Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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"He who believes in Me .... " graces of the work of redemption ....

BD 3445 February 23rd 1945

To request the graces of the work of redemption is the order of the day. For now it will be proven how much stronger the will of the person can be who asks for strength and grace for the sake of Jesus Christ's death. Jesus Christ died the most painful death on the cross in order to spare people suffering. He took people's suffering upon His shoulders, He carried the cross for them, and consequently people can be spared suffering if they faithfully place themselves under Christ's cross, if they call upon Jesus Christ for His assistance that He may take their burden from them and carry it in their place. And the human being will be strengthened after this call, for the divine redeemer Himself imparts the strength to him as grace of His act of salvation. And his will will grow stronger, every anxiety will leave him, he will strive upwards with increased strength and earthly suffering will hardly touch him because Jesus Christ will help him to bear it. Yet how few call upon Him for help .... how few have faith in Him and His act of salvation, and how rarely are the blessings of the act of salvation requested and thus consciously received .... They call upon God but do not acknowledge Him in Jesus Christ, and therefore the suffering on earth has reached a level which seems to be overflowing .... And people have to bear it themselves. They have to take it upon themselves because they don't believe in Him .... And this is why the hardship is so great and humanity is weak-willed because it goes its way without Jesus Christ and therefore, as tremendously burdened, has to go through great purification suffering.

God wants to give people the opportunity to recognize Jesus Christ while they are still on earth by letting them take the path to Golgotha Himself, which is to melt their soul shell, which is to ignite the spark of love in them so that they will now also take the path of following Jesus and get to know Him as the redeemer of the world. And if the suffering only helps them to achieve the aim that they will not reject Jesus Christ at the end of their days, then they will have gained much, and one day they will be grateful and also bless the suffering which has brought them this realization. Yet they can only reduce it on earth if they deeply believe in Him and ask Him to help them carry the cross .... His confessors, however, will lose all weakness of will, they will go through the time of suffering undaunted, for they draw strength from Him, they make use of the blessings of the act of salvation, and thus they will no longer lack the strength by means of which they will master everything the world demands of them and will not be depressed by suffering either. For Jesus Christ bears the suffering for them, He died for the sins of humanity, and thus He also took the punishments of sin upon His shoulders .... And the human being can emerge from his earthly life purified if only he asks for forgiveness of sins in profound faith in Him .... He does not need the means of purification, suffering .... whereas unbelieving people can only be saved through suffering if they are not completely hardened in spirit. The graces of the act of salvation are available to the human being without limit and he can always and constantly request them. Yet they remain ineffective on those who reject Jesus Christ, and their earthly fate is truly not easy, since it is the time of the end which has to be utilized if the souls are still to be saved. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ does not know that he is lost, for he takes refuge on the cross in every adversity .... And he will not ask in vain. His suffering will be bearable, his will will be strengthened and his strength to overcome every spiritual and physical adversity will be increased, and he will pass his battle of life and his earthly path will be successful .... he will mature spiritually and gain eternal life .... For Jesus Christ Himself has given him the promise: "He who believes in Me shall not die but have eternal life .... "




   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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