Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965 |
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Thought teachings .... consistency with word of God .... BD 3363 December 11th 1944 The same knowledge can be made accessible to the human being through mental instructions as is imparted by divine revelations, only this knowledge will mostly be addressed as human thought and will not be so easily believed. Yet he draws from the same source as soon as he fulfils the preconditions from which God does not depart .... if he lives in love, desires the truth and consciously listens within from where the pure truth is imparted to him. The same knowledge reveals itself to him, for he can regard it as knowledge insofar as he is convinced that he thinks correctly, that his thinking appears to him as a clear answer to his mental questions and that he therefore does not doubt but believes. Thus he gains a more convinced faith than that which he was only taught by fellow men. And as soon as the human being comes together with equally serious striving people, the exchange of thoughts will result in full agreement, for all God-seeking and striving people will be guided into truth, and this will remain the same forever. Therefore, the thoughts of those who love and strive towards God can also be accepted as truth without hesitation, because they will always be candidates for the pure truth, because God enlightens their thoughts as He has promised to introduce them to the truth through His spirit .... And therefore the word, which is directly conveyed to earth through God's great love, which comes into being as visible work through God's will, will never contradict people's thoughts who strive to live according to God's will. Only this word will deal with the intellectual questions in greater detail, it will surpass it in wisdom so that it will also be obviously recognizable as a divine work and fulfil its purpose on earth .... that people learn to believe in God's omnipotence, love and wisdom .... Furthermore, it shall be irrefutable evidence for the correctness of people's thinking who live a right way of life before God, for in the last days, in the severe tribulations by people who oppose God, it will be difficult for them to maintain their faith. They themselves will become fickle and doubt, and then God will meet them, He will come to their aid by confirming the truth and the justification of their faith. Depending on their spiritual maturity people will grasp the divine wisdoms .... And this is why the degree of knowledge in which individual people stand is also different. Spiritual truths of deepest significance will only be comprehensible to those who detach themselves more and more from earth, from earthly things, and often let their thoughts wander into the spiritual kingdom. They will accept without reluctance, although it is new and unknown to them, their thoughts will not oppose but only complement each other. And by this the true followers of Christ's church will recognize each other, that they all stand up for the same, strive for the same and call the same thought material their own, that they also recognize in it the working of the spirit, which only imparts the same truth to all, which distributes it according to the human being's will. And they will also recognize God's great gift of grace, which is only a confirmation to strengthen their faith and make them resilient in the last days .... For God takes care, He knows about the believers' hardship, about their weakness and the danger of succumbing to it. And He comes to their aid in such a way that He Himself will be recognized by those who strive towards God, who love Him and keep His commandments, who live a way of life according to God's will .... Amen |
The is looking for translators. Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,
for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do. Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English. As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure. If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer |
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