Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Struggle of light against darkness and victory ....

BD 3711 March 12th 1946

Everything divine will be opposed, i.e. all good, God-aspiring action and thinking .... Wherever only one God of heaven and earth is acknowledged, the adversary will arise in the form of completely unloving people who will harm the believer in every way. And the believers will also be recognizable through their activity in love, and this will attract enemies, for people who are themselves devoid of all love unconsciously sense the superiority of the one who lives in love. And thus they will be driven by God's adversary to works of hatred and unkindness towards those people because he seeks to render them harmless. It is an open battle against God which will take place shortly. People who carry God in their hearts will appear weak and helpless before the world, for they will find no earthly protection and are exposed to measures and persecutions by people who are hostile towards God. Yet they have an invisible helper by their side Who protects their souls and helps them bear the earthly adversity .... And they will be full of strength and not fear the adversary who tries to spiritually rape them in every way. And thus it is up to the human being himself, i.e. his will, which power he wants to be subject to. He need not comply with the desire of God's enemies as long as there is just a spark of faith in him in the eternal deity, Which is loving and omnipotent and therefore leaves none of Its followers to the enemy. The will to believe results in even the weakest faith being strengthened, that the human being inwardly becomes ever more convinced of God's reign and activity and completely abandons himself to His care .... And God's adversary will meet with hard resistance .... the believers will not allow themselves to be disturbed and despite worldly measures, despite threats and harshest decrees against them they will act unhesitatingly as God demands of them, for they only recognize Him as ruler, but they do not observe earthly commandments as soon as they are contrary to divine commandments. And thereby they also openly profess God and His teaching before the world .... And thus they will also mention the name of Jesus without shyness, despite prohibition, despite decrees and threats concerning the confession of His name. For believing people recognize the activity of the antichrist and thus also the truth of what God has proclaimed through His messengers. For He had pointed out this activity a long time before, and if His announcements are now fulfilled this will only increase the strength of faith and people will feel more connected to God than ever. The battle against God, against everything good, against His teaching and His name will flare up most fiercely, yet it will also be waged on the side of the believers with perseverance and tenacity and under the leadership of the supreme commander Himself .... God will fight with His believers and give them superhuman strength. And although the host of His fighters is only small in comparison to the adversary it will nevertheless be insurmountable, and the battle will end in complete defeat, for God will not let the testing of His believers last long, He Himself will shorten the days, He Himself will end the battle as soon as the spirits have completely decided, as soon as people have taken one side or the other of the fighters and thus have passed the final test as to whom they acknowledge as their ruler. And then is the end, then is the day of judgement, the day of the victory of light over darkness ....




   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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