Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Strong faith and trust in God's help ....

BD 3989 March 2nd 1947

Complete trust in My help is the surest guarantee, and thus it is always up to you yourselves to what extent you experience My help and with what severity earthly adversity oppresses you. For I will remedy it according to your faith, after all, the purpose of adversity is to win you over and to strengthen your faith in My love and omnipotence within you. Spiritual hardship, on the other hand, I will remedy according to your will to love, according to your desire for Me. For you will only feel spiritual hardship as hardship when you believe in Me and consciously strive towards Me, only then will you realize your soul's imperfection, and you will feel this as hardship and then request My support, My help and grace in order to become perfect. Then you will also never make a wrong request, for your will to change is now the guarantee for it, you will succeed with My help. But saving your soul from spiritual adversity is far more important as long as you live on earth, for earthly adversity comes to an end with your earthly demise, but the soul's adversity remains and can only be remedied by your own will, which, however, is extremely weak in the beyond if it has not already striven for a change of soul on earth. First recognize your spiritual adversity and humbly turn to Me for help, then trustingly present your earthly adversity to Me and I will also release you from it .... I will intervene so that you can recognize Me and with certainty where My own dwell, where a strong faith firmly expects My help without doubt and misgivings .... There I am constantly ready to help in order not to cause such faith to waver and to still strengthen a weak faith. And if you are still weak in faith, immerse yourselves in My word and, through the strength of My word, also increase the strength of your faith. For if you let Me speak to you I will be able to remedy your spiritual adversity at the same time and My word will not remain ineffective on you, you will feel, if you are of good will, that I only speak words of truth to you, that My love wants to give you what you lack, that I want to give to you spiritually and earthly in order to win you for Me, in order to bring a profound unshakeable faith to maturity in you. For this makes you free from all weakness of body and soul. A strong faith is your own strength, for then you will also know that you are never without help and that you can overcome everything with My support, with My strength, which you can acquire yourselves through faith. Therefore, again and again I have to impose tests of faith on you, again and again I have to let you experience earthly adversity so that your faith will revive, so that you will present your earthly adversity to Me and then fully trustingly expect My help. And you will receive it because I also want to help you to have strong faith so that you will also face greater adversity without worry and fear, so that you will always oppose it with My certain help and I can now take it away from you. For I will truly never disappoint a believing earthly child which trusts in the father’s help. My love will remove earthly and spiritual adversity from you if you believe in Me and My love ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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