Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Right relationship with God .... power and grace supply ....

BD 3945 December 27th 1946

The relationship you have with God is the measure of grace and strength you receive. You can be considered without measure if you have only entered into the right relationship with the father from eternity, if you, like children, approach the father and ask Him .... But you can also approach Him as strangers, certainly asking Him as your God, your creator and sustainer, and you will likewise not ask in vain, but the flow of grace will only touch you weakly because you don't open your heart to receive Him in full. A child that asks is always ready to receive, it desires, and its desire is satisfied. And the child will come ever closer to its father, it will love Him ever more, fully trust Him and never want to separate from Him. But as long as this right relationship between the human being and God has not been established he lacks strength, and then he tries to gain strength on his own authority, i.e. he uses his vitality to a greater extent in order to create help for himself where he needs it, although it is nevertheless available to him in an unmeasured amount. He then overprotects earthly things and also falls behind in spiritual development .... Without divine strength of grace spiritual ascent is not possible, whereas earthly ascent, the improvement of earthly circumstances, can certainly be achieved by using the strength of life, but then always at the expense of spiritual development. But the right relationship with God guarantees both, for the heavenly father does not leave His children in adversity of body and soul, He grants them every spiritual and earthly support, and thus a right child need not fear any lack, it need not fear any earthly worries, just as its spiritual ascent is assured. Anyone who still looks for God in the distance, who has not yet recognized Him as an ever-loving father Who provides His children with strength and grace, will also still have to struggle with great earthly temptations, earthly life will still hold him captive with its charms and he will have to face many temptations, from which the right relationship with the father will protect him .... For to the same extent as the human being strives towards God he strives away from His adversary and consequently also from matter, which is part of the one who tries to bring people to ruin. And therefore the right relationship with God is absolutely necessary if the human being wants to overcome the world, matter, which still stands between him and the pure spirit .... And if a child requests the strength of grace from the heavenly father it will also be abundantly provided for and reach its aim on earth far sooner than the human being who has not yet established the right relationship with God; for his supply of strength is small because he does not open himself to undivided reception .... For God distributes His gifts according to desire, He gives to the supplicant without restriction, yet He does not consider it against his will if his prayer does not sincerely request grace and strength, because He wants to be called upon as father by His children so that His children will reach the aim ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

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