Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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God as the Giver of Truth ....

BD 3800 June 14th 1946

To research divine truth means to unconditionally surrender to the Eternal Truth Itself, to make contact with It through deeds of love and then to allow It to flow through you .... .... This is a process which is completely incomprehensible to the earthly-minded person and will therefore only meet with his rejection, with disbelief, but which is something self-evident to everyone who has penetrated spiritual knowledge and thus has already made contact with the Giver of Truth. This is why worldly study, even if it concerns spiritual teachings, can never ever introduce a person to divine truth so that it is fully comprehensible to him, for it remains intellectual knowledge as long as the prerequisites are not in place which guarantee the deepest understanding of it .... unselfish deeds of love, most intimate connection with God and deepest desire for knowledge of pure truth .... Then the knowledge received from the outside will also come alive in the heart, for then the spirit in the human being will explain it to himself, and only then will it be of value to the human being as spiritual property. And therefore, only those people are called to spread the pure truth from God who have acquired the truth in this way by God, for they alone will be able to explain it to their fellow human beings in a true and understandable way, but not people who have not penetrated deeply enough in spiritual knowledge themselves, who have not fulfilled all the conditions which result in high knowledge. They must all be taught by God .... God's spirit must first be able to work in man before the pure truth is accessible to him .... God as the Eternal Truth Himself must be at work, He must enlighten the human being's spirit through His spirit, He must flow through him with His spiritual strength so that the truth from God can now be directly received by the human being and he becomes knowledgeable. As long as this process is incomprehensible to people they are without faith and love, for faith and love already provide them with the power of knowledge, faith and love already awaken the spiritual spark which rests in the human being. But where faith and love are missing, there is no connection with God and therefore also His work is not possible, if man is not to be restricted in his freedom of will. And where faith and love are lacking, spiritual knowledge can never be acquired through intellectual thought, it cannot be transferred from person to person and correspond to the truth, for the latter presupposes God's cooperation, Who is the Eternal Truth Himself .... Amen

"From dust you have been taken, to dust you shall return" .... providing God’s intervention does not determine otherwise by ending a human life in other ways than the human being’s natural physical death. When the soul has freed itself from the body .... i.e. from the spiritual substance which forms the body .... the body’s job to serve the soul is fulfilled. But until it has completely disintegrated it still has other opportunities to be of service, even if the human being finds this difficult to understand, while an accelerated disintegration procedure will not allow the remains to carry out even the slightest act of service. Hence it is completely wrong to assume that the human body will join the soul as a result of this kind of purification process. The external form’s spiritual substance has indeed the same function and eventually unites with countless other substances of soul and likewise walks the path of development on earth as a human soul .... but this cannot happen the way people erroneously believe. All substances are given an appointed time for their development which the human being cannot shorten at his own discretion by means of an external process .... if he does not completely use the only option of spiritual higher development on earth, i.e. that he, by his conduct, his right attitude towards God, his faith and his wholehearted actions of love, acquires a degree of maturity which can also shorten the physical form’s earthly lifespan; however, it must always be left up to God’s will which helpful task He will still assign to it ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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