Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Promise of eternal bliss ....

BD 3715 March 16th 1946

Why do you fear for your earthly fate when I promise you a far more beautiful one in eternity? .... If you believe in Me and My Word then you will lose all earthly fear, for if you are inwardly convinced that My Word is truth, if you therefore firmly believe in My love, wisdom and omnipotence, then you will also know that My promises will be fulfilled, and then you can take all suffering and hardship, all privations and tribulations upon yourselves with a joyful heart, for they will only last a short time in order to then give way to eternal life in bliss. You only lack faith, and that is why you are anxious and fear the time to come. But if you believe that I exist, that I Am full of love and work without limitation, you must not doubt the fulfilment of My promises, because My Word is purest truth and has to be fulfilled by everyone who complies with My will, who makes an effort to live accordingly, who thus strives towards Me in thought, word and deed. And he need not fear any earthly adversity, for it only affects the body and will also be bearable for the body, but the soul will remain unaffected and will gain the final victory, it will enter the kingdom of peace towards a life full of bliss. Let the short time on earth which you still have to live through also be rich in earthly hardship and worries .... it will pass quickly, it will pass, just as all suffering and hardship will pass, but My Word will not pass forever .... and My Word promises you eternal bliss .... And even if you cannot grasp it on earth, even if you cannot realise on earth what this bliss consists of, My Word must suffice for you that I want to prepare a blissful fate for you, and therefore believe and do not fear .... Humbly accept everything I send upon you and know that all earthly adversity will come to an end one day. But also know that you yourselves can also reduce it through your own will if you carry everything that weighs you down to Me, if you sincerely ask Me to help you carry your cross, if you help your fellow human beings wherever and however you can and also secure My power of love for your neighbour through unselfish deeds of love, which enables you to overcome and endure everything. For as you hand out love My love flows to you in the form of strength and grace, in the form of My Word which imparts it to you at all times, which you can mentally receive from Me Myself or which you may also receive through My messengers .... My love will always consider you according to your worthiness, but this is dependent on your labour of love. And therefore you need not fear any earthly hardship as long as you are lovingly active yourselves, for I will always stand by you even in earthly adversity. But if you focus your attention on the soul, on your spiritual well-being, you will endure the short span of your earthly life more easily in view of eternal bliss, for you will always abide by My Word which has promised My Own all glories in the Father's house, by the Word which has to fulfil itself because My Word is and will remain truth for all eternity ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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