Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Increased life force supply from the adversary of God ....

BD 3367 December 14th 1944

Distance from God means lack of strength .... Nevertheless, the God-remote human being on earth can have strength at his disposal in order to carry out God-opposing actions, yet he then uses the vitality which flows to every human being during his earthly life. He uses it wrongly, not for loving activity but disregards his actual task, he reigns in unkindness because he seeks to strengthen his power on earth through his actions. Increased vitality flows to him from God's adversary which enables him to carry out everything he tells him to do. But God's adversary will always hold an earthly aim in front of the human being, he thereby lures him into his snares, for he knows that the human being only pursues earthly aims. Thus the human being is far more connected to this adversary and this proves his remoteness from God. The state of remoteness from God is a state of powerlessness which, however, does not become so noticeably apparent in earthly life because the vitality seemingly proves the opposite. But by using the vitality the human being should acquire spiritual strength, the strength from God, he should use the vitality to approach God, this is the only purpose of earthly life. And if this aim is not achieved the human being misuses the grace of his last embodiment on earth, and he will have to pay bitterly in the beyond if he has come to realize what he failed to do on earth. But he never remains without admonition and warning during his earthly life, again and again God approaches him, pointing him to his actual purpose in life. God Himself seeks to reduce the distance and to change his powerless state into the opposite by also temporarily shortening his vitality, by letting him feel his weakness in order to change his mind, to change his thinking and to guide his heart towards Himself. Yet God's adversary also uses his power to comply with the human being's will .... he supports him and again and again turns strength towards him, and indeed, the more unwillingly the human being feels the divine approach the more successful he will be, for already the inner rejection of what God offers him restores his vitality to an increased degree, for this is the power of evil which is due to him, that he can extraordinarily support the people in bondage to him with his strength, because they themselves open themselves to this strength from below through their will, their unkindness and their wrong thinking. God fights with the weapons of love, He certainly also courts every soul but only ever wants this soul to be lovingly active, and thus He also always presents it to the human being that he should be lovingly active and therefore constantly meets with rejection, whereas God's adversary presents him with the advantages which arise for him from loveless activity, and he willingly listens to these ideas. And thus the distance from God is not reduced but constantly increased, and the lack of strength constantly increases, i.e., the human being becomes increasingly more incapable of developing himself upwards, he becomes increasingly more incapable of loving activity and therefore also of receiving strength from God. His state becomes ever more lightless, for he is now completely dominated by the power whose striving is to separate everything from God and to draw it down to himself into deepest darkness ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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