Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Teacher responsibility .... truth ....

BD 3175 June 30th 1944

The person who offers to impart spiritual knowledge to his fellow human being takes upon himself an immense responsibility, for he is then not responsible for his fellow human being's earthly life but for that of the soul, which is immortal, which can attain eternal life through its will if the right knowledge is imparted but can also fall prey to spiritual death if error is imparted. And therefore the one who wants to teach must first stand in the truth in order to be able to spread it .... he himself must know about the great danger that spreading false teachings means for the soul. And he must know and also fulfill all preconditions which guarantee him the pure truth. God Himself imparts this knowledge to him if he is of serious will. He instructs him in the most comprehensible way as soon as it is His will to bring the truth to his fellow human beings for the salvation of their souls. But he must also be aware of the responsible task he has taken on so that he constantly strives for the pure truth in order to be able to receive it. Thus the human being must carry out his ministry fully consciously, he must be so moved by the truth himself that he is urged to pass it on to his fellow human beings, he must not become lukewarm and lethargic because this would weaken his desire for truth and thus signify danger. The person who wants to teach has, so to speak, the spiritual fate of those who receive knowledge from him in his hands, and he must remain mindful of this during his teaching activity. That is why the conviction must first take root in his heart, he must himself penetrate so deeply into the truth that he can also represent it fully and completely to his fellow human beings. And only this state enables him to work for God, and it is the result of a will fully turned towards God. Through unconditional devotion to God he will now change himself such that he can become the bearer of light, of pure truth from God. The will must emanate from the human being himself, then he will also receive the strength from God to put the will into action. Thus the human being who has the salvation of his fellow human beings' souls at heart will also be able to help them, he will be able to teach them by imparting the spiritual knowledge to himself which he can then pass on. The teaching activity should not be understood as a profession in the earthly sense, but in complete unselfishness fellow human beings should be offered what God has previously offered to the teacher himself, he should only be driven by love for God and for his neighbor, for the unredeemed human being, and this will only be the case if he himself knows about the human being's task on earth, that is, if he has been qualified to receive the truth from God through his own God-pleasing way of life and a will completely subordinate to God. Then he will take his teaching ministry seriously and only strive to expand his knowledge in order to pass it on to his fellow human beings unchanged. Then he will also be aware of his responsibility and seriously strive for truth of his own accord, and then he can also safely impart the spiritual knowledge he has received to those who desire it, he can teach love to those who are still ignorant and thereby guide them onto the right path which leads to God, to eternal life. And therefore only the human being who knows no other goal than to serve God and who reveals this to Him through his constant will to receive spiritual possessions, who therefore constantly and permanently maintains the connection with God and is now introduced by Him into the right knowledge, into the truth from God ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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