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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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God's decision is final....
The fact that you are facing a turning point, which will take place both in an earthly and a spiritual way, is certain.... And once you merely observe the events in the world as well as the low spiritual level it must also be understandable to you that this can only be remedied by establishing a new order, by restoring the law of eternal order. Humanity has overturned this divine order and the spiritual essence embodied in the human being which was supposed and also able to conclude its higher development, has utterly failed, therefore new possibilities for continuing the development must be created or for starting the whole process of development anew. There is noticeable chaos on earth, for due to people's inclination towards matter they have become completely disorderly, they are influenced by the one who governs the earthly world and have therefore also reached the low level which makes their earthly life pointless and thus the time has definitely come which can be regarded as an earthly and spiritual turning point. Everything on earth will change, because the old earth will undergo a total transformation and a complete separation of the spirits will take place.... so that people who had failed will be banished into matter again and the spirits which are still bound in hard matter will be released in order to be able to continue their process of development in the new creations on earth. The old state on earth cannot go on, otherwise there would be no opportunity for the spirits to continue with their process of development.... First everything has to be arranged anew; everything of a spiritual nature must be moved to where it belongs in relation to its degree of maturity and thus even the human being who longs for matter must return to the state he had already long overcome yet misused his attained freedom and therefore descended again into the abyss.... Then divine order will exist on the new earth again and people, too, will live within this divine order, for the new earth will be populated by those who had attained a degree of maturity on the old earth which justifies their placement on the new earth.... Both the earth as well as the human race will be completely renewed; a new earthly period will begin with spiritually mature people who will also help the spiritual substances bound in the creations with their advancement, which will proceed in lawful order again. __You humans should not believe that a spiritual turning point will still occur on this earth, that people will change, that is, that they will improve and thereby create a change.... This possibility does not exist, only an act of violence can still achieve a purification of this earth.... The goats must be separated from the sheep, God will have to implement a change because people are no longer capable of steering themselves into different waters.... They keep descending increasingly further the more time they have. For this reason the time in God's plan of Salvation is predetermined and this will be adhered to, for what He, in His wisdom, recognises to be necessary and decides will be final and never change, for His wisdom is supreme and His resolutions are unchangeable. This is why all events in connection with this turning point can be revealed to people by His side. And credence can be granted to the prophesies which are proclaimed to people time and again through seers and prophets. The fact that the last Judgment and the Earth's redevelopment have no parallel in the events humanity has experienced so far does not entitle people to the assumption that these prophesies are wrong.... Yet people should bear in mind what is proclaimed and in store for them, and prepare themselves, for they still have a short time of grace which could be used if a person's will would only strive to do justice to his task on earth. Then he would not have to fear the end, because God will help every individual person who calls upon Him, and therefore He will reveal Himself through His Word time and again.... He announces the events yet He allows every person free will, which therefore will also decide his fate.... __Amen
Was Jesus' soul already incarnated before God's human man...
Time after time I want to reveal My love for you by introducing you to knowledge which will make you very happy, because like a bright light it will unveil things to you which previously were obscured by darkness.... and because your degree of awareness will be raised again which also signifies a maturing of the soul. For love always will and has to be the foundation for the conveyance of My Word, I could not address you if a certain degree of love were not present, and thus this love will let the light of realisation shine ever more brightly within you. You are still occupied by questions which only I Am able to answer, because only I know the regions you wish to understand better: __All elevated, previously not-fallen spirits also incarnate on earth in order to take the path through the abyss for the purpose of attaining the highest goal.... the childship to God. And for this purpose they have to live on earth in the flesh, they embody themselves as a human being and live their earthly life just as every once fallen original spirit. They, too, have to struggle and resist all temptations with which they are confronted by My adversary's side.... Thus, they must have passed in truth `through the abyss' in order to then.... when they are recalled.... return as a child of God to Me, their eternal Father.... And beings of light have descended at all times in order to help people who, as once fallen beings, should achieve their return to Me.... The light beings' love is very strong and profound so that they are always helpful and only ever intend to return My lost children to Me. And I do not stop them if they want to descend to earth in order to bring help, which is always needed. But the beings always had come from Me, permeated by My light of love they were living creations of utmost perfection who, with the same will as Mine, work with Me in the spiritual kingdom as well as on earth when they descend for the purpose of a mission. No being of light will ever exclude itself from a mission of bringing light to the earthly inhabitants.... __And thus the soul.... which as the human being Jesus accomplished the act of Salvation on earth.... was also such a spirit of light who had initially emerged from Me as a light ray of love to which I gave independent life.... This spirit had accepted a unique mission because he had realised from the start that the fallen beings needed Him, because he realised from the start that the first human being would fail and that he therefore as the `human being Jesus' wanted to help humanity.... He was from the start indeed also actively involved in the creation of the material world, for My will and strength flowed into all beings which had remained loyal to Me and which therefore were active as independent beings in infinity. This soul, too, had descended to earth (this soul, too, had previously already served Me as a spirit of light), and it established the connection between the people and God, that is, it came to people as a spirit of light and thus enabled Me Myself to audibly speak to people through this soul.... Hence this spirit of light served Me as a cover, nevertheless not physically albeit certainly temporarily visible to people but not permanently, in as much that He did not live on earth as a `human being' but only worked amongst people apparently having the same physical substance, and yet he was and remained a spiritual being Which disappeared again from sight of those whom It helped through instructions and discourses. __Elevated beings of light indeed embodied themselves physically on earth too, and as representatives of Myself always also proclaimed My will to people, for it was necessary to provide them with the information why and for what purpose they lived on earth in spiritual hardship. Nevertheless, a distinction has to be made between the earthly life of a being of light as a human being and the appearance of a spirit of light through whom I communicated Myself. In that case the spirit of light was not My visible external cover.... as was the case with the human being Jesus.... but he only served Me to proclaim My Word to people in a natural manner, for I could also have addressed people from above but then they would have lost their freedom of will.... Thus I always availed Myself of an external form which could either be a physical or a spiritual human being. However, the former lived his life on earth as a human being, whereas the latter was only temporarily visible to people because they urgently required My Word. __Consequently, if it is said that Jesus' soul had repeatedly incarnated before My human manifestation you should only ever assume a spiritual appearance when I Myself.... love.... wanted to express Myself to you humans and thus I chose a spiritual cover for Myself in order to manifest Myself to people. Whereas an embodiment of Jesus' soul in the flesh before My human manifestation has not taken place, although I was also able to express Myself in the Word through a human being if he thus had descended to earth from the kingdom of light. Jesus' soul had been chosen to enable My human manifestation on earth, and this soul was truly the most elevated spirit of light Who, as first-born Son, had emerged from Me.... that is, from My strength and the will of the one whom My greater than great love had externalised as first-created being. I Myself, as the Eternal spirit God, manifested Myself only in Jesus, in this highest soul of light.... But it had already served Me as a spirit of light previously in order to enable Me to speak to people, who nevertheless had a high degree of maturity which enabled Me to send them such beings of light through which I Myself could address them directly. __But the fact that untold beings of light had also been embodied as human beings prior to this who likewise upheld people's contact to Me, who brought My Word to them, who, in a manner of speaking, lived on earth as a mouthpiece for Me, should be accepted as truth but should not lead to misguided notions, because Jesus' soul was chosen for My human manifestation, since it had offered itself from the start for this act of compassion in the awareness of the first human beings' failure.... __It is wrong to say that I as `God' have already incarnated several times.... For My human manifestation in Jesus is and remains a unique action, which humanity is unable and even the world of light only barely able to grasp, the likes of which has never before and will never be evidenced again afterwards. For Jesus was not one of many but He was the One Who was to become for you humans and for all beings in the kingdom of light the visible God, Whom I have chosen for Myself as cover which shall remain eternally visible.... __And this being had an exceptional status, for His love.... as the first spirit emanated by My and Lucifer's love.... was so immeasurably profound that only He could be considered for My human manifestation and thus a previous process as a human being on this earth was out of the question which, however, does not exclude that He, too, took part in creating the material world, for He knew about My plan of return and He always unreservedly accepted My will and as a being with an abundance of light and strength was also able to accomplish it. This being was so devoted to Me that it enabled the complete fusion with Me, that He and I had to be one, because I in Him and He in Me absorbed each other completely, and this will therefore unveil the secret of My human manifestation in Jesus the moment the being has attained the degree of light again that gives him brightest realisation.... __Amen
Forerunner.... Proclaiming Jesus....
Humbly strive to become My true children but don't aspire to extraordinary knowledge which is of little use for the perfection of your soul. For the least and the smallest in My kingdom is greater than he who deems himself superior, humility is of extremely great value in My kingdom, and there is no space for arrogance. However, you must make a distinction between truly great and arrogance.... you must make a distinction between what is great and what seems great. For whatever is great before Me will be appointed by Me as ruler over whole worlds and their inhabitants, it will govern infinite creations and countless living beings with Me and within My will.... and yet it will not be arrogantly spirited.... But even he who deems himself great believes himself to be entitled to govern, yet he will never ever scale the height which would guarantee him a position as ruler, for I know every being's innermost attitude, I know where true humility exists and where My will alone fills a being. __And thus I say: There is no being on earth with such an abundance of humility that I could inaugurate it as a ruler over the worlds in the kingdom of the beyond.... For this humility is spiritual and a being like that is so closely united with Me that it would be unable to live on earth. For everything in its environment would radiate in brightest light. These beings had already taken the path across earth which resulted in their total spiritualisation on earth.... They will never ever return to earth but constantly influence the earthly inhabitants.... they send rays of light to earth because they are permeated by a greater than great will to love and their will to help lets them be constantly active in a redeeming sense. And thus every individual person can be extremely strongly influenced by such a being of light.... but that doesn't mean that the soul of this person is a soul of light having descended from above.... Understand this correctly.... many souls of light embody themselves on this earth for the sake of a mission.... Yet they are still approaching their final perfection as a child of God, which they can certainly attain by fulfilling such a mission.... Perfected children of God, however, only affect people from above but strongly influence certain people if the conditions to do so are given.... i.e., in order to be able to be active in the redeeming sense on earth.... __Even so, one spirit of light will be allowed to descend to earth.... My forerunner, who wants to announce Me Myself before the end.... He will proclaim Me. He will once again prepare the way for Me, for this has been My will for eternity, because he has been devoted to Me from the start, because he has been a fighter for His Lord from the beginning.... It is he whom I have chosen to be My vassal, to be My herald, who always announced Me by exclaiming it to the world when I approached people, who preceded Me as the voice which told humanity to pay heed to Me.... He fought on My behalf and he will always speak up for the name of his Lord.... Thus he is the ray, the light which I will send down to earth ahead of Me, and he knows of My coming, of the end and of his task on earth, for he will recognise himself for who he is.... And he is so profoundly devoted to Me that his mouth only speaks My name, that every breath of air only glorifies My name, that every beat of his heart only beats for Me, Whom he will overzealously proclaim on earth and for Whom he will also give up his life when his mission is finished.... Hence he is the one who will live on earth shortly before My second coming, and due to his modesty people will not recognise him until he starts to speak in order to announce the One who will follow him. Then My Own will suddenly realise who he is, yet My adversary will not recognise him.... However, he will speak up irrespective of his own danger; he will proclaim the imminent end to people, he will tell them to repent, to seek God and the salvation of their souls and to despise the mammon.... He will announce Jesus Christ to them again with a voice of thunder, and everything that will help to glorify Jesus' name will be done and said by him.... He will be My forerunner in the truest sense of the word.... he will be the one who will open paradise again to all who believe his words, who faithfully wait for Me to deliver them from utmost adversity.... __Amen
Light from above.... The Word of God....
The world is under tremendous pressure.... People on earth are being controlled by forces of darkness and it is urgently necessary for light to shine into the darkness, so that people will receive strength in order to resist the besieging forces.... Without light they will go down, without light they will find no way, no opportunity, to escape.... And therefore God will time and again emanate His light to earth, He Himself comes to earth as in the past, although not embodied in a human being but in His Word.... He also looks for a human form into which He can pour His light so that it can illuminate the dark night far and wide.... He embodies Himself in the spirit of those who are willing to be of service to Him.... This is likewise a descent, because the same darkness is spread across earth which arouses pity in God and therefore He lets the light shine to earth again, as He did in the past.... Yet in those days people stood at the beginning of a path which could have led to ascent, but now they are approaching the end of the path without having made much progress, and it will soon come to an end.... But has it led out of the darkness? Will people follow the ray of light which is still shining for them now? Will they find the right way in the light and still take it before it is too late? The dark forces exert their rule to such an extent that God will intervene in order to put an end to it.... Nevertheless, people are not left at the mercy of these forces without protection and help, for God Himself has kindled a light which shines so brightly that everyone can recognise the danger he lives in.... For this divine light reveals all, it also exposes the one who has ill-intentions towards people and who tries to tempt them in disguise.... The divine light of love shines so brightly that everyone can see what is happening in the world if only he opens his eyes, if he does not obscure the light himself on account of his will, which is still completely in favour of God's adversary. __The divine light of love has been kindled by God Himself again and it shines down to earth, because great hardship prevails in the dark vicinity of earth and only love can resolve this hardship again, as it did in the past when the Light of eternity Itself descended to earth.... God Himself spoke through the mouth of the man Jesus Who, as a soul of light, was permeated by love and therefore became the appropriate physical form to shelter God Himself in order to speak through the man Jesus to all people.... And so God speaks to people today again, He Himself speaks to them through a human mouth, He lets the light of truth shine into those people's hearts who are willing to listen to it.... He conveys His Word to earth and people would no longer need to live in darkness if they allowed themselves to be illuminated by His divine light of love.... The path which leads to ascent lies brightly and clearly ahead of them, no more dark areas exist for someone who avails himself of the divine light of love.... He need only call upon Jesus Christ and the darkness will recede from him, he will no longer be at the mercy of the dark forces, for it is always and ever the same light which shines for people on earth.... the light of the cross.... the realisation of Jesus Christ's act of love and mercy.... the correct understanding of God's human manifestation in Jesus.... and the faith in the power and strength which rests in calling upon His holy name. Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, is the light Which came into the world.... And even though He Himself came to earth.... even though the Word from above announced Him.... the light shines forth from Him alone, and without Him there is darkness on earth as well as in the spiritual kingdom.... For He Himself is the light of eternity Which will always shine into infinity and Which shines again to earth, so that all people shall find the path to Him, so that they shall return into their Father's house.... __Amen
Earth is a place of perdition.... Devils....
The opposing prince will deploy all of his vassals in order to gain victory in the last battle on this earth and in their darkness these beings believe that they will win. Admittedly, he will be very successful with people on this earth the closer the Judgment comes, the last day of this earth.... Yet the apparent victory will be his assured loss, because those he believes himself to have won will be removed from his influence and banished into matter again in order to advance once more. And many of his vassals will also be banished into the hard form, since they will have descended so low that their spiritual substance solidifies, and thus the being forfeits its self-awareness again and, dissolved into individual tiny particles, must repeat the process across the earth again. Many of these lower beings will be incarnated on earth in the last days, and God allowed this to happen for they, too, should still have the opportunity to find redemption during their life on earth as a human being.... Yet with few exceptions these beings only use the opportunity to influence their fellow human beings in a negative sense, thus they admit openly and freely their affiliation to God's adversary, therefore they can also expect to suffer the same fate as he.... to be bound again for an infinitely long time. Such a being could truly find redemption, because it receives the knowledge of Jesus Christ on earth and would only have to surrender to Him to liberate itself from its present lord.... But in their heart of hearts they are wicked and wholly satanically minded.... And thus the opposing prince works with them and this truly successfully, insofar as he makes many people's return to God more difficult since their influence is far greater than that of the beings' of light which, on God's instructions, are likewise constantly working on earth, directly or indirectly. In view of the conditions in the last days many beings of light are also embodied on earth. This is because both masters fight for people's soul and both masters will also use all means at their disposal to gain influence over the souls.... __And thus the time of the end comes ever closer, and you humans will be put under ever increasing pressure by the adverse power, the activity of satanic forces will surface ever more obviously, and calm and peace can only be found rarely amongst people, for even those who look for peace will be unable to protect themselves from the influence of these forces.... However, they should not let themselves get carried away; they should humbly endure everything and only ever call upon God for His support.... They should entrust themselves to all good spirits to settle seemingly inevitable arguments, for these are the adversary's weapon to incite people against each other, to disrupt the peace. And he finds many people following suit, who through their conduct demonstrate that they belong to him, who do not resist being taken possession of by satanic forces and who then will also readily accomplish what the latter demand of them. And these will be atrocities which can only be hatched out in hell, so that true devils will inhabit the earth in the end and there will be no more space for the few good people who are faithful and loyal to God. Earth will have become a place of perdition and therefore will have to be cleansed again from this spawn of hell.... For it shall serve as a place to mature for the spiritual beings which are close to attaining perfection, and this is almost no longer possible anymore. Hence a forcible act of purification will have to take place, and that which the adversary believes himself to have gained will be removed from his control.... new creations will accept the spirits and the adversary along with his followers will be bound again.... And peace will reign on the new earth, which will truly arise as a paradise for all those who remained loyal to God.... __Amen
Purification of earth....
And there will be a new earth again on which people will be closely united with Me and thus live in accordance with My divine order. But this state can only be achieved through a cleansing process of earth.... so that the old earth will be shaped again such that everything will be back in its right order which, however, does not imply that this order can be established on the present earth, as so many people want to believe because they can't bear the thought of an end of this earth. The forthcoming purification process will be thorough but first it will affect all people who no longer live within My eternal order.... yet it also includes the works of creation themselves because the bound substances therein will require new forms in order to achieve swift spiritual advancement.... and because I Am first and foremost concerned about the spiritual substances which have languished in hard matter long enough in order to be finally permitted to start their path of ascent.... A change towards Me would never happen again on this earth because people reinforce My adversary's power which he will only ever use so as to achieve an even greater apostasy from Me. And as long as the adversary is not bound together with everything that belongs to him the low spiritual level will not only remain as it is but become progressively worse so that a state of harmony on earth can no longer be expected. __Therefore I will carry out a thorough cleansing, I will dissolve everything on earth that shelters spiritual substances and let a new earth arise with completely new creations which will be occupied by the spirits for the purpose of higher development.... And I will only populate the earth with people of such advanced states of maturity that they will be able to endure a blissful life in paradise.... with people who remained true to Me in the last battle on this earth and whom I therefore will return to the new earth as the root of a new human race.... Every new period of Salvation starts with a spiritually mature generation which shall influence future generations by showing them the path of ascent and helping them to reach perfection. And since My adversary will be bound people will not be oppressed by him at first either, consequently it will be a heavenly state for a long time where all living creations, people and animals, will live together in harmony and peace, where love will continually urge people into constant union with Me, where I will be able to be present with them and thus people will be blissfully happy, until the time comes one day when the bond begins to ease, when material things once again exercise their attraction and when the desire of people will loosen My adversary's chains.... without being hindered by Me, because the test of free will, which previously was completely turned towards Me, shall become necessary again.... __Every period of Salvation returns many of the once fallen spirits to Me. If I therefore did not put an end to the present state there would truly be no further spiritual progress, for I, on My part, have granted the adversary the right to fight for the beings as well. But he abuses his rights by overstepping the limits of his authority, insofar as he tries to prevent people from receiving knowledge of Me, their God and Creator of eternity, altogether.... However, earthly life was given to the human being to decide which lord they want to belong to, consequently they also need to be informed of both lords and this is what My adversary tries to prevent by using all possible means. And therefore I will put an end to his activity, he and his followers will be bound and I will first of all establish lawful order again everywhere so as to safeguard the fallen spirits' higher development in accordance with My plan of eternity. __Amen
Worldly scholars will struggle in vain to obtain a clear picture of the inner structure of extraterrestrial works of Creation. It is not enough to establish the numerical size ratio of other planets in comparison to Earth, nor is the intention of establishing the sun's influence on these planets and the measurement of luminosity sufficient.... Rather, the research of these planets requires people with enormous knowledge, and such knowledge can only be acquired by spiritual means. No connection exists between Earth and other planets, and no such connection will ever be established even if eternities pass by. On the other hand, however, spiritually, no limitations exist which separate one planet from another. The vast space between two planets does not prevent spiritual beings from communicating with each other and exchanging information about the world they inhabit and its structure. Providing a clear picture of the most related planet to Earth, Saturn, is the task of one of the elevated spiritual beings inhabiting it by giving you humans on Earth a description which offers an undeniable explanation to a person desiring such information. As yet no mortal has succeeded in establishing the dimensions of this planet, for it is not possible to calculate its size because people possess no criterion for the circumference of Saturn. It goes beyond all earthly estimates and is almost an infinite concept for you humans. The basic material of this planet is not the same as that of Earth either.... it consists of transparent, brightly sparkling metal with an inconceivable luminosity. The state of all beings within the vicinity of this radiant matter is in harmony with this brilliant light.... They are exceedingly sensitive to all spiritual currents and are relatively far advanced spiritual beings which, however, did not reach their state of light through conscious striving but are highly educated through God's will. The task of these beings includes taking care of the spirits on earth. Like on earth, they also live a similar physical life, except that the size ratio of the external shells they occupy is humanly incomprehensible, but accordingly their spiritual power is indescribably effective. Nevertheless, the beings also have to fulfil a function and this is in harmony with their respective embodiment, for these beings also exist in various external shapes on the planet's surface, but their ability to change far surpasses that on earth, insofar as that they are not animating some external shape as imperfect spiritual beings, but that they can, as it were, change their shell at any time so as to be able to accomplish their set task better and easier in a different shell. Consequently, Saturn shelters living beings, nevertheless they possess a certain degree of maturity or they would not be suitable for this planet since the abundance of light presupposes a specific receptivity to light. These beings are difficult to describe to people on earth because certain laws need to be taken into account which are unknown to people on earth. It would indeed be possible to portray them to you, albeit only in a metaphorical way which illustrates the beings' activity. And this activity is, in a way, just as necessary for people on earth, for the beings have the task of constantly animating the entire flora, nevertheless, the correlation of this cannot be fully understood by you as yet. Amongst each other, the beings lead a similar life as on earth, in total harmony and spiritual unity, so their dwellings are accordingly and magnificent creations of their own intelligence shaped the surface of the planet into an exceedingly charming abode. Creation consists of countless stars and yet each one differs from the other both in its surface arrangement as well as in the living conditions of its inhabiting beings.... In the same way their basic materials are always of a different kind too.... yet all these creations are governed and directed by one Deity according to His will. And thus God provides countless opportunities for a being so that it can receive and likewise distribute bliss for eternity through lively activity in accordance with its perfection.... __Amen
Doctrine of re-incarnation.... Misguided teaching.... Cel...
Do not be mislead by supposed contradictions, rather, see the reason in the fact that your ability of comprehension does not always suffice in order to understand something properly, and that there need not be a contradiction, but you only suppose it to be. It should be sufficient for you to know that I will never teach you wrongly and that I will always give you the information such that it will benefit your soul.... __The doctrine of karma does not encourage you to increase your spiritual endeavour. It is far more likely to encourage you to conduct your life half-heartedly in the spiritual sense. For this reason alone it is of little benefit for the soul, and it does not meet My full approval that you humans count on a return to earth and as a result become negligent in your effort. Although I support the soul's higher development in every way, and wherever I recognise a reliable opportunity to advance your soul's maturity I Am willing to give My consent, but it always has to be on the basis of My lawful eternal order and never for the sake of a deliberately created opportunity.... Hence it must be understandable to you that I will not inform you of a repeated process of development on this earth, which presupposes your total failure during your earthly life, but that I would like to protect you from this failure, and therefore caution, warn and instruct you in order to prevent a failure. __It would be a wrong instruction if I were to offer you the prospect of another path to reach your goal while the right path is still ahead of you, thus you should, and could, walk this path with correct use of your will. I only inform you of the infinite number of previous embodiments because I want you to become aware of your great responsibility for the short path of earthly life. This knowledge is only intended to increase your effort, but you should not draw the wrong conclusion and neglect your endeavour in the hope of repeating your incarnation on this earth if you do not reach your goal. My spirit will definitely enlighten you, and if you ask Me faithfully I will let you know through My servants to what extent your thoughts are correct. __If you knew of the endless many opportunities to achieve maturity on the innumerable celestial bodies in the universe, you would never come to the conclusion that a soul will be returned again to earth. However, the immature soul has to go through many more embodiments indeed where it is able to prove itself and thereby make further progress. Thus the doctrine of re-incarnation is in fact based on truth but it does not mean that the soul will be born again in the flesh on this earth. It merely indicates the many opportunities of higher development on other creations, where the soul, either in physical or in spiritual form, is again presented with a task, the fulfilment of which will assure its ascent. It is an exception if a soul returns to this earth again to fulfil a spiritual mission, it cannot be generalised. Souls having passed away in a state of immaturity will also deem themselves living on earth. The areas they occupy make them believe that they were transported to extremely dreary, barren stretches of land, but they are actually on another planet which is suited to their souls' maturity and which is inhabited by the most primitive creations, resulting in a meagre, depressive stay for the souls.... This is an opportunity for purification of very materialistic minded people, who have to overcome their desire in order to be placed on another work of creation for the purpose of further ascent, depending on their will. __You still love this earth too much and therefore associate the word `re-incarnation' only with this earth as the dwelling place for a re-incarnated soul. But you should consider My love's incredibly extensive work of creation, which only came about for the countless spiritual beings who have to take the path to perfection, and who will take this path in some form or other.... in physical creations, as long as the soul is not yet spiritualised and receptive for light, and in spiritual creations, where the spiritual soul can constantly ascend too, where it purifies itself ever more and makes itself receptive for the emanation of Myself. __Imagine eternity, behold the starry sky whose countless stars are the creations of My will of love, destined to accept souls in need of development.... and you will realise that this earth is not the only carrier of beings who are supposed to ascend and that it is truly not necessary to return the failed souls to earth again, although it is the only place for achieving the childship to God, but it cannot be deliberately and repeatedly chosen as a place to mature. __And thus the doctrine of frequent re-incarnation on this earth will have to be declared as a misguided teaching, which needs to be opposed as being harmful for souls, because it weakens people's will and endangers the being's sincere change in view of the expectation to be able to make up for any neglect in a repeated life until ultimate perfection.... __Amen
The short phase of earthly life decides the fate in the b...
Your earthly existence as a human being is one of infinitely many phases of your higher development, for even if you fully mature on earth so that you can enter the kingdom of light your development will nevertheless continue, because once a soul has attained realisation it will never cease going forward.... because it will always and forever strive towards God and thereby try to come closer to Him in order to become blissfully happy in complete union with Him. Consequently, the time on earth as a human being is just like a brief moment compared to eternity, compared to the infinitely long process of development through the material creation, and yet, this brief moment is crucial for the soul's fate, it is crucial for the further process of development in the spiritual kingdom. For there is a difference whether the soul has already achieved a degree of maturity on earth or whether it will not achieve realisation until it is in the kingdom of the beyond.... The latter will indeed ascend as well, but they have to make an extremely laborious effort to acquire what was abundantly at their disposal on earth and what could have enabled them to reach the degree of light.... __To pass the test of will on earth already denotes a state of light and strength in abundance on entering eternity, it denotes a constant supply of light and strength, because the moment the soul departs from earth as a recipient of strength it also imparts strength, and the more it passes on the more it will receive in return.... Thus it ascends extremely quickly now, for it joins equally mature spirits and works in accordance with divine will and on divine instruction.... It receives all strength from God and uses it on behalf of God, whereas souls having failed their test of will on earth are indeed also able to achieve realisation in the beyond but they first have to shape themselves with the help of other beings such that they can become enlightened, that they can receive the emanations of light and subsequently utilise them according to God's will. These souls, too, have to desire the supply of light and strength of their own accord, only then will they receive, and only then will their higher development begin with the work which they, in turn, carry out on the souls in darkness.... It is effectively a laborious path, a step by step ascent with utmost effort of strength and will.... __No effort remains without reward, the soul will definitely progress, but because it is still very weak and has little strength as its disposal it has to exert all its will and find much support from the world of light or through human intercession until it has become a recipient of light and strength itself, so that it can distribute in turn and then receive ever more strength. The short earthly life decides the fate in eternity, for the entry into the spiritual kingdom can already be supreme bliss which will never end, if the time on earth was used correctly. But it can also be wasted, and the soul has to suffer the consequences.... it has to carry on struggling and fighting if it doesn't want to descend. And its life in the spiritual kingdom can in many ways still be likened to the struggle on earth, yet it is never hopeless if the soul itself wants to attain light and strength. Only its will is decisive.... if the will is already directed towards God in earthly life, then the soul will constantly pursue its objective of coming closer to Him, which it will soon achieve.... __But while the will is still turned away from God it means darkness and weakness, and the soul enters the spiritual kingdom in this state, whereas the former is permeated by light and nothing ties it to the earthly realm except its love for those it left behind and to whom it now offers help in every way; the latter, however, will still need help for a long time although they have escaped earth, yet they will still remain in the vicinity of earth until they, too, can receive enough light and strength in order to be active themselves in the spiritual kingdom. And every activity only consists of influencing the will of those who still aim into the wrong direction, in order to protect them from the same fate, from a laborious ascent in the spiritual realm which is the result of a wrongly directed will on earth.... __Amen
Fate in the beyond corresponds to thoughts and wishes on ...
Your thoughts and wishes on this earth will be your fate in the spiritual kingdom after the death of your body. If you searched for light and truth on this earth, light will be waiting for you over there.... if you preferred the darkness because earthly matter had deluded you, then you will stay in dark surroundings over there too, in a realm where you feel unhappy for lack of light. Yet it will happen in accordance with your will.... Light is constantly made available to you on earth and the path to eternal life is clearly and brightly illuminated, you need only enter it to find the kingdom of light after the death of your body.... If, however, you escape the light, if you walk the dark path, then you can only arrive in dark regions too.... __You humans occupy yourselves very little indeed with what happens to you after your physical death.... You dismiss such thoughts from your mind when they occur to you, you constantly turn towards the world and its matter, and since this is transient you cannot take it with you into the spiritual realm. If material goods are your only riches on earth you will indeed arrive poor and naked in the spiritual kingdom.... Why do you not gather possessions on earth which are long-lasting, which accompany you on your way into the beyond....why do you only lust after the transient possessions of this world? __The consequences of your way of life are presented to you time after time, your attention is drawn to your fate after your departure from this earth.... yet you pay little attention to the warnings and reprimands, you scrupulously carry on living from day to day even though you could be called to your final resting place tomorrow.... And then you will receive what you desired on earth.... light or darkness.... you can't be given anything else but what you acquired during your life on earth. Consequently, as long as you live on earth think of the time after your death, think of your soul which is immortal and whose fate in the beyond you prepare while you live on earth.... strive towards the light on earth and create your soul's happiness in the spiritual realm.... __Amen
Guests on earth.... Right custodians....
Always remember that you are only guests on this earth, that the transient realm is not your true home, that you are only temporarily here so that you can fully matured return to your home, which you had voluntarily left some time ago, but that one day you have to return to where you came from. If you were more conscious of your task on earth, if you would really only feel like guests on this earth, you would not attempt to settle down in this world of illusion either. You would always only remember to return home richly blessed, you would only want to acquire on earth what you may take across with you and all other accomplishments would appear useless and worthless to you, and then your maturity would be guaranteed, you would fulfil the purpose of your earthly life and need never fear to waste your time.... because as `guests' you would not want to acquire what you would have to leave behind and thus aspire towards other things.... __However, as long as you don't feel as guests but as masters of this earth you fail to understand your true purpose of earthly life and all you intentions, thoughts and actions will be wrong, they will not correspond to the goal of improving your soul's maturity. And even if you possess earthly wealth, if you are richly blessed with earthly goods.... as long as you merely regard yourselves as custodians you will make correct use of your possessions and by doing so acquire spiritual wealth too. You should always handle borrowed wealth correctly, that is, you should not want to be the sole beneficiary but also allow other people to benefit from it.... Then it will be a blessing to you and you will gain everlasting spiritual wealth. __As you receive you shall also give.... because the Lord, Who serves His guests abundantly, wants to give everyone what they need, and He Himself will invite His guests to share their gifts with anyone who requires them. Therefore you, too, should remember that every human being has the same right to the things he needs for living, that every human being is a guest on this earth, just as you are, and that the Lord does not want that any one of His guests should go without and that you therefore do His will when you give your fellow human beings gifts of love.... One day you will have to surrender everything anyway. Therefore try to dispose of it voluntarily in advance because such an action will not reap a loss but a double blessing for you which you can only understand when you leave this earth and find a treasure in the beyond.... when you understand that with your action on earth you have acquired many people's love which will follow you into eternity.... __How blind are those people who accumulate possessions, who enjoy their earthly possessions and don't allow anyone to partake in them.... and how deprived will be their fate after the death of their body. You humans know that your earthly life is temporary and yet your life shows no preparations for your real life in the kingdom which truly exists but which can be of rather diverse quality since it is up to you how you prepare it. If you have given love to other people on earth you will find much loving assistance there, you will receive as you yourselves have given and, indeed, you truly will not lose but every gift you share with a loving heart will bring a thousand-fold return. Just consider yourselves as guest on this earth and look at everything you own as property on loan which you may use as you wish.... And accordingly manage these possessions in the spirit of God Who gave them to you; use them with love.... and you will experience a blessing which you cannot appreciate as long as you live on earth.... Then you will return to your true home richly laden and shaped as you were when you once left.... __Amen
The soul's fate after physical death....
After death you will enter a completely different world than earth, but you have the possibility on earth to shape this world such that it will make you happy and you will gladly replace your life on this earth with it. For you can acquire a kingdom of light and beatitude for yourselves if you live an appropriate way of life on earth, if you readily accomplish your psychological task and gather possessions for the spiritual kingdom. Then the world which you enter will truly be a kingdom of bliss, you will not stop rejoicing and marvelling and would never ever want to return to earth again, if this were at all possible. __Thus you yourselves create the world which will receive you after the death of your body.... And therefore you should live responsibly on this earth. For you can also enter a dark and barren kingdom where you will be miserable and which you nevertheless will be unable to leave at will, since your free will aspired to this kingdom while you lived on earth. This, too, was your own affair; it was your own will, for your way of life on earth was such that your fate in the spiritual kingdom could only result in torment and constraint, in darkness and weakness. __Yet either way you will enter a different world, a spiritual kingdom, where all earthly goods will be lost to you, where you will only find what you had spiritually acquired for yourselves on earth. And therefore it is a dreadful state for souls which had not acquired any spiritual goods at all, which had only tried to obtain earthly goods and therefore entered the kingdom of the beyond entirely destitute, where it will then be extremely difficult to attain spiritual possessions, albeit it is not impossible. For the world they occupy now is comparative to their state of soul.... It can mean that the soul continually wanders through dry and barren places where it can't find anything at all to satisfy its hunger by which such souls are constantly tormented.... which can only be satisfied with gifts of love.... with a supply of strength obtained through loving intercession for such souls. __This is why a soul can already be called blessed if it is followed by kind thoughts beyond the grave and if it has done good works that follow it into eternity.... But poor and needy are the souls which have not earned their fellow human being's love, which are followed by unpleasant thoughts and have to suffer them far more than you humans on earth can possibly imagine. Therefore, always let kind thoughts follow all deceased into eternity, take pity on them and help them find their way out of the first darkness, never leave them alone but often remember them kindly, it will make them feel good and they will experience it as a flow of strength, as a little help on their path of ascent, which they can only travel if this help is granted to them. __The soul creates its own fate which will await it in the kingdom of the beyond, and in order that it will be a beautiful and pleasing one you shall work for it while you are still on earth, you shall acquire spiritual possessions and always carry out deeds of love, for such deeds will follow you into eternity and amount to a spiritual wealth with which you can work for your own and other souls happiness.... with which you can increase your bliss at any time and impart strength to other souls so that they, too, will walk the path of ascent and be able to become blissfully happy one day.... even if this path of ascent will require a lot of strength and effort, but with good will it is nevertheless possible to progress if they receive help from their spiritual friends and from people on earth who always remember such souls in their prayers.... __Amen
A renewal of earth must come....
Earth will have to be renewed if the higher development of the spiritual beings is to progress; all works of creation will have to release the spirits so that they can continue their development within new forms, as this is the purpose of the work of creation called `earth'.... For it does not just concern you humans who voluntarily ought to reach your final goal on earth but fail to do so.... it also concerns the spiritual substance bound within the form which has not yet been able to arrive at the possibility of being of service and to which the path of service shall be opened. As long as you humans do not know the meaning and purpose of creation, you will not consider the possibility of an impending transformation of the earth's surface either. And yet it is about to happen and may only be experienced by people who have fulfilled the purpose of their earthly life, who have matured fully and therefore will populate the new earth.... Hence they also know God's plan of Salvation, they believe that they live in the last days and expect the end and with it the coming of the Lord, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture. But there are only few of them.... __People's low spiritual level is so obvious that the time has come when a change must happen again.... when all spirits have to be placed into forms which correspond to their state of maturity.... And thus the human being, having completely failed, will also have to be banished into hard matter again and start a new process of development; whereas the spiritual being bound within matter may occupy increasingly softer forms until it reaches the stage one day when it can take the path across earth as a human being for his last decision of will. The fact that people will experience this harsh fate of a new banishment is the result of their free will, for they no longer have any spiritual aspirations on earth, they are totally attached to matter and will therefore become what they aspired to in this earthly life. Nevertheless, they have been sufficiently admonished and warned, during their earthly life they have been informed of the purpose of earthly life, and no person will be able to say that he had absolutely no knowledge of it. The fact that he, of his own free will, had rejected everything that could have increased his maturity is his own fault which he consequently will also have to pay for. A continuation of the old earth, however, would never ensure that these people would change; they would only ever descend further and also prevent the spirits within the form from progressing further. But who will believe this if he is informed of it? __As soon as people no longer believe in God, in a continuation of life after death, in a responsibility on their part, the said low spiritual level will have been reached which necessitates the end, the dissolution of earthly creations. For in that case people's existence on earth would be pointless, the blessing of an embodiment as a human being would no longer be made use of, the earth will have ceased to be a place of education for the spiritual beings and a total transformation will have to happen to put an end to this unspiritual state of affairs. And you humans will shortly face this transformation, you will shortly face a spiritual and earthly turning point, for the time which was granted to you for the maturing of your souls has come to an end. Until the end you will be warned and admonished, until the end you will be instructed about the purpose of your existence, you will receive the knowledge of God's plan of Salvation, of His infinite love for all His living creations and of the possibility and help on His part to become blessed before the end arrives.... However, you have to accept all this of your own free will, you have to seriously want to fulfil the purpose of your human existence.... you have to acknowledge a God above yourselves and appeal to Him for mercy.... And truly, you will still be saved in the last hour, otherwise the Judgment will take effect on you, otherwise you will get what you are striving for.... you will turn into matter again which had kept you tied to the earth so that you didn't take the path of ascent and therefore will end up in the abyss again.... __Amen
State of paradise on the new earth....
I want to turn the earth into a place of peace again where love reigns supreme, where there is no hostility, where all created beings live together in harmony and happiness, where the radiance of people's love will also beneficially touch all still constrained spiritual substances, where everyone makes an effort to help his fellow human being spiritually as well as earthly.... and where I Myself, the Eternal Love, will be able to dwell amongst people because nothing of a negative nature prevents Me from doing so.... It is My will that the earth will once again serve in helping the human race to attain utmost maturity, so that many people will be able to leave earth in a perfected state because they are closely united with Me and thus they will no longer be burdened by the effects of the past original sin, for they all will have been redeemed on earth through Jesus Christ already and therefore can be placed onto the new earth.... For their removal from the old earth prior to Judgment Day is evidence that they belong to Me, it is proof that they have found union with Me on the old earth.... that they are free of all vices and cravings which thus enabled Me to return them to the new earth.... __And a new period of redemption will begin which will at first result in many human souls' maturity because My adversary will be bound and unable to oppress these souls and also because they voluntarily abandoned all resistance.... hence they had already become My Own and only live an earthly life for the sake of the succeeding generations, for they shall bear witness to My might and glory, they shall be able to speak from their own experience about the state of the old earth and also teach their descendants to love Me.... Their children and children's children will be imbued with love as well; their souls will not be far from their original state, for they were conceived in pure, unselfish love due to My adversary's lack of influence on the people who populate the new earth.... Love, however, is strength which can truly hasten the soul's maturing, it can also help the bound spiritual substances to leave their form and they, too, will relinquish their resistance and always move forward in their development according to My will.... __This state will continue for a long time.... during which many of the fallen spirits will return to Me in a perfect state, during which I will gain many `children' and My as well as their happiness will know no bounds, for I know that all fallen spirits will return to Me one day and that My eternal plan of Salvation will not be unsuccessful. And yet, even this state on the new earth will change again one day, for ever more souls will incarnate which had passed through the creations of the world and the inclination for material things will break through once more.... rarely at first but steadily increasing, and the desire for material goods will also loosen My adversary's chains, for people's free will is decisive and this can be influenced by My adversary again because the people themselves will no longer resist him. Yet time and again My love will also help these souls and the struggle for them will start anew, however, people's resolve itself will decide which lord shall be victorious. For the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer, will also be imparted to these new generations.... Hence they will not be left helplessly at the mercy of My opponent and will also abandon their resistance sooner, because their faith in Me as God and Creator will still be strong enough and thus My influence through the voice of conscience will have an effect.... __Nevertheless, it will no longer be the paradise-like life that it was in the beginning, people will go through inner conflicts, My adversary's temptations will not fail to materialise themselves and the struggle for existence, too, will get harder yet be easily endurable for those people who remain faithful to Me and foster the love within themselves.... And even then My messengers of light will help people, partly embodied as human beings, partly exerting a spiritual influence on those who entrust themselves to them and remain in constant contact with Me. And as long as love reigns My influence on people will be strong and no regression into the abyss will have to be feared.... for My adversary fights against love in vain.... __Amen
People's low spiritual state necessitates an end....
Once someone has penetrated spiritual knowledge he is also entitled to make a judgment in regards to humanity's spiritual state, and he will realise that spiritual progress on this earth is not possible anymore.... He will be able to observe that the commandments of love for God and one's neighbour are only very rarely lived up to and that the disregard of these commandments results in ever greater darkness.... He will also know that people's will itself is the decisive factor and that this is also misused, since it is turning increasingly more towards the adversary which explains why people are under his control. Salvation would certainly be possible if only people were willing to accept the Word of God, which He Himself conveys to earth and which truly has the strength to lead to a change in human thinking. Yet precisely this willingness is missing and thus humanity is irrevocably approaching the end, so that the unspiritual state will be brought to a halt and a new phase of redemption will start which will impede the endless fall into the abyss, and the being which had failed as a human being will be integrated into the process of return once again, in accordance with divine will. __Anyone who has penetrated spiritual knowledge will also understand everything that is happening.... he will know that one period of Salvation is coming to an end and that a new one is beginning, because he knows the reason for people's unspiritual state and also that God's love keeps creating ever new possibilities to lead the beings, which had once emerged from Him, to their goal. And only those people who penetrated spiritual knowledge can offer a little help by passing their knowledge on to their fellow human beings.... but then free will has to be prepared again to accept such knowledge. And people's will is extraordinarily weakened.... A person could certainly place himself into a state of strength and also attain a stronger will, but this requires him to live in love himself and to take the path to Jesus Christ Who, through His crucifixion, acquired unmeasured blessings, thus also the strengthening of will.... Deeds of love will always grant strength to a person, and a call upon Jesus will fortify the will, for then the will is no longer completely averted from God, for anyone who is lovingly active also establishes contact with God, the Eternal Love. And anyone who calls upon Jesus Christ acknowledges Him as the Redeemer of the world and thus also as God Himself, Who became a human being in Jesus Christ.... Hence you all can escape this state of weakness, you are not left to your own devices in your helplessness, but strength is at your disposal at all times if only you desire it.... And those who possess this knowledge will always provide you with clarification, but as long as your heart and ears are unreceptive to it their words will remain ineffective, you will remain weak and unenlightened and won't live up to your purpose of life. __However, force will never be exerted on you on God's part, it will be entirely left up to your will as to how you deal with your fellow human beings' instructions, yet they will be conveyed to you so that you can also make this decision yourselves. If, however, your own will rejects it and you cannot find your way out of the state of darkness then you are entangled in a net of lies and errors which you can no longer tear apart yourselves, since it keeps you constrained and was cast upon you by the adversary himself. And then the only option left is to break the adversary's power, that is, to remove the opportunity for him to harass people on earth, which means the dissolution of earth with all its creations as well as all living creatures up to the human being.... hence an end for you humans with a subsequent banishment into hard matter and a reshaping of all material creations for the purpose of sheltering the still bound spiritual substances, which likewise shall attain higher development on this earth.... __A spiritual change on this earth is impossible because people fail to muster the will for it.... Yet that which will follow later will also demonstrate a spiritual change, for after the demise of the old earth a new earth will arise with incomparably beautiful creations, with spiritually mature people who had passed their test of faith and will on this old earth and who shall be returned to the new earth as the root of the new human generation.... For they will be spiritually awakened, they will know about God's love and His reign and activity throughout the universe and they will also know that all creations only serve the once fallen spiritual beings to attain full maturity, they will know that divine order must be observed and that everything which leaves this order will require endless time in order to reach the goal again one day, to integrate with the law of eternal order and to live a life of selfless love.... And at the end of an earthly period love will have grown completely cold amongst people, thus profound darkness will be on earth, for only love is the light which penetrates the darkness.... And only the one who lives in love will also penetrate spiritual knowledge, he will ignite the light within himself and all the terrors of darkness will be over for him.... And this bright light will illuminate the new earth, and all people will be fully enlightened for they will live in love and walk with God, Who is Love Himself and the Light of eternity.... __Amen
Bear death in mind....
The Lord will destroy whatever opposes Him, and resurrect those who remain in the Lord.... My dear child, it is the Lord's will that you , who lives in accordance with the Lord on earth, shall receive now and forever, for His Word shall be taught again on earth, in the way it is given to you all from the Lord. Humanity must not waver in its faith, it shall be guided back to the pure teaching of Christ, and ways will be shown to you, which would be impossible for you to travel on your own.... but guided by God you will overcome all obstacles. Behold, mindful of His suffering on earth, the Saviour advises you to accept everything He imposes upon you and what He has destined for you.... He will always stand by your side, and in every adversity you will feel His closeness and never be abandoned; nevertheless, you must make an effort to gain firm faith in God, then everything will be easy for you and for love of the Saviour you will be strong and able to endure everything patiently. His divine love offers you reliable protection, even if it sometimes seems as if you are at risk of being harmed, you are nevertheless so faithfully sheltered under His guard that you must not worry. Therefore struggle and pray incessantly for firm faith and profound trust in God, so that you will be able to resist everything that threatens you from outside.... And with complete confidence write this down today: Bear death in mind.... yet this thought should never scare you.... for the hour of death can be shaped by yourselves into a time of immense happiness if it merely signifies to you the transition from this life into a radiantly bright beyond.... In that case, what is there to fear? You will leave all earthly suffering behind and enter a kingdom where all tribulations are taken from you and where eternal life close to the Saviour is prepared for you.... But woe to you if the hour of death does not mean your release from earthly anguish.... If you leave the valley of earth only to wander about in the dark.... burdened by your earthly guilt and incapable of leaving this darkness.... Therefore be warned before this hour arrives.... Bear the hour in mind and realise that you alone create this or that state on earth.... that your life on earth is the decisive factor as to whether the hour of death is the gate into eternal happiness or the entrance into darkness. Consider how much more difficult it then will be for you to turn towards the light, and how many opportunities you still have on earth now to easily attain the state through which you will be granted a blissful death.... And if, for once, you spend some thought on the fact that you don't know how much time you are still granted on earth, then be grateful to the heavenly Father for every warning He conveys to you time after time through his messengers. Consider this and strive.... constantly strive, but only towards the goal of living your earthly life for the benefit of your soul.... and conduct yourselves on earth such that you are ready at any hour to be recalled by the Father. You will enter a new life.... make sure that it will radiate for you in heavenly beauty, that you may receive from the Father's hand everything the Father has prepared for you in eternity.... but woe, if you exchange your life on earth with an existence in the beyond which will require an immense effort to leave and where you, in sorrow and self inflicted agony, remorsefully remember the unused time on earth.... Therefore, pay attention to the admonitions which are sent to you and always bear death in mind, which can approach you any time.... and sincerely appeal to the Father that He may take mercy upon you and enlighten you before it is too late.... and He will answer your prayer. __Amen
Different spheres in the spiritual kingdom....
Immediately after physical death the soul leaves the body and moves into the spiritual kingdom which, depending on its maturity, can be close to or far away from earth. This should not be understood in a three-dimensional sense, the distance is the result of the difference between the spheres which indeed belong to the spiritual kingdom because they are away from and outside of the earthly-material world and the immature soul has to travel a long path in time before it arrives in the spheres of light. By comparison, a mature soul arrives in these spheres as fast as lightening after its physical death since it requires neither time nor space to overcome the distance from earth into the light spheres. It only needs the strength which its state of maturity has acquired. __However, imperfect souls cannot separate themselves as swiftly from earth, partly because they are too weak to elevate themselves and partly because their senses are still attached to earthly matters. They do not want to leave earth and thus remain close to earth for a long time, mostly within the surroundings they used to occupy during their lifetime. Subsequently they cannot always feel their change from the earthly into the spiritual kingdom either. Their surrounding still appears earthly to them and the souls are frequently unaware that they are no longer physically alive. Nevertheless, they find it strange that they cannot establish a connection with the people on earth any longer, that they cannot make themselves heard and are ignored by people. This condition gradually makes them aware of their situation, they come to understand that they no longer live on earth but that they are beyond earth in the spiritual kingdom. But as long as the soul is still earthly minded it cannot remove itself from this surrounding; it is still grounded and experiences this as a painful condition because everything it desires or believes to possess it unattainable. __And now it slowly has to overcome its desire for earthly possessions; only when it has succeeded in doing so will it gradually move away from earth, the spheres will take on a different appearance, and depending on the soul's maturity it will no longer see earthly but only spiritual creations, i.e. the spiritual vision of the soul will be able to see spiritual creations which the immature being cannot see even though they are present. But when a mature soul departs from earth it can instantly distinguish its surrounding in the spiritual realm since its maturity has acquired the ability of spiritual vision. Such a soul will also recognise the souls it meets in the beyond whilst immature souls are unable to do so, i.e. they only recognise souls who walk in darkness like themselves, who are in the same imperfect state. However, beings of light are invisible to them, and even when these disguise their light and come close to them they cannot perceive them.... Spiritual vision only develops during a certain state of maturity but then the souls are also surrounded by light, while those who are unable to see due to their undeveloped spiritual vision are surrounded by spiritual darkness. __However, the earthly items they desire are visible to them; nevertheless they are mere illusions which do not really exist but which appear due to the soul's longing, only to disappear again like a mirage as soon as the soul wants to touch or use them, because their fleeting nature should make the soul understand that it ought to strive for higher values than temporary earthly possessions. Consequently, no beings of light will come close to the soul as long as it still desires such belongings, since earthly minded souls will not listen to the beings of light when they arrive in disguise to bring the Gospel. In this situation they can only be helped by the prayer of another human being, only then will they turn away from matter and look for an alternative in the spiritual realm. Then beings who are willing to help will meet them, instruct them and direct them to the path of ascent. And the more willingly they accept the light beings' instructions the sooner they will acquire spiritual vision and are thus delivered from darkness.... they have entered the spheres where they may receive and give light. They have travelled the path which can take a short but also a very long time, depending on the soul's determination for material possessions which keep it attached to earth until they lose their appeal, and are then introduced to the pure truth by the beings of light in order to work for the kingdom of God in the beyond by sharing the knowledge with needy souls who are still living in spiritual darkness.... __Amen
The works of the flesh will be revealed.... Beyond....
The actions you accomplish on earth have an effect in the spiritual realm.... These are therefore works carried out by the flesh, which can be beneficial or evil, depending on which impulse caused them. For the human being can listen to the voice of his spirit but also to the voice of the world, which tries to influence the body and the body's desire more often than not contradicts the urging of the spirit. The spirit, however, urges loving actions, and if the human being, who lives on earth in the flesh, acts accordingly he will accomplish works of love and subsequently also receive his reward according to these works, whereas the body's desire is always based on selfish love and the works of self-interest will likewise be remunerated in the beyond, albeit not in a way that denotes happiness. Yet people who merely selfishly create and work in order to improve their body's sense of well-being have already received their reward.... they have created their earthly fate of pleasures and enjoyments and are not entitled to be rewarded in the kingdom of the beyond because they are lacking love, which alone is valued by God.... And thus a person can live on earth in affluence and happiness, if he does not use his wealth for kind-hearted activity then no good works will follow him and he will enter the kingdom of the beyond in a poor and wretched state, then the works of the flesh will be evident and he will be judged according to these works.... For he did not lack the strength on earth to be active according to God's will. But if he arrives in a deprived state on the other side he will also lack the strength to catch up on what he neglected to do on earth, then he will be dependent upon help to receive what he is in need of. Nevertheless, even this help presupposes his will as it did on earth, and a soul's will in the beyond is rarely different from what it was on earth. And on earth it was only his will which prevented him from carrying out kind-hearted activities, because his selfish love was too strong and he did not rise above himself. As you work on earth in the flesh, that is how your reward will be in the spiritual realm.... And what you neglected to do on earth, even though you were able to do it, will likewise be taken into account as a shortcoming, for which you will have to justify yourselves one day. Therefore create and work for eternity, don't value earthly life too highly, consider the soul's fate after the body's death and create for that life, make sure that only works of love will be revealed on the last day, on the day you depart from this earth when you will be judged according to your works.... for you can only be rewarded for works of love, because these works will follow you into eternity.... __Amen
Purifying the divine plant nursery....
My divine plant nursery often has to undergo a thorough purification process when the weeds so threaten to overgrow all good seeds that even the healthy plants can no longer develop in a way that their thriving is pleasing to Me. In that case all good plants will have to be carefully separated, the weeds must be dug out and burned, the ground must be ploughed over, and only then can it receive new seeds, only then will I be able to harvest the right fruit again, new life can take root again and make Me happy, which was no longer possible before. And such a thorough cleansing process has been intended for eternity, and you humans can expect it daily and hourly.... The earth no longer serves its purpose, evil dominates everything, it often even suffocates delicate seedlings wishing to burst through in order to attain light and life.... The world's poisonous breath destroys life, and therefore many a seedling withers that promised to become strong and healthy.... People are drawn into the whirlpool of the world and many a soul which was intended to live finds its death therein. The atmosphere in which people are meant to perfect themselves is no longer clean, it is nothing but a realm of sin and depravity.... And for this reason the said purification can no longer be avoided.... irrespective of whether you humans believe it or not.... __One day the lowest point will come and therefore also the hour when My plan of Salvation, which includes this thorough cleansing of earth, will be carried out. And thus, once the few who have found life have been separated, everything incapable of living will have to be destroyed.... For it is no longer enough that only what is evil and unsuitable should be removed because it predominates. But neither will I sacrifice to evil what has prevailed against it.... I will gather the people who are and will remain My Own and who did not let themselves be enslaved by My adversary.... I will lift them up and remove them from earth in order to cause a total transformation and to make the earth suitable again as a nursery school for a new human generation. Everything a good farmer does when he ploughs his field, when he clears and prepares it for new good seeds, will also be done by Me, because the time for it has come and because one day I, too, want to achieve a good harvest again, since this has become impossible now. For people by and large leave earth in a lifeless state, their earthly life does not result in any progress, they remain as they were at the start of their earthly life or they become stunted and incapable of living, and this is not the purpose of their embodiment on earth. __And thus I will have to prepare the nutritious soil for the next human generation, I must cleanse the earth and deny My adversary access for a while, I must create the opportunity for the souls to be able to fully mature again, for his time, which he had truly used well to ruin people, has come to an end. Even for My adversary the hour will come one day when his activity will be prevented.... Nevertheless, at the same time I also have to make his followers' activity impossible. And this is only feasible when everything belonging to him is banished again, thus I will let a new earth arise with all kinds of new creations which will shelter these spirits again until they have calmed down and can start their process of development once more.... The earth has to be made suitable again, so that the people on it can achieve perfection, since My infinite love for My living creations strives to give them life and not death which, however, has found entrance in this earth. And I want to repel death and turn the earth into a field of life again, from which the weak will also be able to draw their strength once more and attain life.... __Amen
Spiritual death and renewed banishment....
Spiritual death is the worst fate that can happen to the soul, for it will be unable to release itself from it once it has departed from earth. It exists, it is also conscious of itself and yet is entirely without light and strength, and this is a state of inconceivable agony. It inevitably leads to a renewed banishment into matter again unless people intercede so effectively on its behalf that it provides the soul with strength, so that it can change itself if it has the will to do so, that is, if it doesn't directly resist it. As long as a soul is apathetic in this state, it can receive help from the enlightened spiritual world or through loving intercession.... But it can also be so hardened that it rebels with burning rage against the power which.... so it believes.... keeps it imprisoned. Then it will steadily descend further and harden into solid substance, which subsequently makes its ascent in the kingdom of the beyond impossible. Then it will have to travel the infinitely long path of higher development through the whole of creation again, for one day even this soul shall wake up to the life which lasts forever.... Countless people on this earth are in this danger of succumbing to spiritual death, for during the end time they do nothing in order to acquire this life. They live without love and therefore without God as well, they already harden their souls to matter on earth, for they strive towards it and fail to consider the spiritual life they are supposed to create for the soul while they live on earth. They bow to the one who is master of the earthly world and also strive for his goods.... And these cannot bestow life upon the soul but they certainly assure its spiritual death. __And if it enters the beyond in this lifeless state it will be in utmost danger, for heartless people rarely leave friends behind on earth who will send loving thoughts to them in the spiritual kingdom. And only these can save the soul, for every loving thought, every prayer full of love has an effect of strength on such souls, they are so effective that the soul changes and has the will to ascend. Then it will have escaped eternal death, it will no longer descend into the state which results in its renewed banishment. All you humans have no idea about the strength of love or you would make an effort to live a life of love.... And then you will attain life, for love itself is life, and it awakens everything that is dead back to life again. __If, however, you don't use this strength, if you go along without love, your soul's spiritual substance has no option but to solidify and thereby gets into a dreadful state, for then death will not lead to the souls transience, instead it will be a state of vegetating in awareness of its existence and of agonising helplessness and darkness. As long as you still live on earth you are incapable of imagining this state, yet you should do everything in your power in order to avoid it, for everything is possible for you on earth, you repeatedly have the opportunity to accomplish deeds of love on earth, and then the danger of death will be over, then you will have to awaken to life while you are still on earth and thus will also be able to enter eternal life, then you will have conquered death. And you are all able to live a life of love, for the divine spark of love is in all of you, which need only be kindled in order to never be extinguished again, because love always gives you new strength and you will inwardly be motivated to be active once you have kindled this spark of love in you. However, you cannot be forced to do so, but the dreadfulness of spiritual death can only ever be pointed out to you so that you will try to avoid this horror of your own accord.... For as long as you live on earth you have the strength to be lovingly active; but once you have entered the kingdom of the beyond you will be incapable of doing anything by yourselves, then you will be dependent on help and can consider yourselves fortunate if it is provided for you by people whose thoughts follow you with love.... Only love redeems, only love is strength.... and everyone should acquire love for himself through loving activity as long as he lives on earth, so that he will not succumb to spiritual death.... __Amen
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