Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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God instructs His disciples and sends them out into the world ....

BD 3643 December 31th 1945

The spirit of love must rule you if you want to unite with eternal love. This is My commandment which I give to you again and again, it is the epitome of My teaching which I convey to you again and again through My messengers .... it is the content of My word which comes to you from above because I love you and want to draw you to Me forever. And if you practice love you will fulfil My commandment and gain My pleasure, I Myself will draw close to you and you will draw nearer to Me until you unite yourselves with Me through unceasing activity of love .... And therefore I repeatedly send My messengers out into the world, My disciples, who are to instruct people in My name, who are to preach love to them and thus make My will known, because I want to help people to redeem themselves, to shape themselves into love in order to be able to become blissfully happy .... And therefore I instruct these disciples to make them able to teach their fellow human beings .... I impart My word to them and show them the path every person has to take in order to unite with Me for eternity .... I Myself instruct My disciples and send them out into the world with the task to be active on My behalf, because people shall be given the correct knowledge of My will, of My commandments, of their life's task, their aim, of their imperfection and My greater than great love which wants to educate them into perfect beings so that they will become blissfully happy. They can only be informed of everything through My word, and thus they must be informed of My word through servants who have received it from Me Myself, who are able to pass it on in all purity as it originated from Me. And these servants are My disciples whom I send out into the world .... Anyone who listens to them listens to Me, and anyone who takes their words to heart listens to Me, he obeys My commandments, he fulfils My will, he shapes himself into love and seeks and finds unity with Me. My word only teaches love and is therefore always recognizable as My word as soon as it is offered with love and points to Me, the eternal love. My word can also only be received by people who live in love, who are therefore so intimately united with Me that they desire to hear Me and are able to hear that I can come to them in the word, and who are therefore also suitable to work for Me on earth as My servants .... to educate people to love again by bringing them the word which originated from Me Myself. I Myself am the word, and if people want to unite with Me they first have to let Me speak to them, they have to know My will and strive to fulfil it. And since My word only requires loving activity from them, since this alone is My will that they keep My commandments of love, they need only let their own will become active and shape themselves into love in order to unite with Me, Who is eternal love Myself. But then they will also be unspeakably happy, for unification with Me signifies redemption from bondage, from the bondage of the one who is without love and therefore stands far away from Me, who is an enemy of the souls and seeks to corrupt them and whose endeavour is to distance them from Me, thus to seduce them into unkindness and thus to plunge them into ruin. But My word is the path to beatitude, My word is enlightenment and guidance, My word gives strength and grace and safely leads to the aim, for anyone who hears My word and faithfully accepts it in his heart will also constantly be active in love and thus redeem himself, because I draw him to Me and will never again let him fall into the hands of the one who is My adversary ....




   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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