Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965 |
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Refutation of the doctrine of reincarnation .... justice .... BD 3220 August 14th 1944 A bright light is given to you if you have the will to let it shine .... A time of confusion also confuses people's thinking, their ability to think becomes weaker and they can no longer recognize spiritual truths as such, which is why a constant supply of them is necessary and this requires people who are willing to receive them, through whom spiritual knowledge can be conveyed to the seekers. Such instruction can take place in various ways, it can supplement knowledge which already exists, it can be offered as completely new knowledge if the human being had previously thought wrongly, but it can also clarify an area as a refutation of wrong teachings about which people are still unclear. But the prerequisite is always that God-oriented forces convey the spiritual thought material to the human being who, as a receptacle of the divine spirit, declares himself willing to serve God by spreading the truth. And this prerequisite is given as soon as heartfelt prayer for the supply of pure truth precedes every spiritual instruction .... All good spiritual forces only have one aim .... to unite the embodied being on earth with God, i.e. to help him to do so. However, spiritual unification only exists in the state of light, i.e. in the state of realization, which is the result of a life of love. In order to reach this state the human being is given earthly life in which he can develop his abilities, which are only weakly developed at the beginning of his embodiment but can experience an ascending or also descending development according to his will. His course of life gives him every opportunity for this development, but it does not depend on more or less developed gifts of intellect but solely on the will for good, on the attitude towards God and thus the activity in love .... the striving for connection with God through good works .... Only through this can the human being reach such a high level of spiritual development that he enters a stage of light already on earth, i.e. that he attains realization .... Then the alignment with God has already taken place, and this state ensures the human being's soul's entrance into the kingdom of light at his death, into spheres where it can participate in Christ's act of salvation, where it is able to help other souls into wisdom, into light again, by teaching love and thus being active in redemption. Thus people can easily reach this degree of perfection if they only have the will to do good and establish contact with God through heartfelt prayer .... The fact that people have different faculties of perception, that they are more or less intelligent, is by no means decisive for this will for good. For the spiritual spark in the human being is awakened through love. But love is born in the heart, and it can be exceedingly active in a person whose intellectual activity is considerably behind that of another person. And even if the light, the realization of truth, does not become extraordinarily apparent during earthly life, the soul can be flooded with light upon entering the kingdom of the beyond, i.e., the realization can come to it in a flash and an abundance of knowledge can enable it to be eagerly active in love in the beyond. And therefore the concerns that a less developed intellectual thinking could impair the soul's maturing are invalid, that therefore every soul once has to be offered the opportunity to make use of advanced physical abilities in order to attain increased maturity on earth. Such souls can indeed work extremely beneficially on earth insofar as they place their extraordinary intellectual abilities at the service of their fellow human being in order to impart spiritual knowledge to him and thereby stimulate him into increased activity of love. But a person can also develop love to the highest degree without any special stimulation, and this person will undoubtedly reach the highest level of maturity. But his thinking can be completely uncomplicated, it need not reveal higher wisdom, and yet his thinking and actions are guided by good spiritual forces which consider him according to his perceptive faculty and constantly impel him to increase his activity of love in order to achieve his union with God. For love is the first thing, wisdom is only born from it, and this wisdom is the soul's share as soon as it enters the spiritual kingdom. But love can fully develop a unique embodiment on earth, because love can be practiced in every situation of life, in every fate of life, in every physical and spiritual condition, because this only requires that the divine spark in the human being is ignited and kindled into the highest flame, and this can be done by the most primitive human being in thought if only he has the will to be good. But the knowledge of good and evil is in him because both forces, good and evil, fight for his soul and thus his thinking is influenced by both spiritual forces and the forces to which his free will turns bear the victory over him. But how his will decides depends to a certain extent on his faith, on his attitude towards God and Christ's act of salvation, as soon as he has knowledge of it. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the weak who were not able of themselves to muster the will for good. But no one thins himself to be strong .... Although he has high spiritual abilities he nevertheless requires the grace of the act of salvation, the strong will purchased by Jesus Christ, in order to be able to mature into a being of light during his earthly life .... And for this reason Jesus Christ created the compensation, so that all who are of good will can become blessed .... (13.8.1944) Humanity is indeed very backward in its spiritual development and pays no attention to any possibilities of progress. This is an unmistakable process of development which, however, has its cause in the human being's free will and for which he also has to answer. Consequently, man cannot expect any benefit for something that has occurred through his own fault. But it would be a benefit if he could make up for the development he missed or neglected through his own fault in a renewed embodiment on earth. For he did not use his free will in the right way, but he was capable of doing so in every situation of life due to Christ's act of salvation, Who broke His adversary's supremacy over people's will through His death on the cross. Therefore, there is no justification for an imperfect soul's repeated life on earth which could be based on divine justice, for as soon as the human being has failed despite the granting of grace he cannot claim any repetition of an embodiment on earth in order to reach the same degree of maturity which a person of good will can achieve during his life on earth, instead, he must then cover the far more difficult ascent in the beyond as just compensation for his wrong will. People certainly have different realizations, different knowledge and different earthly abilities, and this often leads them to the erroneous opinion that the maturing of the soul takes place according to these abilities. But then it is disregarded that only the activity of love is decisive, thus only the activity of love promotes the upward development. But love can be practiced by every human being, because only the human being's will is necessary for this, it is an instinct of the heart, which is in no way connected with (dependent on?) a certain degree of knowledge or a particularly developed intellectual activity. That the cooling of love understandably also results in reduced knowledge is indisputable, and therefore the dark spiritual state also appears particularly, because it is the consequence of unkindness, for which the soul therefore has to answer .... (8/14/1944) Higher development can only be spoken of when the soul has united with the spirit, when it therefore practices love and thereby awakens the spiritual spark in itself to life, which now remains in constant activity, i.e. stimulates the soul to everlasting loving activity. Consequently, without love activity a standstill of development or even a decline in the case of obvious lack of love is to be recorded. However, the same measure of grace is available to every human being and the same opportunities are given to him for the maturing of the soul. If he does not make use of them and does not take advantage of the graces because they cannot take effect in him, he must also accept the consequences according to divine justice, i.e. he must himself deal with the state in the beyond into which he has fallen through his own fault, i.e. deservedly .... It would then be an injustice, so to speak, if he, who has not utilized the great grace of embodiment for the salvation of his soul, were offered the same opportunity again to make up for what he has neglected .... This would be an injustice to those who made full use of their earthly life by disregarding their body, by renouncing and constantly abstaining from the pleasures of the world. Deeper knowledge is not absolutely necessary but loving activity is, and therefore even the most ignorant person can develop upwards if only he is lovingly active, for knowledge will then come to him as soon as he needs it for his fellow human beings or he enters the spiritual kingdom. For then he will be able to delight the souls in the beyond with his knowledge, which will then be imparted to him in a flash, so that he can work in love again as a bearer of light in the spiritual kingdom .... Amen |
The is looking for translators. Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,
for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do. Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English. As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure. If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer |
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