Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Suffering and tribulation God's resources ....

BD 3145 June 2nd 1944

Earthly experience has to help you humans achieve spiritual maturity, then the purpose of earthly life will be fulfilled. And this is why life cannot pass by without disappointments and suffering, for only these contribute towards the human being turning his thoughts away from earthly things, whereas a carefree, happy earthly existence only chains the human being more firmly to the world and occupies his every thought, making it difficult for him to turn to God. No event is therefore in vain, whether it brings joy or suffering for the human being, and as soon as he derives the right benefit from everything, i.e. advancement for his soul, he will one day look back with gratitude at the means God used to help him achieve eternal bliss. The earthly effect of an event is unimportant with regard to the soul's development, for the human being was only given earthly life for the sake of the soul, because the soul is imperishable, whereas earthly life does not last forever and is therefore not important. But if an earthly experience has an influence on the soul and its development then it is always good, even if it brings suffering and tribulation to the human being, for this too will pass, but the soul constantly progresses upwards and one day gratefully acknowledges that it would not have been able to mature without suffering and tribulation. And so earthly life is a chain of such aids, which are all given to the human being by God's wisdom and love and serve his development if he does not rebel against them and unwillingly and grumblingly takes these burdens upon himself. The human being should always be convinced that nothing comes upon him without God's will or His permission and that every event can bring him blessings, then he will also humbly accept the difficulties, he will regard his earthly existence as a means to an end, as a path to perfection which is not only useful but necessary. He will derive an advantage for his soul from every experience, for he will recognize everything that comes upon him as having been sent by God. He will then also live his life consciously and seriously consider how every trial, every earthly event, can benefit his soul, and he will mature in knowledge, he will educate himself to patience and submission to God's will, he will purify himself through suffering and renunciations of all kinds and thus shape himself according to God's will, as soon as he submits uncomplainingly to everything that is granted to him in earthly life. Then not a day on earth will have been lived in vain, he will make use of his last embodiment on earth and his state of soul must mature, spiritual progress must be certain for him, even if he has to struggle hard on earth. For earthly life is a school which is intended to bring maturity of soul to all people .... earth is a place of purification. And the human being will only be successful if he tests his will and strength against all kinds of opposition and thereby becomes stronger to overcome all temptations that come his way during his earthly life ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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