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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ....
You humans should bear in mind that I want to help you attain the degree of maturity in earthly life which enables you to enter the kingdom of light after you pass away from this earth.... Indeed, sooner or later you will all enter this kingdom, yet the time it will take until then can still cause you inconceivable pain if you enter the realm of the beyond in an entirely unspiritual state and the gates into the realm of light are still closed to you. Although My mercy and grace apply to every single soul even if they lived a sinful life on earth, I cannot provide it with anything else than that which My justice permits, consequently, in the spiritual realm it can only ever take possession of spheres which correspond to its way of life and will still have to endure inconceivable suffering and agony in order to redeem its guilt of sin. And if it fails to find Jesus Christ in the beyond, its suffering will be endless; it will continue to descend further and will finally have to accept the fate of renewed banishment, because there is no other atonement for the original sin than through Jesus Christ. None of you realise the full significance of the act of Salvation.... And precisely this accounts for your immense spiritual hardship.... I want to help My living creations to find the path to the cross while they still live on earth, for this will guarantee the soul an entirely different fate.... For to attain forgiveness of the sin of guilt before the human being's death is the most worthwhile goal to strive for.... as it opens the gate into the kingdom of light and the soul will be able to enjoy beatitudes in abundance.... However, the human race is not aware of the immense significance the act of Salvation holds and My adversary makes a diligent effort to keep you ignorant.... And even if people believe that the man Jesus had lived on earth in the past, exemplifying to people the most perfect way of life and calling upon them to emulate Him, they still don't want to believe that an exalted mission had been the reason for Jesus' life on earth.... They don't want to believe that it concerned an act of greatest mercy, that Jesus, through His crucifixion, wanted to redeem and indeed redeemed an immense sin, which could not be expiated by any other means than through an act of greater than great love and an inordinate measure of physical suffering.... which thus bridged the vast gulf between the kingdom of light and the realm of darkness. From then on everyone was able to cross this bridge providing he believes in Jesus Christ's act of Salvation as well as My human manifestation in Him. This human manifestation is another enigma which can only be understood by a spiritually awakened person, because people's state of sinfulness rules out all understanding for it, thus a person must first have an affirmative attitude towards Jesus' act of Salvation, appeal for forgiveness of his sin and in heartfelt contact with Him be taught by the spirit within, which can only express itself after the forgiveness of the original sin has taken place.... In that case My human manifestation in Jesus will be understandable to him, for he can be guided by the spirit into all truth and informed of all spiritual correlations.... Hence he can attain the realisation again which he once lost through his rebellion against Me. He will only gain the knowledge of all these correlations through his spirit. This knowledge can nevertheless be presented to a person, and if he received a truthful account about Jesus Christ, His act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him, then the truth can also convince a person and make him take the same path, the path to the cross.... And he will better understand what he previously was merely told by an enlightened fellow human being. This is why I consider the spreading of the pure truth so important. It is, after all, My will that this truth shall also reach people who live a good way of life but who do not believe as yet, who will subsequently feel addressed by the truth and affected by the strength of truth and thus can also attain faith. __If you humans realised how much you could improve your fate on entering the kingdom of the beyond if you were redeemed from you guilt of sin by Jesus Christ, you would also grasp why I keep highlighting this problem, why I repeatedly explain the spiritual correlations and try to stimulate your intellect to think about it; for merely the slightest will to fulfil your purpose of life on earth is already sufficient for Me to guide you and create every opportunity for you to gain realisation.... And the final knowledge, especially, can only be granted to you through the working of My spirit, for under My adversary's influence people will always want to negate the most important thing: the Salvation from all guilt through Jesus Christ.... They certainly make concessions by admitting to His existence and also portray Him as a human being who attained highest perfection in His earthly life. Yet they do not want to believe that it concerns an entirely different problem.... that without Him the human race would forever remain separated from its God and Creator and that the souls' development in the beyond could not progress, instead they will remain in a sorry state as long as they are burdened by the original sin. Therefore they lead a wretched and pitiful existence until they find the divine Redeemer on the other side, until they comply with the light beings' efforts and without resistance allow themselves to be guided to Him, Who will lift them up from the abyss and forgive their guilt of sin as soon as they appeal to Him for it.... Thus they must first believe that Jesus Christ redeemed the human race through His act of mercy, through His death on the cross. Only this substantiates Jesus' mission on earth, but not purely His way of life.... which certainly is part of it, since no person can become blessed without love, and the teaching of love was the essence of every one of the instructions He gave to people, who He wanted to save from spiritual darkness, from the shackles of the prince of night. __People lived in profound ignorance, they did not recognise themselves as living creations of a supremely perfect Being, they did not notice their imperfection and only loved their own Self, and their selfish love impelled them into sinfulness, into sins they might well have been able to atone for in the beyond, even if it had meant an infinitely long time of suffering.... Yet these sins were not the reason for My descent to earth in the human being Jesus.... instead, it concerned the immense original sin of the past apostasy from Me, which no human being would have been able to atone for, even if he spent eternities in a wretched state.... This sin was the reason why I Myself came down to earth and accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus, the man.... For Love Itself redeemed the guilt, and the Love was in the man Jesus.... Time and again I will inform you humans of this through My spirit, time and again I will try to explain to you the greatest mystery of all, and I will send out My disciples during the last days in order to proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, Who sheltered Me Myself within Him and He and I are, and will remain, as One for all eternity.... __Amen
My love is truly so great that I would like to cancel all your guilt, for you came forth from My love and this love will never change. Yet I would no longer be perfect were I to violate My eternal law of order by evading righteousness which, after all, requires atonement for every sin. And besides, a human being had to pay the purchase price for your souls, for you equally belonged to My adversary and I did not want to deny him his right over you. He would never have set you free had a human being not defeated him with love so that he was no longer able to keep hold of the soul which wanted to detach itself from him. For the immense guilt tied the souls to My adversary and he did not loosen the restraint until the human being Jesus wrested it from his hands with his act of Salvation, but then it was up to every person himself to make use of His help. Now, during life on earth.... in the state of free will.... it is a matter of making the decision of acknowledging the rescue mission by the human being Jesus and accepting salvation from Satan's fetters. Yet he will not release his own without a fight, since they willingly followed him into the abyss. They are his followers, his power, whom he will not release of his own free will. And therefore it also required a greater than great act of love, an act of compassion, which only an angel-spirit was able to accomplish, because no human being on earth was capable of such love, since they were entirely without love. The fallen beings had distanced themselves too much as to feel love and therefore a prayer for redemption from their past guilt was entirely out of the question. 'Love' had to sacrifice Itself and thus also carry out the act of Salvation in the human being Jesus, Who took upon Himself the most appalling suffering and pain for the sake of love, against which My adversary was powerless and therefore had to release the souls who accepted the act of Salvation, which gained them a stronger will.... for I died on the cross purely for this strengthening of will, since due to the sin of apostasy the will was utterly weakened and no being would have been able to rise up against its prison guard. __This path of the cross was essential, for then the adversary recognised the power and strength of love which was capable of such an act of compassion and he had to surrender to this love, for it was greater than his hatred, it reclaims all souls from him if they want to be released from him.... he cannot hold on to them because they now also recognise the magnitude of their guilt and with their appeal for forgiveness demonstrate that they want to return to the One Who created them.... But also the fact that I wanted to become a visible God for you motivated Me to embody Myself in the human being Jesus, Who loved His fallen brothers to such an extent that He took the hardest path of suffering on earth and concluded it with His death on the cross.... This human manifestation in Jesus was also the motive for His inconceivable suffering, for the beings' were previously unable to behold Me, which was the reason for their apostasy from Me.... Therefore I chose a perceptible form for people as to be visible to them, but this form also had to have overcome the deepest abyss due to love, which included the suffering and dying on the cross, in order to completely spiritualise itself so that it would be able to accept My love completely, in order to become a visible God for the souls of people Whom they would be able to behold face to face when they themselves have become one with Me through love and found unity with Me.... You humans will never ever be able to visualise Me because I Am an eternal fire Which would completely consume you. And that was also known by the bearer of light.... Lucifer.... and yet he desired to behold Me. He was utterly illuminated and therefore presented himself as 'Creator' from whom the beings had emerged.... And the beings, too, knew that he had a beginning and yet they followed him into the abyss. And the Redeemer Jesus Christ can liberate you from this guilt.... against better knowledge.... He alone was able to pay the price of atonement to the adversary for all souls who want to be released from him. For I Myself was in Jesus as the eternal love, I sacrificed Myself for humanity's sins.... and became a visible God in the perceptible shell of the human being Jesus.... And at the same time the human being Jesus rendered the atonement for My justice, for no guilt can remain unatoned if I don't want to violate the law of My eternal order. But since 'Love' paid for it everyone can become free from his guilt, for essentially I accomplished the 'act of Salvation' Myself, I merely made use of a human form which sheltered the fullness of Myself within itself but which redeemed humanity with suffering and pain from the one who has the same right to these souls in view of the fact that they had voluntarily followed him.... __Amen
God corrects a big error....
I want to give you a very important explanation which should enlighten those of you who are still convinced that evil is inherent in Me too, and that I have hence supposedly created beings with all their bad instincts and attributes.... You, who have to fight against all these instincts in order to regain your original condition, did not emerge from Me like that, because if that were the case I would have created a spirit world which could not be deemed to be in My image. Everything emerged from Me in absolute perfection and has remained perfect for an infinity. Therefore, if they were in My image, in accordance with your opinion I Myself would have to have all kinds of evil attributes within Myself, hence I would have to be a God of duality, Who created good as well as evil simultaneously.... In this case, however, the beings could not be considered to be guilty, because they would have detached themselves from Me as a result of their inclination.... But then the act of Salvation by Jesus Christ would not have been necessary either, because a `sin' is an offence against Me which, however, the being was unable to commit since it was not created in any other way.... hence, I Myself would have been the cause of this alleged sin.... __If you believe that all opposites are inherent in the most perfect Being then you are contradicting yourselves, because perfection has to be good, it cannot be associated with all evil attributes because then it would not be perfect any longer.... But every fallen spirit is burdened with the original sin which it cannot eternally redeem of its own accord.... Hence you can see from this the enormity and gravity of this sin against Me, so Am I supposed to have been the cause of it Myself? Of a sin which demanded an act of mercy such as the human being Jesus has accomplished?.... Who realised that this very sin had to be redeemed one day for the sake of justice.... __One of the purest angel beings volunteered for this act of atonement in the knowledge that the sin of apostasy from God was the ultimate offence against His love.... And was I supposed to have supported this sin Myself by creating beings with `all opposites'? In order to then, because of My induced sin, make them walk an excruciatingly painful path through matter, which would thus once again imply an utterly evil Being but not the boundless love a of supremely perfect God and Creator Who wants to be Father to you all. __Everything that has resulted from the original sin is on account of My adversary's doing, who has been the cause himself, who has implanted you with all evil instincts and who was able to do so the moment you rejected My emission of love and thus had no further strength to resist him. As long as you support this misguided teaching you still have a very obscured concept of Me.... as long as you look for the origin of evil in Me you do not yet understand Christ's act of Salvation properly.... Because you can only speak of the original sin when you are fully responsible for it.... and this would not be the case if I had created you with the tendency of sin already within yourselves. However, since you are burdened with the original sin, from which you can only be redeemed by Jesus Christ, but cannot accuse Me of any injustice, it is clearly self-evident that the sin against Me was committed by you yourselves, that My adversary has induced you to commit this sin, which you committed voluntarily and therefore you are also fully responsible for it.... that you therefore brought about all past torments and suffering yourselves and Jesus Christ will help you to become free of this guilt.... __To you, who want to serve Me by spreading the truth, the act of creation has been extensively explained, as far as you are able to grasp it.... And from all this follows that the spirit world was originally created in complete perfection, and that I was extremely happy with the host of the first created spirits for an eternity.... But I have also known about My first externalized spirit's antagonism for an eternity, I've known about his opposition and the confusion he would cause amongst My earliest spirits.... I knew of their apostasy from Me, but I had externalized him as My image with the same creative power and creative strength.... and I did not stop him when he misused this power and transferred all of his bad attributes on to those who followed him voluntarily, because I had allowed the will of all beings to be free.... And this explained the fall into the abyss, only it occurred voluntarily and was particularly grave because the beings were still within the light of awareness and yet they have accepted all evil attributes which My adversary has imbued in them, but for which I Myself cannot be held responsible.... __Amen
The path under the cross must be taken by all people....
You cannot be told often enough that you must all take the path to the cross, and neither can I release you from this path to the cross because you are all burdened by the guilt of sin for which Jesus, the human being, made amends, and because, until you do, you cannot enter the kingdom of light which only He can open for you. Consequently, the knowledge of the reasons and the significance of the act of Salvation must time and again be conveyed and explained to you humans, for your belief in it is only very weak now, time and again people will deem it a myth they are supposed to believe but which cannot be proven historically. But Jesus came into the world for the sake of an important mission, and He indeed accomplished this mission by walking the most gruelling path to the cross, by placing the whole of humanity's sins upon His shoulders and enduring the most bitter suffering and pain of death on the cross, which opened the door to the kingdom of light for all souls who place themselves under His cross, who want to belong to those who are redeemed, who confess their sins to Him and appeal to Him for forgiveness. For only the free will to accept the act of Salvation and its blessings will loosen the shackles which keep you chained to the one you once followed voluntarily and thereby sinned against Me.... The evidence for this can no longer be given to you people, you must believe that the man Jesus died the most agonising death on your behalf in order to do penance for Me. However, you will be able to muster this belief and time and again discover it through My spirit, so that you can also advocate this belief with conviction, for precisely this working of the spirit in a person has only become possible through Jesus' death on the cross.... through the act of Salvation, so that a person's abilities, which had laid dormant in him while he was still burdened by his original sin, can break through again. This working of the spirit will continually take place.... People will always be able to receive the information about the great work of mercy which was accomplished by the man Jesus for the sake of the original sin.... __It was not merely the act of a human being, as I Myself sheltered in the man Jesus and thus redeemed your guilt.... Love impelled Him to take the immense suffering upon Himself.... I Myself was this Love and I was able to so completely permeate Jesus, the man, that therefore Love Itself accomplished the act of Salvation.... that the human being Jesus was only a shell for Me in order to visibly suffer and die for people, because, as God, I was incapable of suffering. Nevertheless, He kept His body so as to, in unity with Me, be and remain a visible God for all My living creations. And thus you will now understand that no-one can avoid the cross if ever he wants to return into the kingdom of the blessed spirits. You will understand why the original sin will keep you apart from Me forever, and that, for the sake of My justice, I cannot redeem it in any other way than through the acknowledgment of the greatest sacrifice of love and an appeal for forgiveness.... Only then will you be able to return into your Father's house, which you once left of your own free will by following the one into the abyss who is an enemy of all life and who wants to keep you in a state of death.... However, you have free will and can just as easily take the path to Me, to Jesus Christ, in order to be and remain eternally happy. I cannot deprive you of your freedom of will, but neither can My adversary force you to submit to him, you must make your own decision; consequently, Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation will be pointed out to you time and again, you will be informed of His path of suffering, His bitter and painful death on the cross, to make you aware of the fact that you yourselves have been the cause of this act of atonement and subsequently take the path under His cross, voluntarily confess your guilt to Him and appeal to Him for forgiveness. And My infinite love will acquit you of your guilt, My infinite love, which sheltered in the man Jesus, will loosen your fetters and open the gate through which you may enter into My kingdom of light and bliss, where you can be permeated again by My light of love, as it was in the beginning. __Amen
The infinite Love accomplished the act of Salvation....
Always remember that earthly life is the final stage of your perfection which you can successfully conclude by merely handing yourselves over to the One Who died for you on the cross. His act of Salvation released you from all guilt providing you accept it voluntarily. It is therefore of extreme significance for you that you will find Him during your life on earth, as He will open the gates again for your return into your Father's house. This is why Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation cannot be mentioned often enough, and if you have the slightest sense of responsibility you will not carelessly pass Him by. You will know that He can liberate every one of you from the adversary's control, and you will indeed do what is required in order to appeal for His forgiveness, you will abide by Him and secure His love, Which took your guilt of sin upon Itself and now makes a constant effort to draw you closer to Itself.... This love does not want to abandon you and does whatever it takes so that you will surrender. The fact that a supreme being of light offered Itself to suffer and die as a human being on your behalf in order to redeem your immense original sin was the greatest act of mercy, for the 'human being Jesus', Who was no differently fashioned than yourselves, had to endure this suffering and death.... Yet He was permeated by love.... the fundamental substance of God. … Which gave Him strength to persevere until the end. Thus love accomplished the act, and this love was God Himself.... Consequently, God Himself redeemed your guilt of sin; His love was so great that It did not want to leave you to the adversary, It took pity upon you and paid the purchase price for your souls to His adversary. And you should make use of this incredible grace, for it merely requires your free will to accept it. Your life on earth was given to you so that you will take notice of Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, in Whom God embodied Himself.... so that you will surrender to Him of your own free will, so that you will unearth the treasure of grace He acquired for you on the cross. For God could only let mercy prevail, otherwise you would never have become free of guilt, but He requires you to accept and utilise it voluntarily. __For the infinite Love of Jesus the man balanced the sin you committed, It atoned for it and satisfied God's justice, and now It also turns to you and offers Itself to you.... so that you will respond to It and provide God with the opportunity again to illuminate you as He did in the beginning.... Those of you who do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world have no idea what gift of grace you are missing, you have no idea who is in control of you and that you can release yourselves from this power.... However, you are not forced to acknowledge Jesus Christ, just as you cannot be forced by your adversary if you want to liberate yourselves from him.... It depends entirely on your will to turn to Him, but in that case He will be able to change your state into inconceivable happiness. Then you will fulfil your purpose of earthly life which solely consists of your attaining perfection, which only He can grant to you.... And in order that all of you can be informed of Jesus Christ and His significant mission I will also convey this knowledge to those who are still utterly blind in spirit, who need only receive the relevant information so that they, too, will accept Jesus Christ. Then I will let miracles happen, since people in their childlike faith need such miracles of healing which testify to the power of the name Jesus.... whereas people in countries where this knowledge already exists but who nevertheless reject Jesus would be forced to believe, but this cannot be rated as true faith.... And this explains the miracle healings, where messengers are also awakened in order to bring the Gospel to places where people still lack all spiritual knowledge but who shall not go astray either. Therefore they shall be addressed by the messengers who, in profound faith, make contact with Him and are thus capable of conveying the knowledge about Jesus Christ to those people, and Whom He therefore furnishes with great strength to work in His name. For the knowledge shall be carried to all places so that everyone who avails himself of this immense grace and finds Jesus Christ, Who alone can save him from profound spiritual adversity, can still become blessed.... __Amen
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