Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Filial love .... Paternal love ....

BD 3292 October 13th 1944

Become like little children, then you will be able to love Me like a child loves its Father. Don't oppose My will but let Me guide you; take hold of My Fatherly hand and follow Me without resistance and with total confidence that I will guide you correctly. In that case you will be absolved from all responsibility, for the Father will not hold His child to account if it always remains close to Him and, with childlike obedience, accepts the Father's will. Then I will care for My children with greater than great love, I will draw them to My heart and will never let them go from Me again, for then they will be My Own forever. I ask for nothing else but their love, and if you regard Me as your Father, if you feel like My children, love will indeed be kindled in you and you will want to belong to Me and thus also fulfil My will. The child knows that it will find the right protection with its Father, it knows that it will be watched over and provided with everything it needs, for the Father's love will not leave its child in adversity, and because the child knows that it is loved by Him it will love Him in return .... This is why I want you to recognise Me as your Father, because I long for your love and want to win you over for Me. You have belonged to Me since the beginning, yet only when you hand yourselves over to Me will you be My children in truth, otherwise you will merely be My living creations, you certainly came forth from Me but you are not united with Me in love. Only love will turn you into My children to whom I want to be a real Father .... Only love for Me will establish the right relationship and this love is what I seek to attract for an infinitely long time. A child who loves Me with all its heart will find absolute bliss at My Fatherly heart, for this beats in ardent love for this child and anyone who possesses My love is happy beyond measure, even if the body does not feel it as yet while it still lives on earth. Nevertheless, the soul feels the strength of My love and, in constant longing, turns to Me. It strives towards Me and desires My Word .... For love seeks the union, and since the earthly child cannot see Me, it wants to hear Me and therefore attentively listens to My Word sounding in its heart. And I will speak Words of love and of comfort to My child, Words of strength and of grace .... I will give to it what it desires, light and strength .... so that it shall grow strong and its love shall burst into a bright flame. Then I will draw close to it and pull it up to Me .... I will lift it from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of light as soon as it no longer desires anything else on earth other than My love .... then it will be ready for the spiritual kingdom, for if it has love, it will have become like Me and need never separate itself from Me again, because it will be united with Me for all eternity since it will have kindled its love for Me in its heart. And so you shall look up to Me like children, then you will also be able to love Me like children and desire Me with all your heart, and then My Fatherly love will belong to you and you will be blissfully happy ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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