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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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God does not condemn, people condemn themselves....
It is not Me Who condemns people, but they who condemn themselves.... They will not get anything other than what they wanted for themselves, and for this reason their will either leads them to life or death. I Myself want to give life to all people, yet if they choose death themselves then they shall receive according to their will. The eternal law of order, however, will remain in place, and this law corresponds to My nature, i.e. My love. Hence, people who fit in with this law of eternal order will let love reign and therefore choose life, because through love they receive the strength which guarantees a life in beatitude, whilst heartless people are without strength and therefore stand outside the law of eternity.... and consequently condemn themselves to death. For death is a state without strength which all people or their souls have to expect who live without love and have therefore left My eternal order. Nevertheless, every person has the option to choose his fate, and therefore every person will also sentence himself. But I constantly warn those people who still live outside of My eternal order of the Judgment, so that they will change their mind and enter it, so that they will shape their destiny such that they will be awakened to life when the hour arrives which gives everyone what he deserves; I warn them because I take pity upon them, because I love all people and know the dreadful fate they are approaching. Even so, I cannot give anything else to them aside from that which My justice allows for, I respect every human being's will but Am always willing to stand helpfully by his side if he wants to join My eternal order again. For it is My will that people shall awaken to life on the Day of Judgment, that they will not fall prey to death.... It is My will that they become strong and constantly accept strength from Me.... but this is only possible if they enter the circuit of My flow of love again, that is, if they transform themselves into love and thereafter receive light and strength in abundance.... All people are at liberty to let Me illuminate them, yet anyone moving outside the circuit of My flow of love is unable to absorb My emanation of love, he remains weak and will eventually succumb to death, yet through his own fault. And therefore he condemns himself. Only a life within My order, a life of love, assures a person the strength for his soul to live in eternity, and anyone who lives like this will not fear the last Judgment either, for he cannot be expelled again, he has already gained life and will never ever lose it again.... __Amen
Hence the last Judgment is preceded by a serious admonition, an indication of the near end and at the same time the evidence of it, because My proclamation fulfils itself and thus you human can equally assuredly expect the end, which not long afterwards is intended to come upon this earth and its inhabitants. Humanity's fate is an irrevocably deep abyss, regardless of whether they stay alive for just a short or a very long time, for they are in a completely dark spiritual state and do nothing of their own accord in order to remedy it. This is why I will have to disturb their tranquillity.... Something has to happen which is so inconceivable to them, which horrifies them and makes their bodily death clear to them.... Only death scares unbelieving people and thus I will bring death home to them, yet only with the intention of motivating them into calling upon Me in greatest fear, Who alone can keep them alive when earthly rescue no longer seems possible. Such a call can still result in the person's salvation.... such a call can bring him closer to Me again if it arises from the heart and then surely will also be granted by Me. People have no idea of the event with which I want to remind them of My existence again.... __All elements will rage against each other, it will be as if all hell was let loose against people, and there will be no escape for them.... until I Myself command the elements and end the hour of dread and terror.... Nothing is impossible for Me, and this belief in My omnipotence, love and wisdom will truly have a miraculous effect in these fearful hours. For My Own will emerge unharmed from this experience, openly praising My grace and strength and My love.... And those who found Me in their adversity will join them in their praises, they will support their fellow human beings by helping and comforting them in realisation of the strength of faith, which they want to pass on to them as well. I have announced this event in advance and time and again will refer you humans to it.... Learn to believe and call upon Me if you thus recognise Me, and then also believe that My last proclamation will fulfil itself, that the end will come and with it the last Judgment.... And make use of this last time of grace, catch up on what you have neglected, don't let the last day arrive and find yourselves unprepared, for then there will be no more salvation for those who have as yet not found Me.... then people will remain in sin and be destroyed because they ignored My admonitions and warnings and thus will be unable to find mercy once the end has come.... __Amen
At the hour of severest distress many people will call upon God but not every call will come from the heart because the danger they are in takes away all their ability to think and thus they will merely address God with their lips and their prayer will go unheard. Only those who are capable to send their thoughts to Him, even though just for moments, God will stand by them either to save them from the trouble of their bodies or else, prior to the end, to still offer mercy to their soul. It is not always death to be considered the greatest evil, for if a person facing death still has found one's way to God it thus has been an effective means towards one's salvation, which is worth more than the preservation of the physical life in spiritual darkness. And that's why countless people will loose their life within a short time, partly as a warning to the fellow man, partly for the sake of their own spiritual need. __But just ones, too, whose course of life is finished according to God's will, are called from this earth to their Maker. For wherever God Himself is recognizable at the revolting of the forces of nature that are subject to God's will, there His will is also decisive as to who becomes a victim of these happenings. Mature and immature ones will have to leave this earth, yet, if prior to one's death a soul has gotten to know God, the one's spiritual development in the beyond is guaranteed and the finished earthly life is nothing but a blessing for the one. And the earthly distress will be severe and will offer the possibility to everybody yet to find one's way back to God; for the natural event will announce itself beforehand. Unusual signs will indicate an unusual event so that every person can still reflect on oneself, and one will also by means of one's neighbors be directed to the highest power, the director of heaven and earth, to the point where the one has time and the opportunity to combine with Him by means of intimate prayer. __But by now the remoteness of mankind from God shows, for just a few accept Him, just a few turn to Him for protection and help in their fear and affliction. Most of them turn Him away, intentionally and unintentionally, they watch the spectacle of nature, continuously hoping for a soon termination and the hour of distress therefore hits them the more severely because they feel completely left abandoned, since they lack any faith altogether. Yet of these distant-from-God people many remain alive to whom God still gives the opportunity to see the light afterwards. Good and bad people will loose their life and good and bad people will keep their life, for this catastrophe of nature is not yet a separation of the spirits but only a last reminder prior to the final judgment, the former of which all people ought to draw for their mental use. Yet, it is up to them as to how they want to utilize this last reminder. They can get to see the light prior to or after the disastrous night, but they can also stick to their old way of thinking and the great happening might as well be without impression upon their souls. __And, afterwards, too, there will be people at work hostile to God; out to destroy any faith in God and they will put emphasis to this natural event as to be their strongest proof of His non-existence; they will emerge as greatest deniers of God from a happening meant to lead them back to faith. And that's why it's obvious the struggle will flare up between those who were made strong and faithful by the happenings and those who have survived it in spite of their unbelief. And after mankind has been granted yet a short time of grace afterwards until the last judgment, thus everything will be approaching the end.... __Amen
And time and again I say to you: You will experience the end.... It is an urgent wake-up call which I send to people who presently inhabit the earth, it is a call which I will still intensify because you need to let go of your conviction that you still have much time left, because you need to spend thought on a sudden end and try to come close to Me. You have only little time left and very soon will be startled out of your calm, fear will enter your hearts which you can only banish by calling upon Me, by faithful prayer, which will provide you with strength and composure. The time is fulfilled, and even if you resist this thought.... you must prepare yourselves for whatever the end entails. It is you who will experience the last battle, who ought to win it; it is you who will experience the last Judgment, who will either see My coming in the clouds and the homecoming of the righteous or the final act of destruction take place, depending on your attitude towards Me, depending on your will and your love. It is you who must make a decision since you will not be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond after your death if you side with the adversary, but you will have to repeat the process through the creation of the new earth according to My eternal counsel. Do not expect the end in the future, get used to the idea that the present time will lead to the end, that you will be affected and that everything will come upon you as seers and prophets predicted according to My will. I can only ever draw your attention to it and as confirmation of My Word speak to you from above, and I will implement it shortly because there is not much time until the end. __I will inform you, whose will to serve Me made you My Own, once again of this just before the end, so that you will not experience the day unprepared, for even though you believe that My Word is truth you are still not taking My prediction seriously enough, you are still counting on a reprieve and not on My speedy arrival which, however, is about to happen to you. Yet you will yearn for My arrival when the time of the battle of faith comes and you enter the last stage of this earthly period. Then you will have learned to despise the world, you will have no further desire for earthly possessions, you will only yearn for My Word, and I will also always be with you in the Word and comfort you until the day when I will appear in the clouds, when your adversity has reached huge proportions and help can only come from Me. You must take it for granted that you will experience this time if I won't recall this or that servant of Mine prematurely, according to wise judgment. You will all be surprised as to how quickly events will unfold, which I predicted long in advance through the voice of the spirit. And once I appear the end will come upon you with giant strides. Anyone who is profoundly faithful will inwardly rejoice despite hardship and suffering, for he will know that he will be compensated one day, that sooner or later all adversity will have an end and that a new era will start again with the paradise, as I have promised.... __Amen
Total change earthly and spiritually....
Extensive changes are at hand in the physical as well as in the spiritual realm.... because the unavoidable spiritual upheaval also calls for a total earthly change in every way. This first occurs in the creations of nature which have to be completely transformed since their present structure is no longer adequate for the spirit's process of maturity. The spiritual substance which is now striving towards higher development has to travel the path of development in a shorter time than before and needs different forms to serve, although in a condition of constraint. And this change of nature drastically affects the human generation which lives on earth before its transformation. The preceding time will lack all order, there is a complete disintegration process even in respect to worldly issues; people will violate the divine order, they will carry out an extremely strong destructive will, there will be unsurpassed chaos and people will be entirely earthly minded except for a few who consciously pray for and receive divine mercy. And since an offence against the divine order ultimately has to result in destruction, it is obvious that everything in existence has to be, if not destroyed, at least transformed to restore order, which is absolutely essential for the development of the spiritual substances. __The creations of nature change in accordance with God' will.... the human spirit, which previously had completely separated itself from God, will take these creations as their abode; and since the new period of redemption has a shorter duration than the previous one, the new creations will be of a completely different consistency than those of the old earth.... They will be somewhat harder and thus more compelling which is a far more agonising condition for the constrained spirit than any previous earthly progress has been. Thus the God-opposing will is intended to be shattered within a shorter period of time in order to liberate it for continuation of its evolutionary progress in other creations. As a result, the whole process of transformation also signifies a complete spiritual change. __The time will come when no opposing power can prevent the souls' ascent because they have resisted temptations and trials and no longer require them. They have the degree of maturity which, in unity with God, has become a recipient of light and strength. They live a blessed and peaceful existence which is in fact eternal life, but experienced on earth because they will start a new human generation, which is necessary for the higher development of the immature spiritual substances in creation, i.e. they have to fulfil earthly tasks to help the still struggling spiritual substances to ascend. Thus it is a heavenly paradise on earth, and blessed is the person who is permitted to experience this peaceful state as an inhabitant of the new earth. It will be a time of calm, of peace, because the battle between light and darkness has temporarily ceased, darkness being the furthest distance from God and light being the closest proximity to Him. The furthest away from God is banished and requires a period of time for its redemption which ensures a peaceful spiritual life for those who are closest to God, which will be unimaginably beautiful for the human beings who survive the end of the old earth, because they had remained faithful to God during the previous extremely difficult time of battle and can now exchange the chaotic condition for a state of profound peace and divine order. __God's spirit will govern them, His love will look after them, He Himself will stay as Father with His children audibly as well as visibly, and after the conclusion of the old era, which ends with the Last Judgment, a new period of redemption will begin.... And this Last Judgment amounts to the disintegration of everything on this earth.... solid matter, plant and animal life as well as the human generation shall experience a total change, as God's love and wisdom has ordained and His omnipotence will bring about.... so that the God-opposing spirit will give up its resistance and change.... __Amen
Confessing Jesus and the act of Salvation....
There is a great risk that people will abandon their faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, and yet people have to be subjected to this last test of faith, because it is decisive for eternity.... I Myself incarnated on this earth in Jesus Christ, I Myself accepted the crucifixion as a human being in order to open the gate into eternity for humanity.... But people lock this gate themselves, they do not accept My act of Salvation, they do not benefit from it. And therefore the gate will remain closed to them for eternity, a person who does not acknowledge Me cannot be acknowledged by Me to belong to Me either. He is not part of Me as long as he is still subject to My adversary's influence, which remains in tact with those who do not acknowledge Me and My act of Salvation. Hence they separate themselves from Me and aspire towards the one whose will enslaved them and deprived them of all awareness. The end is near and with it the Last Judgment.... And once again I approach humanity as the Redeemer, I try to bring spiritual freedom, light and enlightenment to people and only want to be acknowledged in order to distribute the blessings of My act of Salvation to the souls, so that they will not perish when Judgment Day comes. I want to redeem them but they have to let themselves be redeemed of their own free will.... Thus they have to confess Me before the world as the One Whose strength and grace enables them to become blessed.... They have to believe that the Deity was in the man Jesus in all fullness, that His greater than great love motivated Him to suffer and die on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to avert eternal death from them, which is the irrevocable fate of everyone who does not believe in Him, who does not acknowledge His act of Salvation and does not claim the blessings He acquired through the crucifixion. __And people will have to confess this faith before the world, they will have to openly bear witness to the love of the God-man Jesus, because by making this testimony they stand by Me completely.... they will show the world that they are My children in truth who, raised by the love of the Father, also fulfil the Father's will.... Thus this decision of faith has to be made, and it will be a difficult time for people who belong to Me and have to publicly acknowledge Me. But whoever has the will to do so also has the strength, which will be given to him in abundance, as I promised.... For I Myself Am with My Own, and My Own are those who strive towards Me, who aim to reach Me, Who call for Me in spirit and in truth, who live with love and endeavour to fulfil My will. And therefore they should not worry about the approaching battle of faith. It has to happen to people so that they seriously make up their mind about a problem which has found little attention so far.... They have to decide for or against Me, since anyone who acknowledges the Son also acknowledges the Father, and anyone who rejects the Son also rejects the Father. I, however, Am the One Who sacrificed Himself on behalf of humanity.... For I was in the human being Jesus in all fullness, I Myself descended to earth in order to redeem humanity from the sin of guilt and its consequences. Therefore, anyone who believes in Me cannot reject Jesus Christ, for He and I are One, and anyone who bears witness to Him bears witness to Me.... __Amen
Jesus' forerunner at the end....
Someone amongst you will emerge who shall bear witness of My coming in the clouds. And when you hear him you will know that the end is near. He is one of the purest, he is full of love and kindness and therefore closely united with Me, he is a comforter and friend to you humans, a liberator from emotional distress. He is spiritually illuminated and knows about the Last Judgment, and therefore he will warn and admonish people in My name. He will fight for Me and My kingdom and be fully enlightened. And thus he will also know where the pure truth is represented. Consequently he will emerge from amongst those who receive My teaching from above and, due to his way of life, due to his love for his fellow human beings, he will also be taught from above, because he will still have to accomplish a final task.... to be My forerunner prior to My return. For the time is fulfilled, the predictions of the prophets are coming to pass and thus he, too, will have to appear. He will descend from the kingdom of light to earth for My sake in order to announce Me to people who are suffering utmost adversity and distress. __He will bear witness of Me since his voice will be My voice and anyone who listens to him, listens to Me. However, he will not stay with you humans for long.... Until you recognise him he will indeed live in your midst, but My adversary will persecute him and provoke people against him. He will preach love but people will listen to him with hatred. They will pursue and try to kill him. But I will know how to protect him until his hour has come, for he has to complete his mission, he has to prepare a path for Me, he has to uphold the flock of My children and inform them that the Lord's return is at hand. __And once he appears, not much time will be left. His words will ignite and arouse the lazy and undecided from their sleep, for he will only be a mouthpiece for Me, through him I want to openly express Myself just one more time. And once again he will be a voice that cries in the wilderness, who will only return because I will need a strong worker in the end, a worker from above to help humanity. Yet the world will hate him and spare no means to eliminate him, even though he will only speak and do good. But the world will have descended into darkness and all lights will have gone out.... Consequently, a bright light will appear on earth and all bearers of light will fetch oil for themselves to brighten their own lights again, which worldly people will endeavour to extinguish. And all people of true faith will recognise him as the forerunner of My return, and they will know that the time is fulfilled when I can be expected and with Me the Last Judgment.... They will take his words to heart because they sense that it is I, Who speaks through him, and that I announce My coming through him, who is My messenger as destined since eternity. __But he will have a difficult time with people who worship the world and reject his admonitions and warnings, yet who will not shy away from trying to kill him in spite of the fact that he will prove himself helpful towards all people and many will also accept his help. The former will want to prevent him from completing his mission but I will not recall him into My kingdom until he has prepared the path for Me, until he has proclaimed My coming to all who long to behold Me and whose faith he has strengthened, because he will only proclaim what he receives from Me through the inner Word, through the remarkable working of the spirit within himself.... __Amen
Spiritual turning-point.... Total transformation of earth...
You can take it for granted that the world is facing a change, spiritually as well as earthly. The earth itself is approaching a total transformation, a transformation of its surface as well as extensive internal changes, and, likewise, people need to prepare themselves for a process that will have spiritual repercussions because all life on earth, human and animal, will cease to exist as soon as the reshaping of earth is under way. Thus it stands to reason that the entire transformation will have a spiritual foundation, that a new school for the spirit will be created which, however, will first call for the destruction of the former. Earth cannot continue to exist the way it is at present if it is not to circle through the universe amid other creations and heavenly bodies devoid of all purpose.... Change has to take place, and this act of transformation will be experienced by people to whom God has given the grace to use the final opportunities for achieving maturity. For God has blessed the last days of this earth's existence by providing blessing upon blessing for people who could certainly reach full maturity by the last day. That the gifts of grace are ignored, that the majority of people do not welcome and thus do not accept them, is only proof that the last days have arrived. __Hence only few will be able to observe the final act of transformation because they accept God's will and therefore also know of His eternal plan of Salvation. They will not be harmed by the process of transformation as they will be raptured before the last act of destruction of the old earth. And thus the change will merely affect them such that they will change their environment for a kingdom of peace until they are returned to the entirely reshaped earth as root of the new human race. Until the last day, however, others will still have ample opportunity to change and thus save themselves too. For as soon as their spiritual transformation has taken place, as soon as the soul has returned to God, Whom they had adamantly resisted so far, the souls also become aspirants to the kingdom of the blessed and need no longer fear the destruction of the old earth. No creation on the old earth will survive nor will any human being continue to exist who was not lifted to heaven by God's love beforehand.... The complete destruction of the earth's surface as a whole will also result in the demise of every creature, and the transformation of any soul capable of change will have been achieved by the hour of the Last Judgment. Hence it depends on the human being's spiritual change whether he will survive the end of this earthly period and be permitted to re-inhabit the new earth as a child of God.... __All people will still be capable of change but only few will be willing, and thus the earth's process of transformation will take place, given that people's will shall no longer take the right direction and earth no longer fulfils its intended purpose. Earthly life is misused.... As a result, the whole of humanity faces a spiritual turning-point. However, it will not happen on the old earth and it will only consciously be experienced by a few people, whilst the majority of people will indeed enter an entirely different developmental stage, hence also be affected by the spiritual turning-point, but in a regressive sense....they will lose their physical life and continue their existence in a completely different form.... `Life' will have ceased to be and the state of `death' will surround the spiritual essence because it will have failed as a human being, because it did not use its opportunity to change in order to redeem itself. __In the universe, however, the act of transformation will denote an entirely new period of redemption and the conclusion of an era which was extremely significant, because God Himself incarnated on earth in order to exemplify to humanity the change from a human into a divine being, which all people should accomplish. Earth, which carried His physical body, will now have to help the hardened spiritual substances, solid matter, to achieve redemption. Every living thing will have to experience a change of its external form; everything constrained in a form below the human level will have to be able to comply with the impetus for ascent. As a result of earth's total transformation this will indeed be possible since the love of the divine man Jesus also encompassed the as yet unredeemed spiritual substances which He also intended to help with His act of Salvation. When this period of redemption comes to an end it will also mean the end for all creations in, on and above the earth. Then a continuation of development in the creations of the new earth can commence for all spiritual substances which still need to be redeemed and which, depending on their will towards God, will animate the various forms until their final salvation.... __Amen
Forerunner.... Knowledge about previous incarnation....
You, who live on earth during the last days in order to be of service to Me, should not lose yourselves in assumptions as to whose spirit you embody. I have spread a veil across things which are not conducive to your earthly life and your mission. This is why the knowledge about your former incarnation on earth is withheld from you. Let it suffice you to know that I provide everyone willing to be of service to Me with great strength and grace and that, precisely because the adversary's activity during the last days is so powerful, it also requires powerful spirits of light in order to counteract and stand up to his activity where redemptive work is carried out on earth. And these spirits of light must remain profoundly humble in order to accomplish their mission, because pride, or arrogance, in particular offer the adversary the best opening for an attack and might therefore undermine this mission. And all people are in danger of falling prey to this, his very attribute and arch-evil.... For this reason such opportunities are not supported on My part, instead I only ever try to influence the human being to remain profoundly humble, because then he will also be able to resist My adversary and not get caught up in his nets of lies. And it is not helpful for a person to know about his previous incarnation.... or he would receive this knowledge the moment he starts his work for Me and My kingdom.... __But one person will know about it, it will not be concealed from him, because he has to accomplish the most demanding task in the last days: as My forerunner to announce Me, as a voice in the wilderness to proclaim My coming in the clouds and to pay for his mission for Me with his life.... This knowledge, however, will not burden him because he will be a supremely powerful spirit who consciously undertook his last embodiment on earth in recognition of the urgency of his task, which he shall be willing to accomplish out of profound love for Me. He is one of the few who seal what they proclaim with death.... He has the strength to do so because he loves Me Whom he once did not quite recognise, who indeed had to give up his life for Me once before but who is willing to die a thousand deaths on My behalf.... who therefore also travels this final earthly path in awareness of his mission and his origin. But he will only be certain of this when his final mission begins, when he.... having previously lived in utter seclusion.... steps into the limelight, when his heartfelt bond with God suddenly enlightens him about the task he has to accomplish on earth.... Then he will proclaim Me with fiery zeal, he will do whatever it takes to refer people to the end and the last Judgment; he will speak frankly and boldly against the rulers whose power he does not fear, instead he will publicly denounce them because he recognises them as emissaries of Satan, against whom he openly campaigns. __And this will be My last sign, for he will appear during the final stages, during the time of the battle of faith, which will be waged shortly before the end. Regardless of what you hear earlier.... his time of activity will not start until this battle of faith erupts, when the lights will shine brightly to point people to the path which all people shall take.... And he will be the brightest light which will shine where you least expect it.... his radiance will outshine everything and therefore also be recognisable by all who don't shun the light.... But be patient and wait until then, and don't entertain false assumptions in advance.... For you will often still be misled by My adversary who wants to divert your vision in order to stop you, who are willing to serve Me as loyal servants, from your own missionary work. Don't let yourselves be deceived.... you will very clearly recognise when the time has come where such extraordinary things will happen that I, too, will have to intervene extraordinarily in order to help My Own. For My adversary's actions will shake their faith as well if they don't firmly adhere to Me and hand everything over to Me in confidence of My right guidance. And then you shall also feel My will within your hearts, so that you no longer need to ask what you ought to do. My will shall be within you, you shall not be able to act against My will, and you will also know that your actions are merely fulfilling My will. Time and again I say to you: don't be hasty, wait until I call you, until I place My will into your heart, for your premature actions can also destroy what has been laboriously built up before. __Always bear in mind that people's faith is still too weak, that they occasionally need a lighter fare so as not to harm their souls.... And to these you should only preach My Gospel of love but not present them with teachings which they are unable to grasp. And this also includes the knowledge about the incarnation of spirits of light, because they often lack belief in the soul's continuation of life altogether. It is not always appropriate to announce the appearance of the forerunner prior to My second coming to such people, yet if they accept My Gospel of love they will also learn to believe and recognise him when he appears, because he will be preceded by grave events and a `separation of the spirits' will then be recognisable.... people, who are either for or against Me and therefore exhibit corresponding spiritual understanding. Not much time will pass before all these Words will be understandable to you, and then you will no longer ask but know that My coming is imminent, because you will recognise the one who was My forerunner during My time on earth and who will be it again, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
The Lord's return.... Present time.... Witnesses of the n...
You all shall be witnesses of My power and glory, you shall live to see My return, partly in spirit and partly in the flesh, for the time is coming to an end and it will come to pass as I have always and constantly proclaimed. You shall experience My return and bear witness of it in the paradise of the new earth.... For I will move those who remain faithful to Me onto the new earth, where they shall also proclaim My Word as they do now on My instruction.... I know who is suitable to do so and know full well how to protect My servants from the destruction, I will endow My disciples of the last days with extraordinary strength to enable them to successfully attend to their office, so that they will courageously fight all those who are hostile to Me and who also extend their hatred to My Own. And not one of them will pass away from earth until his mission has been accomplished. The last on this earth, however, shall be the first on the new earth, where their task will be the same.... To proclaim My Word, albeit in a different manner, for it will be gladly and longingly accepted, it will be recognised for what it is.... as the Father's evidence of love, Who wants to give pleasure to His children. __They will all recognise My voice when I speak through you to people. For they will have all passed their ordeal on this earth and remained faithful to Me. Hence their reward will also be substantial and pleasing, a harmonious life in the paradise of the new earth, which no person can yet imagine but which is granted to them so that My might and glory will manifest itself. And I Myself will be in the midst of them.... I will come in the clouds to bring them home and stay with them, because due to their demonstrated loyalty during the last battle of faith they will have become My children. For they will fearlessly confess Me, they will testify of Me without having seen Me. For this reason they will also be allowed to see Me in full glory before the very end. And what I proclaim will fulfil itself.... I will return, and you will live to see it.... __You do not yet believe that the time is so close at hand, that you will have to experience the horrors of the last days, and that this earth will be destroyed with My permission. You do not yet believe that the proclamations by seers and prophets concern the present time and that you humans of this time will experience significant things which no person can imagine, for this earth has never yet exhibited such. But humanity will soon watch the events with horror and bewilderment which will make an early disintegration of earth believable, and then it will rapidly progress towards the ultimate end. Yet My chosen people will survive the time because it is My will, and because even this time shall have its witnesses who will be selected to speak of it, so that My might and glory will become evident amongst the human generation's descendants on the new earth. For it will have to be preserved as tradition for the descendants, because even then a time will come again when sin will be prevalent and I will be ignored. Then their testimony shall warn and remind people what fate will await those who completely forget about Me.... Then they shall be told about the downfall of the old earth and the Last Judgment which decided over life and death, over happiness and damnation.... __Amen
Most difficult time of hardship before the end....
You, who are now living on earth, have to pass the most difficult tests and endure the greatest suffering because the end is near and you do not have enough time for a slow maturing of your souls. The earthly burden will appear almost insufferable to you, and that shall be your proof that the last days have arrived. For severe hardship will always come to an end, but for the rest of your life you will have to languish with the burden of the most difficult living conditions, because the last work of your soul's development has to be implemented for your salvation. But it is a brief period of time which, in spite of the harshest conditions, will in fact be bearable for My Own, whom I will care for in the most obvious way. Thus do not get disheartened by this prediction but trustingly raise your eyes to Me, Who looks into your hearts, Who recognises your will and Who will help everyone who is worthy of My help, who humbly calls to Me for help and prays to Me in spirit and in truth. However, those of you who are of weak faith or totally unbelieving should accept being instructed about the cause and purpose of the hardship and believe that you are approaching the end. And depending on your faith you will be helped. But in view of the end I cannot take the rod from you or else it would take even more immature souls by surprise, since due to hardship a few will still find their way back to Me. __And where an apparent improvement of living conditions becomes evident the activity of the opposing force manifests itself.... and that, too, shall be your proof, because My help will express itself differently even though I will take care of My Own earthly and spiritually too, so that their worst suffering is alleviated, but I will always provide them with inner strength and a firm faith and thereby enable them to endure a difficult earthly life. Whereas My adversary will provide people with material possessions and incite them to commit unkind actions, so that you will always recognise the origin of the supply of strength when you closely inspect the behaviour of people. Expect no improvement in living conditions since one hardship will give way to another because the end is near. Therefore prepare yourselves for the end, do not work in an earthly manner but a spiritual one.... serve each other where needed and thereby make the hard time endurable, because its purpose is to motivate you into loving actions which will bring you ever closer to Me. Don't think of yourselves but think of your fellow human being's distress.... Be helpful and willing to give.... There is not much time and thus it is especially hard, but it can also be exceedingly blessed if you heed My admonitions, if you listen to My Word and try to live by it. The end will come and with it the Last Judgment.... the decision which signifies salvation for My Own but also new banishment for My adversary. And therefore make sure that you belong to My Own, let the hard times be a lesson to you which will guide you to Me, listen to My messengers who instruct you and inform you of My will, who will also always be able to explain the cause and purpose of suffering to you, and it will not be without success for your souls.... And one day you will thank Me that I granted you this last time of grace and through hardship and misery sought to win you over for Me and My kingdom.... __Amen
A visible power will control you which will refuse to acknowledge an invisible Power.... And this power will provoke your last test of faith, for it will be fighting against Me and will also want to educate you into becoming My adversaries. And this is why you will require your entire strength of faith in order to resist it. Many will bow down under the sceptre of the ruler promising them golden mountains but will demand the surrender of all faith in return, of all spiritual knowledge, the acknowledgement of his power and sovereignty and the denial of an eternal Creator, of a loving and righteous God, Who will call people to account one day for their will, thoughts and actions. And thus he will oppose Me, and although the last battle will not last long it will be very difficult for My believers because they will be placed under inhuman pressure which will make professing Christ incredibly difficult for them. Yet the knowledge of the pure truth, My obvious help and the hope of My coming and life in paradise on the new earth will give you the strength to persevere and to defy every onslaught on part of the worldly authority. You have My Word that I will not let you remain in adversity, you can be firmly convinced of that. I know My Own and will support every one of them if only they rely on Me, if only they believe in Me. But the one who will come will dazzle people with his intellectual sharpness, his comprehensive knowledge, with his easy-going conduct towards other rulers, and they all will grant him the right of organisational activities with the ultimate goal of displacing all spiritual schools of thought. __For he will try to portray spiritual striving as the wrongly applied energy of life, which should be used for the construction and improvement of earthly requirements. And he will find followers everywhere, who will acknowledge him and likewise proceed against all spiritual work. And thus My servants on earth will have a difficult time. At first the intention will be to take all means which enable you to be spiritually active away from you, but you will also be individually persecuted and will have to give account to the earthly authorities about your convictions and activities. Furthermore, you will also be plunged into earthly hardship as a result of laws which seem, and indeed are, extraordinarily hard and brutal for the believer if I was not going to manifestly stand by you and sustain you by spiritual means. And you will feel My obvious help, you will sense that I Am with you and know the hardship of every individual person which I will remedy when the time is right. The Antichrist will come and with him all the signs of the approaching end. For as soon as the battle of faith commences you can be certain that the end will not be long in coming, because the battle of faith will be waged with such severity and so brutally that I Myself will have to come in order to rescue My Own from deepest distress and lift them up into the realm of peace.... And then the last Judgment will happen and My adversary's power will be broken for a long time.... __Amen
Proclaim My Word to the world.... (17th anniversary of re...
Thus I spoke to My disciples and filled them with My spirit so that they could proclaim Me and My teaching because they constantly heard My Word within themselves and then became living heralds of the divine kingdom.... They could never have accomplished this task had they not been in contact with Me through My spirit whose voice they listened to and whose guidance they followed. By the Word they knew Me and were conscious of My presence.... And if I now, in the last days, want My Gospel to be proclaimed to people, it again has to happen such that I choose disciples for Myself who are also able to hear My voice, who therefore allow My presence within themselves and let Me speak to them through the spirit. Therefore, it is not My disciples speaking to the people to whom they bring the Gospel but I Myself address My earthly children with My Fatherly love to bring them salvation, encouraging them to turn back before the end because they are not on the right path and are losing their way again into the abyss. Human words would not achieve this.... My Word, however, can penetrate and cause enormous upheaval in a human heart because My Word has an incredible effect if it is not openly resisted. Where it is possible to speak to a human being Myself.... if only by way of My chosen instrument.... there is also hope for success, because this, too, requires a loving person, a mediator.... whose love overcomes the opposition.... just as I can only speak through such a person because his love permits My presence. My first disciples were filled with love for their fellow human beings, and similarly I shall choose the right disciples for Myself in the last days because it is necessary that My voice shall call to earth as a last reminder and warning. I want to proclaim My Gospel to humanity once more to save them before the Last Judgment.... to bring them salvation.... __And thus speaks the Word that is God Himself.... because I Myself Am the Word.... And when you hear My Word, I Am with you Myself. You don't hear a human being, you hear the Spirit of Eternity Who, in His power and love, called you into being and Who will always be connected to you through His Word.... And you should want to belong to this eternal spirit of love, for this reason He constantly appeals to you with His Word that you should listen to Him, recognise Him and completely give yourselves to Him. He wants to give you, whom He created in His love, unlimited happiness which you can only endure if you become light and strength yourselves.... which My Word should therefore achieve for you.... And wherever a loving heart allows Me to enter I will speak to you always and everywhere.... where My spirit is not rejected when it wants to express itself.... there will also be the Spirit of Eternity, Whose love includes all His living creations since the beginning.... __Amen
Time of grace.... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord....
Listen to the message of God's spirit.... A time of grace has commenced, and if you are willing to strive for the kingdom of God you can feel its blessing. The beings of light are obviously and perpetually at work to impart gifts of grace from the spiritual kingdom to the human beings on earth; beings of light are embodied on earth to serve people as spiritual guides during the last days; the thoughts of people who strive towards God will be enlightened and thereby closer to the truth; God's love will express itself in times of earthly hardship by bringing help wherever it is requested.... Devout people will accomplish extraordinary things and the power of faith will become evident.... And thus many blessings will manifest themselves, because the opposition will also use every means to cause spiritual distress to people and God wants to visibly help them. __And during this time of grace a man will appear whose spirit is from above, whose soul is totally united with the spirit within himself and who therefore speaks what the spirit reveals to him.... absolute truth in all clarity.... God Himself will speak through him, he will remind people to persevere or caution them not to abandon Him. And this speaker is the forerunner of the Lord. When he appears the coming of the Lord is close at hand. This man will considerably increase the extent of grace as he will be immensely supportive to the believers and offer unbelievers an opportunity to believe.... for he is alive with strength and might and will have considerable influence on people who listen to him. His words will ignite and spread like wildfire through the country where he will work. He will speak without fear and hesitation, he will inform people and draw their attention to the coming of the Lord in the clouds and to the Last Judgment. Yet not many people will believe him because most people no longer want to know God and the spirit, and thus their thinking is completely adverse. In short, they neither understand nor make use of the extraordinary gift of grace, consequently the end is inevitable, for the abyss will open and devour everything that does not recognise God and rejects His Word. __God is forever giving, and whatever He gives is an undeserved gift of grace designed to help people to mature even during these times of suffering.... Whether He gives sorrow or joy, it always helps the person to lift his soul to God, it is always pointing to Him, it is always a coaxing and guiding him onto the right path.... it is always grace.... And when this man arrives the amount of grace for people will also increase, because he is surrounded by and emanates light which flows to him from the spiritual kingdom.... He passes on knowledge, his word is utter wisdom and strength and can be easily accepted, because it is offered convincingly and can be understood by people if they listen to him carefully. God's love makes it easy for people to believe by sending them His messengers with unusual strength by which alone they can be known as messengers from heaven. But he will be attacked from all sides.... and only few understand his mission and stay with him, only few draw strength from his words; but they will receive strength and grace in abundance and be able to resist the world's confrontations, the hostilities which now take place openly.... __The last days will be extraordinary difficult but also extraordinary merciful, for God will reveal Himself wherever a heart in distress opens itself to receive His grace. And thus it will certainly be possible to be victorious in the final battle on this earth.... that the soul can emerge from it unharmed, that it gains eternal life if it prematurely passes away from earth or, if it perseveres on earth until the end, that it will be physically removed from it by the Lord to begin a new life on the new earth.... __Amen
Spiritual turning point is not a reversal but renewed ban...
Development for the better is no longer possible on this earth, people will not even remain on the same level but descend constantly, they live beyond all bounds and distance themselves from Me to such an extent that they live their earthly life entirely without strength, hence it is totally pointless. And therefore a substantial change is intended to put an end to humanity's spiritual decline and to pave a new path which will lead to an ascent again. You humans are unaware of My plan of Salvation apart from the few to whom I reveal Myself. But you would be able to take notice of it were you at all interested in the issue as to what forms the basis of all events around you. Yet your questions are different, the questions you are concerned with only relate to earthly advantages, to ways and means of procuring a wealth of earthly goods. You only increase your knowledge in this field and ignore all spiritual matters. But therefore you will also be taken by surprise by the forthcoming events and will be unable to find an explanation if you intellectually search for it. However, the knowledge of My plan of Salvation would explain everything to you, the knowledge of My eternal plan of Salvation would let you look at everything from a different perspective, and it would awaken your sense of responsibility because your soul's fate after death is determined by your way of life. Then a small improvement could still be achieved, although only a few will take the explanation seriously which is offered to them by knowledgeable people. And therefore I will bring one period of development to a conclusion and let a new one begin. __This should certainly be looked upon as a spiritual turning point yet not as a reversal or a sudden advancement of the souls' development, instead it is far more a total failure on the one hand and the creation of new possibilities for development on the other. For that which failed during the old period of development will start its process of development again in the deepest abyss; hence it will not continue an interrupted process of purification. This is why the time before the end of this epoch is so extremely significant since it will, after all, shape the fate of countless souls as to whether they live or die. A continued existence of this earth would by no means benefit these souls, because they severed the bond with Me long ago, thus they are entirely without faith and in this state will not make use of the blessings either which could ensure their spiritual progress. Until the end every effort will still be made to save the individual souls, that is, to draw their attention to their purpose, yet they cannot be supported against their will and this will only strives to descend, it only applies to matter which shelters the lowest developed spiritual substances. And I always take the soul's will into account, it shall receive what it desires.... and therefore hard matter will become the external cover of that which had already reached the last stage of development on earth.... the souls of the furthest distanced living creations will be banished again in the creations of the new earth. And time and again this dreadful fate shall be presented to people, time and again they shall be given the information of My eternal plan of Salvation, because it is the time of the end when every person should become aware of the great responsibility he bears for his soul, because he can still use the last days for the salvation of his soul if he has the will to do so. He should know that an end will come and what this end means for his soul, he should know that there will be no postponement but that it will come true what seers and prophets have announced since the beginning of this epoch of Salvation, that the end will come without fail and with it the last Judgment, which will decide over life and death, over light and darkness, over reward and punishment.... over hell and damnation and paradise and beatitude.... __Amen
Death of a worldly ruler.... Turn of events....
When you hear of the death of a worldly ruler you have arrived at the point you can call the beginning of the end. Then the world will turn into a place of fire, flames will blaze high, unbridled hatred will rage and humanity will be gripped by horror as it sees no escape from the inevitable peril. __And then I will urge you to speak, for whilst everything is in uproar great calm will take hold of you as you clearly realise that the time of My appearance is drawing near, and thus you proclaim it to those who will listen to you. People see themselves surrounded by enemies on all fronts and are therefore without hope for a peaceful solution. Hence those without faith in the only One Who can help will suffer immense fear. __Consequently they will only focus on world events.... People will anxiously attempt to provide for themselves as they see the approach of great earthly hardship; they will anxiously try to secure worldly goods and prepare for escape even though it seems hopeless to them. Only the faithful remain calm, and then I will use these to encourage their distraught fellow human beings who despair in their unbelief. I attempt to bring Myself close to them once more, I let My servants talk to them and through them I Myself speak words of love and encouragement. I warn them against escape and not just to consider their physical well being; I demonstrate the futility of their intentions and admonish them to persevere and put their fate in My hands; and thus everything takes it course.... __The fire is kindled and people will not extinguish it anymore, I will put it out Myself by opposing it with other elements, by confronting those Myself who want to tear each other apart.... And My voice will sound from above.... The earth will experience a natural disaster which will tear the fighters apart; they will be faced by a power which neither can match.... The process will only take hours but it will create a completely new situation in the world, totally changed conditions and an initially uncontrollable chaos, utmost earthly hardship and unspeakable grief and adversity amongst people. __Yet you all must endure this, for the end is approaching and many opportunities for purification still need to be created since all people have a shorter lifespan now and need to mature in the shortest possible time.... The end is near and as soon as this point is reached you also can, without doubt, soon expect the last day and the Last Judgment, so that may be fulfilled what has been proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
And I will come to you to carry you into My kingdom.... Remember this promise during your hours of distress and wait for Me and My help, firmly believe that I will come as your Saviour when the adversity becomes insufferable. And don't be afraid, for I Am stronger than the one who wants to ruin you. You should know that it would be easy for Me to destroy him; yet nothing would be achieved by this for his many followers would continue his work if they were not destroyed as well. This, however, is not acceptable, for that which came forth from My creative spirit will continue to exist forever, it cannot cease to exist because it is everlasting strength from Me. Nevertheless, I will rescue you from his power by banishing him and all those who are enslaved by him. You, however, will be led into the kingdom of peace where you will live as if you were in paradise, until I return you to the new earth which you then shall populate according to My will. No-one will believe this promise, this prophesy, for when I come in the clouds I will repeal the natural laws by lifting you up to Me in the flesh before your fellow human beings' eyes who succumbed to My adversary. They will effectively experience something unnatural, which they currently don't want to believe in. __But you, who are My Own, you know that nothing is impossible for Me, and therefore you also know that I can stop or revoke natural laws if it benefits My eternal plan of Salvation, thus you also know that there will be an end and that you are living in the last days before the end. Consequently you do not doubt this proclamation either, which I imparted to humanity at the beginning of this period of Salvation. You consider it possible, and you should firmly believe it, so that you subsequently will be able to survive the difficult time, always thinking and hoping for my assured help and My coming from above. Regardless of what evil people will do to you, don't take offence, for they will receive their punishment which will be bitter indeed. They will see you being lifted up before their eyes while death is lurking around them and they will be unable to escape in any direction; they will be devoured by the earth and be granted a wretched fate on the new earth. You, however, will receive your just compensation, all hardship will have come to an end, you will live in freedom and with joy on the new earth amid a paradise, amid love and in direct contact with Me, Who will often stay amongst the people who have become love. And this is the end which was predicted by seers and prophets time and again, which was announced ever since the beginning of this epoch of Salvation so that humanity will believe. Yet no-one takes these predictions seriously, nevertheless, the day will come when all this will happen and the last Judgment will occur, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
The Lord's visible appearance....
I want to give those of you who are My Own a sign before I intervene in world events for the sake of saving erring souls. I want to provide you with the evidence that all My announcements will come true, and I want to reveal Myself to each one of you in a different way. Nevertheless, a vigilant person will know that it is I Who approaches him, even though I choose a form for Myself which adapts itself to its environment, which will not give the impression of being unusual. I want to come to everyone who wants to be of service to Me and ensures the distribution of My Word. I personally want to come to you in order to strengthen your faith, so that you can endure the following events calmly and collectedly and will be able to assist your fellow human beings. For you, My servants, must remain calm and level-headed in the general turmoil in order to provide consolation and help where the adversity is great and help is needed. Anyone who recognises Me straight away will feel blissfully happy in My presence and accept every Word from Me as a gift of boundless love, and his heart will equally come aglow with love, My strength will flow into him so that he could accomplish anything if he wanted to. However, not everyone will recognise Me straight away, yet some will sense that a special person is speaking to them whose Words they accept as absolute truth. And only in the end will they recognise Me in a flash and cheer and, if I have left them, glorify Me as I will nevertheless remain as an indelible image in the heart of the one I delight with My presence. Thus they will find Me in their heart again even when I Am no longer physically visible to them, so that they will constantly be able to draw strength from it and diligently accomplish the work for My kingdom after I have spoken from above which will result in acute adversity for people. Then much work will be in store for My Own and I Myself will help them, I Myself will speak through My Own to all those who want to hear Me and give credence to the Words of My Own. I will speak to them, and you will testify to Me, you will mention My appearance and with lively Words express what you feel for Me in your heart. __You will win many over, since in view of the great adversity people will be grateful for every explanation, consolation and help. You will work for Me and My kingdom because you feel impelled by Me, Who dwells in your heart and Whom you will never lose again once you have seen Him. I will never ever let go of that which has become My Own, this is why I will come to My Own during the last days before the end, and they will recognise Me because love will tell them who I Am. And their bliss will accord to their degree of love when they behold Me. Anyone who looks into My eyes will be overcome by an incomparable sensation of bliss, so that he will recognise more than a mere person in Me. Admittedly, someone who is weak in faith and love and nevertheless wants to strive towards Me, will not instantly recognise Me, yet My Words will touch his heart and kindle the fire of love in him. Then he will recognise Me, sometimes only after I have left him and am no longer physically close to him. I Am among you as a human being, yet I only choose a cover for Myself so that you can see Me and dissolve it just as quickly again in order to be invisible to you. And thus I want to give strength to all of you, so that you will remain faithful to Me and persevere until the end. It will necessitate immense strength, which you will be unable to muster by yourselves. However, I know My Own and will no longer leave them to My adversary. Therefore, have faith and always expect My help. The greater the adversary is, the closer I will be to you, and you will behold Me physically. But then you will know that the hour is near when I will reveal Myself to all those who do not want to believe and are unaware of the approaching end. Then the time I allocated for people's redemption will soon have run out.... and be followed by the day of the end and with it the last Judgment, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Christ's descent to earth and reason....
My descent to earth was necessary because people, My living creations, suffered immense hardship due to their own fault. However, My Fatherly love did not want to let them perish. Besides, My adversary revolted against Me insofar as that he totally controlled My creations, which his will certainly created but nevertheless with My strength, and was effectively denying them freedom of will by weakening My living creations such that they were no longer able to use their free will correctly, that is, in a way that was pleasing to Me. And thus I wanted to help My weak creatures in their desperate need.... This hardship not only applied to their earthly life, this hardship would last forever had I not come to help them. I felt pity for My living creations although they had turned away from Me of their own free will.... However, the fact that their will was so exceedingly weak as to be controlled by My adversary was merely the result of their lack of love.... Love is strength and fortifies the will to resist the assaults by the enemy of the soul. Wherever love exists there is no danger of falling prey to the adversary because the presence of love demonstrates My presence too. But at the time of My coming into the world people were entirely without love.... apart from a few to whom I came in order to help them in particular, so that their utterly heartless surrounding would not lead to their ruin. I descended to these few because they were under great pressure and called upon Me in their distress. Yet even their faith had become weak, no-one established the connection with their Creator and Father of eternity such that I was able to express Myself audibly to him. Where love did not exist, faith was missing and My opponent reaped a great harvest, for his activity even robbed the few of their faith in Me, in My love, wisdom and might.... And thus I Myself came into the world.... A human body received Me because I wanted to help people as a human being in order to provide them with the evidence that a person is able to approach and unite with Me if he strengthens his will through love and then deliberately fights the enemy of his soul, My adversary. My body was purely human but it was inhabited by a soul of light which, however, initially had no past memory at all until the unification with Me through love had taken place. Only then did the soul recognise itself and its mission. Jesus, the man, had united with Me through love, for love is strength, it is My fundamental substance, it is the Divine which permeates everything, hence it also shaped the human being Jesus into a divine Being Which was bound to be full of strength, might and wisdom. __Thus I entered the human form after it had shaped itself through love into an abode for the Eternal Deity. You humans will find it difficult to understand this enigma as long as you still lack love, yet where love exists there is also light.... that is where I Myself can work and enlighten your spirit.... I came to My Own and they did not know Me.... However, I wanted to reveal Myself to them and therefore had to enlighten them as to why they were in the dark, why they didn't recognise Me and why they were in great danger. And therefore I instructed people through the man Jesus. I brought them My Word which they themselves were no longer able to hear but which was heard by the human being Jesus, since due to His love He allowed Me to be present in Him.... For My presence means that you humans can hear My voice. Hence, you can only hear Me if you change your nature through love, if your love allows for My presence.... __If love is within you, you are strong and no longer need to fear My adversary who intends to ruin you. I had to come down to Earth because you lacked this knowledge and I wanted to inform you of it again. And this is why I come to My Own again, for once again there is immense hardship, once again people don't recognise Me, My adversary is firmly in control of them again and only a few call upon Me for help. And I grant their prayer and Am in the midst of those who want to be My Own. And I bestow My Word upon them.... except that I Am not physically amongst them but Am with them in spirit, as I have promised. However, I will return to Earth and fetch My Own into My kingdom.... For the adversary's activity is getting out of hand, thus the time has come for him to be bound again, the time has come for the goats to be separated from the sheep.... It is the time of the end, of which it is written that I will come in the clouds to judge the living and the dead. Yet I will be present to anyone who remains in love, he will not need to be afraid of the last Judgment, I will be His Redeemer again from greatest adversity, the Saviour, Who will come from above when Satan believes that he has won his game.... And he will be bound in chains so that peace shall come upon those people who are of good will.... __Amen
Extraordinary events are signs of the approaching end....
Everything points to the end and if you humans pay careful attention to the events around you, you will also recognise that I Am speaking to you through them, that through them I want to draw your attention to the end and your special mission of being leaders in the final battle of faith. I want to strengthen your faith in My Word, but I also want to help your fellow human beings to gain faith, since they either cannot find it or are too weak to advocate it. I want to speak to all of you by every conceivable means so that you will not fail in the final battle of faith on this earth. Nevertheless, I will always take account of the fact that you live in an extremely materialistic world, that you have little contact with the kingdom which emanates the truth and that it is far more difficult for you to believe because you no longer carry Me in your hearts lively enough, since you distanced yourselves from the manifestation of Jesus Christ to such an extent that, due to your unbelief, you receive little strength. You do not accept the truth conveyed to you from the spiritual kingdom; you do not grant credence to the teachers, who are My servants. But I nevertheless do not want to let you fall and will approach you time and again with references to the end, with images by seers which will become public knowledge, with predictions by prophets which will also be heard by those who have no interest in the end and the last Judgment. I also know many people's struggle for faith and I would like to give them a sign too, which, however, shall not compel them to believe. I want to make them question and become reflective, this is all I intend to achieve with extraordinary events during the last days, for once they spend serious thought on it I will be able to approach them in My Word and instruct them according to the truth. They will only be open-minded for My Word if it is made accessible to them as My evident working through the spirit, for I can only give them the pure truth through My Word. And only through the Word from above can something be proven to them which they would otherwise find incredible, but it cannot be proven by the sign itself, because the sign only speaks to the intellect and not to the human being's heart. You humans must always be aware of the fact that you are living in the endtime, that that there will be an increase in signs which cannot be explained in an earthly way and which will visibly point to another world.... Anyone who recognises them as such will derive benefit from them, but anyone who bypasses these as well, will have to fear the final end because it will result in his downfall.... __Amen
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Handwriting: Prologue 1

Handwriting: Prologue 2




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