Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965 |
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Preparation time for workers of the lord .... BD 3626 December 14th 1945 Anyone who wants to be active on earth on My behalf, who wants to work for My kingdom in the last days before the end, must also take the path I guide him on, which is not always smooth but requires strength in order to overcome the obstacles. For he shall fight for Me and My kingdom, and therefore he must become strong himself, he must be of strong will and strong faith, he must recognize Me and My might, so that help will be granted to him again and again when his path is arduous and he is in danger of slackening. He must realize that he never walks alone but always by the hand of the one Who can remove every obstacle, Who safely leads him over cliffs and rocks, Who does not let him stumble and safely guides him to the aim. This realization gives him strong faith, and then he will also be able to work for Me and fearlessly and undauntedly stand up for Me and My name .... My fighters will constantly have to pass tests of faith beforehand, again and again earthly adversity will approach them, yet again and again they will be helped because I want to make Myself known to them so that they will believe .... Yet the will to believe must be present, otherwise My often miraculous help would mean a compulsion to believe and this is not My will. My servants shall place themselves in My hand with complete faith, they shall allow themselves to be guided without hesitation and without resistance. They should only believe .... that I am always and constantly with them, that their call always reaches My ear, that My love always takes care of them and that nothing can happen to them but what My will does not allow, but that everything is a blessing for them if they humbly accept it from My hand. For I alone know what will benefit them for the salvation of their souls, for the strengthening of their faith and for the training for the work they are to do in the coming time. And if they know that they are to be My helpers they will also leave the leadership to Me in complete trust and be able to work successfully for My kingdom. And therefore you must endure every situation in life and not forget which task still awaits you, you must always know that it is the time of preparation for your office in the last time before the end, which is only short but requires much strength, and for which I need you and therefore train you. The recognition of your task also guarantees that you will fulfil it, for then you will understand everything that concerns you in terms of suffering and adversity, you will also be able to see the help My love will always bring you and you will thereby attain unshakable faith. And then you will be true labourers for My kingdom, then you will fearlessly stand up for Me before the world, you will find the right words to say to your fellow human beings, you will always feel Me beside you and be filled with strength and, where your words only fall on not too hard ground, you will also be successful .... For many souls are still to be saved, help is still to be brought to many who are still undecided, and therefore I need servants who let Me speak through them, who are active on My behalf, who only carry out what My spirit tells them to do and who therefore must have profound faith in Me, My love, wisdom and omnipotence and who, through this faith, are so strong as to be able to resist the world and its desire. Yet the time is no more long, the end will come sooner than you expect, for the spiritual hardship is overwhelming .... And thus I bless My servants on earth who voluntarily submit themselves to Me, and I promise them My protection, whatever threatens them .... I guide them through all hardships and sufferings of life so that they will fight the final battle on earth under My guidance, from which they will emerge victorious as My fighters, as I have proclaimed in word and scripture .... Amen |
The is looking for translators. Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,
for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do. Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English. As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure. If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer |
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