Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965 |
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Putting spiritual work first .... new sphere of activity .... BD 3921 November 2nd 1946 I truly know best what will help you to increase your soul's maturity, and your earthly fate will therefore always correspond to the soul's needs, but it will thank Me at the end of its earthly life that I have taken its neediness into account. Earthly life only lasts a short time and can never offer you a substitute for what the soul loses if the body's desires are given too much consideration. For your soul needs its desires to be set aside, all obstacles to its development have to be removed, and the body will always feel this in a way which is not very pleasing to it. Yet always rely on My love and wisdom, believe that everything concerning you is recognized by My wisdom as beneficial for you and is imposed on you by My love, and therefore always submit to My will so that you will become blissfully happy. But you, My servants on earth, must be especially prepared for your ministry in the last days before the end, you must put the spiritual before the earthly and always bear in mind that you have placed yourselves in My service, that you cannot serve two masters, Me and the world .... Your spiritual work shall be everything to you, I have called you to spiritual work, and your fate on earth will be such that you can accomplish this work unhindered .... that you can be diligently active for Me and My kingdom, which is not of this world. I will lead you to the circle in which you are to work, and depending on your love for Me and your fellow human beings you will also be able to achieve success: Rescue of erring souls from spiritual darkness .... Consider that this is your most important earthly task for which you have freely offered yourselves to Me, consider that it is far more necessary and urgent than the removal of earthly worries .... consider that many people are suitable for the latter but only few are willing to take on the former, for the removal of spiritual hardship, and therefore the need for spiritual workers on earth is great .... But where I find such My blessing will always be recognizable, and I will guide their steps such that they will be able to work beneficially where there is great need. You, My servants on earth, know that the time until the end is only short and that you should make full use of this time for Me, you should spread My gospel throughout the world. And I Myself will instruct you where to carry out your spiritual activity in the coming difficult time which precedes the last end. Where spiritual hardship is great, I need capable labourers to work the fallow field, to plant good seed and to reap good fruit .... And thus, confidently and willingly submit yourselves to My will, surrender yourselves to My guidance, for it is the only right one, both for yourselves as well as for the countless souls to whom you shall bring help in spiritual adversity. Wait in patience until I call you, and only use every day for your own soul's maturity, accept My word with a hungry heart and let its strength flow through you, place all your worries and needs, whether spiritual or earthly, into My hand and let Me Myself take care of you, and your earthly life will truly not be an idle one, for to fulfil a mission such as the one assigned to you requires a will turned towards Me, profound faith and love for Me and for your neighbour .... And the soul of the one who is looked after with this mission must mature on earth, for My grace and My blessing is certain for him. The time until the end is only short, yet difficult for each individual .... But anyone who draws strength and grace from Me will also survive it without harm to his soul, he will be able to make use of it and give up earthly life rich in spiritual treasures in order to exchange a blissful life for it in My kingdom, where he will be compensated a thousand fold for all renunciations and privations which earthly life brought him because he remained faithful to Me until the end .... Amen |
The is looking for translators. Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,
for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do. Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English. As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure. If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer |
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