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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Judgment.... Time of peace.... The opponent's broken pow...
God's Judgment is not far away. It will only be a short time longer and during this time the world is yet to see much misery, bear much suffering and sorrow and go through indescribable affliction. Since the Calvary cross has been ignored people will have to experience it for themselves, they must endure unspeakable suffering and thus atone for the guilt of sin because they renounced their faith in Jesus Christ. God does not want to leave them in their agnostic state and still provide them with means and ways of finding Jesus Christ. The suffering coming upon the earth is negligible compared to the suffering of those in the beyond who died without faith in Jesus Christ and won't acknowledge His act of Salvation. His suffering and death on the cross was the sacrifice of atonement for humanity's sins. Yet those who distance themselves from the act of Salvation must atone for their guilt of sin themselves and can be considered fortunate if they are still allowed to do so in their earthly life. Souls which oppose Christ and His act of Salvation can expect to suffer inconceivable torments in the beyond. Yet immense suffering on earth can still let them find Him and recognise His greater than great love, and then the state of their soul at the time of death can be such that they will not need to endure the agonies in the beyond. But if earthly suffering does not result in spiritual success, then all means on earth will be in vain and God will impose upon people a time when everything will be eradicated which can no longer be spiritually saved.... since a separation of good from evil will take place.... so that only those who confess God will keep their lives but everything that is hostile to God will be removed.... Prior to this, God's demands will be revealed to the world, the world will not be kept in ignorance; nevertheless, it will not want to believe. And it cannot be forced to believe; unbelief, however, will become so prevalent that God wants to protect His Own from the corrupting influence of those people who are clearly subject to the opponent's control. Consequently, He will break his power and allow everything that opposes Him to fall prey to destruction.... He will withdraw His will from every external form and let the souls take the infinitely long path in a bound state again, because no prospect of higher development and redemption exists for this spiritual essence in the beyond, since its will is still utterly influenced by the opponent. Hence, the Judgment will signify the dawning of a completely new era. That which will then populate the earth will be spiritually advanced and consciously want to serve God and travel the earthly path in accordance with divine will, for it will no longer be so harassed by evil forces. With the knowledge of God people will flourish into a joyful and ardently God-loving race and the earth will be spared sadness and suffering, a time of peace and blissful happiness will commence on Earth, people will lovingly be of service to each other and thus strive towards higher spheres in a way that is pleasing to God. And during this time the opponent has little control over people. It was taken away from him, since all spiritual beings enslaved by him had lost their freedom and were bound in forms again, thus the opponent will be unable to use his power until these beings enter the state of free will once more which, however, will take an infinitely long time again, and this time can be called a time of peace on Earth.... __Amen
Demonic activity.... Necessity of divine intervention....
Just a little while longer and you will remember the Words I spoke on earth that the world will become chaotic in every respect. Soon you will realise where heartlessness between people will lead to. If you still harbour a spark of love within yourselves you will recognise the opponent's power, who incites everyone to conflict with each other. His activity is demonic, and as a result people also behave demonically in their unkindness. And thus I will intervene and by means of apparent disorder nevertheless restore order again, so that humanity's real purpose is made clear to them. When people in their delusion destroy everything, such an act of destruction from above is absolutely necessary so that the injustice will be clearly revealed and humanity will recognise it as such. __And there will be acute distress, and in this distress people's pleading prayers will rise up to the Father in heaven, which is the purpose of My intervention, so that people will look for Me, so that they will remember Me again and take refuge in Me. __For there is no other way left to achieve this, only the harshest adversity will make them take the path to Me, and only the harshest adversity will yet be capable of changing humanity. But My spirit will be with all those who are loyal to Me. They will recognise Me in everything that is happening and faithfully await My help.... And they will speak on My behalf and try to explain to their fellow human beings the error of their lives and refer them to Me. And then, depending on their attitude towards Me, I will also take care of their hearts, and wherever a devout thought rises up to Me I will send comfort and help. I will bestow My love upon all those who recognise their wrong and thus call to Me appealingly. For I love My living creations and only want to save them from greatest danger.... from a danger which will far exceed the earthly suffering they will encounter. And I will permeate all those with My spirit who are willing to be of service to Me, so that they will be able to comply with their task and not waver in their faith when the time of affliction arrives.... __Amen
Endless times have passed by already and endless times will still pass by until the spiritualisation of that which is the fundamental substance of Creation will be completed. This process is so inconceivably laborious and requires such an infinitely long time because the initial resistance of the spiritual substance cannot be forcibly broken, but it has to decide to surrender it voluntarily, and therefore it cannot be interfered with to speed up the process. Only the exertion of exceptionally hard pressure can weaken the spiritual substance's will of resistance, hence the consistency of the visible creations appear to be almost indestructible in their initial stages and their disintegration is only possible again through violent events. Such violent disintegrations only take place through God's will when the spiritual substance has become so compliant that it no longer requires the insufferable state of constraint. Then God will loosen its restraints, and the previously hard form will disintegrate and reshape itself into new external forms, but they no longer signify such a painful state for the spiritual substance. Every violent breakdown of a formerly solid form is an act of liberation for the bound spirit within, at the same time, however, creations which shelter more mature spiritual substances will also become subject to change. For the forcible disintegration of a hard substance is a process which is felt by all spiritual beings far and wide. It is not a gradual decay but an elemental eruption of the spiritual substance which is momentarily granted freedom by God and which it uses in order to burst that which keeps it bound. Such eruptions entail momentous changes for those creations which are affected by the destruction. __All spiritual substances, including those already further developed, dispose of their old form in this way, unite with other released spiritual substances and take abode again in a new external form, depending whether these spirits are willing to fit in with a serving task. And thus through such violent disintegration the spiritual substance is induced to carry out a serving activity again, which signifies a relaxation from its previous constraint for the spiritual substance. This is why every forceful breakdown involves liberation, i.e. further development for the spiritual substance bound in the form, and is joyfully welcomed by it. It is only a sorrowful event for the spirit during the last stage of development, for it deprives this spirit of any further prospect of development on earth and therefore triggers dread and horror if it didn't make use of its last abode in the form while it had the opportunity. Yet such eruptions are necessary for the sake of the immature spiritual substance which cannot be released from its solid form by any other means. For as soon as it decides to be of service after an infinitely long time of resistance to God, it will also be granted the opportunity to do so by God.... __Amen
Forthcoming event.... God's intervention.... Time of adve...
The nations will rage against each other without mercy and inflict the greatest possible damage on themselves. People will be gravely affected by this and suffering and grief will be their constant companions. People's heartlessness is immense and will even keep growing, and thus they will draw divine intervention ever closer to themselves. There is not much time left before it comes to pass what God has revealed to people through his spirit, and yet, people will be taken by surprise, for in their unbelief they don't believe that they will be affected by it themselves. They don't believe that their spiritual hardship is such that it will necessitate this intervention and that the time for it has come. For they don't try to understand each other, everyone just wants to achieve his own advantage and harm his fellow human being. And this is the beginning of an unimaginably meagre time.... Ideals will be lost which can never be replaced again.... The time has come of which the Lord has spoken on earth, and the said intervention will result in such appalling suffering that people will believe they are incapable of enduring this forthcoming time. __And yet, no-one will be able to escape but, in fear of their life, everyone will hear Gods voice speaking loudly and clearly to humanity. The extent of the destruction will make many people equally poor, great demands will be made on people's love, for only active neighbourly love will be able to handle this misery while raising the spiritual low at the same time. For a loving person will not leave his fellow human being without help and this activity of love will lead to spiritual growth. Every day until then shall be valued, and there will not be many more of them.... The day will come surprisingly soon which will signify a major change in many ways.... And despite their inner upheaval only devout people will remain calm and recognise the real state of affairs. And in their awareness of humanity's spiritual hardship they will try to also lead their fellow human beings to have faith. For the event will happen for the sake of their souls, and if a person then cares for his soul God's intervention will also have borne fruit. Yet again, there will only be a few, for their spiritual blindness will prevent people from realising....
Indications of natural event.... Jesus' reference on eart...
It is not coincidence that increased indications in nature suggest an eruption of the elements, for God sends these signs in advance in order to prepare people for an exceptional natural event which will suddenly and unexpectedly take people by surprise and result in inconceivable misery. People are meant to associate these indications with His Word, for Jesus Christ already mentioned this time when He lived on earth, because He wanted to point out to people the eventual consequences of their way of life. This time is now approaching; people should heed the signs which announce the event.... They should not ignore anything that deviates from the framework of natural law. God announces Himself, that is, His intervention in the existing world order, it is not His will that people should experience anything unprepared which should and can advance them spiritually if the correlation of all happenings is explained to them. For this reason God constantly refers to the forthcoming time and informs people that the time has come which necessitates divine intervention. Then it is left up to every individual person himself what he makes of this warning.... If he believes, he will adjust his life accordingly, he will make contact with God and humbly entrust his destiny to Him.... They will not be in as much danger as those people who lack all faith in an intervention. The latter will not prepare themselves either, instead, all references and admonitions will bypass their ears unheeded. And the natural event will be dreadful for them. __For profound faith gives a person the confidence that they are protected by God in every danger; yet an unbeliever will have nothing to hold on to if he does not recognise a Lord above Himself at the last minute and commends himself to His mercy. God sends His messengers long before the event already in order to stimulate humanity's thinking, and these indications can be recognised by everyone who wants to recognise them. They will give rise to thought because they don't just occur once but repeat themselves often and at regular intervals, so that they will have to be noticed by everyone. But every person usually devises his own explanation and this depending on his attitude towards God. As soon as he associates these phenomena with God's will, he pays attention to them and thereby benefits, since he prepares himself for the time ahead, which is of great advantage for his soul. What God has proclaimed in Word and Scripture will irrevocably come to pass, only the point in time is unknown to people.... For this reason they should pay attention to the signs which God had mentioned. And thus they will know that the earth will be facing severe tremors which will cause incredible suffering to the human race.... Then it is up to every person to shape himself such that he can brace himself for the coming time.... He should persevere and appeal for strong faith so as not to weaken in view of the work of destruction which is in store for humanity. And God will take care of every person who pays attention to His Word and consciously expects the divine intervention.... __Amen
Most basic way of life in the coming time.... The individ...
The coming time will bring a tremendous change of the existing living conditions and people will be forced to lead a completely different life in the midst of disorder and dreadful chaos, for the forthcoming natural disaster will cause immense destruction and it will take a long time until the former order can be restored again. Every person will have to content himself with a most basic way of life, he will be unable to lay any kind of claim to a comfortable life and be exposed to deprivations and tribulations which seem almost unbearable to him. And yet he will often ask himself the question of why he is subjected to this aggravated life and be unable to give any other answer than that the state of his soul needs this test. And if he comes to this conclusion by himself he will also try to adapt to the aggravated living conditions and as compensation envisage an easier life in the beyond, in which case it will also become more bearable on earth, for he should come to the realisation that everything that befalls people corresponds to God's eternal counsel. And then he will also have a compassionate heart for his fellow human being, he will help wherever it is feasible and those who believe in God and are striving towards Him will mutually ease the adversity. For love dwells within them and this helps to endure and overcome everything because it provides the human being with strength from God, Who is love Itself. The human being's attitude towards their neighbours' hardship will determine how long he has to live in poverty and difficult living conditions on earth himself.... He can improve these by being willing to help his neighbour, for then God will also provide him with the opportunity to put his will into action by giving to him what he needs himself so that he can also share it with those who, like him, live in most wretched conditions and thus lead a tough existence. __The individual person's intelligence will not be decisive since it will not be able to accomplish much because all previous living conditions will have changed and only utmost patience and a willingness to make sacrifices will make life bearable amongst each other. For it depends on this which kind of fate God will bestow upon the individual to endure. God Himself is love, and this love does not want people's suffering but their happiness; except that this happiness cannot be granted to them as long as they themselves do not recognise that God is love. However, in order to learn to recognise Him a heart has to become loving, and love generally awakens through great adversity and distress. And thus God has to send those upon humanity in order to fan the spark of love in every person's heart, and depending how he will then prove himself he will also be considered on the part of the eternal Deity. And so he can very quickly prepare a tolerable life for himself again if he also does everything on his part to ease his fellow human beings' adversity. And he will truly be offered enough opportunity to let his heart speak.... He will be able to be lovingly active in many different ways.... Spiritually as well as earthly demands will be made on him which he only needs to fulfil in order to also reduce his own hardship and make his life more bearable.... __Amen
Matter and Spirit....
What is the world and its matter.... this question occupies many people and yet they are unable to solve it by virtue of intellectual thought. Everything visible is matter, i.e. substance that has solidified as a form. The substance, as it were, only became visible due to hardening since previous to that it was invisible, that is, spiritual substance. Spiritual substance is God's emanated strength which, in accordance with His will, becomes what it is as soon as God has intended it to become a specific form. This form, in turn, is the unification of innumerable substances; hence it is a structure that can be dissolved to release every single substance again, if it is God's will. Consequently, any form can be destroyed, matter is something that has no eternal existence because it is merely the cover for spiritual substances which are intended to evolve and as a result don't stay in these covers forever. Although matter itself is also spiritual substance, i.e. in accordance with God's will solidified spiritual strength, it develops by means of continuous dissolution, dispersion and re-shaping so that it can, after an infinitely long time, occupy such a form itself too. Thus everything visible is spiritual strength that is still at the beginning of development, whereas the more mature spirit is invisible to the human eye and uses a visible form to live in. __Hence, in every form lives something spiritual, a being which is unconscious of itself but which longs for the unification with similar beings to increase the fullness of strength with this union, since every being strives for perfection. As soon as matter dissolves, i.e. when a form disintegrates, the released spiritual being strives towards equal spiritual beings which merge to give life to a new form. This process forms the basis for the uninterrupted becoming and passing in nature, it is therefore the cause of constant life and death in nature.... The spiritual substances pass through the whole of creation, partly alone, partly merged in immense numbers. Corresponding to these are the size and kind of the forms that surround them. Everything that encloses these spiritual beings is matter. But matter itself consists of spiritual substances which are at the beginning of their development and thus can be visible to the human eye because only the already more mature spirit is invisible. Consequently, everything visible must be considered to be imperfect, i.e. spiritual substance which is very distant from God, which is starting its way of development. The spirit concealed within the visible form has already travelled this way and now strives towards God. Therefore a destruction, i.e. a passing away or dissolution of the form, or the transience of matter, corresponds to God's will because it enables the spiritual substance to continue its development.... __Amen
Notice of an event.... Spiritual transformation.... (Rome?)
Those of you who are not yet living in truth will have to surrender much of your spiritual wealth because the time will come when you shall witness the collapse of much that you had deemed indestructible. You will realise that human work will not last even if it had managed to survive for a long time. You will find it inconceivable that divine providence will initiate a work of destruction which simultaneously will denote a major spiritual change and strongly disturb the thoughts of people who believe themselves to live in truth. And you won't be able to find any other explanation than God's unmistakable demonstration that you are misguided. This mistake is already too deep-rooted in you that you could liberate yourselves from it and therefore God wants to help you.... He wants to show you that everything has to yield to His will, including that which has survived for thousands of years. God gave human beings free will, subsequently He had to withdraw His will where human will opposed it. Thus he did not prevent the structure of an establishment which did not correspond to His will. However, His will was secretly respected and observed, unnoticed by the world and therefore little known, yet resisting hostile interference. But humanity was pleased with this structural work which asserted itself with much pomp and splendour and which found many followers. But one day even this work will come to an end and this end will happen in full view of all people.... __A building deemed indestructible will tremble and result in an event which will claim many victims in every sense. __God's intervention will shock people's thoughts. But God wants to prove to people that all human creations deteriorate and that everything which comes from God directly will continue. He wants to inform people that they are misguided, He wants to make them receptive for the pure truth. And in view of the disastrous change many people will stop and think, they will question the credibility of their previous teachings because the breakdown has robbed them of all faith. And this event is not far away, the whole world will be involved and, if they are faithful, recognise an obvious sign sent by God to the people on earth for the salvation of their souls.... __Amen
End of the world conflagration.... Establishing divine or...
It is impossible to restore worldly order again as long as people are full of hatred and envy, for these are God-opposing qualities which will have to destroy all order, since anything that is opposed to God is also in opposition to divine order. And this is a state of extreme heartlessness which will never manifest itself constructively but will always have a destructive effect. Understandably, a destructive state like that cannot go on indefinitely, and therefore God Himself will call a halt to it in a way which, admittedly, will also result in enormous disorder, but in which God's wisdom is nevertheless recognised as the only means to restore order again. Humanity itself will make no attempt to end a battle which causes suffering and boundless misery across the whole world. Consequently, it must be ended in a different way; nevertheless, it will not reduce the suffering on earth because it is needed by the human race. People must return to the old order, they must learn again to forego their neighbour's possessions, which they aspire to own and for which they fight with the most appalling weapons. Their addiction to earthly commodities will cause the world conflagration, which will be difficult to extinguish.... Yet people will not achieve any earthly gain, on the contrary, they will incur immense losses, the extent of which humanity has no knowledge of. For every victory will have been bought at the expense of indescribable losses, both in regards to material assets as well as to human life. However, humanity has become insensitive to such losses, it ignores what human will has caused, and thus, divine will itself shall intervene in order to forcibly initiate a change of world events.... because people's thinking can only be turned around when they feel that they are helpless, that a stronger Power than themselves takes the control out of their hands and utterly shatters their will. The spiritual darkness they are in is the cause of their heartless actions, whereas their heartlessness is the cause of darkness again.... They must realise in a flash that their thinking is wrong, that they are chasing after the wrong goals and that they will come to a deadlock if they don't return to divine order and radically change their way of life. The divine intervention is intended to cause this flash of realisation, even though they are still far removed from believing in a higher Power, Which controls their destiny.... Nevertheless, they can only attain faith through deliberation, and their thinking shall be stimulated when they see that everything turns out differently than it was humanly possible to foresee. The spiritual as well as earthly chaos conjured up by human determination would, without God's intervention, increase and lead to final destruction, because humanity no longer respects divine order, apart from a few who are devoted to God and strive to fulfil His will. But they do not arrest the process of development, they are merely the cause for intensified measures against divine order; and the time has come when humanity subjects itself to God's adversary and their thoughts and actions become increasingly uncaring. God's intervention will entail inexpressible suffering and destitution but it is the only option to lead people back to divine order and to change their spiritual state, although this will only be the case with a small amount of people. And therefore the time of the final annihilation of those who are inconvertible is coming ever closer, as is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Blessings of the last days.... Death before the event.......
God will be merciful to those who still recognise their wrongdoing in time and distance themselves from it, but He will inflict severe punishment without mercy on those who are unyieldingly cruel, who have no compassion even for their fellow human beings and thus pass judgment on themselves through their unkindness. And the approaching time will testify of people's depravity, the most unimaginable means intended for destruction will be devised; and people will not hesitate to use these means to accomplish their plans, and humanity's despair will increase. The leaders, as well as their followers who agreed and supported their plans, will be held responsible for everything. For God is just and He passes judgment according to thoughts, words and deeds.... Nothing is hidden from Him; He looks into the human heart and every genuine emotion determines the amount of mercy at its disposal, that it is granted to him when the end has come.... For the end will come without fail.... It will be accelerated by people's behaviour and thus an era will come to an end that would not result in a better human generation even if God extended His patience and offered humanity many more opportunities to change themselves. But they no longer make use of them and thus God will put an end to earthly life.... __This period of development was particularly gracious for humanity and could have sufficed completely for its salvation. Although God will support people until the end with remarkable gifts of grace they will be mostly ignored, just as everything in relation to God or the benefit of their own souls will generally not be taken notice of. Thus a longer stay on this earth would be inappropriate, that is, it will only benefit the body but not the immortal soul. Therefore the soul's earthly opportunity will be taken away, but it still has the assurance for further development in the beyond if it does not reject God's Word in the beyond too, and only if it loses its physical life before the Last Judgment, before the end of this earth, and is accepted into the realm of the beyond. Death before this event is even an exceptional mercy for the human being if he has not made his decision on earth. Afterwards in the beyond he will still find ample opportunity to be helpful and serve with love and in so doing continue his interrupted development, indeed he can even start it if he does not refuse to listen to helpful souls. In that case he can regress even further and return into most solid matter, after which he has to repeat the long earthly path before he can embody himself as a human being again. Thus God still has many blessings available before He destroys the old earth but He will not force people's will, and depending on how they accept His mercy they will derive benefit for their souls.... they will remain empty and incapable on earth as well as in the beyond if they ignore and reject all blessings, or they will rapidly achieve higher development by readily allowing every gift of grace to take effect on themselves and thereby receive much more strength. For God is exceedingly gracious and merciful but also just, and He will give to people according to their will.... __Amen
Total change earthly and spiritually....
Extensive changes are at hand in the physical as well as in the spiritual realm.... because the unavoidable spiritual upheaval also calls for a total earthly change in every way. This first occurs in the creations of nature which have to be completely transformed since their present structure is no longer adequate for the spirit's process of maturity. The spiritual substance which is now striving towards higher development has to travel the path of development in a shorter time than before and needs different forms to serve, although in a condition of constraint. And this change of nature drastically affects the human generation which lives on earth before its transformation. The preceding time will lack all order, there is a complete disintegration process even in respect to worldly issues; people will violate the divine order, they will carry out an extremely strong destructive will, there will be unsurpassed chaos and people will be entirely earthly minded except for a few who consciously pray for and receive divine mercy. And since an offence against the divine order ultimately has to result in destruction, it is obvious that everything in existence has to be, if not destroyed, at least transformed to restore order, which is absolutely essential for the development of the spiritual substances. __The creations of nature change in accordance with God' will.... the human spirit, which previously had completely separated itself from God, will take these creations as their abode; and since the new period of redemption has a shorter duration than the previous one, the new creations will be of a completely different consistency than those of the old earth.... They will be somewhat harder and thus more compelling which is a far more agonising condition for the constrained spirit than any previous earthly progress has been. Thus the God-opposing will is intended to be shattered within a shorter period of time in order to liberate it for continuation of its evolutionary progress in other creations. As a result, the whole process of transformation also signifies a complete spiritual change. __The time will come when no opposing power can prevent the souls' ascent because they have resisted temptations and trials and no longer require them. They have the degree of maturity which, in unity with God, has become a recipient of light and strength. They live a blessed and peaceful existence which is in fact eternal life, but experienced on earth because they will start a new human generation, which is necessary for the higher development of the immature spiritual substances in creation, i.e. they have to fulfil earthly tasks to help the still struggling spiritual substances to ascend. Thus it is a heavenly paradise on earth, and blessed is the person who is permitted to experience this peaceful state as an inhabitant of the new earth. It will be a time of calm, of peace, because the battle between light and darkness has temporarily ceased, darkness being the furthest distance from God and light being the closest proximity to Him. The furthest away from God is banished and requires a period of time for its redemption which ensures a peaceful spiritual life for those who are closest to God, which will be unimaginably beautiful for the human beings who survive the end of the old earth, because they had remained faithful to God during the previous extremely difficult time of battle and can now exchange the chaotic condition for a state of profound peace and divine order. __God's spirit will govern them, His love will look after them, He Himself will stay as Father with His children audibly as well as visibly, and after the conclusion of the old era, which ends with the Last Judgment, a new period of redemption will begin.... And this Last Judgment amounts to the disintegration of everything on this earth.... solid matter, plant and animal life as well as the human generation shall experience a total change, as God's love and wisdom has ordained and His omnipotence will bring about.... so that the God-opposing spirit will give up its resistance and change.... __Amen
Signs of the last days.... Battle of faith.... Chaos....
To specify (know?) the moment of spiritual change would not benefit humanity since the precise knowledge is an interference with free will, because at the approach of the predicted time the human being would feel obliged to change his way of life. But it is not God's will that people shall receive knowledge of the day and hour when He sits in judgment over them, they shall only know that the end is near and by the signs of the time become aware of this end. However, if devout human beings ask Him for clarification He will answer them in a manner that is helpful for the salvation of their soul.... __The Last Judgment is preceded by the last days, which last just a few months and are characterized by an exceptionally rigorous battle of faith. As soon as this battle of faith is carried out quite openly, as soon as all secrecy is ignored and all spiritual aspirations are bluntly and recklessly attacked, as soon as laws and decrees are endorsed which prohibit people's spiritual pursuits, as soon as all divine commandments are no longer observed, as soon as all believers are persecuted and have no more rights, the last days have entered into their final phase and the Last Judgment can be expected daily and hourly.... However, before this battle of faith flares up, humanity will find itself in a spiritual and worldly chaos; there will be noticeable regression in every respect. And this regression will be initiated by people who are dominated by Satan. He will show himself in earthly devastation and destruction, in heartless laws, in a God- opposing way of life, in civil disobedience and rebellion against the governing powers and in brutal oppression by the latter, in restriction of freedom and in evasion of law and justice. __These conditions will ensue after a huge earthly tremor, which takes place in accordance with God's will in order to terminate a conflict between nations that human will fails to end. For the people who are affected by this earthly tremor it will denote a change of their accustomed way of life, it will be a time of greatest deprivation and most difficult living conditions, and although this time will be favourable for the spreading of the divine Word it will not signify a revival of a worldly-clerical power. People will indeed eagerly strive to improve their earthly living conditions but these efforts will not be compatible with spiritual aspirations, with the belief in an Authority Which holds them to account and with the divine commandments that require love. And that is why everything that interferes with the return to the former good living standard comes under attack. Thus the battle of faith will start soon after the divine intervention which turns global affairs into a different direction. The events will follow each other quickly as they are hastened by people's low spirit, and this spiritual low shows itself in people's heartless actions, in their thinking, which shows extreme depravity and which prepares deeds that can only be called satanic. And thereby you can identify the moment in time when God's intervention can be anticipated. The global affairs themselves shall be a timetable to you, by the actions people are capable of doing you can see that they have totally distanced themselves from God and this clearly contradicts the opinion that this human race can still expect a spiritual renaissance. __The people who faithfully remain with God will indeed intensify their intimate relationship with Him, they will be in truth His Church which will stand firm amid misery and affliction, but it is just a small group. The world, however, denies God, it is hostile towards all who support God, and this spiritual need signifies that the end is near.... Therefore pay attention to the signs of the time, pay attention to humanity's conduct, to their desertion of God and their preference of the world, when people are evidently influenced by Satan, when they are enslaved by him and do everything to disobey the divine commandments, when nothing is sacred to them any longer, neither the life of their fellow human beings nor their possessions; when lies triumph and the truth is treated with hostility you know that the end is not far. Then you can watch the events unfold as they are revealed to you, because it will all take place during the lifetime of a man who, in a manner of speaking, hastens the disintegration, who pays homage to the destructive principle, who is not constructively but destructively active. And this man's end is also the end of the world, i.e. the end of the world in its present form and the end of those people who presently inhabit the earth, which are separate from those who belong to God. And now you know that there is not much time, that you are not given a long period of time and that the end is upon you shortly. And for this reason you have to prepare yourselves, you have to live as if every day is your last because you don't know when you will be called back and whether you will live to see the end of the earth. If, however, you are needed as defenders of God during the time of battle before the end, God will also guide your thoughts correctly and you will know when the time has come.... the time of the divine intervention by means of unleashing the forces of nature, the time of the battle of faith and the time of the Last Judgment.... It is God's will that you make people aware, thus He will also enlighten your spirit and guide your thoughts in a manner that you understand correctly and only voice and reveal to your fellow human beings what you have understood properly.... __Amen
New wonders of creation on the new earth.... Brittle matt...
Throughout every single phase of development the spiritual substance is kept in a constrained state until it has acquired the necessary maturity for its final embodiment as a human being, hence.... if it failed its previous phase of development as a human being it has to start in the confines of hard matter again and cover the path through the mineral, plant and animal world until it can become a human being once more. However, spiritual substance which has not reached the final stage in this period, but is nevertheless released by God due to the last destruction of earth, will be bound in outer forms which correspond to its maturity again, i.e. the interrupted process of development of the past period will continue in the new phase of development.... on the new earth.... For this reason the new earth will contain the most diverse creations again, however, they will be entirely new and different forms from those on the old earth. And thus new wonders of creation will come into being which the first people living on the new earth will undeniably acknowledge as miraculous, as a testimony of God's glory, as evidence of His love, omnipotence and wisdom. People will be extremely amazed at what the new earth has to offer and in admiration will praise God, love Him and give thanks to Him with all their heart. And the souls will continue with their development.... __But the substance constrained in solid matter is tormented by its restriction and tries to escape. Depending on the resistance of its will it shall either succeed or fail, but God takes the will of the substance into account and thus the material of the new earth is of utmost solidity and stability in order to soften the inherent spirit's will that it should finally surrender its resistance. Consequently, the slightest change of will shall loosen the form.... in earthly terms this means that although the solid matter of the new earth is indeed exceptionally hard it is also very brittle and thus can easily break or shatter as soon as God's will intends a release from this captivity. Similarly, other creations will also have a shorter lifespan, because the transformation of the spirit substance shall proceed at a faster rate, which can indeed be possible but nevertheless depends on the spirits' willingness to serve. The spiritual substance is merely intended to achieve its final embodiment as a human being faster than in previous phases of development as long as its will is not entirely opposed to God. For this reason the first human beings on the new earth shall experience miracles upon miracles, they will be so affected by them that their love for God and their unity with Him will grow ever more and they will live in His grace, but they will also understand these miracles, they know that they are only the expression of God's infinite love Who wants to retrieve all spirit and offers it every opportunity to change its will. __And this shall continue for a long time until the initially constrained spirit substance within the plant and animal world has reached the stage of embodiment as a human being.... Then people's understanding for the wonders of divine creation will gradually fade, the inclination towards matter will be awakened again and, due to their own longing for possessions which still contain immature spiritual substances, Satan's influence on people becomes stronger again. Subsequently, the unity with God will diminish and the battle between light and darkness, which in the beginning had disappeared because everything living on earth of its own free will was enlightened, will increase again.... For the evolutionary process of the spiritual substance is always the same during every period.... the spirit has to live within the hard form until it is willing to walk the path of service through the creations, which amounts to less constraint, and then it has to serve until it has achieved a certain degree of maturity which results in a condition where it should serve of its own free will but, unlike during the previous stages, it is no longer forced to do so. And at this stage it should not fail otherwise the whole earlier process of development has been in vain. The human being's volition determines whether this will be his last earthly embodiment or whether he has to repeat the evolutionary process, whether he will turn towards the light in the last stage or allow himself to be captured by dark forces and has to be banished again into hard matter for ages to come.... __Amen
The cause of hard living conditions....
You cannot expect changes for the better in your living conditions as long as you don't change your will as well as your conduct in life yourselves. Your perception of the purpose of your earthly life is completely wrong and you would never even think about it if you were given a carefree life of peaceful monotony or worldly pleasure. But you have to become aware of your true task on earth, and therefore you will be motivated by difficult conditions in life to think about it because only then can the knowing beings, who are responsible for your spiritual care, mentally suggest an answer to you. And these difficult conditions shall worsen if they don't succeed in stimulating your thinking because in that case you won't live consciously, i.e. you won't strive for spiritual development, which is the purpose and aim of your earthly life. And therefore you shall have to endure worldly hard times and should not expect improvements as long as you don't improve yourselves, i.e. as long as you don't accept divine will as your guiding principle of conduct. Because God can only educate you such that your will becomes active by itself and you would only need a small amount of suffering if you thought of your own accord and shaped your life in accordance with its purpose. And you continue to be burdened by very hard conditions because you are not making any preparations for change. __The earth will see much suffering; hopelessness and anguish shall tire and exhaust the people, and yet they could provide themselves with an easier earthly life if they only recognised their suffering as a caution from God, who warns them in that manner to change their lives for their own sake. Because soul and body shall die on the path they are walking. God wants to save the soul and therefore puts the body under pressure, He wants to show you the right way if only you were willing to listen to Him, when you, because of a harder life, turn your thoughts to Him, when you question yourselves about the meaning and purpose of your existence and wish for a mental response.... __And if you listen to Him, if you heed His warnings and live accordingly, then He shall relieve you of your difficult living conditions.... He shall save you from all evil, spiritually as well as earthly, because He only asks you to consider Him and carry out your true purpose in life.... to strive for progress and not just concern yourselves with earthly life.... Then He shall take your worries from you where it benefits your soul, because God does not want you to suffer if you consider your spiritual well-being first. He must save you from eternal destruction by all means which, however, you shall suffer if you live a carefree earthly life and achieve worldly fulfilment.... then your soul will be lost and you won't achieve your goal on earth, you won't strive upwards and therefore will have lived your life in vain.... __Amen
Eruptions.... Natural forces.... Divine Order....
An event is in the making which was planned from the very beginning, which is based on God's will and will be caused by human will, but without the knowledge of the consequences of what people have devised. The point in time is coming ever closer when forces, which were set free through human will, will unite and, in unison, accomplish something with God's permission, Who carefully weighs up cause and effect and will support the spiritually immature forces when they come under pressure by human actions. Nothing in the universe happens without God's will or permission. As soon as the higher development of the spirits in the works of creation is prevented, God will give these spirits the right and the strength to defend themselves, and this will happen in a way that inconceivably powerful forces will begin to develop and rage by destroying the most solid matter and create chaos in order to avenge themselves for their interrupted process of development. What will take place inside the Earth as a result of destructions and annihilations through human will, shall very shortly become evident, for the eruptions which are inexorably in the making will break out with such force that people cannot possibly imagine it as yet. Any violation of the divine order is to the detriment of the human race and the earthly creations, because the purpose of God's law is the preservation or orderly development of what He has created. If this law is counteracted, it will result in a dissolution or termination of that which was created, yet to the horror of those who do not respect the divine law.... to those humans who, being distant from God, no longer value anything that had emerged from the divine order. And people have reached such a low degree of maturity that they abandon themselves to the powers of darkness and comply with whatever these demand of them. They destroy creations in their blind hatred against their neighbour, and even the still banished spiritual substance is outraged, because it does not consider the unlawful liberation from its form a relief and so rages and runs riot in its freedom. Human will penetrates deep into the realm of the spiritual substance which is still at the beginning of its development, and this will take revenge. It is an act of huge spiritual turmoil which only seldom is permitted by God to the extent it will manifest itself. The activity of these forces will only last for a short time, yet it will cause inconceivable damage. God will banish the spiritual substance again which had liberated itself and thus prevent it from further raging and running wild. Nevertheless, He will grant it its freedom for as long as it is necessary to motivate the survivors to change their way of thinking. For it is the purpose of God's permitted work of destruction that they will recognise the sin of their violation against the divine order and try to improve themselves.... For everything that will happen is merely a means to regain the spiritual beings which strive away from Him, it is an admonition and indicator to God's omnipotence and, although not recognised, a confirmation of divine love, which wants to help those people who have gone astray in the deepest depths of vice and wickedness.... __Amen
God's Word provides comfort and strength in greatest need...
During fearful hours, when you believe to be cut off from the world and are only able to communicate with God in prayer, you will discover the strength and grace emanating from the Word which God's love sends to earth.... Then He will speak to you in His love and give you strength, He will care and provide for you and His Word will be ample food and drink until you receive help. No human being can give you the comfort which flows from His Word because you feel that He Himself is close to you in His Word and faithfully entrust yourselves to Him. And when you hear His Word your fear will leave you, His love will speak to you, His Fatherly hand will take hold of you and never let you fall again.... His Word is mild and kind, it gives you hope and you know it is truth, and thus all dread and worry comes to an end because you now have complete faith in Him. __The greater your earthly need the closer God is to you, if only you call upon Him....He will not leave you and conveys this in His Word which you, if you wish, may always hear directly or through mediators. Indeed, God will gladly fulfil this desire, He will not leave you without spiritual nourishment, He will not seal the well of living water.... He will protect it from destruction, He will not allow human will to obscure it, He will not allow the well to run dry which His great merciful love had opened for you who are hungry and thirsty, who suffer distress of body and soul and long for refreshment. And thus God Himself descends to earth in His Word to His Own when people prevent all access to you.... then He will be with you and you may receive precious gifts from His Fatherly hand, you will be strengthened in body and soul, and when you have abandoned all earthly hope and only give yourselves to God, He will take your fate into His hands Himself and deliver you from all danger.... because His love embraces you and all those who seek refuge with Him in prayer.... __Amen
Coming in the clouds.... Rapture....
An unusual roar will fill the air as the Day of Judgment arrives. And this will be the last sign for people, yet it will only be recognised as such by the believers, which will cause them great joy. For then they will be anticipating the coming of the Lord.... It requires a strong faith to expect God to be coming in the clouds, for this is such an extraordinary process that godless people just ridicule and make fun of it when it is mentioned to them. They will indeed hear the sound, too, yet they won't see the Lord in the clouds and thus take little notice of the unusual noise in the air and won't let themselves be distracted from their lives.... exuberantly and without scruples they will continue to enjoy themselves. The faithful, however, will get together and, with a happy heart, prepare themselves to receive the Lord. They will have reached the limit of their physical endurance and know that their time of suffering has come to an end, and in the final hour they will unanimously profess their faith in God although it will mean the loss of their earthly life, because they will be mercilessly attacked by the world. Yet the appearance of the Lord will thwart the plans of their godless pursuers.... For suddenly they will see the believers being lifted off the ground and rising into the air.... At the same time there will be a sound of dreadful thunder and people will realise with dismay that something dreadful is going to happen. Paralysed by the unusual process of the rapture they will be unable to think, they will try to flee and see the same everywhere.... flames of fire bursting through the earth from which there is no escape. And their life will end in a most dreadful way, for the people who rage on earth like devils and are rife with sin cannot be saved. __But the flock of the faithful will witness the end of the old earth; the divine work of destruction will take place before their eyes, while they will have escaped and will be safe and secure in a place of peace, as promised by God. This will be the end of one period of Salvation and the start of a new one as soon as the old earth is shaped anew through God's will. Then the faithful will continue to live as the root of the new human race and the new period of Salvation will begin. The process of rapture is only understandable and therefore credible to a knowing and profoundly enlightened person, yet it will be the culmination of an anxious time of hardship and suffering, it will be the conclusion and the evidence of God's glory, Who will also prepare a fate for His Own which testifies of His glory.... It will be an act of profoundly divine love for His living creations who will recognise in Him their Father of eternity, who will have returned to Him and become as one with Him through love.... with whom He will then be able to stay because divine love meets with no obstacle once the human being has become love himself.... __Amen
'The gates of hell....' Church of Christ....
The quintessence of Christ's teaching is the commandment of love for God and one's neighbour. Hence, wherever this is taught and practiced, there is true Christianity, there is the church of Christ, which has its foundation in its firm faith in Him and which therefore will continue when all else comes to an end. His church comprises believers who live according to His commandment of love and who are therefore permeated by His spirit which manifests itself openly or in secret, depending on what is best for the individual soul. And Jesus Christ guaranteed that this church will last forever with the Words 'The gates of hell shall not prevail against it....' At the same time His Words indicated that it will be attacked by the forces of hell.... And His Word is truth and will come to pass at the end of the time granted by God for the souls' redemption. Then the church of Christ will be assailed by forces which are hostile to God, yet it will remain victorious and be recognised as everlasting by its followers, by the community of believers who practise true Christianity, abide by the teachings of Christ and live a life of love. __However, this church of Christ will be small, only a small group will belong to it and yet, it will be represented all over the world.... truly lovingly active people and therefore true Christians will live all over the world. Their love will gain them wisdom, and thus they will also be profoundly devout and acknowledge the God of love Who embodied Himself on earth in Jesus Christ and consciously strive towards Him. They were all promised by God that He would remain with them until the end, He promised them His spirit because they belong in truth to His church which He Himself founded. And thus He will protect them until the end from spiritual and earthly ruin, because they live according to Christ's teaching.... with love for God and their neighbour.... and belong to those who will be shielded from death, who will be taken by God into the kingdom of peace before the immense destruction takes place.... The small group constituting His church will be the foundation again on the new earth, Christ's teaching will be proclaimed once more, love will be cultivated and the people of the new earth will live in deep faith, for God's love had revealed itself to them, He Himself will stay in their midst because they fulfil His commandment of love for God and their neighbour.... And thus God's church will continue, it will survive all times because it will always be followed by people whose faith in the Redeemer of the world fills them with love and whose activity consists of a constant service in love.... because nothing can cease to exist which originates in God, which accepts love as its basic principle and therefore is divine.... __Amen
King of kings....
The King of kings governs His kingdom in wisdom and love and all rulers of the world must fear His power if they do not respect His will, if they are not subject to Him with humility and acknowledge Him as their Lord. For His power directs all destinies according to His judgment, including the destinies of every nation and their rulers, since He governs with wisdom and His activity is determined by profound love. Even if He allows people free will and thereby allows these rulers to act and govern according to their will, He will nevertheless appear as King of kings when the time comes, when the spiritual and earthly adversity on earth requires Him to resolve it by using His power. The time does not seem to have come for the world, because the princes and kings of this world strive for a peaceful solution, nevertheless, they will not succeed. It will fail because the one who is Satan's servant on earth will resist it. Spiritually, however, the time has come which necessitates a radical change, for humanity no longer acknowledges the greatest Ruler and for that reason they shall find out the hard way.... And once Satan's activity consists of instigating strife instead of supporting peace, the time will also have come on earth for the King of kings to appear and oppose the will of the earthly ruling powers with His will.... Then there will certainly be peace among humanity but neither happiness nor prosperity.... Then a different kind of adversity will start and this, too, must be endured by people in order to prepare themselves for the near end. For a brief period of time the earthly power will be broken, yet it will rise again worse than ever and initiate the final work of destruction.... it will declare war against everything that chooses the King of kings.... it will not accept Him, it wants all people to turn away from Him and profess the authority which is governed by Satan and thus openly fights against God. And then the end will come.... He will only reign for a short time in order to relinquish his dominion for an infinitely long time, for he will be apprehended and deprived of every opportunity to reign.... And only One will govern and this One governs in love and wisdom for the benefit of everyone who lives on earth.... These will acknowledge the King of kings for they became His subjects of their own free will, they have proven this by courageously professing Him and His name before the world, before His adversary, and thus they will be rewarded on the new Earth with a blissful life in paradise.... __Amen
Antichrist.... End....
The spirit of the Antichrist has been in the world since Jesus Christ accomplished of His act of Salvation. He has constantly attempted to undermine His act, he has always and forever fought Jesus' followers, he has always and forever driven people into heartlessness, thus he has actively opposed Christ's will and teaching on earth, partly by means of spiritually confusing people's thoughts and partly, in human appearance, clothed in a gown of knowledge and intelligence. The teaching of Jesus Christ was opposed by a human teaching at all times which aimed to weaken it, thus it was antichristian, and this has always been Satan's work, the work of forces from below which intended to cause people's desertion from God or to obstruct their way to Him. And this antichristian activity is steadily on the increase and will be blatantly self-evident before the end.... Satan himself will be active on earth in human form, the Antichrist in person, whose activity will be extremely ominous for the whole of the human race. For he will initiate laws which aim to eradicate spiritually-minded thoughts, which will prevent all spiritual endeavour and intend to entirely secularize people. And this will be the last work of the one who fights against God, for he will be transgressing the limit of his authority, which is relentlessly punished by God.... The change of worldly events will be rapid, extensive worldly changes will occur in short succession and a ruling power will come to the fore by wanting to direct the state of affairs of all nations and, instead of order, will cause utter disorder. For his regulations will first and foremost apply to the suppression of all faith. He will find many supporters on earth, and that will be the sign for the End. For people won't resist it but will almost unanimously profess and celebrate him as a hero and victor whose goal they acknowledge and consequently also support. __And this will be the start of the most difficult time for believers. It will seem incomprehensible to them what is going on in the world, it will seem incomprehensible to them that God's love and patience allow His most sacred name to be slandered and ridiculed and Jesus Christ's followers to be ostracized and pursued in a most brutal way. Yet they penetrate the truth of the divine Word ever more, which has predicted all this, and thus they also faithfully commit themselves to God's guidance. The Antichrist rages in a most frightening way, he dazzles people by the actions he implements with support of strength from below.... Satan himself works through him as the opposing spirit of the One Who works in the living creations of love and faith, in people, who love God above all else and firmly believe in Him and thus have to suffer great adversities due to God's opponent. People will pay homage to him, they will erect altars, they will proclaim him as the Messiah bringing salvation to them, for he will achieve feats which will impress people, yet they will not be works of love but mere activities of arrogance and craving for power. He will work as a human being, try to explain his strength as human strength and oppose and deny everything that is divine, that points to and testifies of God. And his willpower will be rock hard.... He will give orders, and anyone resisting his command will be destroyed by him.... He will seek to prohibit all teachings of Christ, all knowledge of Him and His act of Salvation, he will try to drag everything through the mud and regally reward those who assist him in his quest against Christ, just as he, full of hatred, will also take actions against His followers.... __The Antichrist's stature will be recognisable by its external good looks, by his physical strength.... for Satan conceals himself so as not to be recognised for who he is. And his extraordinary abilities will draw humanity's attention to him, there will be no end of admiration. He will reside on earth in external splendour and grandeur, in contrast to Jesus Christ Who lived inconspicuously amongst his brothers, devoid of all earthly possessions with a love-filled heart for his fellow human beings. But the Antichrist's heart will be callous and unemotional towards all worldly hardship and yet humanity will jubilantly applaud him, blinded by his external brilliance and strength. He will appear suddenly and unexpected at a time of utmost earthly adversity and, with strong hands, promise relief, seize power and authority without meeting any resistance, because people only pay attention to the harsh conditions on earth and ignore this hero's spirit, who will want to distinguish himself and, with the help of like-minded people, elevate himself as a ruler. And then the end will be near.... For the resulting battle of faith will be the prelude to the entire work of destruction of earth.... It will only last a short time but with such intensity that it will require an extremely strong faith as not to succumb. __Yet once again God Himself will confront His adversary.... For He is in spirit amongst those who fight on His behalf, and the Antichrist runs in vain against the bastion of faith.... And he will fall from his throne into the mire of damnation.... His government will not last long but will cause unspeakable misery amongst the whole of humanity which will predominantly support him and abandon all faith in God, which will believe his earthly implementations and will thus finally also share the damnation, for it will be subject to God's adversary and therefore also share his fate. And this will be the End.... Jesus Christ will remain victorious and His church will continue to exist for all eternity.... __Amen
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