Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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I am Who I am ....

BD 3537 September 5th 1945

I am, Who I am, from eternity to eternity .... I am without beginning and without end .... For I am a spirit Who is power and love in Himself, from Whom all that is comes forth, Who possesses will and the ability to think and thus works in all wisdom .... I am Who I am .... without Me nothing is, and without Me nothing can exist that is .... I am the strength which flows through the whole universe, the will which governs everything, and the love which sustains everything which has emerged from My power. Everything that fills the universe in visible and invisible creations originated from Me, and everything created by Me remains eternally in connection with Me, for strength cannot be divided, it cannot be separated from the source of strength, it remains what it is .... radiation of Myself. All creations are the will which has become form, which works with strength and lets My thoughts become deeds. Yet I Myself am creation and creator at the same time, for it contains My strength, the fundamental substance of Myself, thus I Myself must also be everywhere where My creations come to light. I am a spirit Who is omnipotent, loving and wise, Who is constantly active and thus works in love and wisdom, for Whom nothing is impossible because the strength of love is unimaginable and knows no limits. I am a spirit and therefore without time and space, I am from eternity and everywhere, nothing remains hidden from Me, nothing is inaccessible to Me, for I am the most perfect being and only perfection emerges from Me. What originated in Me was spiritual substance which was formed in My image in all perfection and was enlivened by My strength of love. It was a part of Me, indissolubly united with Me, it was My emanation to which I gave a form which, as a free, independent being, was now able to create and shape like Me through My strength which continues to flow towards the being. And My spirit flows through all beings which originated from Me. And thus I Myself am in them, and I will never cease to be, just as the beingness which originated from Me can never cease to exist because it is part of Me, of My strength of love. And thus everything I have created bears witness to Me, just as everything contains My strength, for nothing can exist without it. I work visibly and invisibly to the human eye, and My working is always the expression of strength from Me, Who is from eternity to eternity. Anyone who has recognized Me sees Me everywhere, he knows Me to be present everywhere and he feels Me, for with every breath he receives the strength from Me which reveals My nearness to him. And every thinking person should recognize Me, for nothing exists which does not bear witness to Me. The being and becoming of every work of creation is conditioned in Me, and every creature is enlivened with My strength and My spirit, and life alone is proof of My being, it is proof of a creator Who gave life to His work, since no being can give and sustain life itself. And life carries everything in itself which is apparent, for even dead matter lives, nothing remains unchanged in its external form, thus it is active in itself, albeit in the most minimal measure, and activity is life. I was, I am and I will remain for eternity .... the most perfect being, Which is able to do everything by virtue of Its will, Its love and Its wisdom, Which is active in creating and shaping, Which has created countless entities and wants to make them happy for all eternity. No being will ever come close to My perfection and yet I draw everything up to Me into My proximity in order to bestow bliss through My emanation of strength, which flows through everything that longs for its origin .... thus through direct transmission of strength has found union with Me, Who was, Who am and will remain from eternity to eternity ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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