Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965 |
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Listening to God's servants on earth .... BD 3683 February 11th 1946 Let yourselves be taught when My servants come to you in My name to inform you of Me and My will. Do not reject them but listen to what I speak to you through them and heed it, and you will derive immense blessings. For once I have spoken to you and found an echo in your heart, My word will continue to have an effect in you .... You will become receptive for every spiritual gift if it is offered to you in times of need. Just don't close your hearts when I knock, recognize My servants as My emissaries who only carry out My mission and let their words go to your heart. I seek you out Myself, and if you thus listen to My servants, you listen to Me. For it is My spirit which speaks through them, they are merely the form in which I make Myself known, because you would not be able to endure My presence, My word, otherwise as long as you have not yet matured in your soul. And again and again I will confront you in the word in order to direct your thoughts towards Me, in order to spiritually direct your senses and prepare you for the coming time, where you will only be able to survive if I feed and water you .... For there will be a great drought which My love wants to make bearable for those who turn to Me. The souls will have to starve because the bearers of truth will be prevented by worldly power from bringing you nourishment. Yet if you believe Me and trust in My loving help you will be strengthened by Me Myself, I will offer you the nourishment from heaven Myself, and therefore let My servants instruct you in advance on My behalf that it is possible to make contact with Me Myself and receive the nourishment from heaven directly .... Listen to them, for the time of adversity will come and will not leave you untouched either. And depending on your will you will survive it. For if only you want I Myself will give you strength, I will speak to you and you will be able to hear My voice Myself, because I will not leave anyone without encouragement who only seriously desires it and who first shapes himself such that he is able to hear Me. And therefore I send you My messengers to instruct you, to teach you and to proclaim My will to you, which only requires love, love for Me and for the neighbour. For only through loving activity can you put yourselves into a state of contact with Me Myself in order to receive My word .... Only love enables you to hear Me, yet My word will be indispensable to you in the coming time. It will be the right food and the right drink in the time of drought you are approaching, and your soul will hunger and thirst for it and be satisfied according to its desire. Listen to My servants and don't let their speeches fall impassively on your ears, consider everything they tell you and know that they are only active on My behalf, that I Myself send them to you in order to prepare you so that you don't need to live in want when the great adversity strikes. My love does not want you to suffer and again and again shows you the path to Me, from Whom you can receive the word which gives you strength and light so that you can also survive the last battle on this earth which requires great strength. Listen to it and fulfil My will, and you will also emerge from this battle unharmed in your soul, and the end will not need to frighten you .... Amen |
The is looking for translators. Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,
for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do. Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English. As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure. If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer |
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