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Obligation to pass on spiritual knowledge ....
Obtain all, God’s blessing gained, all is obtained.
Ocean and mainland, Fulfilment of the Scripture .... Eruptions ....
Ocean and mainland ....
Old Testament ....
Omnipotence of divine love .... World events ....
One shall serve the other .... Bargaining products, occupation ....
Only a short time of grace left ....
Only beings of light are permitted to teach ....
Only God can convey the truth to a person ....
Only God is Ruler of the universe ....
Only God is the Lord of Creation .... Star ....
`Only he who remains in love remains in Me, and I in him ....’
Only love recognises the Deity .... Seekers of God ....
Only love will achieve the return ....
Only prayer protects from the adversary’s activity ....
Only truth leads to the goal ....
Only, Attainment of childship to God only on this earth ....
Only, Change of nature only from within ....
Only, Conclusion of earthly progress only with Jesus Christ ....
Only, Descriptions of the beyond only illustrative and comparative
Only, God only created beings of equal perfection ....
Only, Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the
doctrine that only `qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for
souls ....
"Only, Proclamation of the End .... ""You only Have But a Little Time
Left .... "" "
Only, Redemption only through Jesus Christ .... Self-Redemption is not
possible ....
Only, Salvation only through Jesus Christ ....
Only, Spiritual hardship can only remedied by spreading the pure
Gospel ....
Only, Spiritual redemption is the only purpose ....
Only, The disciple’s enlightenment only happened after Jesus’
crucifixion ....
Only, The only beatifying church ....
Only, There is only one truth .... Feeling of heart ....
Only, Various schools of thought .... There is only one truth ....
Only, Was Adam the only human being created by God? ....
Opponent, Judgment .... Time of peace .... The opponent’s broken power
Opportunities for attaining the childship to God ....
Opportunities, All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature
Opportunities, Free Will .... Opportunity for Ascent ....
Opportunities, Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person ....
Exceptional opportunity for God to reveal Himself ....
Origin of the creation work `earth’ ....
Origin of thought ....
Origin, About the origin of evil ....
Origin, Cause and origin of creation ....
Origin, Mental knowledge of worldly origin .... Truth - Error ....
Origin, Regarding the question of the origin of evil ....
Origin, Scrutinising the origin of a revelation ....
Origin, Scrutiny of spiritual values for divine origin ....
Origin, The Cause and Origin of the Creation ....
Original sin and significance of the act of Salvation ....
Original, Adam .... Original spirit .... Lucifer’s test .... Bursting
the form ....
Original, Development of the soul .... Original spirit ....
Original, Every soul is an original spirit ....
Original, Explanation regarding original spirit and apostasy ....
Original, God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original
state ....
Original, Knowledge of the original sin is necessary in order to
understand the act of Salvation .... In order to acknowledge Jesus
Christ as the `Redeemer’ ....
Original, Self-awareness of the original spirit ....
Original, The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation
through Jesus Christ ....
Original, The transformation of the original spirit into creations
Other religions’ attitude towards Jesus Christ ....
Our Father ....
Overcoming matter .... Awakening of the spirit ....
Overcoming matter .... Spiritual kingdom ....
Overcoming the gulf in the beyond: Jesus Christ ....
Overcoming matter, Love of the world - Satan’s followers .... Love of
God - Overcoming matter ....