Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Source of life .... source .... living water ....

BD 3294 October 14th 1944

When the fountain of life opens, the source from which divine wisdom flows, when God's grace pours out upon a human being in the form of His word, this is an act of God's greatest love, which cannot be valued highly enough .... God Himself, the most perfect being, descends to earth in His word .... He lets His spiritual emanation emanate upon people, as it were, He gives them a gift which originates directly from Him, which has its origin in perfection itself and is intended for the still imperfect beings. And this gift of grace is founded in His infinite love, which never decreases and therefore also constantly wants to make people happy .... yet how little it is recognized and how few are therefore granted the blessings of His word .... What should make humanity happy as the greatest gift of grace is left unnoticed, and thus a delicious drink of rennet inexorably flows out of the eternal source which remains unused. Humanity is in the greatest earthly misery and does not heed the spiritual consolation. It is in spiritual distress and does not recognize the means that sets it free from its .... It passes by the source of grace from which it could refresh and strengthen itself, and it continues to wander in the arid desert without strength until it sinks down exhausted. It has a mirage before its eyes, it sees the world and expects earthly pleasures there. And people chase after this illusion, and that is why they do not see the born of life along the way, but hurry past it. Yet the divine source of grace will always open up in secret, yet it will present itself to every wanderer who hungers and thirsts to refresh himself, for everyone has access to it who seeks it off the broad path. And even if all the wanderers of the world were to camp at this spring, it will not run dry, for what originates in God never ends .... And what has its origin in God can only be divine and change again into divine beings which refresh themselves at the spring of eternal love. Yet His divine gift meets with little approval, even if it is offered so conspicuously that it can be recognized by all people as a gift from God. People do not desire it because they lack faith in the strength of what is offered to them from the spiritual kingdom. They have not yet tasted the drink of rennet and therefore do not know of its efficacy .... They still deceive themselves in their strength and don't know about their weakness of will, otherwise they would fetch the strength from the source of eternal love .... And so the living water flows out of the spring, and it fails in its purpose .... it dries up in the sand, in the desert, it does not revive .... The word of God is conveyed among men, and only a few accept it. The power of the divine word cannot take effect because no-one wants to accept it, because people don't desire it and don't recognize God's gift of grace as such. And in weakness of will and darkness of spirit they go along without fulfilling their purpose of earthly life, for they lack the strength to do so. They lack faith in God's merciful love for His living creations or they would find in it the explanation for God's extraordinary working which visibly appears through the presentation of His word in its purest form .... However, anyone who does not recognize this working of God can also be offered the word of God elsewhere, he will not accept it, for the word which God has blessed with His strength is truly most easily recognizable and exceedingly comprehensible to every person. Anyone who passes by it will hardly have access to the spiritual kingdom, for the source is hidden from him and he will not feel the strength of the living water because he does not desire it. God's gift of grace is a delicious gift, yet the giver wants to be recognized and asked for His gift of grace, then He will water the thirsty and feed the hungry from the fountain of life, so that strength will flow to them and they will step out of the darkness of night into the light of day, so that they will be strengthened for their earthly way of life and can effortlessly cover the long path which leads upwards towards the eternal home ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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