Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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"And the gates of hell shall not prevail against them .... "

BD 3239 August 31th 1944

"And the gates of hell shall not prevail against them .... " the small flock of My believers, for they will remain faithful to Me even in the greatest earthly tribulation, their faith will be so profound and unshakeable that even the powers of darkness will shake it in vain and they will not succeed in gaining victory over them. For My own will have Me as their commander and even hell, whose power is otherwise not to be underestimated, will be powerless against Me. But strong faith is like a wall which withstands all onslaughts, and all belong to My church who call this strong faith their own .... Anyone who believes in Me with all firmness need no longer fear anything, no matter from which side it may come. Admittedly, there are always bad forces which try to shake this strong faith and it requires the will to resist. But anyone who has faith also knows about My love and My omnipotence, and therefore he does not fear any adversary but confronts him courageously, he defeats him with My strength. But he draws strength from his faith in Me, he knows that I stand by his side, he trusts in My help, and I reward his profound faith .... My help is certain for him. And thus the believer will emerge victorious from the last conflict, he will survive the end while the faithless perish; he will feel the strength of faith and also be able to prove it to his fellow human beings, while the unbelievers will be weak and helpless in the face of the downfall of earth which, however, the believers need not fear, for they will remain unscathed where thousands upon thousands lose their lives. As brutally as the battle will be waged beforehand that one can really speak of hell, the latter will not celebrate any triumphs, for no matter how small the number of believers is, it cannot be defeated because the deep, unshakeable faith prevents this. For the believer fights with Me and I am his surest protection .... "The gates of hell will not prevail against them .... " I have given this promise to My church, and My church consists of profound believers who are in living contact with Me and will also always feel My nearness, who recognize Me in the word and are therefore also fearless because they feel the strength of My word and oppose this word to the enemy of their souls. He will certainly still rage furiously before his dominion is wrested from him and he will use all means, he will open all gates and appoint his accomplices to bring the human being to fall; he will want to take away his secure faith but every effort will be in vain .... Those who believe in Me are My children, and these I do not leave in the distress of the soul .... I give them strength and fortitude to endure, I help them to join Me the more intimately the enemy wants to separate them from Me. And he will struggle in vain against the bulwark which is and will remain strong faith for all forces of the underworld which will never be able to tear down this bulwark because it is built on a firm foundation, on a strong rock .... on convinced faith which can never ever be lost once the human being has gained it. For convinced faith recognizes Me and also hopes and builds on Me. And the person of convinced faith will not let Me fall, he is faithful to Me on earth and will remain faithful to Me until the end, and no power of the underworld will ever have power over him, not even the worst hell, i.e. the prince of the underworld is powerless against the one who asks for My help by believing in Me ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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