Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Spiritual vision in a consciously and unconsciously way ....

BD 3789 June 3rd 1946

Allow yourselves to be introduced into the kingdom of the blissful spirits, who dwell in God's neighbourhood surrounded by light and are indescribably happy. In order to be able to visualise this kingdom for you humans on earth, your spiritual vision has to be opened, and this requires a corresponding degree of maturity of soul which, however, you can achieve with good will. Then you will be able to detach yourselves from earth and mentally lift yourselves into those spheres, you will be able to receive profound impressions and carry them back to earth which will be of greatest benefit for your upward development. For the spiritual eye can see things which are invisible to the physical eye, and the state of spiritual vision is already blissful, for it is a state of maturity, those who see are aspirants of the kingdom of light, otherwise the gift of spiritual vision would be withheld from them. These people are able to see incomparably marvellous things and the soul thereby receives immeasurable strength and grace, yet it can only take back to earth a dreamlike experience, it will only be able to faintly and indistinctly reproduce what it was allowed to behold spiritually. Nevertheless, the human being should strive to attain that degree of maturity which enables him to see spiritually, for once he has entered the kingdom of light in spirit, the earthly world with all its dangers is completely suspended and nothing can harm his soul anymore, for the forces of the kingdom of light will hold it and never allow a decline in development. If the human being earnestly wrestles and strives, the beings of light come to meet him and fetch his soul over into the spiritual kingdom, often unconsciously to the human being, until he has reached the degree that he can also detach himself from earth in a conscious state and the soul soars into the spheres of light. Then his bliss knows no bounds, for the glory of God will be revealed to him as far as his soul and body are able to grasp it. But few people reach that degree on earth of being able to see consciously and convey what they see to their fellow human beings. Unconsciously, however, souls often dwell in the spiritual kingdom but in their waking state they are deprived of the memory of it for the sake of their own salvation. For a too weak faith would certainly be strengthened by it, but by a kind of compulsion which is not favourable to the soul. But as soon as faith is strong there is no danger for the soul, and what it has spiritually seen can remain in its memory so that it can bring it to the attention of fellow human beings. Seek to attain this strong faith, for it will give you further knowledge, knowledge of things which words alone are unable to explain, which are too powerful to be accessible to people who are still imperfect and to whom words could therefore certainly be conveyed but who would lack all understanding for them. But you could acquire this knowledge by a strong faith and already be happy on earth, because then there will no longer be any doubt in you, because you will be completely enlightened, because you yourselves will then be permeated by light as soon as you have once entered spheres of light and can now never ever fall back into darkness ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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