Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Will for good - power supply through divine redeemer ....

BD 3948 December 31th 1946

The will for good also infallibly results in the supply of strength, and therefore every person will also be able to carry out what he wants, because through his thinking turned towards the good he already enters into contact with the giver of strength from eternity. And he who wants to act well will be able to act well .... For this was achieved by the divine redeemer, Jesus Christ, through His death on the cross .... He acquired increased strength and a stronger will for people, He overcame death, i.e. He set the bound will free, He wrested the power over the human being's will out of God's adversary's hand so that the human being is certainly able to give his will to good and also to let it become action. Christ's act of redemption was of utmost importance insofar as people had previously been under the control of God's adversary and could not free themselves by their own strength because their will was repeatedly weakened by him as long as they did not confront God's adversary with the most effective weapon, with love, which is the conqueror of even the soul's worst enemy. And therefore God showed people the way through Jesus Christ, He proved to them the strength of love and acquired strength supply and strengthened will for humanity through His death on the cross, so that the human being can escape God's adversary at any time who believes in Jesus Christ as redeemer of the world and who, through love, makes himself an aspirant of the blessings acquired through His death .... It will certainly be possible for him to want and act well, he will not be at the mercy of the enemy of souls without resistance, if he only strives towards God he will also always receive the strength to accomplish what is pleasing to God. This is why the eternal deity embodied Himself in a human being in order to give all people the evidence that there is a path they only need to take in order to become free from the dark power. People have a task to fulfil on earth, and this fulfilment will never lie in the realm of the impossible. But before the act of salvation people were in extreme spiritual hardship due to their weakness of will in the face of temptations and challenges which, however, were granted by God to His adversary. Through a strong will to love they could have resisted him. And they lacked this, and therefore they remained in his bonds, the striving for good remained only mental intentions without execution .... And a few felt this weakness, and they suffered from the bound will .... But Jesus Christ redeemed them through His death on the cross. He took the path which all must take .... the path of love which also strengthened the will for good, because through love He gained strength from God and was able to become master of every responsibility .... He broke the power of death, for dead is what lies bound on the ground, what is powerless and therefore remains inactive. And He not only accomplished the act of salvation for the people of His time but for all times He acquired the grace of a strengthened will for people who believed in Him and consciously placed themselves under the cross, i.e. who want to belong to those whom He redeemed from eternal death themselves. They will not lack strength, they will be able to be good if they want to be good, they will live in love, thus they will try to follow the man Jesus because they acknowledge Him as God's Son, as redeemer of the world, in Whom God was in all fullness, because through love He had completely united Himself with God and therefore also possessed power and strength in all fullness to defeat the enemy of souls, to wrest power over people's souls from him. For love alone is the remedy from enemy violence, through love alone the human being becomes strong and powerful and can defeat the enemy of the soul ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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