Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Power supply only perceptible for the soul ....

BD 3162 June 19th 1944

The soul perceives every influx of spiritual strength although the body does not feel it. And this is why the human being himself cannot assess his degree of maturity, because only the spiritual matures in him and therefore the body does not undergo any change and thus does not show any spiritual progress at all. And this is why the human being as such still often has to fight against purely physical cravings and weaknesses, whereas the soul has already freed itself from them. But then it is dominated by the body and thus bound to it again, which the soul does not like. Although the soul constantly accepts strength and will also quickly become the conqueror of the body, it will make it aware of the danger of its desire and will usually succeed because the spiritual strength becomes effective as soon as the soul is in need. However, no human being can mature without temptation, for his strength should grow through resistance, and resistance for the soul is every temptation it has to endure .... The body continues to demand for itself what is part of the world until the soul completely masters the body, i.e. makes it inclined to its striving. Then it can finally regard matter as overcome, for the spirit in it is now stronger, and it determines the soul and the body and is willingly listened to. But the influx of strength has to take place in a way that only touches the soul, otherwise the body's will to resist would immediately be broken in a certain coercion, as it would then be an unconscious striving for reward but not a striving out of itself for perfection, which would then move the human being to suppress earthly desires and physical pleasures. This is why the influx of strength only has an effect on the soul, inexorably driving it to activity in love, to renounce earthly pleasures and to constantly work on itself, without the body being affected in its actions and desires. But since the soul needs it to carry out the actions which the spirit in itself instructs it to do, it gradually loses its connection with the world and its pleasures, for it will always carry out what the soul demands of it, even if at first with hesitation and with senses still directed towards the world. But the strength of the spirit is stronger and the resistance of the body is broken as soon as the soul completely surrenders to the spirit within itself, then it also determines the body to join its desire and striving, and all danger of a worldly flattening is over. The fewer battles a person has to wage against the temptations of the world, the higher his state of maturity .... If he succumbs in the battle with the world, this is a standstill in his development until he has pulled himself up again, until, through renunciation, he again enables the soul to be supplied with the strength that excludes failure. Nevertheless, the temptations of the world are necessary and also beneficial, for man should test his strength against them, and every struggle against them, every victory is progress towards the heights. The soul should remain in perpetual struggle for perfection, it should not let up in prayer for support from spiritual friends, it should always remain aware that its thoughts and aspirations also reduce or increase the influx of strength, depending on whether it is turned towards the world or the spiritual kingdom. But the body has been given to it so that it may overcome it, for only through temptation will its strength grow if it is seriously willing to become perfect ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

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