Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Transience of the earthly .... Distress before the end .....

BD 3760 May 4th 1946

Everything earthly is transient .... But why do you attach so much value to the transient while you disregard the imperishable, your soul? Although the immortality of the soul cannot be proven to you, you can recognise the transience of all earthly things with every day and hour, and from this realisation adjust your striving to be less earthly. And the less you now desire earthly things, the more insightful you will become with regard to the soul and its goal and purpose. This is why the transience of earthly things will be brought so closely before your eyes in order to free you from the cravings for them, so that the life of the soul will then receive more attention and you will attain realisation. It is true that the body constantly has its needs as long as it lives, and these must be taken into account by the human being fulfilling his earthly task, by fulfilling the duties which earthly life demands of him, by constantly being active. Yet he should come to the realisation that earthly life was given to him in order to achieve a goal on earth and try to fathom this goal .... He should not seek it in earthly wealth, which is why the transience of this is constantly brought to his attention. Anyone who is serious about fathoming his purpose in life will soon come to the right realisation, for God gave him the intellect for this purpose, the ability to think about himself and everything he can see around him. And the serious will to find the right enlightenment about this will also ensure his success, he will think correctly and truly and recognise the life of the soul, which is immortal, as the most important thing and strive for it on earth so that he acquires eternal life for the soul. The realisation of the vanity of earthly possessions must dissuade him from striving too eagerly for them, but faith in the soul's continued life must spur him on to strive most eagerly for spiritual possessions. And that is the purpose of the coming great destruction through God's will, which is still ahead of people, so that they seriously reflect on their soul and are ever more clearly made aware of the futility of striving for earthly possessions. These are still valued far too highly despite the great earthly hardship, and as long as the soul is in danger of being completely secularised God resorts to painful means in order to help them .... He takes everything from people because they are not willing to give it up voluntarily, because they put it before the soul's needs and thus completely disregard the purpose of their earthly life. It is a last admonition and warning, a last means before the end, which is certainly very painful but can be all the more salutary if the human being wants to understand God's language and takes it to heart. The time until the end is only short but can still be very valuable for the soul as soon as the human being puts earthly worries to one side and diligently cares for the soul by now seriously striving for spiritual possessions, for possessions which are everlasting and give life to the soul in the spiritual kingdom once it departs from this earth ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

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