753 Free will must accept spiritual knowledge .... |
| BD
8754 As it was before the great Flood .... |
| BD
8755 Activity of the Non-Fallen Original Spirits .... |
| BD
8756 Jesus’ body was also solidified substance in accordance with God’s will .... |
| BD
8757 Only God can convey the truth to a person .... |
| BD
8758 Who has the right to ‘teach’? .... |
| BD
8759 Care of the House-Father .... Detaching from the world .... |
| BD
8760 Information about God’s plan of Salvation .... |
| BD
8761 Caring Housefather .... |
| BD
8762 Spiritual connections? .... |
| BD
8763 Each person can be addressed by God Himself .... |
| BD
8764 God's Ways .... |
| BD
8765 Connection with the world beyond Guarantee for truth? .... |
| BD
8766 Priority of the vineyard work .... |
| BD
8767 God's immeasurable greatness and power .... |
| BD
8768 No work of creation is senseless and useless .... |
| BD
8769 Which knowledge is ‘patchwork’? .... |
| BD
8770 The process of creation has taken eternities .... |
| BD
8771 Reason for the human being’s free will .... |
| BD
8772 The early death of children .... |
| BD
8773 God reveals Himself as the most perfect being .... |
| BD
8774 Subordinating the will to the divine will makes man capable .... |
| BD
8775 The Pure Truth is a Gift .... |
| BD
8776 Spiritual darkness .... Denial of free will .... |
| BD
8777 God’s perfection knows no limits of time and space .... |
| BD
8778 God's justice demands atonement for every sin .... |
| BD
8779 Concept of time and space .... Bliss .... |
| BD
8780 Cosmic changes .... |
| BD
8781 Cosmic changes .... |
| BD
8782 Every person of good will comes to the truth .... |
| BD
8783 A mediator’s introspection .... |
| BD
8784 No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8785 God wants to free people from error .... |
| BD
8786 ‘The measure you use will be the measure you receive ....’ |
| BD
8787 Knowledge is necessary to understand the work of redemption .... |
| BD
8788 God’s adversary in disguise as an angel of light .... |
| BD
8789 The knowledge of Jesus and His "work of redemption" .... |
| BD
8790 Immortality .... |
| BD
8791 Good Friday .... |
| BD
8792 A good farmer scatters good seeds .... |
| BD
8793 a Do ‘non-fallen’ spirits attain childship to God? .... |
| BD
8793 b Do ‘non-fallen’ spirits attain childship to God? .... (Supplement regarding no. 8793a) |
| BD
8794 Resurrection to Life .... |
| BD
8795 God's love will never end! .... |
| BD
8796 Every person has to accept the consequences of his knowledge .... |
| BD
8797 God only created beings of equal perfection .... I. |
| BD
8798 God only created beings of equal perfection .... II. (Continuation of no. 8797) |
| BD
8799 Love .... Light is truth, and truth makes free .... |
| BD
8800 Reply to a question about ‘Yogis’ .... |
| BD
8801 God Himself gives information about His rule and work .... |
| BD
8802 Warning against amendments .... I. |
| BD
8803 The outpouring of the spirit upon the disciples then and now .... |
| BD
8804 God Himself came to earth in Jesus .... |
| BD
8805 Warning against amendments .... II. |
| BD
8806 Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to understand the act of Salvation .... In order to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the ‘Redeemer’ .... |
| BD
8807 Justification of Silence .... |
| BD
8808 Responding to an older announcement .... |
| BD
8809 God needs His servants, who offer to serve Him .... |
| BD
8810 God’s blessing and guidance of the spiritual work .... |
| BD
8811 People's attitude towards the divine word .... |
| BD
8812 Where is God .... (Cologne Misfortune and Question) |
| BD
8813 Observance of the Two Commandments of God .... |
| BD
8814 Exposure of misguided teachings is God’s will .... |
| BD
8815 Forerunner .... |
| BD
8816 Faith comes alive through love .... |
| BD
8817 God's Mercy on the Disinherited World .... |
| BD
8818 Battle against error .... |
| BD
8819 Who believes in the long path before human existence .... |
| BD
8820 Every being must want to be redeemed .... |
| BD
8821 Addressing the vineyard labourers .... Urgency of spreading the Word .... |
| BD
8822 Correction of misguided teachings .... |
| BD
8823 Manifestation of the Eternal Spirit of God .... |
| BD
8824 Other religions’ attitude towards Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8825 Addition to Yogi - message .... |
| BD
8826 Spiritual messages must profess Jesus Christ as redeemer of the world .... |
| BD
8827 God's guidance in every situation .... |
| BD
8828 Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge presupposes bond with God .... |
| BD
8829 Pretended worship .... |
| BD
8830 God wants His Word understood differently .... |
| BD
8831 Love your neighbor as yourself .... |
| BD
8832 The task of fighting misguided teachings .... |
| BD
8833 Precondition for the work of the Spirit .... |
| BD
8834 Question about the Incarnation of God in Jesus .... |
| BD
8835 About speaking in tongues .... |
| BD
8836 Acts 7, 55-56 .... |
| BD
8837 The Father's Assurance of Pure Truth .... |
| BD
8838 Are the creations of a spiritual or material kind .... Diversity of stars .... |
| BD
8839 Right Heralds of the Doctrine of Christ .... |
| BD
8840 Unidentified flying objects .... |
| BD
8841 Evaluation of people according to the degree of love .... |
| BD
8842 Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge .... |
| BD
8843 Giving account .... Urgency of distribution .... |
| BD
8844 Racial questions .... Doctrine of re-incarnation .... |
| BD
8845 Interpretation of the divine Word .... |
| BD
8846 The working of the spirit exceeds a scholar’s knowledge .... |
| BD
8847 Lack of Faith in the End Times .... Confessing .... |
| BD
8848 Strength of faith .... Nourishing the believers .... |
| BD
8849 The latter-day Saints .... |
| BD
8850 Free will must accept the truth .... |
| BD
8851 Rejecting the divine word .... |
| BD
8852 Can man suffer vicariously? .... |
| BD
8853 Right Feeding of the Soul .... |
| BD
8854 Great spiritual need .... Warning of New Banishment .... |
| BD
8855 Importance of the missionary work .... Making use of the knowledge .... |
| BD
8856 Importance and Danger of Free Will .... |
| BD
8857 Israel .... (meaning of the name) |
| BD
8858 Correction of a big error .... (After reading: Lucifer’s Fall) (Lorber - Lutz) |
| BD
8859 Correction of a big error .... (Continuation of no. 8858) |
| BD
8860 Correction of a big error .... (Continuation of nos. 8858 and 8859) |
| BD
8861 Correction of a big error .... (Continuation of nos. 8858, 8859 and 8860) |
| BD
8862 What can be regarded as divine revelation? .... |
| BD
8863 How did evil arise? .... |
| BD
8864 God cannot ‘excuse’ the sins .... |
| BD
8865 Comforting Fatherly Words .... |
| BD
8866 Acknowledgment of Jesus .... Final decision of faith .... |
| BD
8867 God's Great Grace is His Address .... |
| BD
8868 Different status of the created beings .... |
| BD
8869 The path through Satan’s world .... |
| BD
8870 Loving but urgent admonition of God .... |
| BD
8871 Personal words of the Lord .... |
| BD
8872 ‘I will guide you into truth ....’ |
| BD
8873 God follows souls to the depths .... |
| BD
8874 Desire to listen to the Word of God .... |
| BD
8875 Path to Jesus Christ .... What is meant by "judgment" .... |
| BD
8876 Renewed reference to the end .... |
| BD
8877 Spoilt spiritual knowledge has to be corrected .... |
| BD
8878 Declaration of the Act of Creation .... About the will of the beings .... |
| BD
8879 God wants to be recognized as "love" .... |
| BD
8880 Rejecting the strength of love was the ‘sin’ .... |
| BD
8881 The end time disciples’ task .... |
| BD
8882 Regarding the question of the origin of evil .... |
| BD
8883 Regarding the question of the origin of evil .... |
| BD
8884 Regarding the question of the origin of evil .... (Continuation of no 8883) |
| BD
8885 The "hearing" of the divine word is proof of an increased degree of love .... |
| BD
8886 God as "giver" must not be doubted .... |
| BD
8887 When and why did the perfect beings become imperfect? .... |
| BD
8888 Process of the exchange of love power .... |
| BD
8889 The darkness thickens .... |
| BD
8890 How long did Christ’s doctrine remain pure? .... |
| BD
8891 Spiritual Help on the Path of Return .... Free Will .... |
| BD
8892 The day of the end will be adhered to .... |
| BD
8893 Jesus Christ must be recognized by man .... |
| BD
8894 Earth Mission: Inner Enlightenment .... |
| BD
8895 Correction of heresies .... |
| BD
8896 Correction of False Doctrines .... |
| BD
8897 Call from the Earth for a Savior .... |
| BD
8898 God Himself accomplished the work of redemption .... |
| BD
8899 Reply to Habermann (Time of printing) (Print and distribution of the messages) |
| BD
8900 God’s address to souls in the beyond .... |
| BD
8901 Beyond Souls are addressed by God .... |
| BD
8902 Only a few people are left to grasp .... |
| BD
8903 Enlightenment about Light Beings .... |
| BD
8904 (Continuation to No. 8903) Enlightenment about Light Beings .... |
| BD
8905 (continuation of no. 8903 and 8904) Enlightenment of Light Beings .... |
| BD
8906 Losing on trailers .... |
| BD
8907 Wooing for vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8908 Task .... |
| BD
8909 Lorber .... |
| BD
8910 Good and evil .... Eternal law .... |
| BD
8911 Mission of the vineyard workers .... |
| BD
8912 Question: Blood transfusion .... |
| BD
8913 About the origin of evil .... |
| BD
8914 Danger of error .... |
| BD
8915 The vineyard labourers’ duty is to take action against error .... |
| BD
8916 Love is all that God demands of people .... |
| BD
8917 God’s Word intends to attract people’s love .... |
| BD
8918 Walk from the depths to the being of light .... |
| BD
8919 What is the world? .... |
| BD
8920 The spiritual low of men draws the end near .... |
| BD
8921 God is Love .... Big question about "guilt" .... |
| BD
8922 Renewed Announcement of the End - Natural Events .... |
| BD
8923 God corrects a big error .... |
| BD
8924 The Spiritual Knowledge is to ignite Love for God .... |
| BD
8925 God Himself substantiates the revelations with the near end .... |
| BD
8926 The great suffering makes one doubt the love of God .... |
| BD
8927 The Right Lifeorn .... |
| BD
8928 God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers .... |
| BD
8929 Being human is a consequence of the rejection of divine love power .... |
| BD
8930 The Spreading of the Spirit's Goodness .... World People .... |
| BD
8931 God's constant love concern is for His creatures .... |
| BD
8932 God's constant love concern is for His creatures .... |
| BD
8933 What was the being like in its original state? .... What is it like as a human being? .... |
| BD
8934 Unstoppable Word Reception .... |
| BD
8935 No coercion must be done to the will of man .... |
| BD
8936 In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed .... But as human being? .... |
| BD
8937 God alone knows about the coherence of substances .... |
| BD
8938 Subordination of the will leads to right thinking .... |
| BD
8939 Content of the transcripts .... Proof of the Presence of God .... |
| BD
8940 Does the "sounding" word protect against error? .... |
| BD
8941 1 Corinthians 15, 29 .... ‘Act of baptism on a dead person’ .... |
| BD
8942 Souls in the beyond participate in teachings .... |
| BD
8943 The human being is not a product of coincidence by a Creative Power .... |
| BD
8944 After reading a book about Indian religions .... |
| BD
8945 Explanation about the ‘existence as a human being’ .... |
| BD
8946 God does not demand more from man than he can achieve .... |
| BD
8947 Describing the process of the repatriation work .... |
| BD
8948 Doubts about the perfection of God .... |
| BD
8949 Confirmation of the prophesies .... |
| BD
8950 Unusual knowledge transfer .... |
| BD
8951 Test of Decision: Confessing Jesus Christ .... |
| BD
8952 God's support in vineyard work .... |
| BD
8953 God's Perpetual Help to Completion .... |
| BD
8954 Miracles of Creation should inspire reflection .... |
| BD
8955 Only prayer protects from the adversary’s activity .... |
| BD
8956 Free will must be granted to every man .... |
| BD
8957 Full trust in God and His love .... |
| BD
8958 Divine source of grace .... |
| BD
8959 Keen intellect is an obstacle to correct realisation .... |
| BD
8960 Love recognises the error in the beyond .... Intercession .... |
| BD
8961 Matter is condensed spiritual power .... |
| BD
8962 ‘Test the spirits whether they are of God ....’ 1 John 4:1-3 .... |
| BD
8963 Do the Gospels correspond to truth? .... |
| BD
8964 Good Friday .... |
| BD
8965 Easter Sunday .... |
| BD
8966 Resurrection of Jesus .... |
| BD
8967 Knowledge of the process of the working of the spirit .... |
| BD
8968 Explanation why the thinking of people is so different .... |
| BD
8969 Is Will the First or Grace .... |
| BD
8970 Reaching the God-childhood of light beings? .... |
| BD
8971 Messages from above .... I. |
| BD
8972 Messages from on high .... II. |
| BD
8973 Faith and love lead to unification with God .... |
| BD
8974 Faith and Love Leads to Union with God .... (The Knowledge of the Process of the Outpouring of the Spirit ....) |
| BD
8975 The act of creation was an act of happiness for God .... |
| BD
8976 Why does a non fallen spirit have to walk over the earth .... |
| BD
8977 Beatitude .... Kingdom of Light .... |
| BD
8978 Again and again God reveals Himself to His children .... |
| BD
8979 Enlightened thinking is also a sign of the "work of the spirit" .... |
| BD
8980 Severe suffering can result in childship to God .... |
| BD
8981 Questions about the meaning and purpose of life on earth .... |
| BD
8982 The extent of the natural disaster before the end .... |
| BD
8983 The path under the cross must be taken by all people .... |
| BD
8984 Ascension of Jesus .... |
| BD
8985 After reading the book "Karmatha" .... |
| BD
8986 Address of God must be desired .... |
| BD
8987 Diversity of the stars .... |
| BD
8988 Outpouring of the Spirit was not a one-time event .... |
| BD
8989 Natural disaster before the end .... |
| BD
8990 Various schools of thought .... There is only one truth .... |
| BD
8991 The doctrine of the soul’s sleep .... |
| BD
8992 Right Direction of Free Will .... |
| BD
8993 Requesting the divine blessing .... |
| BD
8994 God's Protection for the Bearers of Light .... |
| BD
8995 Life in Divine Order .... |
| BD
8996 The Eternal Word itself speaks to you .... |
| BD
8997 Law of Time and Space State of the Still Imperfect .... |
| BD
8998 God's Protection of His Collaborators .... |
| BD
8999 Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion .... |
| BD
9000 God is aware of the human will .... Natural disaster .... Protection of the servants .... |
| BD
9001 The infinite Love accomplished the act of Salvation .... |
| BD
9002 Why constantly New Revelations? .... |
| BD
9003 Spiritual knowledge must concur with the Word conveyed from above .... I. |
| BD
9004 Spiritual knowledge must concur with the Word conveyed from above .... II. (Continuation of no. 9003) |
| BD
9005 What would have happened if Adam had not failed? .... |
| BD
9006 Why do we have to do penance for Adam’s sin? .... |
| BD
9007 Jesus’ forerunner .... |
| BD
9008 The end will come for certain .... |
| BD
9009 The human being’s true home .... |
| BD
9010 Recognition and admission of guilt .... |
| BD
9011 Resistance diminishes the power of love .... |
| BD
9012 The Miracle of Divine Creation .... |
| BD
9013 Which messages guarantee the truth .... |
| BD
9014 Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased .... |
| BD
9015 Pre-Adamites .... |
| BD
9016 Time estimation not possible for people .... |
| BD
9017 Sincerely pursue the thought of redemption through Jesus .... |
| BD
9018 Sparks of light lure souls out of darkness .... |
| BD
9019 First Corinthians, 2-10 .... |
| BD
9020 What fate is the world heading towards .... |
| BD
9021 Divine Promise to Care for the Earthly Well Being of Man .... |
| BD
9022 Prehistoric people? .... |
| BD
9023 Prehistoric people? .... |
| BD
9024 Promise of Pure Truth .... |
| BD
9025 World conflagration .... Natural disaster .... Decision .... |
| BD
9026 Total dedication and complete submission of will .... |
| BD
9027 Devaluation of the divine word (temporal) .... |
| BD
9028 Recalling the vineyard labourers .... Continuing diligent activity .... |
| BD
9029 Only truth leads to the goal .... |
| BD
9030 A warning not to change the Word of God .... |