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Jakob Böhme lecture .... Answer?’
Jesus’ act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase in the work
of return ....
Jesus’ activity on Earth ....
Jesus as a human being knew of His mission ....
Jesus as leader ....
Jesus’ Ascension ....
Jesus’ battle against temptations ....
Jesus’ battle as a `human being’ ....
Jesus’ birth .... Sacrificial death ....
Jesus’ body was also solidified substance in accordance with God’s
will ....
Jesus came as Saviour ....
Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy ....
Jesus Christ is the gate into the kingdom of light ....
Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion ....
Jesus’ forerunner at the end ....
Jesus’ free will as a human being ....
Jesus had prior knowledge of His act ....
Jesus has satisfied God’s justice ....
Jesus heard the Word of God .... Mediator between God and people ....
Jesus is God ....
`Jesus, my Redeemer lives ....’
Jesus’ last words on the cross ....
Jesus’ life before His teaching ministry ....
Jesus’ name defeats the demon ....
Jesus’ resurrection and spiritualisation ....
Jesus’ resurrection took the sting out of death
Jesus’ soul ....
Jesus’ spiritual mission ....
Jesus suffered immeasurably ....
Jesus taught love on Earth ....
Jesus took all suffering upon Himself .... Why suffering? ....
Jesus’ transfiguration .... `My Father and I are One ....’
Jesus’ Words on the cross: `I Am thirsty ....’
Jesus, the good shepherd ....
Jesus, Acknowledgment of Jesus .... Final decision of faith ....
Jesus, Battle of faith .... The strength of Jesus’ name .... The
coming of the Lord ....
Jesus, Belief in God in Jesus ....
Jesus, Belief in the existence of Jesus ....
Jesus, Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation ....
Transcripts ....
Jesus, Book: Jesus’ childhood .... by J. Lorber
Jesus, Call daily upon the name of Jesus ....
Jesus, Carrying the cross .... Following Jesus ....
Jesus, Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus ....
Jesus, Confessing Jesus and the act of Salvation ....
Jesus, Constantly calling upon Jesus ensures His presence ....
Jesus, Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation ....
Jesus, Embodied beings of light .... Jesus’ disciples during His time
on earth ....
Jesus, Evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth ....
Jesus, Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and Salvation ....
Jesus, Following Jesus .... A life of love and self-denial ....
Jesus, Following Jesus .... Living a life of love ....
Jesus, Following Jesus .... Patiently bearing the cross ....
Jesus, Following Jesus: Bearing the cross ....
Jesus, Forerunner .... Proclaiming Jesus ....
Jesus, God and Jesus are one .... Human manifestation of God ....
Jesus, God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus ....
Jesus, God’s human manifestation in Jesus ....
Jesus, God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about Jesus
Jesus, Healing the sick in the name of Jesus ....
Jesus, Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does not
exist ....
Jesus, How to Follow Jesus ....
Jesus, Human manifestation in Jesus ....
Jesus, Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth
Jesus, Instruction by God Himself .... Audible Word .... Jesus’
disciples ....
Jesus, Miracle-work of the child Jesus ....
Jesus, People’s attitude towards Mary, the mother of Jesus ....
Jesus, Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed ....
Jesus, Professing Jesus before the world .... Voicing the name of
Jesus ....
Jesus, Redeeming strength of Jesus’ name ....
Jesus, Re-incarnation, Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and
Salvation ....
Jesus, Remitting or retaining sins .... Jesus’ disciples ....
Jesus, Resurrection of Jesus .... Easter ....
Jesus, Significance of Jesus’ crucifixion and consequences of
rejection ....
Jesus, Sincerely pursue the thought of redemption through Jesus ....
Jesus, Spiritualisation of Jesus’ body ....
Jesus, Strengthening of will and supply of strength through Jesus ....
Jesus, Strong faith .... Following Jesus ....
Jesus, Surrender to Jesus .... Saviour and Physician .... Redeemer
Jesus, Taking refuge in Jesus .... The adversary’s activity ....
Jesus, Taking refuge in Jesus ....
Jesus, The bridge into the spiritual kingdom .... Jesus ....
Jesus, The disciples’ doubts after Jesus’ arrest ....
Jesus, The disciple’s enlightenment only happened after Jesus’
crucifixion ....
Jesus, The human being’s right attitude concerning Jesus’ act of
Salvation ....
Jesus, The infant Jesus ....
Jesus, The strength of Jesus’ name ....
Jesus, Time of trials .... Jesus, the bearer of the cross ....
Jesus, Touchstone of divine revelations: Jesus’ act of Salvation ....
Jesus, Tribulations and trepidations of Jesus, the man ....
Jesus, True Christianity .... Following Jesus ....
Jesus, Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit .... Jesus
Jesus, Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human
manifestation? ....
Jesus, What did Jesus’ body consist of? ....
Jesus, Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words ....
Jesus Christ means everything ....
Jesus Christ opened the gate into the kingdom of light ....
Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life ....
Jesus Christ was dedicated to God body and soul ....
Jesus Christ, leader on the right path ....
Jesus Christ’s act of Salvation ....
Jesus Christ, Accountability on the Day of Judgment .... Redeemer
Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Acknowledgment or rejection .... Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Announcing the forerunner of Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Atonement of guilt through Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Attaining freedom by the time of the end .... Jesus
Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Belief in Jesus Christ .... Christ’s suffering ....
Jesus Christ, Belief in Jesus Christ’s mission .... Truthful
instruction ....
Jesus Christ, Calling upon Jesus Christ from the darkness ....
Jesus Christ, Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, Change of will .... Jesus Christ .... Mercy - Light -
Strength ....
Jesus Christ, Characteristic of truth: Jesus Christ .... Love ....
Jesus Christ, Conclusion of earthly progress only with Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, Confess Jesus Christ before the world .... Divine
protection ....
Jesus Christ, Contact with Jesus Christ in every adversity ....
Jesus Christ, Did Jesus Christ redeem all people, or are all people
redeemed? ....
Jesus Christ, Directing the souls in the beyond to Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Gift of grace before the end .... Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, God became visible in Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Great work of redemption in the beyond .... Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, Healing the sick .... Proclaiming Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Kingdom of Light .... Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance
Jesus Christ, Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to
understand the act of Salvation .... In order to acknowledge Jesus
Christ as the `Redeemer’ ....
Jesus Christ, Labourers for God’s kingdom .... Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Luminous appearance in the sky .... The cross of Jesus
Christ ....
Jesus Christ, No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, No liberation without Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Other religions’ attitude towards Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Overcoming the gulf in the beyond: Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Primordial-sin .... Love-beam .... Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Redemption only through Jesus Christ ....
Self-Redemption is not possible ....
Jesus Christ, Right prayer is the bridge to God .... Jesus Christ ....
The bridge to Me is the prayer ....
Jesus Christ, Salvation only through Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Salvation through Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Spiritual change .... Professing Jesus Christ...
Jesus Christ, Spiritual Messages Must Profess Jesus Christ as Redeemer
of the World ....
Jesus Christ, Spreading the Gospel .... Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, Strengthening of will through Jesus Christ ....
Assessment of will ....
Jesus Christ, Test the spirits .... Act of Salvation .... Criterion
Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, The Ascension of Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, The congregation of Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, The faith in Jesus Christ is in danger ....
Jesus Christ, The forerunner of Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, The helping hand of Jesus Christ .... Deliverance from
the abyss ....
Jesus Christ, The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation
through Jesus Christ ....
Jesus Christ, The souls’ redemption from the abyss through Jesus
Christ .... Beyond ....
Jesus Christ, Voice of the spirit is truth .... Jesus Christ’s
teaching .... Inner voice ....
John 14, 15-26
John 14, 21 `He that hath My commandments ....’
John 14 .... `I will not leave you comfortless ....’
John, St. John 21, 25 ....
John, `Test the spirits whether they are of God ....’ 1 John 4:1-3
John, The Revelation of John ....
`Judging’ the souls at the end ....
Judgment .... Time of peace .... The opponent’s broken power ....
`Judgment’ .... The Word Itself will pass judgment ....
Just retribution in the beyond ....
Justice towards fellow human beings .... God’s order ....
Justice .... Equal rights .... Mutual love ....
Justice .... Recompense in the beyond ....
Justice, Sense of justice .... Judging one’s fellow human being ....
Justification before a court .... Public testimony ....