Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Bread of heaven .... strengthening in time of need ....

BD 3273 September 28th 1944

In expectation of what is coming you all need comfort and strength. You will not be able to do without them if you don't want to lose your faith and also fall spiritually victim to earthly events. God knows about this time of tribulation and about the demands placed upon you, He also knows about the weakness of your will when you are in great distress. And He remembers this time by sending you the bread of heaven which alone can give you the strength to endure every tribulation. He prepares food for you which will strengthen you, which brings you comfort and encouragement, physical and spiritual strength and which will always be your salvation if you eat it. And anyone who eats this bread need not fear that he will become weak, for whatever He Himself supplies to you must also fulfil its purpose, it must truly be refreshment and revitalization for you, it must revive your faith and give you such strength that you will be able to endure everything without becoming fickle. And therefore always ask for His gift and gratefully receive it .... His greater than great love offers it to you, it is nothing earthly but comes to you from above, the heavenly father Himself prepares it for you, it is heavenly manna which is indestructible and never loses its strength .... It is His flesh and His blood, for it is His word Himself, and thus it also has to be of utmost effectiveness, it has to surpass everything earthly, no matter how beneficial it is, for what the heavenly father offers His children cannot be surpassed by any other gift. Divine love provides people on earth abundantly with this gift, for it strengthens the soul, and if the soul loses its weakness every earthly influence, every earthly danger is insignificant or invalid. They are no longer to be feared, for the soul overcomes everything because it is supported by the strength from God which comes to it through the divine word. God's fatherly love constantly cares for His children, yet in the coming time especially, because this time requires much assistance and because this assistance can only be granted to the human being in the form of divine supply of strength. But anyone who is fed by Himself will have his anxiety and weakness removed, and he will be up to every task he is now given .... he will remain faithful to God and be able to serve Him, and he will also master the world, he will also only derive benefit for his soul from earthly events. For God does not abandon His own, and let this faith be your support when it seems difficult to you and your soul is anxious .... Then take refuge in Him in adversity and His word will comfort you .... Desire His assurance and listen to His voice; in whatever way His word is offered to you .... it will never fail to have an effect because it comes from God Himself. And be grateful for this grace, for His fatherly love, for His constant care for you. For He has long prepared this time and made Himself known through the transmission of His word, so that people can approach this time fully aware and with strong faith in His help. And anyone who has His word is assured of life, even though he will lose it earthly, for his soul lives and need not fear death eternally. Yet his earthly life is also in God's hands and His will alone determines the end ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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