Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Increase of need ....

BD 3468 April 8th 1945

A troubled time has dawned and people will sigh and moan in their distress, yet they do not recognize Me .... they don't understand My voice with which I speak to them, they don't look upwards but keep their gaze turned earthwards, for their souls never sought the path of light but walked in darkness. And no matter how I call and entice them they do not hear Me because earth, earthly matter, keeps them spellbound and they cannot escape it. And now they despair and yet only need to lift their hearts to Me, they only need to enter into intimate contact with Me in order to draw strength for their earthly progress .... The adversity is great, and it will still increase, for it does not change people, and harder trials are necessary for them to lift their eyes to Me. Humanity takes pity on Me and I come to its aid, yet this help will not have an earthly effect but I will remember the souls, and only when they are no longer in need will I bring earthly relief and help. For adversity aims at people's change, and if this remedy does not work I have to resort to harder means. And a day will come when the human being will have to call upon Me because salvation is no longer possible in any other way .... A day will come when I will step in front of humanity with an admonition and warning and direct its gaze upwards, where only He can help, Who is lord over heaven and earth. Yet only those people will be able to call Me who believe in a creator of heaven and earth .... And I turn to their hearts, giving them the last opportunity to recognize Me. For anyone who lacks faith in Me will also pass by this day without success and will be one of those who will be condemned on the day of judgment to a new walk through creation .... I want to save people from this and that is why I come again and again .... I let the adversity approach them in such a way that again and again they have the opportunity to call for Me and thereby acknowledge Me. And yet, I also approach My children in adversity as father, and My fatherly love will be recognized by anyone who is mindful of the paths I lead people. For he will have to acknowledge that I have always created a way out when the labyrinth still seemed so impenetrable. I want to reveal Myself to My children, I want to give comfort and strength to those who want to be My children and strengthen their faith, and I want to win over the weak in spirit so that they will flee to My father's heart like children if they are threatened by physical or spiritual danger. I want to win your love and court it, and even the adversity and the overwhelming suffering shall contribute to you learning to love Me .... And it will become less if your heart fervently calls upon Me to help you .... But woe to those who hear no call from Me, who turn away their ears and will not accept Me .... They will be severely affected when My voice sounds from above, for they are powerless in the face of an event which is inconceivable in its effect and which I alone can and will put a stop to according to My will ....




   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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