I |
`I Am the beginning of all things ....’
`I Am the way, the truth, and the life ....’
`I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world ....’
`I bestow My grace upon the humble ....’
`I came into the world ....’
`I came to My Own and they did not accept Me ....’
`I need you ....’
`I Will Come Like a Thief in the Night ....’
`I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’
`I will guide you into truth ....’
`I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh ....’
`I will remain with you ....’ `I will send you the Comforter ....’
`I will send you the Comforter ....’ (Explanation of apparent
`I will shorten your days ....’
I will, Battle of faith .... Publicly professing Christ .... `I will
shorten the days ....’
I will, `He that keepeth My commandments .... to him I will come and
manifest Myself ....’
I will, John 14 .... `I will not leave you comfortless ....’
I will, Teaching ministry .... `I will destroy the wisdom of the wise
I will, `Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My
church ....’
Ignorant and misguided people’s attitude regarding truth ....
Illness and suffering are necessary to purify the soul ....
Illness, Blessing of illness and suffering .... Maturing fully ....
Illness, Words of comfort .... Suffering - Illness .... Connection
with God ....
Immorality .... Unwritten laws ....
Immortality of soul .... Wrong doctrine ....
Immortality of the soul ....
Immortality ....
Immortality .... Eternity .... Suicide ....
Immortality, Belief in the immortality of the soul .... Truth ....
Impending turning point ....
Implementation of the plan of Salvation ....
Importance of the missionary work .... Making use of the knowledge
Importance, Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance ....
Important mission .... Spreading the Gospel ....
Important, The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love
Important, Unchanged Word .... Important missionary work ....
Improvement, Life on earth for improvement .... Sorrow of spiritual
friends ....
`In My Father’s house are many mansions ....’
`In the beginning was the Word ....’
In the Father’s house are many mansions ....
In my Father’s house, Contact with inhabitants of other worlds ....
`In My Father’s house ....’
In my Father’s house, `Did you not know, that I must be in My Father’s
house ....’
In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed .... but as human
being? ....
Incarnated beings of light .... Mission of spiritual leaders ....
Incarnated beings of light .... The working of the spirit - Channeled
communications ....
Incarnation of beings of light .... Forerunner ....
Incarnation of many light beings in the last days ....
Incarnation of many light souls during the last days ....
Incarnation .... Instincts .... Preliminary stages ....
Incarnation, About the incarnation of light beings ....
Incarnation, Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus ....
Incarnation, Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation
Incarnation, Forerunner .... Knowledge about previous incarnation ....
Incarnation, Phase of development unique during a period of salvation
.... Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....
Incarnation, Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human
manifestation? ....
Indicating the end of an era ....
Indication of natural events ....
Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speaking in tongues)
Indication of the many adversities before the end ....
Indications of disasters ....
Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth ....
Indication, Adversary, Indication of the adversary’s activity ....
(Speaking in tongues)
Indication, Further indication of disasters and war ....
Indication, Scholars .... Rich and poor .... Pound .... Indications
Indication, Signs and indications pointing to the end ....
Indication, The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time
indication .... Distribution ....
Indirect and direct Word of God ....
Individuality of each soul ....
Infallibility of the head of church ....
Individuality, The soul’s individuality ....
Infallibility .... Ecclesiastical commandments ....
Infallibility, Forgiveness of sins .... Infallibility .... Routine
actions ....
Infinitely long fall into the abyss .... Path of return ....
Infinitely, Has the infinitely long path of development been in vain?
Influence by the prince of lies on people’s thinking ....
Influence, Reception of one’s own strength .... Without outside
influence ....
Information about God’s plan of Salvation ....
Information about the end ....
Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life ....
Information, Spiritual information without material gain ....
Information, Why is the information about the process of return not
known? ....
Informing the soul about earthly life ....
Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions ....
Inner life... Withdrawing into seclusion ....
Inner prompting is God’s instruction .... Subordination of will ....
Inner reflection .... Hours of rest - Introspection ....
Inner voice difficult to hear .... Turmoil - silence ....
Inner voice .... Thought .... Deed ....
Inner voice, God’s will - voice of the heart .... Inner urging ....
Inner voice, Heartfelt contact with God .... Inner voice ....
Inner voice, The inner voice ....
Inner voice, Voice of the spirit is truth .... Jesus Christ’s teaching
.... Inner voice ....
Inner word, The inner Word during the time of affliction ....
Inner word, The inner Word .... Light .... Truth ....
Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life ....
Inscrutability of the Deity ....
Insight into all beings’ activity ....
Instincts of preliminary stages determine character .... Heredity ....
Disposition .... Parents ....
`Instituted words’ for the Last Supper ....
Instituted Words ....
Instituted words, True servants of God .... Instituted words ....
Working of the spirit ....
Instruction by God Himself .... Audible Word .... Jesus’ disciples
Instruction for teaching ministry by God Himself .... Mission ....
Instruction to work for spiritual possessions .... Realisation ....
Instruction, Belief in Jesus Christ’s mission .... Truthful
instruction ....
Instruction, God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about
Jesus ....
Instruction, Inner prompting is God’s instruction .... Subordination
of will ....
Intellectual knowledge .... Study .... Revelations ....
Intellectual thought .... Truth from God ....
Intellectual, Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts ....
Intellectual, Emotional and intellectual thinking .... Truth ....
Intercession for fellow human beings ....
Intercession for people distanced from God ....
Intercession for souls in the beyond .... I.
Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the doctrine
that only `qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls ....
Intercession, Change of will through intercession ....
Intercession, Clarification about intercession ....
Intercession, Community of `Saints’ .... Intercession pointless ....
Intercession, Fatherly Words .... Faithful prayer and intercession
Intercession, Love recognises the error in the beyond ....
Intercession ....
Intercession, Strength of intercession ....
Intercession, The souls’ hardship in the beyond .... Intercession ....
Change of will ....
Interpretation of the divine Word ....
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words ....
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures ....
Misguided teachings ....
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures .... The
working of the spirit ....
Introduction to spiritual knowledge ....
Introspection ....
Introspection, A mediator’s introspection ....
Introspection, Frequent introspection is necessary ....
Introspection, Inner reflection .... Hours of rest - Introspection
Involuntarily premature deceased people .... Beyond ....
Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of earth
Irrevocable end .... Divine order and infringement ....
Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... Commandments of love ....
Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end ....
Is the Bible completed ....
Israel .... (meaning of the name)
It concerns eternal life ....
`It is finished ....’