Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Bestowal of the divine word of greatest importance ....

BD 3980 February 19th 1947

That the attention of My word is of greatest importance for you men is only understood by few, while the majority pays no attention to My gift. And the inevitable consequence of this is that men lack all knowledge of the forthcoming end or faith, if the knowledge is imparted to them. My word is the compensation for all heaviness which the people of the end time cannot be spared .... My word is the only means of strength to survive all heaviness, and whoever has My word, whoever is in such a connection with Me that he can hear Me himself through the voice of the spirit, whoever listens to Me when My word is imparted to him through My servants on earth, he has a treasure at his disposal which he only needs to lift .... and he will cover the earthly way unharmed in his soul until the end .... because the end is coming soon .... you men, believe My word! Let yourselves be warned and admonished, turn away from your way of life and seriously strive for a purification of your soul, change yourselves by turning your thoughts away from the world and seriously concern yourselves with your purpose of life on earth .... Let My word give you enlightenment about it, and therefore prepare yourselves for a quick end, which can be given to all of you, who now walk on earth. Because the time is fulfilled and what now comes are the last travails before the end. And all worldly events should make you think, because it comes as it is written .... what has been proclaimed to people again and again by prophets and seers is being fulfilled .... the end is coming .... You men yourselves contribute to the fact that this no longer tolerates a delay because you no longer listen to me, because you are without faith and therefore distance yourselves from Me, because you grant My opponent too much power and right and thus make yourselves his servants and fight against me. But I still try to pull you over into My camp through My word so that you do not belong to the defeated but can come out as victors. But you do not pay attention to My word, you attach no other meaning to it than human words, which you ignore because they do not sound pleasant to you. And yet I speak to you Myself because My love drives Me to save you from the power of My opponent, listen to Me and save yourselves. Bring up the will to let yourselves be taught, and you will realize the urgency of it that I Myself speak to you from above. You will also recognize your lack of strength, which I want to remedy through My word. And so receive the most delicious gift, which I offer you from above, because it alone is the means to create relief for you in every spiritual and earthly trouble. I Myself come to you in the word .... Understand this and respect the gift which a loving father heart wants to give to his children in order to help them. Listen to My word and obey it, and open your hearts to Me when I desire entrance .... And all horrors will only touch you in a shadowy way, the days will be shortened so that they do not weigh on you in all heaviness, you will have strength in you, which you draw from Me by receiving My word and I Myself will be with you and guide you until the end of your life, which will then be a blessed one, if you go towards it strengthened by My word ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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