Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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God's intervention .... Last stage before the end ....

BD 3817 July 5th 1946

The gravity of life approaches you humans far too clearly that you could not recognise the time of the end. Yet it has to come as it is written so that My Word shall be fulfilled. It may be incomprehensible to you that I allow such suffering, that I do not intervene where the unkindness of fellow human beings clearly comes to light, yet the cup has to be drunk to the brim and one day you will realise that only My love was decisive in order to help your souls which do not want to recognise which hour has struck for them. You only have a short time left until the end of your days and if you were spoiled on earth your souls would be lost. But I still want to win them for Myself and therefore shall not intervene until the time is completed according to the plan of eternity. And it is drawing to a close .... And I obviously announce Myself within a very short time, I Myself shall speak with a voice of thunder, once again warning and admonishing people, and giving them proof that human will and human power will break against My will. I appear so suddenly that all worldly plans and measures come to nothing in an instant. And you can rely on this Word of Mine, and if only you take the necessary steps to put your souls into a state that you need not fear the day when I shall manifest Myself through the forces of nature, you can await the day without worry .... it will set you free either way .... it will bring about different earthly circumstances for the survivors or liberate the soul from its physical shell .... And therefore, make sure that your soul will truly become free by first detaching yourselves from everything you hold dear on earth, by only considering your soul and thus preparing yourselves for a speedy physical end. Soon, the cup of unkindness will be full and I will put a stop to it. Soon you will hear that the nations are preparing for a new battle and then you can expect My judgement every day .... For then the time will be fulfilled which I have determined from eternity, then the earth will enter the last stage before the end .... where My own will have to prove themselves, where they will have to confess Me before the world .... where My grace and My strength will obviously appear, where Satan will rage in the worst way and where I Myself will be in the midst of My own in spirit in order to guide them through all hardship and danger .... And then comes the judgement .... the end of this earth in its present form and the end of countless people who are far away from Me and will therefore be banished anew for the purpose of their former redemption .... And everything will come as I have said, for My Word is and remains truth for all eternity ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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