Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Legislator .... divine order ....

BD 3142 June 1st 1944

The law which God's love has given and which is based on divine wisdom must also reveal love and wisdom. The lawgiver must want to achieve something which is a blessing for His works of creation because He loves them; He must have determined the divine order in the wisest realization of the shortcomings of these creations in such a way that these shortcomings are remedied as soon as the creature observes this order. The latter applies to the stage when the being embodies itself as a human being, because in the preliminary stages the being in creation cannot help but uphold this order since it is in a state of compulsion, in a state where its will is bound and the being is guided by God's will, thus it has to comply with divine law. In the last stage, however, the being is able to recognize both the love and the wisdom of God, it is able to live in the divine order as well as to violate it. However, it also possesses the ability to intellectually recognize both the love and the wisdom of God, which is why it can easily remain in the divine order. But if it does not use the gifts of the intellect by ignoring God's reign and activity, then neither divine love nor divine wisdom will become apparent to it, and then it will also not make an effort to fulfill the laws as it is set as its task during its earthly life. Then it violates them and understandably cannot achieve the goal of becoming perfect and being granted eternal bliss by God. For God's love and wisdom truly choose the right means .... and these are the creations on which the divine laws are based. Every adaptation of this divine order on the part of man must perfect him, whereas a violation of it inevitably means a spiritual regression or standstill depending on the manner of this violation. For the human being then transgresses against love and does not respect God's wisdom, and for the being this means a renewed rebellion against God in the stage of free will which was given to him in order to finally join the eternal deity. Every word, every thought and every action must therefore be adapted to the divine order, which means that they likewise have their origin in love and always acknowledge God's wisdom, otherwise they would be contrary to the divine order. The whole of earthly life has to unfold in accordance with divine order, then at the end of earthly life the being will clearly recognize God's immense love as well as His unsurpassable wisdom, which wanted to help him attain unknown glories and therefore gave him an eternal law, the fulfillment of which earns him those glories. This law is easy to fulfill by the beings embodied as man, if he shapes himself to love, then he feels nothing as compulsion, but only as a predetermined path to bliss. In contrast, the unloving human being will perceive every demand of God as oppressive and restricting his freedom and will withdraw from fulfilling those laws, he will feel driven to violate the divine order, he will see neither wisdom nor love in it and constantly rebel against it, which is why he will never be able to reach the final goal, for God will not deviate from His requirements, which admittedly only apply to the final stage of embodiment, whereas in the preliminary stages one cannot speak of requirements but God's will, His legislation, governs all living creations, thus the being cannot help but live in accordance with this divine order and therefore fulfills the divine law in the state of compulsion. And in these preliminary stages nothing created will rebel against the divine order, for it has previously expressed its will before it became the respective embodiment. As a human being, however, his will is once again given freedom and the opposing power of God tries to win him over again. Thus the opposing power of God presents the divine order to man as a compulsion from which he should try to escape. God, however, has given him understanding, through which man can observe the love and wisdom of God and thereby gain faith in God. But faith also gives him the strength to live in the divine order, it gives him the strength to be lovingly active himself and to no longer regard the law as a compulsion but as a means applied in love and wisdom to gain eternal bliss, and it will now be easy for him to fulfill this law. And this is why the human being also has to justify himself if he listens to the adversary's ideas, because he can use his intellect and he would not make use of this gift otherwise he would have to recognize the groundlessness, the falsity of those ideas. Yet a person's will is free and neither love nor God's wisdom forces people to recognize when their will is not inclined towards Him ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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