Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Conveying the truth through an intermediary ....

BD 3136 May 28th 1944

There is great hardship on earth because lies and error prevail, and if people are not to go to ruin they must be guided into the truth, for only the truth can help them to ascend again. Intellectually, however, people can no longer recognize the truth because they lack the ability to do so due to their wrong way of life, they do not know how to distinguish lies and error from the truth. They have no power of judgment and therefore every examination is unsuccessful as long as they only carry it out intellectually. However, the pure truth is absolutely necessary in order to change the current state on earth, to remedy the spiritual as well as the earthly adversity and to bring people closer to God again. And that is why God takes pity on them and His love tries to help them. He looks away from humanity's depravity and conveys the truth to earth even though people have no desire for it and are therefore incapable of receiving it .... He makes use of a mediator, a human being who has approached Him of his own free will and humbly asks Him for enlightenment of spirit .... a person who carries the desire for truth within himself and is therefore suitable as God's instrument to receive it, who, through loving activity, puts his soul into a state that it can hear everything it now receives in terms of truth. God Himself now speaks to humanity through the human mouth .... It is His word which He imparts to people by pouring out His spirit upon a willing earthly child who is willing to serve Him and wants to help his fellow human beings .... Through this He sends pure truth down to earth in order to displace lies and error and thereby remedy the spiritual depression which brings earthly and spiritual hardship and misery to people. But whether people accept this truth offered to them in love, whether they give up the lie and the error for it and walk along in the brightness of the spirit, depends entirely on their will. They are not forced but can decide for themselves, however, God's love makes the pure truth accessible to them so that the decision should then be easy for them if they seriously weigh up the former against lies and error. Only the will for truth is necessary for it to be conveyed to the human being, for then he will also recognize it as truth. But if this will is lacking then the truth will fade away completely unimpressively in people's ears, and then the last possibility of salvation will have remained unused. Mankind will continue to persist in untruth and will never again be able to enter the path of ascent, for error and lies obstruct this path; error and lies do not lead to God but to His adversary; error and lies signify spiritual darkness, a complete spiritual disintegration and downfall of souls. The spirit from God can no longer be active in the souls which have fallen prey to error and lies, which is why they are in profound ignorance and move further and further away from God. The truth from God, which is offered to them through a mediator, is the last possibility of salvation for the souls; however, if this remains unheeded, God completely withdraws His love from people and leaves them to their self-chosen fate. He gives everyone what is his, i.e. what the soul desires. And thus error and lies, profound ignorance and therefore a lightless state is the soul's fate from which it can hardly free itself again, and this state is truly unenviable if the soul passes into the beyond .... The souls are in a dreadful situation which can only be remedied by the truth again but which is no longer offered to them as easily as on earth, where it is always and forever conveyed to people who only have the slightest desire for it. Without truth there is no ascent, no light and no bliss; for truth is God, truth emanates from God and leads people back to God; and anyone who flees the truth will never come close to God and the light of eternal life will not be granted to him .... Spiritual distress will not depart from those who flee from the truth, for without the truth no one can be saved ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

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