Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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God’s word truth .... God's intervention ....

BD 3475 May 3rd 1945

In no way will you be disappointed, for My word is truth and will remain truth forever. Yet you must be patient, for My patience is also great, and every day is still a gift of grace for you who will lose your life prematurely; every day is an opportunity to strengthen your faith which will let you overcome everything that is coming more easily, who, as survivors after My intervention, still have the task to help the souls of your fellow human beings. But My announcement is fulfilled to the letter .... I would only refrain from doing so if humanity changed, if the time of adversity brought about the change beforehand and people would seek Me .... But they are far from it .... their thoughts are more earthly than ever and they do not recognize Me despite My call, My admonitions and warnings .... And I foresaw this low from eternity, and therefore the coming event is determined from eternity, and everything will come to pass as I have proclaimed to you through the voice of the spirit. In anxious distress you will hover and believe yourselves to be abandoned by Me, yet I am close to you .... I will not leave you forever if only you remember Me .... With every thought of Me you call Me to you, and I hear the slightest call and comply with it, I constantly walk beside you and accompany you on all your paths when your hearts beat towards Me. And therefore do not fear but rejoice that you yourselves determine My nearness or My remoteness, and make use of this .... Call upon Me often and intimately and I will be with you and protectively spread My hands over you. But trust and believe, accept My word into your heart and live accordingly, don't let doubts arise and have patience .... The day will come sooner than you think and it will be terrible .... For I will show Myself in all power and everything will be in turmoil. And then remain strong and trust in Me, for I will not forsake My own and they will feel My nearness. The world may act according to its discretion, people may let their will become active in the wrong direction .... I direct world events after all and overthrow all people's plans .... and they shall recognize it as My work, and if they don't believe in Me they shall nevertheless recognize their own powerlessness in the face of the power they don't want to attribute to Me Myself .... But make use of the time and prepare yourselves, take everything upon yourselves in patience, for you can only mature if you overcome all opposition and recognize it as My will. I only aim at your spiritual maturing, for I want to win you for eternity. And thus strengthen yourselves at all times through My word and wait in patience until I manifestly express Myself .... Your path is marked out and you have to walk it to the end, yet I will never leave you without strength, I will never withdraw My love and grace from you .... And thus you will be able to master everything if only you ask Me for My grace, if you always and constantly call upon Me so that I can guide you through all dangers until the end of your life .... For your life is no longer long ....




   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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