Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Vigilance against the enemy of souls ....

BD 3804 June 18th 1946

You should be vigilant so that you do not fall prey to the enemy of your souls, for he is constantly intent on leading you astray and pushing you off the right path by all kinds of deceptive means. He also comes in the guise of a guide and thus tries to gain your trust; he promises to lead you safely to your goal, yet his goal is the world .... thus he promises you earthly advantages, help in earthly distress, he tries to pave the way for you, but all under one condition .... to surrender your soul to him, that is, to detach your senses and thoughts from God, from spiritual striving. And all his promises will demand deeds of heartlessness; every person who wants to gain earthly advantages will not be able to do so if he wants to live in love. Thus, he has to give up one or the other, he has to know that he is selling his soul if he wants to shape his earthly life into a life of well-being .... He must know that every attempt to do so is at the instigation of the one who wants to corrupt the soul. And he must be vigilant .... He must take refuge in God that He may protect him from the influence of the enemy, he must ask for strengthening of his will to do good and to renounce earthly goods .... For what do you exchange if you also create an earthly life for yourselves in prosperity and comfort? Only an unbearable fate for the soul in the kingdom beyond. For if the time of adversity comes upon you, it also has its wise meaning and purpose as long as it is permitted by God Himself. But the enemy of your soul pulls the lever precisely in the time of trouble .... He now tries to direct your thoughts and intentions towards what you lack in earthly goods, he tries to increase your greed for it and to capture your thoughts and only the strength of your will protects you from this. For what he promises is just a sham, it only benefits you for the few days of your earthly life only to then sink into nothingness and leave your souls in utmost poverty. Voluntarily renounce that which only makes the body happy but is of no benefit to the soul, live on earth in the poverty of the body and in return provide your souls with spiritual possessions which are everlasting and will follow you into eternity. Be vigilant against all temptations and remain in prayer. Ask for strength and grace and strengthening of your will. And your desire will decrease, earthly possessions will no longer seem so tempting to you, you will be able to resist all the enemy's whisperings and receive spiritual possessions as compensation, which will make your souls a thousand times happier because they will earn you eternal life ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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