Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Significance of the transmission of the divine word ....

BD 3762 May 6th 1946

Worlds will pass away and innumerable creations will arise anew, spiritual beings will be purified and reach perfection, My will of creation shall be active for aeons of years and bring about aeons of new creations which will pass away again once they have fulfilled their purpose, it will be an eternal change, a coming to be and passing away of material creations, and in an endless long period of time the spiritual will redeem itself from all form in order to then no longer need any creations but to work as free spiritual in the spiritual kingdom as its original purpose was .... Yet one thing remains unchanging, as it was from eternity, so it will continue to exist for all eternity .... My Word .... For I Myself Am the Word and I do not change forever .... My Word is purest truth and therefore must always and forever have the same meaning, My Word is the original law of eternity which remains even if heaven and earth pass away, i.e., the creations which arose through My will for the purpose of the maturing of the spiritual .... My Word is the direct emanation of Myself, it is love expressed for all created beings which are able to hear My Word .... My Word is the perceptible connection from Me to My living creations to whom I gave the ability to receive it with heart and mind. And this Word will never change, it will never cease to exist, it will continue to exist for all eternity. And if I therefore obviously make contact with My living creations through the transmission of My Word then this testifies to My immense love for you, for it is something exceedingly powerful that you humans are honoured to be directly touched by My emanation of love, that you would already feel blissfully happy on earth if you were able to grasp the significance of it in all its depth. And you are weak and of little faith .... You fear and tremble when you could feel full of strength, when you are allowed to receive directly from Me which will continue to exist for all eternity. What kind of strength do you possess, and how fearful you are in comparison because you are still too weak in realisation! "Heaven and earth will pass away but My Word shall remain for all eternity .... " These are My Words and you should seriously consider them in order to realise the great gift of grace you receive from Me every day. I Myself Am with you in the Word and I truly cannot be overridden .... And thus My Word cannot be rendered powerless by human will; thus My Word, once it has found its way to you, will no longer be taken away from you, for I will not leave you if you desire My presence. And I Myself Am present in the Word .... Therefore, do not fear any act of violence against Me Myself as long as you remain in contact with Me .... and fear even less that you will ever break this bond which you once entered into and which I Myself have blessed through the mediation of My Word .... You will remain faithful to Me despite earthly hardship and tribulation, and I will remain just as faithful to you and never leave you again, I will protect you, and time and again I will approach you in the Word so closely that you will finally be so convinced of My presence that nothing can shake you anymore. For once again, I assure you that My Word is and shall remain truth, that everything around you may collapse but that My Word shall never lose its truth and strength and that you can therefore believe Me and attain inner peace as soon as you merely allow Me to speak to you .... I come to you Myself in the Word .... What else do you fear once I Myself Am with you? .... I alone have the power and the strength and also the will to help you in every adversity of body and soul, no power is stronger than Me .... And My Word promises you safe protection, you who are bearers of truth and shall serve Me in the last days before the end. And therefore faithfully entrust yourselves to My guidance and don't be afraid, for My will directs all events as My wisdom has recognised it to be beneficial for your souls and those of your fellow human beings ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

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