Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Premature destruction of the form ....

BD 3178 July 4th 1944

The passing away of a form does not mean its end but only a change, a change of that which is visible, thus a new cover of that which is invisible and needs a visible outer form. And this change is always a progress, it is the sign of a solved task, of the fulfillment of an activity assigned to the visible, which the spiritual has carried out in it. And therefore the spiritual substance will welcome the passing away of the external form, it will willingly relinquish every old external form, because every new shell is a stage of higher development, a step towards perfection which earns it freedom, the release from matter, which signifies compulsion for the spiritual substance. But the period of a stay in every form is fixed by God, and only the pausing of this period brings the spiritual the maturity it needs to enliven the next outer form. But if this time of development is interrupted, which can only happen through the will of man, then the spiritual is disturbed in its course of development, it is illegally prevented from maturing, and although it willingly flees from every form when it has overcome it, the violent interruption of its development is no redemption, but the spiritual is outraged that it is determined completely against its will by human will to leave its old cover, without having reached the degree of maturity, which is the condition to enliven the next form. It is now to a certain extent in freedom, and it cannot use this freedom because it lacks strength, which the spiritual only receives in the last stage as man and only then can carry out what it wants itself. In the preliminary stages, however, it only has enough strength to carry out the activity assigned to it in the specific shell. But if the cover has been unlawfully destroyed then it can only express itself by joining the spiritual in another form, that it therefore as it were drives the spiritual in it to increased activity, which is also temporarily not denied to it by God, until it is again bound in a new outer form and allowed to new activity. The maturing of the spiritual is favored by the frequent change of its outer form, but never by violent destruction, which rather delays the maturing and thereby prolongs the course of development. The divine order will thereby be overturned, which will never remain without disadvantage, and indeed, people themselves will feel the consequences of this, but they will not account to themselves that they themselves are the originators of every miserable situation in life which is connected with the creation of nature. For the prematurely released spirits oppress such creations of nature, and these in turn become extraordinarily active, which leads to complications within the works of creation which are more or less severe depending on the unlawful destruction of that which God allowed to arise for the purpose of the maturing of the spirits. For even if the passing away of any form corresponds to divine natural law, the duration of that form may not be arbitrarily shortened unless such destruction is carried out with the intention of creating new opportunities for maturation by giving the spiritual substance increased opportunity to be of service, and this destruction and transformation of the old form is an act of unselfish neighbourly love, i.e. it is carried out for the benefit of fellow human beings.

Such a dissolving or destruction of the old form also corresponds to God's will and one can no longer speak of a premature release of the spiritual. For new external forms arise through the will of man, which are not purposeless, and the spiritual in it is confronted with new tasks, through which the development progresses. The spiritual is therefore indestructible, but not visible to man; but the visible can certainly dissolve and the old form disintegrate, but it is also power of God, which does not pass away, but is only withdrawn temporarily, until the will of God has again reshaped it to another form visible to man. Time and again new acts of creation are the reason for God's love in order to help the spiritual substance reach perfection, and a perpetual becoming and passing away is the visible sign of a constant upward development until the spiritual substance is allowed to enliven the last form, the human body, which can earn it its final release if its free will uses it correctly, thus it voluntarily fulfils its serving earthly task, for which it is offered ample opportunity ....




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