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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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World event.... Chaos.... Antichrist....
There will be indescribable chaos after I have spoken through the forces of nature, since for as long as the earth has existed nothing of this kind has ever been experienced by humanity. Fear and terror will render people incapable of thinking and doing anything, for their fear that this happening will repeat itself will leave them unable to give a hand in order to help and to rescue where it is still possible to help. Only a few will realise what has happened because it will have been revealed to them before and the truth of My Words will be evident to them.... Hence they will also enlighten their fellow human beings with complete conviction but, once again, only be listened to by a few, because people will accept anything but not that a divine plan of Salvation would be carried out in this way. Nevertheless, this time must be used well and at the same time people should also be informed of the forthcoming end.... That which has taken place cosmically cannot be denied by them and the fact that it had been announced in advance may still make individual people thoughtful. However, the will to live, the personal instinct for preservation, will nevertheless prevail, and people will do whatever it takes to get the earthly adversity, which was triggered by the natural disaster, under control. And again, the degree of love will be the crucial factor, people's willingness to help their neighbour, whether or how their own circumstances will improve, for I will help all those who care for their fellow human beings' hardship too.... Yet many will have to struggle hard if they trust in their own strength.... or they will clearly be helped from below if they rigorously proceed at the expense of their fellow human beings. Earthly hardship will be as immense as the chaos that was caused by inconceivable destruction..... __Then countless people will forfeit their faith in a God and Creator because they were sorely affected.... But their faith was a mere formality, it did not stand firm to a serious test.... However, I proclaim this event in advance so that you humans persevere, so that you know that it is My plan, that I Am also Lord over natural forces and that it therefore will also be an easy matter for Me to help those people again who appeal to Me for help.... I wouldn't have to announce anything to you in advance, I could suddenly intervene and surprise all people. Yet then no-one would want to believe in Me either. But I want you to recognise Me, and you will be able to recognise Me if everything comes to pass such as it has been proclaimed. Then you will know that nothing can happen on this earth without My will, and then you will be able to incline My will towards you by handing yourselves over to Me with complete faith and pray to Me for protection.... Hence this is why I transmit to you the information of what is to come, this is why I initiate you into My plan of Salvation, and this is why I constantly ask you, My servants, to pass your knowledge on to your fellow human beings as well, for your bond with Me will be your most assured protection, regardless of what happens.... __And then the one will become evident who will be My opponent in the last days, who will seize the reins because the immense hardship will make it easy for him and he will subsequently also issue instructions which will clearly prove that he belongs to Satan. And he will find many followers and give unscrupulous orders, he will also want to snatch those of little faith from Me, yet he will meet with resistance from My side too, for I furnish My Own with great strength and the worse the adversity will seem to get the stronger will be My Own, because they will feel Me and My presence and thus will fearlessly communicate what My spirit instructs them to say.... However, all this will have to precede the end, just as it has been proclaimed, because every single soul will still have to be fought for and the great adversity will still push those people towards Me who still call upon Me at the last moment and thereby escape the fate of a renewed banishment.... __Amen
The angels' protection in the battle of faith....
And countless angels will stand by your side during your final battle on earth. You don't have to be afraid when this battle erupts, for you will receive strength and be able to offer the resistance which is demanded of you in this fight.... You will remain faithful to Me, because inwardly you will be so permeated by strength that in no way will you fall prey to your enemies' onslaughts, because I know that your will applies to Me, and given that I will send My angels to protect you, you will feel this protection most evidently. The battle will not be an easy one, since it will be waged brutally and with fanatical zeal on the adversary's side, but you will not feel it as such because you will be filled with the spirit once actions are taken against all people who devoutly follow Me and also openly profess Me in Jesus Christ. And this courage of conviction will increase, and every new avowal will fill you with new strength, for then I will clearly reveal Myself through My spirit, which will fill everyone who professes Me before the world. And they will also know what time it is and will expect My coming daily.... And this will continue to give them the strength to endure and to ignore the difficulties. Time and again they will receive help from My side and My angels will shield them against all attacks by the enemy. And as long as they stand by your side you will not be in danger, for they only ever fulfil My will and are happy to be of service to Me and to you. Soon the time will come when the Antichrist will show himself.... And you have no idea which side he will come from and you will all be surprised. But then the signs will be so obvious that you will no longer be mistaken, you will distinctly recognise him and be able to prepare yourselves against his activity. Yet prior to this I will still speak from above, you just should know that this will not be the end of your mission as yet, that you will live through this time and then also receive the strength to stand firm in the last battle on this earth. __Everyone will feel whom I speak to through these lines, but I Am with all of you who want to serve Me, for I need you in the last days of the battle of faith, in the time when the last decision has to be made.... I need all of you to enlighten your fellow human beings as to what I expect of them.... that they should stand firm and not be afraid, if only they want to belong to Me and to fulfil My will. And when they hear you they will also take courage and offer resistance, which subsequently will render the adversary incapable of proceeding against these believers.... He will have to let go of them because My angels will form a protective wall around all those who want to be and remain My Own. But the battle will erupt and not just against single believers, but it will be aimed against all spiritual striving. However, only those with a living faith, who belong to the church founded by Me, will emerge triumphantly, for they will fight under My banner, led by and protected by a host of invisible warriors who are of service to Me and to righteousness.... until the day has come when I will fetch My Own and liberate them from utmost adversity and distress.... until the day of Judgment comes which will follow soon afterwards and put an end to every earthly and spiritual battle.... __Amen
Christ's Forerunner....
My Own will recognise him, the voice in the wilderness, who will announce My appearance as I predicted.... For his light will radiate brightly and his speech will be powerful.... And he will not shy away from strongly criticising the authorities in his speeches, because I will send him to earth in order to fulfil his final mission by preaching about the end of this earth and announcing My coming on the day of Judgment.... Those who belong to Me will be strongly affected by the strength of his words, and they will realise that it won't be long before I Myself arrive in order to deliver them from their adversity. But before that you humans will time and again come to the wrong conclusion and assume to recognise him in many people.... However, I say to you `You won't need to ask but will know that it is he whom I have sent ahead of Me....' For when he appears My adversary will already be at work embodied in a ruler who proceeds against all spiritual aspirations, against faith, and through his accomplices will also badly pester My Own to desert Me and acknowledge him instead.... __Then you will be able to see the beginning of the battle of faith already and therefore receive incredible comfort through My forerunner, for then you will also know that the end is not far away.... For his mission on earth will not last long, just as the Antichrist will be easily recognisable, who will not be granted a long lifespan either.... The forerunner will come and reinforce your faith, he will testify to Me and announce My coming with such powerful words that My Own will draw strength from his words and thus endure until the end, for I Myself will help them in their distress which this last battle of faith entails.... The voice in the wilderness will not let himself be restrained and will quite openly condemn the people who treat My Own with hostility.... He will denounce their actions as detestable and always enjoy My protection when they attack him, until his hour also comes, for once again he will pay for his mission with his death, and that, too, shall not frighten you who are My Own, but only strengthen your belief that you know the truth, that you can expect everything to happen as I have told you through My spirit. __A period of time nears its completion which was given to you humans for your release from the form, yet I will help you until the last day to find the right faith in Me, and the `forerunner', too, will be sent so as to strengthen your faith.... Anyone who wants to recognise him will recognise him.... Anyone who rejects his word is plainly My adversary's follower and will also reject Me. Yet the light from above which will shine so very brightly cannot be overlooked, his powerful word cannot be ignored, and his life and activity on earth during the last days will be so evidently recognisable as `divine' activity, that everyone will be able to recognise him and no longer needs to question whether it is him. And My adversary will want to work in the same manner again by trying to cause confusion and suggest to his followers that he can be seen here and there, and thus it requires a close bond with Me in order to distinguish properly and to think correctly.... This is why I repeatedly let you know that he will only make his appearance when My adversary has also prepared the right external form for himself, in which he will then work to the horror of the believers, for he has great power at his disposal and will employ it to wage a relentless battle of faith.... __And then the one who is sent by Me will make his appearance, and he will publicly denounce the former and not be afraid of him, and thereby you will recognise him, for he will use the strength at his disposal in My name, he will also heal the sick and perform miracles and thus be even more fiercely attacked by the authorities who try to kill him and achieve his violent death.... Yet the light he distributes amongst My Own will give them extraordinary strength, and they will await My coming with confidence and wait until the end.... for they know that My Word fulfils itself and that everything will come to pass as I let it be proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Emergence of the Antichrist....
Not much time will pass before My adversary assumes his last dominion on this earth. But prior to this I will still speak with a voice of thunder, so that a few may still find their way to Me in utmost adversity, who then will remain faithful to Me because My obvious help enabled them to recognise Me and who therefore will not let go of their faith in Me again. Yet there will only be a few and therefore My adversary will wield great power, for the extensive natural disaster will cause people such severe hardship that they will join anyone who promises his help to end their misery. And one person will do so, he will win everyone over for himself who has not handed himself over to Me, for My Own will keep away from him, being mindful of My admonitions and warnings that the great battle of faith is about to happen, which will be incited by My adversary. Worldly people, however, will cheer him, for he will know how to dazzle them, and he will accomplish things which will make them inclined to believe in a supernatural power.... And precisely the fact that all unbelievers accept him as ruler and saviour from their earthly hardship proves that My adversary himself is involved, that he, as My adversary, avails himself of an earthly shell in order to be able to have a free hand. And you, who belong to My Own, will ask yourselves why I put up with this dominion of his and won't bring him down.... It is his last great campaign on this earth which will also bring about the ultimate end, he will instigate the flare up of the last battle in which you will have to prove yourselves, because it is the last decision before I come Myself to save My Own. __The earlier natural disaster had evoked a greater will to live in people, and anyone who had survived will try to acquire worldly goods again by any means, to attain earthly prosperity, and this striving will be supported by My adversary, who thus will find a huge number of followers. And he indeed knows how to deceive people about his true nature, they will see in him someone endowed with extraordinary strength, whom they unreservedly trust and give the right to issue instructions which they blindly obey.... And he will have so many supporters that the small flock of devout people, who recognise him and his true colours, will be unable to defend themselves from his attacks, but precisely because of this they will recognise him, that he wants to eradicate people's faith in Jesus Christ, that he wants to occupy the highest throne himself and have people worship him.... And so they will, because he will achieve true works of wonder with his remaining power. And you will know him when he appears, but first the world will be plunged into fear by the magnitude of a natural disaster.... through which I will reveal Myself to people.... __And directly afterwards he will appear and promise help and improvement from this enormous chaos. He will find many followers because people are ready for their downfall or they would recognise him and appeal to Me for protection from him and his machinations.... Not much time will pass before he appears, who at first will emerge under the cover of piety and yet very soon divulge his true nature. People, however, will be easily deluded and he will have a simple game with them.... They effortlessly relinquish their faith in a God because they were hard hit by the natural event and are willing to place My greatest enemy and opponent onto the highest throne, who embodies himself and his characteristics in a human being in order to set the final course of action on this earth in motion: to wage open battle against Me and My Own, against all faith and all justice.... For only his supporters will be provided by him with the means to live, whilst My Own will be threatened with death.... yet he shall find His Lord in Me as soon as his time is up, and for the sake of My Own I will shorten this time.... I Myself will come to save them from greatest adversity and his dominion will end; he, together with his followers, will be bound again for a long time.... And a new era of peace and harmony will start again.... where love shall reign and My adversary's activity will be prevented.... as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
God Himself substantiates the revelations with the near e...
You received the knowledge about the reasons for creating the spirit world, you were taught about all events.... as far as you were able to understand them.... which gave you a clear idea about the apostasy of the spirits.... I have explained Mine and your fundamental nature which, in itself, is the same.... All knowledge was given to you so comprehensibly that, with good will, you can truly recognise My infinite love. I gave you a bright light so that you may now live in its radiance, so that you brightly and clearly recognise your actual existence, your beginning and your goal. Anyone who adopts this knowledge, who accepts it with a will which strives towards Me, can also be certain that he will reach the last goal on earth.... I want to instruct you in all clarity, knowledge which is unknown to millions of people shall be easily comprehensible to you, because they don't wish to know what is revealed to you, who desire truth. I was able to transmit it to earth in such detail because I made use of a vessel which did not allow its intellect to interfere, which did not offer Me the slightest resistance, to which I was therefore able to impart the truth in the most understandable way, so that all correlations could be explained by Me and your most important questions were answered.... This is necessary during the last days before the end, because people shall be informed once more of all processes relating to My reign and activity in the whole of the universe.... because they shall form a right concept of My Nature and also let go of all errors which, due to intellectual thoughts, were time and again also able to creep into My revelations, if thereby My spirit was prevented from working. However, I know that error is dangerous, I also know who wants to release himself from it and therefore convey to him My pure Word again and give to him according to his desire. For this reason I will also send the knowledge of it to wherever it is willingly and gratefully accepted.... I know how to prevent that spiritual knowledge, which originated from Me in all purity, gets into the wrong hands, for there is only a short time left until the end and I Myself determine which route the spiritual knowledge takes, and I will also always choose the right workers who will leave it unchanged and whose sacred awe prevents them from implementing changes which are not My will. This is why My constant protection is assured you, My servants on earth, so that you can unimpededly accomplish your task of spreading My Word in all its purity, of passing it on to those who desire it.... Nevertheless, you should not distribute it arbitrarily but always take care that they willingly listen to it or don't reject it if you offer it to them. For the world is not interested in the pure truth, and to offer it to worldly people will yield little success, even though you should also mention it to them, but the determination to reject it will always be stronger than the resolve to accept it.... __Each person must make his own decision, yet the consequences of this choice will differ considerably.... it can grant people a glorious life in eternity but also lead to renewed banishment. The fact that I repeatedly send the pure truth to earth is an act of grace of momentous significance; it shall be the evidence of My presence for My Own, so that they will not doubt its truth but advocate it wholeheartedly even if they are confronted by the harshest objections.... I truly know why I must reveal Myself once more before the end, I know that My adversary's influence will continue until the end and I want to protect those people from him who want to be My Own.... but this is only possible if the full truth is conveyed to them. Therefore, don't be afraid if people want to hold you to account.... What you receive from above can be rightfully endorsed by you, for then you will only ever state what I put into your mouth. Yet even then you will still win, for people won't know how to respond to you. As yet you can still pass on the spiritual knowledge you possess without being prevented from doing so and you should use this time well, for one day you will have to bow to the power and be unable to speak publicly when My adversary.... the Antichrist.... comes to power and fights against everything of a spiritual nature.... By that time you shall have scattered many seeds which can take root in silence and will truly give you the strength to persevere until the end.... __Amen
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