Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Activity of the beings of light on divine instructions ....

BD 3769 May 13th 1946

To stand in the light means to call true knowledge one's own, to possess a wealth of thought which is of divine origin, which has God Himself as its source, Who is the Eternal Light, the Eternal Truth Himself .... Thus, the spiritual being full of light is in intimate contact with God, it constantly receives His emanation and is therefore in a state of brightest realisation. And this is a state of utter blissfulness, for to possess the wisdom from God in order to know His will, His rule and working, His eternal plan, is a state of freedom, a state which stimulates the utmost development of strength and determines every spiritual activity carried out by the beings of light. And activity is life .... Thus, a life of utmost abundance of light is the fate of beings which have intimately united with God through love .... And thus, just as the light, the pure truth from God, is already accessible to people on earth, the human being who acquires this eternal truth through a God-pleasing way of life can already live in bliss on earth, for the dark spiritual state, which is part of the human being who has distanced himself from God, who lives without love and therefore also without connection with God, is also over for him. Man on earth cannot yet fully appreciate the blessing of light, and the more he lives in darkness, the less he respects the light. He feels comfortable in the darkness until a glimmer of light has touched him. And this can only happen through loving activity, otherwise the human being is not receptive to the light radiation from the spiritual kingdom, which emanates indirectly from God but is conveyed by the beings of light on His behalf to people in need of light who do not flee from the light. The truth from God is exceptionally precious, yet it remains veiled until a heart is shaped through loving activity such that it can recognise the truth, only then will the truth be blissful and only then will the rays of light have an effect, that is, they will illuminate people's thinking, they will make the human being free and aware of his task and purpose. The brightness will always be blissful and therefore it is the constant endeavour of the beings of light to spread light, that is, to convey the truth to all those who are still wandering in the darkness of spirit.

Yet the truth cannot be distributed without a corresponding willingness to receive it, and it is up to each person himself as to how he attunes himself to the bearers of truth in the spiritual world. It is up to each person to make himself receptive to light through loving activity, because no human being can be forcibly led to the light, that is, to the truth from God, but he will be given every conceivable help to come into possession of it if only he is of good will ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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