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Labourers for God’s kingdom .... Jesus Christ ....
Labourers, Admonition for all vineyard labourers ....
Labourers, Addressing the vineyard labourers .... Urgency of spreading
the Word ....
Labourers, Calling upon the vineyard labourers ....
Labourers, Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption .... `Go ye
therefore, and teach ....’
Labourers, God’s care for the vineyard labourers ....
Labourers, God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers ....
Labourers, God’s special care for His labourers ....
Labourers, God Requires Many Labourers in the Time Before the End ....
Labourers, Pillars of the church .... Vineyard work .... Labourers -
instruments ....
Labourers, Recalling the vineyard labourers .... Continuing diligent
activity ....
Labourers, The vineyard labourers’ duty is to take action against
error ....
Labourers, The vineyard labourers’ service for fellow human beings
Labourers, The vineyard labourers trust in divine guidance ....
Lack of knowledge and disbelief in God’s address ....
Lack of understanding for the prophecies .... Necessity ....
Lack of, Embodied beings of light .... Lack of past memory ....
Forerunner ....
Lack of, The creations’ lack of self-awareness ....
Land of peace .... Gabriel ....
Language of creation .... Essence - Creative power ....
Language of nature - Creation and Creator ....
Language, God’s Language Through Nature’s Elements ....
Large Numbers of Deaths .... Recalling the Weak .... Decision ....
Last days .... Future - Present ....
Last days, Blessings of the last days .... Death before the event ....
The beyond ....
Last days, Call upon God’s help is indispensable in the last days ....
Last days, Coming in the clouds .... Last days ....
Last days, Confusion during the last days .... Truth ....
Last days, God’s love .... Last days ....
Last days, God’s Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days ....
Last days, Incarnation of many light beings in the last days ....
Last days, Incarnation of many light souls during the last days ....
Last days, Light beings embodied as human beings .... Disciples of the
last days ....
Last days, Persecution of the disciples of the last days ....
Last days, Satan rages with increased power .... Last days ....
Last days, Satan’s and the demons’ activity during the last days ....
Last days, Satan’s raging during the last days .... Apostasy from
faith ....
Last days, Signs of the last days ....
Last days, Signs of the last days .... Battle of faith .... Chaos ....
Last days, Strength and grace in the last days ....
Last days, Teaching activity in times of adversity - Last days ....
Last days, Testing the spirits .... The adversary’s activity during
the last days ....
Last days, `That day and hour knoweth no man ....’ False prophets of
the last days ....
Last days, The adversary’s onslaughts in the last days ....
Last days, The Flood .... Last days .... Worldly progress ....
Last days, The work of God’s servants in the last days ....
Last days, Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of
faith .... The coming of the Lord ....
Last days, Wave of awakenings during the last days ....
Last Judgment is an act of divine love ....
Last Judgment ....
Last Judgment .... Act of love and righteousness ....
Last judgment .... Prior wake-up call ....
Last Judgment .... Rapture ....
Last Judgment .... Spiritualisation of earth ....
Last Judgment, Stormy times before the Last Judgment .... Paradise
Last Supper - Communion - Love ....
Last Supper ....
Last Supper .... Spiritual meaning .... Flesh - blood ....
Last Supper, `Do this in remembrance of Me ....’ Last Supper ....
Last Supper, `Instituted words’ for the Last Supper ....
Last Supper, Redemption .... Last Supper ....
Law - Justice - Races .... Nations ....
Leaders’ and teachers’ way of life is decisive for truth ....
Leader, Incarnated beings of light .... Mission of spiritual leaders
Leader, Jesus as leader ....
Leader, Jesus Christ, leader on the right path ....
Leaving the mother church ....
Let there be light ....
Life energy - Spiritual energy ....
Life of love protects from error ....
Life on earth for improvement .... Sorrow of spiritual friends ....
Life on earth is but a passageway back home ....
Life on earth is just a moment in eternity .... Suffering and
pleasures ....
Life .... Awakening the divine spark in the person ....
Life, All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature ....
Life, Arbitrarily taking one’s own life ....
Life, Belief in a continuation of life .... Consequences of earthly
life in the beyond ....
Life, Belief in the soul’s continuation of life ....
Life, Belief in the soul’s life after death .... God’s mercy ....
Life, Beneficial effect of God’s Word .... Awakening - Life ....
Life, Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word of
God ....
Life, Course of life predetermined depending on will ....
Life, Destiny of life is God’s will ....
Life, Do not forfeit your eternal life ....
Life, Earthly life - illusive life ....
Life, Following Jesus .... Living a life of love ....
Life, Harmonious life on the new earth ....
Life, `I Am the way, the truth, and the life ....’
Life, Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life ....
Life, Informing the soul about earthly life ....
Life, Inner life... Withdrawing into seclusion ....
Life, Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life ....
Life, Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end ....
Life, It concerns eternal life ....
Life, Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life ....
Life, Leaders’ and teachers’ way of life is decisive for truth ....
Life, Light is life .... Influence of God’s messengers .... Christmas
Eve ....
Life, Living faith .... Awakening of life ....
Life, Living water .... Source of eternal life ....
Life, Love is life itself ....
Life, Monastic life? .... (Concerning a previous conversation)
Life, Most basic way of life in the coming time .... The individual
person’s fate ....
Life, Most difficult conditions of life after the disaster ....
Life, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and
effect ....
Life, Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ ....
Life, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love
Life, Pre-ordained course of life - Destiny corresponding to will ....
Life, Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character ....
Life, Rebirth .... Futile life on earth ....
Life, Responsibility in earthly life ....
Life, Resurrection into life ....
Life, Resurrection of the dead into life ....
Life, Right assessment of life on earth ....
Life, Selfless service in every walk of life .... Poverty ....
Willingness to give ....
Life, Serious admonition to consider the life after death ....
Life, Short or long lifetime ....
Life, Standstill of earthly life ....
Life, Task in life: Helping with love ....
Life, The commandment of love as life’s guiding principle ....
Life, The correct way of life is not enough to mature fully ....
Life, The Letter Kills .... Lifeless Proclamation of the Word ....
Life, The meaning of earthly life .... Kind-hearted activity ....
Life, The reward of a life of love, blissful fate in the beyond ....
Life, The short phase of earthly life decides the fate in the beyond
Life, The significance of life on earth as a human being ....
Life, The soul consciously starts earthly life .... Past memory ....
Life, The soul’s continuation of life after death ....
Life, Transformation from death into life ....
Life, Utilization of the Short Life Time ....
Life, What is the purpose of life on earth? ....
Life, `Whoever loves his life shall lose it ....’
Light beings embodied as human beings .... Disciples of the last days
Light from above .... The Word of God ....
Light is life .... Influence of God’s messengers .... Christmas Eve
Light of realisation through God’s address ....
Light of truth .... Lamps without oil .... Used garment ....
Light .... Radiance .... Wisdom ....
Light, Activity of love .... Duty .... Disguise of light ....
Light, Answer to questions about Immaculate Conception and advantages
of the souls of light ....
Light, Appeal for inner enlightenment ....
Light, Attribute of truth: Emanation of light ....
Light, Battle of light against darkness at the end ....
Light, Battle of light with darkness ....
Light, Bearers of light .... God’s protection ....
Light, Change of will .... Jesus Christ .... Mercy - Light - Strength
Light, Contact with the world of light or the world of immature
spirits ....
Light, Darkness .... Knowledge .... Truth .... Love .... Light ....
Light, Desire for light in the beyond .... Spiritual conversations
Light, First created being .... Light bearer .... Apostasy from God
Light, Free will must accept the light ....
Light, Let there be light ....
Light, No life without light .... Darkness in the beyond ....
Light, Phase of development unique during a period of salvation ....
Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....
Light, Redeeming the souls .... Bearers of light .... Knowledge -
Light ....
Light, Reunion in the beyond in the kingdom of light ....
Light, Satan’s disguise where light is conveyed to Earth ....
Light, Satan’s disguise .... Figure of light ....
Light, Soft light .... Deceptive light .... (Sensationalism ....)
Light, Stars .... Dwelling place for souls .... Sun-light ....
Light, State of light ....
Light, Straying souls in the expanse of ether .... Light and darkness
.... Beyond .... Light ....
Light, Sun .... Divine radiance .... Light and love ....
Light, The adversary clothed in light .... Paradise on the new earth
Light, The Eternal Light descended to Earth ....
Light, The inner Word .... Light .... Truth ....
Light, The light descended to Earth ....
Light, The soul’s entry into the kingdom of light ....
Light, The Word of God .... Ray of light .... The door of your heart
.... Guest ....
Light, There shall be light among people ....
Light, Transference of light in the beyond ....
Light, Transmission of truth from the realm of light ....
Light, True bearers of light .... Deceptive lights ....
Light, Truth is light .... Darkness the result of heartlessness ....
Light, Wisdom, light and strength are as one ....
Limitation of knowledge ....
Limitation, Earthly limitations can be exceeded by spiritual means
Listening to God’s voice ....
Listening within .... Gifts from above .... Everything that is good is
divine ....
Listening, Consciously listening within .... The voice of the spirit
Living beings .... Activity .... State of compulsion .... Free will
.... Being of service with love ....
Living creations becoming children of God ....
Living creations, God’s Infinite Love for his Living Creations ....
Living conditions, Changed Living Conditions .... Worldly Minded
People ....
Living conditions, Difficult Living Conditions .... God’s Guidance and
Help ....
Living conditions, Most difficult conditions of life after the
disaster ....
Living conditions, The raging of natural forces .... Total changes of
living conditions ....
Living conditions, The cause of hard living conditions ....
Living faith and its strength ....
Living faith .... Awakening of life ....
Living faith, God requires a living faith ....
Living faith, The church of Christ .... Living faith ....
Living faith, `Thou art Peter, the rock ....’ Living faith - the
church of Christ ....
Living in divine order is fundamental law ....
Living water .... Source of eternal life ....
Living, Following Jesus .... Living a life of love ....
Living, `God breathed a living soul into him ....’
Living, Strength of faith of a living but wrong belief ....
Living, Willingness to transcribe .... Receiving the living Word ....
Authenticity ....
Logical reasons for world events ....
Lorber ....
Lorber, Book: Jesus’ childhood .... by J. Lorber
Lorber, Correction of a big error .... (After reading: Lucifer’s Fall)
(Lorber - Lutz)
Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual treasures ....
Loss, Matter .... Loss of earthly possessions .... Free will ....
Love - Wisdom .... Selfish love - Error - Darkness ....
Love `He who remains in love remains in Me ....’
Love and suffering purify the soul ....
Love between one person and another ....
Love for God and one’s neighbour ....
Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly love ....
Love for the world - disease .... No-one can serve two masters ....
Love imparts realisation ....
Love is life itself ....
Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom ....
Love is the key to truth ....
Love is the key to wisdom ....
Love of the world - Satan’s followers .... Love of God - Overcoming
matter ....
Love one another ....
Love recognises the error in the beyond .... Intercession ....
Love .... Hate ....
Love .... Pleasure of giving .... Reciprocated love .... Belief in
Christ’s act of Salvation ....
Love, Activity of love .... Duty .... Disguise of light ....
Love, Admonition to unite .... Peacefulness... Love ....
Love, Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation ....
Transcripts ....
Love, Bond of love .... Unification with God ....
Love, Bringing the Gospel to souls in the beyond .... Love ....
Love, Catastrophe .... Fulfilment of the Scriptures .... God’s love
for humanity ....
Love, Change of character into love .... God’s presence ....
Love, Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ ....
Love, Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace, mercy
Love, Characteristic of truth: Jesus Christ .... Love ....
Love, Controller of fate .... God of love ....
Love, Cup of suffering .... God’s love ....
Love, Danger of selfishness .... Love for God and one’s neighbour ....
Love, Darkness .... Knowledge .... Truth .... Love .... Light ....
Love, Divine revelations can be accepted without scrutiny .... Love
Love, Effect of the strength of love ....
Love, Eternal order is love .... Satan’s activity ....
Love, Extent of divine love ....
Love, Faith and love lead to unification with God ....
Love, Faith comes alive through love ....
Love, Faith without love is dead ....
Love, Fate in eternity corresponds to will .... Love of matter is
wrong ....
Love, Fighting selfish love ....
Love, Following Jesus .... A life of love and self-denial ....
Love, Following Jesus .... Living a life of love ....
Love, Font of love .... Dangers .... Power of love ....
Love, Frequent Question: Why did the God Of Love Let a Human Beeing
Suffer so? ....
Love, Fulfilling the commandments of love ....
Love, Fulfilment of humanly decreed commandments will not replace
actions of love ....
Love, God demands faith in His immense love ....
Love, God is love ....
Love, God wants to be Loved and not Feared ....
Love, God’s bond of love ....
Love, God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state
Love, God’s gift: the spark of love, a part of Himself ....
Love, God’s Infinite Love for his Living Creations ....
Love, God’s infinite love wants to give itself away ....
Love, God’s love and justice ....
Love, God’s love can also be found in suffering ....
Love, God’s love determines people’s destiny ....
Love, God’s love .... Last days ....
Love, God’s love .... Suffering or happiness .... Granting of prayer
Love, God’s will: Fulfilment of the commandments of love ....
Love, God’s Word intends to attract people’s love ....
Love, God’s Word reflects the spirit of love ....
Love, Gulf and Bridge .... Renewed Banishment .... Circuit of Flow of
Love ....
Love, `He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him ....
Love, Help for poor souls .... Love redeems ....
Love, Help in earthly and spiritual adversity .... Reciprocated love
Love, Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... Commandments of love ....
Love, Jesus taught love on Earth ....
Love, Justice .... Equal rights .... Mutual love ....
Love, Last Judgment is an act of divine love ....
Love, Last Judgment .... Act of love and righteousness ....
Love, Last Supper - Communion - Love ....
Love, Life of love protects from error ....
Love, Living beings .... Activity .... State of compulsion .... Free
will .... Being of service with love ....
Love, Merciful Fatherly love for the fallen beings ....
Love, Moods .... Depressions .... Evidence of love ....
Love, Neighbourly love ....
Love, Not inclination but love determines the will ....
Love, Omnipotence of divine love .... World events ....
Love, `Only he who remains in love remains in Me, and I in him ....’
Love, Only love recognises the Deity .... Seekers of God ....
Love, Only love will achieve the return ....
Love, People lack love and faith ....
Love, People without suffering .... Suffering is love ....
Love, Poverty does not prevent activity of love ....
Love, Prayer and deeds of love are weapons against temptations ....
Love, Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on
earth ....
Love, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love
Love, Predetermined fate .... God’s love and help ....
Love, Primordial-sin .... Love-beam .... Jesus Christ ....
Love, Proclaiming Jesus’ teaching of love is urgently needed ....
Love, Rejecting the strength of love was the `sin’ ....
Love, `Remain active in love ....’
Love, Re-transformation into love .... Spiritual spark .... Outpouring
of the spirit ....
Love, Sensual love ....
Love, Serious admonitions about Christian neighbourly love ....
Love, Spiritual low level .... Lovelessness .... Selfish love ....
Love, Strength of love .... Healing the sick .... Performing miracles
Love, Strokes of fate .... The Father’s love ....
Love, Strong faith .... Success .... Love ....
Love, Suffering as means of purifying the soul or love ....
Love, Suffering proves God’s love .... Fire of purification ....
Love, Sun .... Divine radiance .... Light and love ....
Love, Task in life: Helping with love ....
Love, The bond of love shall connect everyone without distinction ....
Love, The Catastrophe and its Consequences .... Love for the Neighbor
Love, The commandment of love as life’s guiding principle ....
Love, The concept of `hell’ .... Renewed banishment .... God’s
infinite love ....
Love, The infinite Love accomplished the act of Salvation ....
Love, The law of order is love ....
Love, The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love ....
Love, The path of love and faith .... Acknowledging God ....
Love, The reward of a life of love, blissful fate in the beyond ....
Love, The right amount of selfish love .... `As yourself ....’
Love, The Saviour’s love .... Spiritual vision ....
Love, The Saviour’s visible presence .... Degree of love ....
Love, The spirit of love protects against temptations and God’s
adversary ....
Love, The state of souls in the beyond .... Misguided belief -
unbelief - love ....
Love, The work of changing into love and faith ....
Love, Thinking and acting righteously .... Love your enemy ....
Love, Togetherness in love .... Easy earthly path ....
Love, Trials in old age .... Love and patience ....
Love, True neighbourly love: Passing on the divine Word ....
Love, Two worlds .... Divine law of love ....
Love, Voluntarily being of service .... Selfish love ....
Love, Voluntarily turning to God .... Bond of love ....
Love, Warning .... The Saviour’s love .... Warning against evil forces
Love, What is love? .... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love
Love, `Whoever is loved by God ....’
Love, `Whoever loves his life shall lose it ....’
Love, `Whoever remains in love ....’ Strange gods ....
Love, Words of love .... Words of wisdom .... Teaching ministry ....
Criticism on publishing ....
Love, Work of love for misguided souls ....
Loving help for fellow human beings in distress ....
Loving, A loving person will never be lost ....
Loving, Caution regarding doubts .... Loving admonition ....
Loving, Loving help for fellow human beings in distress ....
Loving, Needy souls .... Remorse .... Loving help ....
Low spiritual level ....
Low spiritual level .... Test of faith .... Battle .... Rapture ....
Lucifer, Adam .... Original spirit .... Lucifer’s test .... Bursting
the form ....
Lucifer, Cause for the Entire Creation .... Lucifer’s Fall ....
Lucifer, Cause of Lucifer’s apostasy from God ....
Lucifer, Correction of a big error .... (After reading: Lucifer’s
Fall) (Lorber - Lutz)
Lucifer, Descent into hell .... Lucifer’s opposition ....
Lucifer, Fall of the spirits .... Faculty of thought .... Lucifer’s
fall ....
Ludendorff’s death ....
Luminous appearance in the sky .... The cross of Jesus Christ ....
Luminous phenomenon before the catastrophe ....