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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Coming in the clouds.... Last days....
My coming in the clouds will be preceded by a time of the most awful suffering ever seen on earth, as proclaimed in Word and Scripture. I will constantly draw people's attention to this and have done so ever since the start of this era in order to strongly advise those who are not walking the right path to change their mind. For the sake of these humans I used to occasionally let plagues come upon earth to remind them of the approaching end so that they seriously consider their souls and change themselves. But the last days had not yet arrived, the period of redemption had not yet reached the time chosen by Me in accordance with My plan of eternity. The earth was not yet ready for the last work of destruction, neither were people's souls ready for their total downfall, i.e. for their banishment into the creations of a new earth.... But My prophecies would always fulfil themselves in times of greatest spiritual hardship.... when increased affliction and misery came upon earth, so that during each time of such hardship the approaching end had to be dreaded. And it was My intention that the precise time of the last days should always remain hidden from people.... Such times of need were also more or less successful for the people involved as they found their way back to Me and entered into a different relationship with Me than before. But they became ever more persistent, and their distance, their opposition, from Me grew ever larger.... __And thus the time has arrived when no description, no admonition and warning will have an effect, when humanity remains unimpressed even in the light of utmost worldly suffering, i.e. when the latter does not lead to people recognising Me and entering into the right relationship with Me.... Their will remains opposed to Me, they are purely earthly minded and do not strive for any kind of spiritual progress. No adversity, irrespective of how harsh it is, will be able to change people's thoughts, and thus the time of the end has irrevocably come, as I have known since eternity.... The earth has ceased to be a place of spiritual education for its inhabiting humanity, and as a result it will be dissolved and its creations totally reshaped, so that a new period of redemption can begin.... And thus enormous suffering will come upon earth, so that the last people can still gather who recognise My voice therein. And even My Own will have to experience this suffering, although extraordinarily strengthened by Me but also affected by it so that they longingly anticipate My coming, which I always and forever proclaimed for the end of this earth. And when the hardship gets unbearable, when the believers find themselves in greatest distress and see no earthly way of rescue, I will come Myself.... __And there will be rejoicing amongst My Own when they see Me in all glory, but for their physical eyes still veiled by clouds which soften the intensity of My light, so that My Own, who still belong to the earth, will be able to endure Me. They will be triumphant and shout for joy because My Word has come true.... But the immense hardship, which I have announced time and again through My seers and prophets, through My servants on earth, will have strengthened their faith. Because everything will come to pass as I have foretold, and thus they will wait for My coming in the clouds with complete confidence.... And yet I will arrive suddenly and unexpected even for My Own.... For I will shorten the days of suffering because they will become intolerable and I do not want My Own to grow faint-hearted in view of the immense difficulties. And thus I will take them into My realm at the right time, and then the end will come.... Because My Word is truth and will come to pass, and the time of the last days has arrived.... __Amen
Admonition to work for God.... Catastrophe....
You will clearly and perceptively hear the inner voice which will call you to work for My kingdom when the hour of your action for Me has come. Then you should not hesitate but follow the voice and let Me take you to those whom you are to teach in My name. The immense adversity will be the best spokesman on My behalf, for it will, if only temporarily, open hearts for Me and you will be listened to more readily than ever before. People were left without inner resistance by the previous huge natural event which had deprived them of everything that was dear to them. The task you must diligently comply with in order to first provide spiritual help for your fellow human beings is to explain to them the immense adversity by portraying it as My final means of help in order to prevent their souls' total descent. In an earthly way I will guide your thoughts such that you will be able to ease the physical hardship as well and will give to everyone according to his faith. Therefore, you should try to awaken or strengthen your fellow human beings' faith in Me, in My love and omnipotence, so that they can partake in the blessings of a strong faith and be helped with their earthly hardship. For One can and always will help.... you must just believe in Him.... And where earthly strength fails My strength will set in if this is My will, and with My strength you can cope with all situations in life and with My help will also be led through the forthcoming harsh conditions. And thus you, My servants on earth, must purely concentrate on your teaching ministry, on your spiritual activity, on your fellow human beings' souls which are in urgent need of help. You must try to direct their will towards Me by proclaiming Me as a God of love to Whom they must turn in order to receive the strength of love from Him as well. People will suffer so much adversity that they will take hold of any life line, that they will therefore listen more willingly than ever and be grateful to find an explanation for the work of destruction which is facing the survivors and whose souls I still want to gain for Myself. Therefore, each one of you, My servants, should work within your circle, for you all will have ample opportunity to speak on My behalf and to mention My directly conveyed Word from heaven to earth. Make use of your time of activity, because you will find open hearts which are receptive for what you have to offer impelled by My spirit.... And I Myself will be able to work through you, I will be able to speak to people, and wherever merely the slightest will exists your labour will be successful, the souls will turn to Me which I Myself can then take care of according to their will and their faith. It will not be long until I will noticeably manifest Myself in the repeatedly announced natural disaster.... I will come suddenly and unexpectedly, for even if My Own take it into account every day.... they, too, will be taken by surprise when the first signs become apparent. Nevertheless, regardless of how distressing it will be, I recognise its urgent necessity and will not divert from it under any circumstances. And thus you must all prepare yourselves for it by accepting Me and My Word in your heart wherever and whenever possible so that you will have an abundance of strength when you are surrounded by great adversity and fear, so that you can grant comfort and strength to all who are close to you, who are led to you by My will so that you will proclaim My Word to them for their souls' salvation. Prepare yourselves for this mission, for it will require all your strength and will, yet if you possess firm faith yourselves, you will, fearlessly and without worry, be wise guides and advisors for your fellow human beings and for the benefit of everyone be able to work for Me and My kingdom.... __Amen
Most difficult conditions of life after the disaster....
In the foreseeable future you will live in different circumstances and have to change your way of life completely if you want to meet the requirements of the new, very difficult conditions and be able to endure them. This change is unavoidable because the last days are entering into their final phase, which is tantamount to a most difficult struggle for existence in order to achieve the fastest spiritual advancement. Because the end is near and what this huge earthly hardship cannot achieve now cannot be achieved afterwards on this earth either. But anyone whose life is spared following My last forceful intervention can, with good will, also adjust spiritually, he can associate all events with the eternal Creator's will and derive the greatest benefit for his soul from his attitude. Only entirely unbelieving people shall reject this correlation and try to master their earthly life with their own strength yet using their willpower wrongly, not in accordance with divine will. And they will succeed because they are supported by the God-opposing power. __However, the believers can also overcome the most difficult conditions with God's strength, which they themselves can, in fact, feel but which does not express itself in an externally noticeable manner, in that the human being is surrounded by earthly possessions. Instead of this he will find inner strength to endure even the most difficult circumstances in life. Earthly hardship will be immense and not be easily rectified by normal means because the vast destruction, by divine will, will naturally result in massive chaos and make excessive demands on everyone's strength. And then every individual will have to draw on God's strength if he wants to survive the worst time. But this is at his disposal in abundance. And, therefore, God always instructs His servants to point to the forthcoming events, to inform people of the approaching disaster so that they can contact the strength-giving power in advance, Which excludes no one who desires strength. Human beings are not yet able to imagine such intervention by God and thus dismiss what they find difficult to believe in. And yet they should mentally consider it so that they won't face the event entirely unprepared when the day arrives. Because it will irrevocably come and surprise everyone including the believers, and it will result in enormous changes.... And blessed is he who changes his thought, who corrects his attitude towards God, who finds his way to Him in times of greatest need.... Because that day shall be a blessing for him.... __Amen
None of My predictions will be unfulfilled because the urgency of the time that is far more severe spiritually than physically calls for it. And in observing the behavior of mankind, in taking a closer look at the thinking and endeavoring of people you, too, will see the urgency of a change of all the conditions of life, because only by such it is possible to change people. And that's why you can count on a soon change, for the time has elapsed. The need up till now has been without progress and thus yet a bigger need only can offer a last possibility and this one will irrevocably come by My will. For I will turn Myself into focus and will be recognized by everyone who is of good will. __Whatever human will, human hate and unlovingness has accomplished so far will yet be surpassed by My will: Annihilation and destruction will also take from you what you believe to own in regard to earthly goods. People need to get into a low that causes them to call for help by Me if salvation is to be provided for them prior to end. They need to understand that any earthly directed hope will be in vain, and it is only then when a few will look into spiritual matters and it is for the sake of these few I'm going for a last resort before the arrival of the end. However, the time period that follows My last rescue operation will be hard for everyone, believers and unbelievers alike, except the believers will continuously receive strength in order to keep going. The faith of many people will become shaky if it is not a living faith. And this is My intention that a dead faith be reawakened by that too, because it would otherwise be of no value for the eternity. Those people bare of and those weak in faith I will help by My voice which will sound loud and audible. However, there will be a big falling away from Me, the last storm will shake off many unsuitable fruit. Yet, by that I won't be deterred to let the storm go across the earth. The one who is steadfast will prove to be reliable for eternity. __And so, then, do not doubt My word, await the day that will arrive with certainty and, until then, make use of every day because you can still win many by being active at the work for your soul. Every day of the misery can yield spiritual success to you as long as you think of Me, as long as you keep aware that nothing can happen without My will or My permission. And, relieved, cast all your worries upon Me and I will help you bear what I, for the sake of your souls, impose on you. The time will pass by you in a hurry, yet, no matter how hard it is for you, it is an act of mercy because you can achieve a far greater progress than in a long, calm time which lets you become indifferent and lazy and won't let you get closer to your last destination. Therefore await patiently the coming true of My predictions, do not expect an ending of the misery by My intervention but, rather, just a change of it because your souls are not ready yet for the thorough peace on this earth; you are to fight and gain a strong faith, only then I can take the misery away from you, only then you can experience a time of peace on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond. Yet, always bear in mind again My word is truth and I do not depart by one iota from what I proclaimed a long time ago and you will be your own witnesses, you will experience what I proclaim so that you can take a stand for My word before the world. For My last intervention shall be proof to those who did not believe My word so far, whom I still intend to win for Myself and to whom I obviously make Myself known by means of the natural happenings. So that they will believe in My might and in My working through you. __And thus I again proclaim to you: The day will come suddenly and unexpectedly. It will take the place of a severe earthly misery, yet again, it will bring a new misery in a different form. But if you believe that only love for you directs Me to let you go through suffering it will thus be bearable for you, for once the end will come and the redemption for all who believe in Me and dedicate themselves to Me, for all who profess their faith in Me before the world. __Amen
Spiritual low level.... The end of a salvation period....
No spiritual progress can ever be expected if humanity's spiritual level is so low that it no longer recognises and acknowledges God. For then it is completely separate from God and thus also without the flow of strength which guarantees its spiritual progress. A short distance to God can easily be remedied, for then the soul will still move within the cycle of the divine flow of love, the strength of which will infallibly impel it to progress. But if the distance has become so great that the spiritual essence is beyond this cycle then it will also be entirely without strength and no longer able to approach God, since the opposing force will then have greater influence and pull it down to itself. But once humanity has reached this degree of development, that is, once it has regressed to this extent, it will also have forfeited its right to exist on earth as human beings, as this is solely for the purpose of higher development and it will have totally disregarded this purpose. Thus the developmental period for this human race will then come to an end. The earth will effectively repel all spiritual essence in the stage of higher development as soon as it no longer lives and acts in line with this stage of development. And this is the end of a period of redemption in accordance with divine will.... And every person can know the moment in time himself as long as he pays attention to the whole of humanity's spiritual development. __Once the lowest spiritual point has been reached when the heartlessness becomes plainly evident, the activity of the opposing force can be recognised by the fact that instead of constant progress there will be destruction everywhere.... once people's lives and activities are totally in opposition to God and thus against all divine order, it is no longer to be expected that humanity will voluntarily integrate with divine order again and then, according to eternal law, a disintegration of everything sheltering spiritual substances will have to take place for the purpose of a completely new banishment, so that after an infinitely long time the goal to live voluntarily in the proximity of God can be reached yet again. __There is no other opportunity of ascent for a degenerated human race once it has reached the lowest point when all love has grown cold, since then the strengthening flow of divine love can no longer be effective and this signifies a total obedience to God's opponent. Yet God, in His great mercy, will seize from His adversary what has become enslaved by him by banishing it into the creations again, which are outside the adversary's influence. Hence, even the return into hardest matter is but a work of divine mercy, since it creates a new opportunity for those spiritual substances furthest away from God to take the path of higher development again, which was no longer possible as a human being. __And one day the hour of salvation will come to him too, if only after an endless time. Yet he will not be treated unjustly by being returned into solid matter, for his will is so hardened towards God that he provides the reason himself for being bound by God for an infinitely long time. For he will not change anymore once the spiritual low level has been reached when people no longer recognise God.... __Amen
Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters fo...
That the time has now come to an end is demonstrated by the fact that My fighters can only be found here and there, people who are so engrossed in their love for Me, in their love for truth and for good, that they are no longer firmly attached to the world but remain in constant contact with Me, both mentally or through kind-hearted activity.... People who stand up for their faith and feel the need to win their fellow men's souls over for My kingdom and My doctrine.... who therefore fight with the sword of their mouths.... who are constantly imbued by My spirit and in whom I Myself can therefore work. Not many of these will be found and wherever they stay, they walk along unnoticed or are treated with hostility. It is a certain sign of the end that My Own only form a small flock, but I Am a good shepherd Who keeps His lambs together, Who guards them well so that none will lose its way or be lost. Not one of My Own will be left out by Me, they will find each other and form a small community among each other and they will find their greatest satisfaction in the fact that I have accepted them into My service, that I entrust them with the mission of supporting Me during the last days before the end. Those who are good and true are My fighters, for good will and a desire for absolute truth characterises My fighters, who will indeed win the final battle because I will never leave those again who won't leave Me but look upon Me as the loving Father Who will not let His children be harmed, even if they experience earthly adversity as a result of their steadfastness. Those who regard Me as their Father of eternity will also be looked after in a Fatherly way, once this time is over. They will stay in paradise as My true children, they will experience the blissful and peaceful time on the new earth, which will take the place of the final battle on the old earth, as has been intended for eternity. I will gather My Own on the Last Day, the few people who remained faithful to Me during the preceding time of battle, who recognised Me and therefore can never abandon Me again. And I will fetch them to Me, as I proclaimed. Consequently, you humans can expect the near end with certainty when you look around you and find only a few who so deeply carry Me in their heart that they constantly talk about Me, about spiritual subjects, for which their fellow human beings have little sympathy. But where I Am mentioned in conversations I Myself Am present, and I try to attract the souls who are distant from Me in order to slightly increase the number of My Own before the time has come which brings the final end.... the destruction of the old earth and finally the Judgment, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Last Judgment.... Spiritualisation of earth....
A strict judgment will be held at the end of times, that is, there will come a time when the composition of earth can no longer be called earthly matter, but when all material substances will have spiritualised themselves, so that even the earth will have become a spiritual creation like many others in the universe, each of which, however, lays claim to be a place of education for the spirit. And earth will remain such a place of education for the spirit, only that its creations as well as its inhabitants can be called spiritualised, that the living beings' life will proceed under different conditions and even their task cannot be compared to their present one. Earth, too, will have to go through such an era after an endlessly long period of time, and it is this era Jesus spoke about to His listeners on earth. __Every material creation has to take this path of development, that is, it is only condemned matter in the beginning and, after an infinitely long time, after eternities which people will never be able to assess, it elevates itself to a completely different level; it increasingly spiritualises itself and can finally only be referred to as a spiritual creation. Yet these are immeasurably long periods of time, because all banished spirits first have to take this earthly material path so that matter will then have been completely overcome. Consequently, an endlessly long time will still have to pass until the complete spiritualisation of earth has occurred. And this duration of time is comprised of individual phases of development again; each one on its own will be regarded as an eternity by as yet unenlightened people, because many generations will have to accomplish their full maturity during one such phase in order to attain a specific degree of maturity which then is comparable to the spiritualisation on earth. Every stage begins with spiritually highly mature people and ends with people whose inclination to the abyss is so strong that it will be fulfilled, that they will be banished again into the creations of the succeeding new earth. These phases of development are in fact by human standards also infinitely long but they will always come to an end one day, and time and again an era of development will start anew. Yet at the end of times the spiritualisation of the once material creation will proceed ever faster, and the tests of will, which happen in every period, can become increasingly less, because all living creations will then feel the same.... they will all desire to behold the countenance of God and therefore strive ever more sincerely towards God, or they have already been too far removed from God by the adverse power as to be able to return to God. And this is why they later, in spiritual creations, have to stay as spirits in places to which they are drawn and this is the harshest punishment which can come upon God opposing spirits since it is, after all, a state of complete blindness, a state of servitude, where helping only takes place against the servant's will, yet the person is unable to take any other path but to be of constant service until he surrenders his resistance. __This, too, is a divine law, that every occurrence takes place on a small scale and then repeats itself in infinitely diverse variations.... Jesus foresaw the end of this time, but you humans are only able to look forward to times which allow for humanly possible events.... All of you only take one Judgment Day into account.... But this will keep repeating itself as long as periods of Salvation find their conclusion in accordance with divine will.... Every judgment will end with the condemnation of the adversary's adherents and an admission into the spheres of light of those who remained faithful to God even in utmost adversity. And thus the Last Judgment will also result in the total destruction of all matter, but a completely spiritual new earth will arise, if only after such an endlessly long time that it need not be mentioned so as not to give people a false sense of security by proclaiming a new period of development in which they, in their opinion, would be able to make up for their neglect. __The judgment which separates one period of Salvation from the succeeding one will come irrevocably soon.... This shall be proclaimed by seers and prophets who are called by God and whom He informs Himself through His spirit, for it is necessary for the whole of humanity to face up to the approaching end, to change their way of life and to improve their souls, for the time left to humanity as a final gift of grace will pass quickly.... Soon the final hour will arrive and with it the Judgment which will carry out a complete separation of the pure from the impure.... __Amen
The Lord will come at a time of greatest adversity....
I will come to fetch you from utmost distress, as I have promised. There will be great adversity, and anyone following your destiny will recognise that only your strength of faith keeps you going, otherwise you would be too weak to bear up to the threats and violent actions by your enemies against whom you are completely defenceless. Yet only defenceless on the part of people, however, I will stand by your side as protection and this certainty must render you immune to all hostilities. This great adversity will only last for a short time, then I will come personally in order to fetch My Own into My kingdom and prepare them for life in the paradise on the new Earth. If you are strong in faith, if you attach significance to every one of My Words, then the final adversity will come to an end for you and, in the hope of My speedy arrival, you will stoically endure everything and wait for Me. And I will definitely come.... I will not leave My Own in distress, I will come when no earthly way out can be seen anymore; I will appear suddenly, only visible to My Own, and all My faithful followers will call out to Me. Rejoicing and cheering My Own will blissfully and happily rush towards Me and raise their hands to Me. Whoever believes will be saved, for he will persevere even if the world is full of devils.... he knows that the hour of deliverance will come, he knows that I will not leave him and that all devils are powerless against Me. He will wait for Me and I will reward his profound faith with the greatest prize, with a new life in the paradise on this Earth. Why won't I take him to Me into the spiritual kingdom? Anyone who passes this final test of faith and recognises Me will be suitable to form the root of a new human race and a new generation will come forth from him, for the Earth shall be populated again with spiritually highly advanced people who will live their life for Me and with Me. And I Myself want to rear these people.... All people's degree of maturity is known to Me but especially of those who in the end will fight for Me against Satan. Such people are required by Me as progenitors for the new Earth. I will bless them, both physically and spiritually, and the new Earth will become a paradise-like abode for them, children and children's children will be in heartfelt contact with Me and the human race will be full of love. A new period of development will start again with spiritual beings embodied as human beings who are close to maturity and longingly strive towards Me and rapidly achieve final maturity of soul on earth. For the last days on the old earth will very quickly have matured the spiritual substance which was shortly due to be embodied as a human being, because it had fought the battle between light and darkness and the final destruction of the old earth had temporarily released it. Since it had not yet attained the maturity to be free, it experienced this as pain, so that it will find the new form comforting and eagerly strive upwards, even though during the preliminary stage it will be unconscious of this success. For this reason, people will live in most wonderful harmony with all creations in their environment; the mineral, plant and animal world will entirely fit in with people's needs, profound peace will reign in nature as well as in the human heart, people's joyful togetherness with Me will make them the most blissful beings, My love will smooth their every path and their hearts will beat for Me with ardent love and all adversity will be forgotten.... And this time is not far away, soon I will come and fetch My community of brides, the great adversity will soon be over, for My promise must fulfil itself.... I will return in the clouds to fetch My Own and to judge the living and the dead.... __Amen
And time and again I say to you: You will experience the end.... It is an urgent wake-up call which I send to people who presently inhabit the earth, it is a call which I will still intensify because you need to let go of your conviction that you still have much time left, because you need to spend thought on a sudden end and try to come close to Me. You have only little time left and very soon will be startled out of your calm, fear will enter your hearts which you can only banish by calling upon Me, by faithful prayer, which will provide you with strength and composure. The time is fulfilled, and even if you resist this thought.... you must prepare yourselves for whatever the end entails. It is you who will experience the last battle, who ought to win it; it is you who will experience the last Judgment, who will either see My coming in the clouds and the homecoming of the righteous or the final act of destruction take place, depending on your attitude towards Me, depending on your will and your love. It is you who must make a decision since you will not be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond after your death if you side with the adversary, but you will have to repeat the process through the creation of the new earth according to My eternal counsel. Do not expect the end in the future, get used to the idea that the present time will lead to the end, that you will be affected and that everything will come upon you as seers and prophets predicted according to My will. I can only ever draw your attention to it and as confirmation of My Word speak to you from above, and I will implement it shortly because there is not much time until the end. __I will inform you, whose will to serve Me made you My Own, once again of this just before the end, so that you will not experience the day unprepared, for even though you believe that My Word is truth you are still not taking My prediction seriously enough, you are still counting on a reprieve and not on My speedy arrival which, however, is about to happen to you. Yet you will yearn for My arrival when the time of the battle of faith comes and you enter the last stage of this earthly period. Then you will have learned to despise the world, you will have no further desire for earthly possessions, you will only yearn for My Word, and I will also always be with you in the Word and comfort you until the day when I will appear in the clouds, when your adversity has reached huge proportions and help can only come from Me. You must take it for granted that you will experience this time if I won't recall this or that servant of Mine prematurely, according to wise judgment. You will all be surprised as to how quickly events will unfold, which I predicted long in advance through the voice of the spirit. And once I appear the end will come upon you with giant strides. Anyone who is profoundly faithful will inwardly rejoice despite hardship and suffering, for he will know that he will be compensated one day, that sooner or later all adversity will have an end and that a new era will start again with the paradise, as I have promised.... __Amen
Transformation of earth.... Change.... Disintegration....
You must always remember that nothing on this earth can last forever, and therefore even earth itself will not last, thus it has to change if it will not completely disintegrate in its fundamental substance. The latter will occur after an infinitely long time, but a transformation of earth will take place shortly. Just as earthly matter achieves its higher development through the dissolution of an existing form in order to rise again in a new form, so the earth as such is also subject to temporary changes, and all creations on earth will enter a new stage of development. Not just the constrained spirits within every work of creation strive to ascend but matter itself has to undergo this path of higher development by becoming increasingly softer, thus sheltering the spirit which, due to its maturity, is able to escape its form faster. Consequently hard matter, which has already existed for a very long time, has to be dissolved eventually too. Its development has to be continued in softer matter and new hard matter needs to be produced to shelter the spiritual substance which, in the stage of knowledge.... as a human being.... had failed and joined God's adversary. __Such total transformations of earth's external forms only take place within certain periods of time and are therefore unbelievable to people, because each such transformation happened so long ago that the truth can no longer be ascertained and upheld. Although a developmental period is infinitely long it will nevertheless come to an end one day. __People cannot verify or calculate the time when the end can be expected and neither can they deny it, but God wants people to believe in it because He Himself has revealed it to people through His Word and, through seers and prophets, has pointed it out time and again. That the destruction of earth, i.e. its total change, is only a matter of faith is due to the fact that the human being has to bring about the change of his soul in utmost freedom of will, and this would be instantly restricted if the timing of the end could be calculated. The beginning and end of an earth period are so far apart because the human being has to decide to believe it or reject it completely, without being forced into either. But as soon as he thinks about it and observes the growth and decay in nature he can see the process of disintegration and transformation repeat themselves so often that he will also apply this change to the creation `earth' and find it easy to believe in an end. But he will never be told when it will happen because such knowledge would be detrimental to the soul. God, however, reveals that the end of this earth is approaching soon and good for him who believes His Word and prepares himself. The day will not come unexpectedly for him; the thought of the end will no longer terrify him in view of the blissful state God has promised His Own after the transformation of this earth.... __Amen
For the spiritual reversing is more and more clearly recognizable and must be an obvious explanation to you for the earthly troubles, while this trouble is still the only remedy to shake up man in order to change their ways of life and their thinking. For man now only desires earthly goods and let self be dominated by substance, instead striving for the opposite with resulting victory against material matter. __Again and again I bring their foolish behavior before their eyes, by showing them the transience of the earthly material matter. For the smaller events have no meaning, the individual won't change his thinking and is ignoring his sole life, for he figures only on his earth existence and has totally lost faith for the beyond. Further and further man is sinking, and shallower is becoming his faith, as more seldom his connection is with Me, their God and Creator since eternity. And this will be appearing especially clear in a short time. The day of complete change in the way of life is always moving closer, the day, where everything experiences a change, for My Will is becoming active in an apparent way. __Man will not be able to protect anything, unless I protect it for them, and powerless they will stand in opposition to My power and will end up in great distress. But blessed is the distress, if people are affected by it only earthly, if their sole is not in jeopardy....if man have faith.... then man does not need to fear earthly distress, then man can only gain victory despite earthly losses. But for the unbeliever a trying time begins, because for their loss of material goods they will suffer terribly and will have to give up hope to gain back any of it. They will not have any substitute of spiritual goods, since they never desired any when offered to them, but rather reject them. __This sorrow must pass over the earth, it can not be spared, but only be the upbeat to the last events, to the complete destruction of the old earth, which all of you will experience, if I don't call you out of your present life beforehand, as I think it beneficial for your sole. The believer will see and recognize all signs of the end, the unbeliever will pass them by, he only sees the earthly distress and its result on the worldly life and turns away more and more from God. __Thus in coming times, the spiritual striving will be separating each other from the totally worldly/secular people, and it will be so very obvious that the awakened human will recognize the end times. Onwards moving with gigantic steps towards the end, and you will experience the end.... __Amen
Different schools of thought.... Christ's teaching....
The absolute truth cannot be represented by any school of thought as long as it cannot show that the origin of its dogma is based on the Word from above, although not everything taught by each spiritual movement can be called an error. Their followers will always be sincere people if they abandon ecclesiastical organisations and turn to such a school of thought. And therefore they are repeatedly offered the opportunity to come closer to the truth, because once they have recognised it as such they will hold on to it and hence be more faithful members of spiritual groups than the followers of the church which is officially made out to be My institution, but who are for the most part mere supporters or formal believers, never desiring to delve deeper into eternal truth, into My teaching of love, which I describe as the core of the church founded by Me. Only the Word from above is pure truth and this Word was received and spread by Jesus on earth, consequently His is the only true teaching and will remain so for all eternity. Hence the person who preaches Christ's teaching is My representative on earth and will be able to inform every school of thought to what extent they have the truth and which opinions are misguided. However, during the last days the real advocates of My teaching need not concern themselves with other denominations or religious groups because they will all be fought against by earthly authorities and will lose their supporters with certainty, too. My servants shall merely gather the deserters and try to win them over for Me and My kingdom; they shall impart the pure truth to them and take every opportunity to enlighten misguided people.... __And I will provide them with the opportunity to do so, I will send them to those who can still be won over, who are still undecided and only need the truth in order to take the right path. The truth speaks for itself and no one will be able to undermine it, but where misguided teachings have occurred people can always be expected to leave when they are confronted by hardship, which they can avoid through devotion of faith. Because in the last days great hardship will only be suffered by those believers who want to remain faithful to Me and will thus be treated with hostility by the world. The world will demand the complete rejection of faith in a God and Creator of eternity Who governs the fate of every human being, and the hardship of anyone relinquishing his faith will be resolved. People who endure will have to suffer in remarkable ways. But anyone who has true faith, who lives within the truth he has received from Me Myself, will also stay faithful to Me because he will know that such hardship won't last forever and will then give way to a joyful state of bliss. He will know that the earth is experiencing its end and so will the people who relinquish their faith for the sake of worldliness. The truth received from Me has given him the knowledge of things to come and this knowledge will give him the strength to endure to the end. __Only truth gives strength, only the person who lives within truth will endure, and for this reason it is so urgently necessary to impart the truth to people because this alone will enable them to understand everything that will happen. Anyone who does not know the absolute truth will become unsure, he will doubt everything and prefer the world and its pleasures to his doubtful knowledge. But I want to give people the pure truth in order to help them survive the final end by firmly believing in Me, in My wisdom and love which wants to prepare a paradise for My Own after the destruction of this earth.... Anyone instructed by My Word of My eternal plan of Salvation will understand everything, always keeping his eyes on Me he will be able to glance into the spiritual realm and receive strength and grace to endure until the end.... __Amen
Final battle.... Frankly professing Christ before the wor...
War will be declared on everything of a spiritual nature during the last days before the end. Thereby you will recognise which hour has struck on the clock of the world and that the day is drawing to a close. Then you can expect considerable commotion as a result of the rigorous measures taken by the worldly authorities. You will be beleaguered with questions and threats about your attitude towards Christ and faith in general. They will not shy away from watching you, from eavesdropping on your conversations and will take you to court for your words and actions. That is the time when you must profess Me openly and speak without fear about how you think and feel about Me. This open admission is what I require as evidence of your affiliation with Me. I Myself certainly know how you think and feel in your heart; nevertheless, it is a final battle in which a separation of the goats from the sheep shall take place. And this final battle must be openly conducted so that the battle itself becomes evident, so that the opponent's guilt clearly emerges before the world in order to push the undecided into a decision due to the believers' as well as their enemies' conduct. The battle will only last a short time and will happen everywhere, albeit in different ways. Heartlessness will always fight against love, the material world will mock and intimidate the spiritual world, two camps will be distinctly recognisable wherever the teaching of Christ has been accepted and where the divine teaching of love is the principle of what is preached to people and what they are required to believe. For this reason the apostasy from Me will be clearly discernible in the whole world; but where the Christian teaching of love is widespread the battle of faith will proceed extremely ferociously, and that will be the end. At this time you humans have no idea how the forthcoming events will proceed and, therefore, it seems incredible to you; nevertheless, it will happen as I proclaim to you through My spirit, and the time is so near that it would scare you were you to know the day and hour of destruction.... And yet you should not worry, for your loyalty to Me will also assure you My full protection and supply of any strength so that you will be able to stand firm, and the knowledge of it will make you confident and strong in faith, so that you will survive the time, particularly since I will shorten the days, so that you will become blessed.... __Amen
Only a little time remains for you and you have to sincerely prepare for the day when an act of destruction will take place like it has not been experienced before. And even though I keep announcing this to you over and over you are opposing My word with doubts and are therefore lukewarm with your work of your soul. And you've got but little time left. But I cannot get your attention in another way than through My word; if you do not believe it you will be startled when the last signs will appear. It's true I will forewarn you once more a short time prior to it but to those words, too, you won't lend any more credence than to the previous announcements because My forbearance irritates you, because you cannot understand I tarry for the sake of the souls yet to be saved, even though the time has elapsed long ago. Some few are to be saved yet; to those I will spare the endless long walk of a re-embodiment [into matter] on the new earth and that's why I'm patient and tarry. __However, the last period of grace will come to an end, too; therefore take My words seriously that you've only got a little time left and you will regret every day you do not make proper use of for your soul. And, surprisingly quick, a change in the world events will take place and a few days will suffice to put you into a completely new situation. And that's when you ought to remember My words and to put the spiritual ahead of the earthly because the worries about the latter is irrelevant, since you cannot retain anything for yourselves that I do not want to retain for you and it is up to My will and might to physically protect and take care of you. Just think about your soul, wherever the need is provided to you be helpful and willing to give and get into intimate contact with Me in order to receive the strength to hold out and to do justice to all requirements of life. Receive continuous strength from My word for in it you've got a source of strength by which you can refresh yourselves and that will never run dry. Always be ready for Me and I will not leave you no matter what may come your way. __Amen
'I will send you the Comforter....' (Explanation of appa...
My spirit will guide you into truth, as I have promised: I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you into all truth and will remind you of everything I have said to you.... Thus anyone allowing this spirit of Mine to become effective in him will also know the truth and can accept everything conveyed to him by My spirit. Think very seriously about this for once and you will know what originates from Me and can be believed by you. As soon as you recollect My Words which I spoke on earth to My disciples as well as to all other people, you will not be able to dismiss the fact that you can receive the pure truth in the way I told you with the Words: I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth.... And prior to My Words I said that I will take abode in those Who prepare their heart for Me, that I will not abandon them, that I will reveal Myself to those who love Me and keep My commandments.... __It therefore follows that My revelations must come from within, that I, once I have taken abode in a person's heart, will also manifest Myself therein with the result that the person will hear My voice through the inner Word.... And this is proof again that you may unhesitatingly trust this voice, for it is the expression of My love for My Own, who are counted as My Own because they accepted Me Myself in their hearts, because I was able to take abode in them. Hence you possess My Word, the announcement of My will, the truth in its purest form. Therefore you need not be taught from outside if you acknowledge Me as your Teacher and entrust yourselves directly to Me. Direct communication between you and Me is therefore possible, and in order to be truthfully educated you must acknowledge this first. Then you will strive to receive the truth from the original source and will also be able to believe with conviction what is imparted to you. For this knowledge comes to you in a fully conscious state; I speak to you and you hear Me. __But I speak to you through your heart and your heart hears My voice, not your physical ear, which can only hear externally spoken words. If you inwardly hear My Word then you will know that I Am expressing Myself; alternatively, if you hear the Word from outside then you need to ascertain its origin, for anything can be offered to you from outside, My adversary also approaches you from outside, and then you should seriously examine it, and if you examine it seriously then you also have the will to find the source of what you are offered in Me. If you therefore want to hear Me speak I will certainly grant your wish, in which case every Word you receive will be true if it is imparted to you through My devoted servants. Let this be a sure sign to you: that I will answer your every question if you present it to Me. __You are all always taught in a way that matches your maturity; you can only grasp profound wisdom once you have reached a specific degree of maturity, when the explanation from the spiritual kingdom can be given to you unveiled, which will be understandable to you if you compare it with My activity on earth, where I always spoke to people in parables, in metaphorical language, in order to explain it to them. These veiled teachings are intended to stimulate a person's thinking, so that he penetrates spiritual knowledge and does not just superficially accept it with his physical ears. If I impart My Word unveiled, as I do now, then the degree of maturity which guarantees the correct understanding is a prerequisite. Words to that effect will not differ as soon as both the veiled and the direct Word from above come in unveiled form from the same source, as soon as every teaching has originated from Me. __But first you must examine this and you need only appeal for My help in order to pass the right judgment. Bear in mind that the adversary works as well, and especially when people try to escape from him, when they strive for truth in order to learn to recognise and love Me. Then he will always try to extinguish or obscure the light and be very active where the opportunity presents itself. __In order to help you humans and to undermine the activity of this said power I provide you with information through bearers of light where impure influences have led your thinking astray. That which comes from above is truth, and that which comes from below are errors and lies.... Where direct inner spiritual activity can be recognised it can only be the working of forces from above which receive and forward My illumination. However, where forces avail themselves of a human form in an unconscious state, caution is advised, for a passive form can also be used by a dark force, if only for a short time, yet fellow human beings themselves often determine the statements made through this form with their own thoughts and wishes, which are instantly picked up by these forces which will then audibly express themselves through this form. For, as soon as some of the listeners have strong willpower their thoughts will also exert a strong influence and, depending on their truth, they will be seized by either forces of light or of darkness and audibly expressed. For this reason the human being should always let go of his own knowledge when he receives spiritual knowledge, he should humbly and like a small child without knowledge allow himself to be taught, then purest truth will flow to him, because no resistance exists to prevent it.... __Many will take exception to the fact that a seeming contradiction comes to light, yet My spirit has always revealed the same to people, it was simply not understood by everyone in the same way, and even those who received My Word were not free of their own thoughts as soon as they turned their eyes towards the world and associated world events with the spiritual information. Besides, My eternal plan of Salvation was unknown to people at the time I lived on earth, and the explanations I gave to people about future times were presented such that only someone who had completely shaped himself into love would have been able to form a correct idea about the last days, about the last Judgment and the end. The others lacked realisation and a clear portrayal would not have been beneficial for them, since the especially announced judgment was still ahead of them, the destruction of Jerusalem, which likewise signified the chapter of an era for these people and was nearer to them than the end. So people were certainly informed of a renewal, of a spiritual change, but with an additional remark which related more to the change of people than the transformation of Earth, because the knowledge of the latter would have been detrimental to their spiritual state.... __But now I approach those people who will live through the final chapter on this earth.... I approach those who have attained a certain degree of maturity and therefore also the understanding for the coming events. To these I provide complete clarification and instruct them to inform their fellow human beings of it. However, they will only be believed by those who become discerning and spiritually enlightened through genuine striving for perfection, who know My plan of Salvation and realise that there is no other option but a total transformation of the earth, for the sake of the souls which have fallen to the lowest point and yet shall be redeemed one day. Right now I speak to the people of the last days, but even in the past My Words were not contradictory.... As Jesus, the man, I said what I saw and was prevented from seeing how the end would happen.... I saw the converted human race but not the transformed earth because it was God's wish to keep people uninformed at that time.... __The fact that Earth must remain a place of education for the spiritual substances and for how long, that it therefore must continue to exist, was certainly meant to be explained to people, however, the transformation of the earth's surface affects the higher development of the spiritual substances bound in matter and the renewed banishment of a soul which, embodied as a human being, has not passed the test of faith and will.... Neither was comprehensible to humanity, it only differentiated between an earthly world, as it existed, and a purely spiritual world, and it was merely explained to people that the earth, as a world of matter, cannot be excluded as yet and that the development on this earth must still continue for an infinitely long time. For Earth as a planet will not cease to exist after the last Judgment, it will merely fulfil its mission in a completely new formation and thus a new developmental period will start with a paradise-like state.... with those people who are lifted up to heaven before that, because they will prove their loyalty to Me during the last battle of faith, because they will persevere until the end and therefore become blessed in heartfelt unity with Me and the spiritual kingdom of light.... __Amen
The weak will not experience the end....
The weak will not experience the end..... I certainly know the nature of every individual person's soul; I know their will and their degree of maturity, which is also the extent of their strength of will in the last battle of faith. I know that this final acknowledgment of Me will require immense strength which only few people will be able to muster, and that it will necessitate an utterly living faith in order to stand firm and remain faithful to Me. For this reason the gates of paradise on the new earth will be opened to those who are faithful supporters and acknowledge Me, so that their demonstrated love for Me until the end will be rewarded. __But people of weak faith will not survive this last battle on earth. I shall avert the risk of their apostasy from Me so as not to let them fall into My adversary's hands and in order to give them the opportunity of continuing their development in the kingdom of the beyond which, after the end of this world, will no longer be possible for a very long time. They will not be able to cope with the demands and strains of the last days and will end their purely physical life before this time, for they will not oppose Me, but they will merely lack the profound, living faith which would enable them to be true advocates of Christ. And there will be many who will indeed choose Me, who will carry the faith in a God of love and wisdom within themselves, yet who will not increase it sufficiently to entrust themselves to Me without worry and appeal for My help. These souls will be taken from earth by Me or they would go astray for a very long time. __The strong, however, will remain faithful to Me until the end and will be raptured by Me before the destruction of the old earth. This process has to be plausible to you, and it should be equally understandable to you that the weak souls will not inhabit the paradise of the new earth, which can only bear spiritually mature human beings who permit My presence amongst them, as I have promised you. There has to be a separation of the goats from the sheep in the end. The old period of development will end with the banishment of the failed spiritual essence into solid matter, and a new era will start with a mature human generation, which will already find itself in a state of bliss on earth because it will have endured and have been sufficiently tested by Me on earth. This level of a soul's maturity allows for My presence amongst My children. But weak and still immature souls would not be able to endure My presence. Consequently, the new earth will not be a suitable abode for them; nevertheless, they will continue to ascend in the spiritual kingdom and, due to their prematurely finished life, will also enjoy privileges in the spiritual kingdom which will help their ascent. This is the separation of the spirits, which has always been proclaimed through Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Battle of faith.... Publicly professing Christ.... `I wil...
You will still have to endure a harsh battle when you have to confess Me before the world. You will be expected to renounce all earthly possessions completely, you will be dispossessed and have to do the kind of work that seems to go beyond your strength, you will be prevented from doing what is important to you, you will be pursued and pressured without reason and will find no peace from the pursuits of your enemies who are likewise My enemies and thus fear no avenging hand above themselves. And you will wonder why I allow all this to happen without calling them to account, but you will also be surprised that you are not as deeply affected as it seems to the world, so that you will nevertheless remain cheerful and bright and full of confidence and hope that the hour of retribution will come for you as well, and that even these pursuits will come to an end one day. And thus you will speak out ever more convinced on behalf of My name and confess Me before the world. And I will shorten the days so that you will become blessed.... Always remember My promise that it will only last a short time before you will be delivered from the hands of your tormentors, remember that you belong to My chosen ones after all, whose every suffering will be rewarded for their loyalty's sake; and remember that through your confession lost souls shall still be won and saved for Me and My kingdom just before the destruction of earth. And for the sake of these souls take the cross upon yourselves which, admittedly, will weigh you down but it will nevertheless be bearable since I will also provide you with exceptional strength. The battle of faith will be difficult and therefore you already have to prepare yourselves in advance by strengthening your souls with the right nourishment, by accepting My Word and with it the strength with which I have blessed My Word. For when you accept My Word you unite with Me and therefore have to be permeated by strength and thus will be and remain resistant against your enemies until the end.... until I will come and deliver you from all adversity.... __Amen
`There shall not be left one stone upon another....' Grea...
A time will come when everything that was laboriously acquired and built up shall be lost; a time will come when people will realise that everything which was intended to provide them with physical prosperity is worthless and they will be completely destitute, because they lack spiritual wealth whose possession lets people get over the loss of earthly goods. I constantly draw your attention to this time for it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... not one stone will be left upon another.... The fact that such a dreadful work of destruction shall take place as an act of God might sound incomprehensible to worldly-minded people, nevertheless it is inevitable, firstly, because it is intended to have an educational purpose and then it is also designated in the eternal plan of Salvation to enable the spiritual substances at a lower stage of development to attain other forms. It is necessary for people to be extraordinarily severely affected for they pay almost no attention to their spiritual development anymore and shall be given final encouragements, although they can also ignore them if they are unwilling to change and to ascend. They can only be treated even more harshly for they are no longer open to gentle admonitions and everything which hitherto was inflicted upon humanity for this purpose remains unsuccessful. However, the forthcoming time will involve a drastic change, so that people's thoughts will automatically turn to the meaning and purpose of earthly life and nevertheless cause a change in a few people, which will be truly beneficial for them. __The adversity will be so severe that it will awaken the willingness to help in those who still have a spark of love in their heart, and this spark will find nourishment and grow into a flame, for anyone who only wants to help will also actively help and ease his neighbour's difficult fate, because he knows himself how much distress every individual person's fate is causing. And those who are willing to help will also be helped by Me, they will receive help as a sign of a higher Power where no way out can be found anymore, Which lovingly draws up close to people to reveal Itself to them. For earthly help often seems impossible but that which is impossible for people can still be accomplished by Me, and thus even the greatest adversity is not hopeless because nothing is impossible for Me. And thus the love which is given to one's neighbour will bring forth good fruit, it will gain My love, and this signifies help and grace and an exceptional flow of strength, on account of which My Own need not lose heart, for they will not feel the adversity so much because they will be full of strength and always have Me by their side as a Helper Who, for the sake of their faith, will work evidently in order to still gain the few before the end who are weak in faith but nevertheless of good will.... They will receive strength and survive that time of need without damage to their soul. My Own, however, will be protected by Me and can anticipate this time without worry, for it will not last long.... __Amen
You are all returning to the condition of the most primitive lifestyle, for only by that it is possible to get you to serve in love for the neighbor, which alone can redeem you. To all people is now given the opportunity to work in love but the free will is decisive as to how far the opportunity is utilized. And thus mankind is out to again create improved life conditions and just according to the will of the individual with just or unjust means at that, for there will be just a few serving but most of them letting themselves be served and at the expense of the neighbors to again attain prosperity, even though for a short time only, for very soon the end will follow. __But the preceding to the end is set from eternity. A partial destruction of inconceivable extent affecting vast areas of land and demanding countless human lives. So, for these people then the end has come, however, as a result of that their souls will enter the beyond yet. The last hour for this world has not yet come where also the portals to the spiritual kingdom will be shut. But to the survivors is yet granted a last reprieve, an exceedingly hard earthly life that may still be called a time of grace though, that yields an increased maturity to many who are still of good will. __The great happenings [actually] should get all people thinking and have them seek contact with God but there are just a few who draw an advantage for their soul from that by entrusting themselves to their Creator and Father from eternity and asking Him for mercy and help. And to all those help shall be granted. For the misery will be big and so general that help from the outside cannot be expected. Only mutually people can help each other and in this love for the neighbor they will be strongly supported from above; they will be able to manage jobs that are actually beyond their strength. Yet the will to help will bring them extraordinary supply of strength, the will to help will have a blessed effect also on themselves so that the helpful person receives spiritually and physically what he/she is willing to pass on, and thus one's own need is removed by that as well. The power of faith and love will visibly appear and every person can ease one's lot by readily remembering one's neighbor and not just one's own need. It's for the sake of reviving love this great need comes upon you because only love can redeem you, and it continuously keeps cooling off the closer it is to the end . And whoever is still capable and willing to love won't be crushed down by the need but they will overcome it by virtue of one's love for the neighbor. __Still, there will be great sorrow everywhere. People will get torn apart, they won't have contact with each other anymore and everyone is now offered the opportunity to devote all one's energies for the ease of the surrounding plight. And man can accomplish a lot if just calling upon God for support and having a desire of help for others. But whoever makes use of one's neighbor and tries to take advantage of his need for one's own self will, at the end, be counted to the ones to be swallowed up by the earth at the last day. He will be counted to the ones to be damned because they turned into true devils and will have to share his [satan's] wages, who will be put in bondage and be again banned in the new earth for an endless long time. __Amen
New banishment of the spirits.... Salvation in one era....
The most severe punishment for any spiritual being that has already lived embodied as a human being on earth, is to be placed into hardest matter. Countless creations are proof that untold beings have to start their process of development again. As long as there are spirits in need of development, material creations will also exist to serve as carriers for the spiritual substance and, due to their usefulness and different external forms, depending on their shape and more or less hard substance, will enable it to develop. As long as these creations do not cease to exist the spirit is not yet released either. __It is possible for the spirit to evolve from hardest matter to a human being in the course of one period of Salvation. This opportunity is available.... But it requires the surrender of resistance within a specific length of time, which is just as possible but very often fails due to the spiritual substances' obstinacy which is so God-opposing at first, that an eternity can pass until its resistance is broken or has lessened. And this resistance is demonstrated by creations which, to the human eye, appear to remain unchanged, often throughout an infinitely long time.... creations, which effectively form the earth's crust, which have to be forcefully dissolved through divine will if the spirits are to be provided with an opportunity for higher development. Consequently, one period of Salvation does not suffice for this spiritual substance. __Nevertheless, at the end of this era it can sense the turmoil in the universe and then will surge towards a new transformation of its own accord. The resistance to God will decrease because it senses God's enormous strength and might, and God will take its needs into account and at the end of an era will dissolve all creations. This signifies a turning point for the spiritual substances which had been bound in inactivity within the earth through an eternity. The spiritual substance will now be willing to be of service and will subsequently be placed into an external form which, at first, will only permit minimal activity. Thus the process of development above earth begins and will, with certainty, also lead to the embodiment as a human being, albeit only after a long period of time. __This is an additional explanation about the forthcoming final destruction of earth which is part of the eternal plan of Salvation, and even though many people's lives will fall victim to it, it will nevertheless be a release for the spiritual substance which ardently awaits its new transformation.... __Amen
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