Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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The great tribulation gives proof of the truth of the divine word ....

BD 3786 May 31th 1946

The path to the eternal home is thorny and arduous, especially in the last days before the end. But it is all the shorter the more difficult it is to pass. The end is near and all obstacles will pile up in front of you once again, yet after overcoming them you will be able to walk freely and enter the spiritual kingdom where all hardship has come to an end. And if you seriously think about it, your difficult earthly existence must first give you the certainty that the end is near, for I have predicted to you since the beginning of this redemption period the hardship and tribulation you will experience before the end, that you will have to live through a time of adversity on earth as it has never been before, and from this you can already recognise the truth of My Word, for the suffering and hardship around you is immense and will become even greater. But I call out to My own: Be patient and wait for My help .... What is inevitable, what I have proclaimed long before, must fulfil itself for the suffering of countless people and to strengthen the faith of My own. The time of great tribulation has dawned and anyone who remembers My Word knows that the last hour will soon have come. And he will bear witness to Me and My Word, which is truth and will remain so for all eternity. And no matter how great the adversity is, it must be proof for you of the truth of My Word and strengthen your faith, it must be of comfort to you, for with this prediction I also gave you the promise that I would shorten the days for the sake of the chosen ones .... They will pass quickly, but the adversity must first weigh heavily on you so that you realise that the end is near ....You must never hope for improvement, but you must humbly accept the adversity and join Me the more it presses you, then it will be worth more to you than the owning of earthly possessions, which are without meaning and cannot follow you into eternity. ‘Come to Me, you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest ....’ Keep this promise, believe and trust in Me and all adversity will be bearable for you. Trustingly place your fate in My hand and it will guide you until the end of your life .... No matter how stony the path may be, it leads upwards and at its end I wait for you .... In the end the heavenly dwellings in your Father's house await you, where no suffering will oppress you, where there is no hardship, where there is eternal peace and bliss, where your eyes will behold splendours of which no human heart can imagine. Believe in My Word, and even in the great adversity you can always recognise the confirmation of My Word, for I have announced it to you, and it has to be fulfilled as My Word as soon as the end is near. Therefore only prepare yourselves for the end, let go of all earthly worries, no longer create and work for the earth but only for the spiritual kingdom, constantly make use of My strength and grace, remain in constant prayer, that is, in constant contact with Me through thoughts and deeds of love .... and you will not need to take a single step without Me, you will have Me by your side as your constant guide, no matter how thorny the path may be, it will lead you towards the right goal .... it leads to the Father's house, it leads to Me, Who is your most loving Father from eternity ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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