Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965 |
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Workers in the vineyard of the lord .... hour of the harvest .... BD 3928 December 4th 1946 You have to work together and thus be active for Me and My kingdom. You have a task to fulfil and can always be certain of My blessing if you make this work your concern. And you will have ample opportunity to work for Me in the last days before the end, you will find people everywhere who need your encouragement, who desire enlightenment and want to be instructed by you if you tell them the source of your knowledge, for the adversity of the time will contribute towards people clutching at every straw and not rejecting the fact that God reveals Himself to them through you. They will be able to believe more easily if you impart the right knowledge to them and in the right way. For people want to be instructed simply and clearly and reject what is offered to them in the old form because it does not seem acceptable to them, thus the teachers lack living conviction. And this shall shine forth from all your words, you shall speak as it urges you and make My working through you possible through your willingness to work. For your work is urgent and many souls shall thereby be offered the opportunity to enter into contact with Me, their thoughts shall be directed into the spiritual kingdom and their nature shall change to love, stimulated by your example, by the proclamation of My word, which encompasses My teaching of love, and by the adversity from which they shall seek and find salvation through prayer to Me. Take care of all erring people who cross your path, know that I will lead them to you so that you can carry out the work on them which shall open up My kingdom to them. Help them spiritually and earthly and only teach them love, inform them of the approaching end and thus work continuously for My kingdom .... And you will constantly be able to be certain of My blessing, My grace and love will flow to you, and with My help you will also master every earthly situation in life, for I will not leave you, who are active for Me and want to fulfil My mission, in adversity. And anyone who participates in this work will obviously feel My blessing, he will mature in realization and receive light and strength, depending on his eagerness to serve Me. For I require many labourers for My vineyard .... The hour of the end is the hour of harvest, in which I want to gather abundant fruit, and that is why I continually hire servants and assign them their work. People's hearts are the fields to be cultivated which are to receive good seed in order to bear abundant fruit one day. Whoever thus serves Me, I will bless and shower him with My grace. Anyone who wins souls for Me and My kingdom creates a great benefit for eternity, for he practices love, he is active in redemption, he awakens to life what walks lifelessly on earth, and his fate in the beyond will be bliss without end .... For he belongs to My own to whom I have prepared all glories, he is a faithful servant of his lord, and he will also receive the reward as I have promised him .... Amen |
The is looking for translators. Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,
for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do. Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English. As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure. If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer |
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