Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Complete devotion to God .... Tool ....

BD 3812 June 26th 1946

In the most complete devotion to Me you will find deepest peace .... For then all forces have lost their power over you, be it men or spiritual beings, which are of a will turned away from Me. And all good spiritual beings turned towards Me will not oppress you but can only make you happy. Complete devotion to Me is the manifestation of complete submission to My will, and then you will only be ruled by one will, and this emanates from Me, and thus you can only live, i.e. think and act, in the right order, which will always bring you the most inner peace. Then the transformation of your will will have taken place on earth, you will no longer be in opposition to Me but united with Me and therefore can no longer fall back into the state of disorder, which is a state of torment for you, a state of inner turmoil, fear and powerlessness. I shall seize that which fully surrenders to Me and carefully guide it further along the path it has taken .... Complete devotion to Me is a sign of profound faith, an acknowledgement of Me as the most loving Power and Might to Whom the human being now trustingly gives himself. And I need such faith in order to approach fellow human beings through this person, otherwise a revelation to them would be impossible as long as they themselves do not have the maturity to accept revelations. I can now use a person who is completely devoted to Me as My instrument, as My organ through which I want to express Myself. For I will no longer find any resistance to My working in him and, because he is now of the same will as Me, he will speak and act according to My will, as a human being he will convey to his fellow human beings what I, as God, want to convey to them but cannot obviously do so in order not to prevent the human being's freedom of faith. Nevertheless, it is My working, even if it appears to fellow human beings as the working of My servant on earth. Through his devotion to Me he has become a suitable instrument for Me and he will now fulfil his task with joy and eagerness, he will be driven by My spirit to speak and work for Me and My kingdom. The human being must have completely given up his own will, he must completely give himself to Me, entrust himself to My guidance and constantly desire My presence, he must remain mentally connected to Me and I will take hold of him, and all his thoughts and actions will now be My will, My strength and the expression of My love for his fellow human beings to whom I want to bring salvation through him in spiritual adversity. He has now become the mediator between Me and them, and his activity will bring him profound peace, for he now carries My will within himself and works and creates with Me through My strength ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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